475 research outputs found

    Transient Gamma Ray Spectrometer Measurements of Gamma-Ray Lines from Novae. I. Limits on the Positron Annihilation Line in Five Individual Novae

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    The Transient Gamma Ray Spectrometer (TGRS) on board the WIND spacecraft has spent most of the interval 1995-1997 in a high-altitude orbit where gamma-ray backgrounds are low. Its high-resolution Ge spectrometer is thus able to detect weak lines which are slightly offset from stronger background features. One such line is predicted from nucleosynthesis in classical novae, where beta-decays on a time-scale of a few hours in an expanding envelope produce positrons that annihilate to generate a line which is blueshifted by a few keV away from the background annihilation line at 511 keV. The broad TGRS field of view contained five known Galactic novae during 1995 January - 1997 June, and we have searched the spectra taken around the times of these events for the blueshifted nova annihilation line. Although no definite detections were made, the method is shown to be sensitive enough to detect novae occurring on ONeMg-rich white dwarfs out to about 2.5 kpc.Comment: 27 pp. + 10 figs., or offprint mailed by request to [email protected]

    The effects of nisin-producing Lactococcus lactis strain used as probiotic on Gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) growth, gut microbiota, and transcriptional response.

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    The present research tested the effects of dietary nisin-producing Lactococcus lactis on growth performance, feed utilization, intestinal morphology, transcriptional response, and microbiota in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata). A feeding trial was conducted with fish weighting 70-90 g. Fish were tagged with passive, integrated transponders and distributed in nine 500-L tanks with 40 fish each. Fish were fed for 12 weeks with either a control (diet A) or experimental diets (diets B and C) in triplicate (3 tanks/diet). Extruded pellets of diets B and C were supplemented with a low (2 x 109 CFU/kg) and a high (5 x 109 CFU/kg) dose of probiotic, respectively. No significant differences were found between groups for the feed conversion ratio or specific growth rates. However, the final body weight of fish fed diet C was significantly higher than the control group with intermediate values for fish fed diet B. Histological analysis conducted using a semi-quantitative scoring system showed that probiotic did not alter the morphology of the intestine and did not trigger inflammation. With regard to the transcriptomic response, a customized PCR array layout was designed to simultaneously profile a panel of 44 selected genes. Significant differences in the expression of key genes involved in innate and acquired immunity were detected between fish fed probiotic and control diets. To analyze the microbiota associated to the feeds and the gut autochthonous microbial communities, we used the Illumina MiSeq platform for sequencing the 16S rRNA gene and a metagenomics pipeline based on VSEARCH and RDP databases. The analysis of gut microbiota revealed a lack of colonization of the probiotic in the host\u2019s intestinal mucosa. However, probiotic did modulate the fish gut microbiota, confirming that colonization is not always necessary to induce host modification. In fact, diets B and C were enriched with Actinomycetales, as compared to diet A, which instead showed a higher percentage of Pseudomonas, Sphyngomonas, and Lactobacillus genera. These results were confirmed by the clear separation of gut bacterial community of fish fed with the probiotic from the bacterial community of control fish group in the beta-diversity and PLS-DA (supervised partial least-squares discriminant analysis) analyses

    The role of interfacial properties on the intralaminar and interlaminar damage behaviour of unidirectional composite laminates: Experimental characterization and multiscale modelling

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    The development of the latest generation of wide-body passenger aircraft has heralded a new era in the utilisation of carbon-fibre composite materials. One of the primary challenges facing future development programmes is the desire to reduce the extent of physical testing, required as part of the certification process, by adopting a ‘certification by simulation’ approach. A hierarchical bottom-up multiscale simulation scheme can be an efficient approach that takes advantage of the natural separation of length scales between different entities (fibre/matrix, ply, laminate and component) in composite structures. In this work, composites with various fibre/matrix and interlaminar interfacial properties were fabricated using an autoclave under curing pressures ranging from 0 to 0.8 MPa. The microstructure (mainly void content and spatial distribution) and the mechanical properties of the matrix and fibre/matrix interface were measured, the latter by means of nanoindentation tests in matrix pockets, and fibre push-in tests. In addition, the macroscopic interlaminar shear strength was determined by means of three-points bend tests on short beams. To understand the influence of interfacial properties on the intralaminar failure behaviour, a high-fidelity microscale computational model is presented to predict homogenized ply properties under shear loading. Predicted ply material parameters are then transferred to a mesoscale composite damage model to reveal the interaction between intralaminar and interlaminar damage behaviour of composite laminates

    Complex-Temperature Singularities in the d=2d=2 Ising Model. III. Honeycomb Lattice

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    We study complex-temperature properties of the uniform and staggered susceptibilities χ\chi and χ(a)\chi^{(a)} of the Ising model on the honeycomb lattice. From an analysis of low-temperature series expansions, we find evidence that χ\chi and χ(a)\chi^{(a)} both have divergent singularities at the point z=1zz=-1 \equiv z_{\ell} (where z=e2Kz=e^{-2K}), with exponents γ=γ,a=5/2\gamma_{\ell}'= \gamma_{\ell,a}'=5/2. The critical amplitudes at this singularity are calculated. Using exact results, we extract the behaviour of the magnetisation MM and specific heat CC at complex-temperature singularities. We find that, in addition to its zero at the physical critical point, MM diverges at z=1z=-1 with exponent β=1/4\beta_{\ell}=-1/4, vanishes continuously at z=±iz=\pm i with exponent βs=3/8\beta_s=3/8, and vanishes discontinuously elsewhere along the boundary of the complex-temperature ferromagnetic phase. CC diverges at z=1z=-1 with exponent α=2\alpha_{\ell}'=2 and at v=±i/3v=\pm i/\sqrt{3} (where v=tanhKv = \tanh K) with exponent αe=1\alpha_e=1, and diverges logarithmically at z=±iz=\pm i. We find that the exponent relation α+2β+γ=2\alpha'+2\beta+\gamma'=2 is violated at z=1z=-1; the right-hand side is 4 rather than 2. The connections of these results with complex-temperature properties of the Ising model on the triangular lattice are discussed.Comment: 22 pages, latex, figures appended after the end of the text as a compressed, uuencoded postscript fil

    Complex-Temperature Properties of the Ising Model on 2D Heteropolygonal Lattices

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    Using exact results, we determine the complex-temperature phase diagrams of the 2D Ising model on three regular heteropolygonal lattices, (3636)(3 \cdot 6 \cdot 3 \cdot 6) (kagom\'{e}), (3122)(3 \cdot 12^2), and (482)(4 \cdot 8^2) (bathroom tile), where the notation denotes the regular nn-sided polygons adjacent to each vertex. We also work out the exact complex-temperature singularities of the spontaneous magnetisation. A comparison with the properties on the square, triangular, and hexagonal lattices is given. In particular, we find the first case where, even for isotropic spin-spin exchange couplings, the nontrivial non-analyticities of the free energy of the Ising model lie in a two-dimensional, rather than one-dimensional, algebraic variety in the z=e2Kz=e^{-2K} plane.Comment: 31 pages, latex, postscript figure

    Cost-effectiveness analysis of umeclidinium bromide/vilanterol 62.5/25 mcg versus tiotropium/olodaterol 5/5 mcg in symptomatic patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A Spanish National Healthcare System perspective

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    Background: A head-to-head study demonstrated the superiority of once-daily umeclidinium bromide/vilanterol (UMEC/VI) 62.5/25 mcg on trough forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) versus once-daily tiotropium/olodaterol (TIO/OLO) 5/5 mcg in symptomatic patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This analysis evaluated the cost effectiveness of UMEC/VI versus TIO/OLO from a Spanish National Healthcare System perspective, using data from this study and Spanish literature. Methods: This analysis was conducted from the perspective of the Spanish National Healthcare System with a 3-year horizon as base case. A disease progression model using a linked risk equation approach was used to estimate disease progression and associated healthcare costs, and quality-adjusted life years (QALYs). The Evaluation of COPD Longitudinally to Identify Predictive Surrogate Endpoints (ECLIPSE) study was used to develop the statistical risk equations for clinical endpoints, and costs were calculated using a health state approach (by dyspnea severity). Utilities for QALY calculation were estimated using patient baseline characteristics within a regression fit to Spanish observational data. Treatment effect, expressed as change from baseline in FEV1 was obtained from the head-to-head study and used in the model (UMEC/VI minus TIO/OLO difference: + 52 mL [95% confidence interval: 28, 77]). Baseline patient characteristics were sourced from Spanish literature or the head-to-head study if unavailable. A scenario analysis using only the intent-to-treat (ITT) population from the head-to-head study, and sensitivity analyses (including probabilistic sensitivity analyses), were conducted. Direct healthcare costs (2017 Euro) were obtained from Spanish sources and costs and benefits were discounted at 3% per annum. Results: UMEC/VI was associated with small improvements in QALYs (+ 0.029) over a 3-year time horizon, compared with TIO/OLO, alongside cost savings of €393/patient. The ITT scenario analysis and sensitivity analyses had similar results. All probabilistic simulations resulted in UMEC/VI being less costly and more effective than TIO/OLO. Conclusion: UMEC/VI dominated TIO/OLO (more effective and less expensive). These results may aid payers and decision-makers in Spain when making judgements on which long-acting muscarinic antagonist/long-acting β2-agonist (LAMA/LABA) treatments can be considered cost effective in Spain.This study was funded by GSK (study number HO-17-17500). The funders of the study had a role in study design, data analysis, data interpretation, and writing of the report. Data analysis was conducted by ICON Health Economics and funded by GSK. No funding was provided to employees of ICON Health Economics for manuscript developmen

    Review of Crystal Diffraction and its Application to Focusing Energetic Gamma Rays

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    The basic features of crystal diffraction and their application to the construction of a crystal diffraction lens for focusing energetic gamma rays are described using examples from the work preformed at the Argonne National Laboratory. Both on-axis and off-axis performance are discussed. The review includes of normal crystals, bent crystals, and crystals with variable crystal-plane spacings to develop both condenser-type lenses and point-to-point imaging lenses

    Social presence and dishonesty in retail

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    Self-service checkouts (SCOs) in retail can benefit consumers and retailers, providing control and autonomy to shoppers independent from staff, together with reduced queuing times. Recent research indicates that the absence of staff may provide the opportunity for consumers to behave dishonestly, consistent with a perceived lack of social presence. This study examined whether a social presence in the form of various instantiations of embodied, visual, humanlike SCO interface agents had an effect on opportunistic behaviour. Using a simulated SCO scenario, participants experienced various dilemmas in which they could financially benefit themselves undeservedly. We hypothesised that a humanlike social presence integrated within the checkout screen would receive more attention and result in fewer instances of dishonesty compared to a less humanlike agent. This was partially supported by the results. The findings contribute to the theoretical framework in social presence research. We concluded that companies adopting self-service technology may consider the implementation of social presence in technology applications to support ethical consumer behaviour, but that more research is required to explore the mixed findings in the current study.<br/