161 research outputs found

    Determination of Food Quality by Using Spectroscopic Methods

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    Efficiency of Polish organic and conventional farms

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    The main objective of this study is to compare the efficiencies of organic and conventional farms in Poland. As shown by the conducted analysis, acting in compliance with the essential production principles, organic farms practiced extensive farming which resulted in reduced efficiency of productive inputs. The efficiency of land and labour measured by the Adjusted Net Value Added was respectively nearly 30 and 65 per cent higher in conventional holdings. Moreover, subsidies contribute more to the income of organic farms, making them strongly dependent on external support (this is especially true for farms with grazing livestock). As a part of policy planning, it should be taken into consideration that organic farms may in the future encounter a development barrier stemming from lower efficiency, difficult access to subsidies and, finally, lower levels of income


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    The quality of peer relationships is one of the traditional issues of social psychology. Extensive knowledge of this area enables us to deeper the understanding of different types of conflicts among peers, but does not allow their effective prevention. This research sought to investigate the students' perception of peer relation and estimate behavioral tendency related to the psychological theory. The article is based on the humanistic conception of students' support as well as the Stereotype Content Model (SCM), the BIAS Map (Fiske et al., 2002; 2007) and the Integrated Threat Theory (Stephan, 2002). To measure the aspects of the quality of peer relations, three questionnaire were used: the Semantic Differential Technique 'Typical Peer' (A. Iłendo-Milewska, 2007), the Data Sheet to evaluate the behavioral tendency and to recognize the emotion (A. Iłendo-Milewska, 2013), and the Scale of Social Support by Roman Cieślak (1995) to measure the mutual support in students' perception. The results present two main themes in the field of the quality of peer relation: (1) the students in the 1st grade experienced unpleasant emotions towards a typical peer and they perceived 'a typical peer' as less competent than students in the 3nd grade, (2) in the area of currently received support, the group of 1st grade students significantly more often declares that a typical peer did not show the understanding for the school situation. The results help understand that the intervention programs should be implemented in order to shape the deeper level of peer relation in the school environment

    Model of potential distribution of platymeris rhadamanthus gerstaecker, 1873 with redescription of species

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    Background: The redescription of Platymeris rhadamanthus Gerstaecker, 1873 as well as the designation of lectotype and paralectotype, plus the prediction of the potentially suitable habitat was the main goal of this study. Our research were based on 262 specimens of museum collections of P. rhadamanthus species and a set of 23 environmental predictor variables, all recorded in a 1x1 km grid covering Africa. Ecological niche modelling was performed using the MAXENT analyses to produce predictive potential distribution maps for this species and its colour forms separately. Results: The results suggested the most suitable areas of distribution of P. rhadamanthus, both for species as a whole and also for the colour forms. A jackknife test showed that the precipitation of coldest quarter and herbaceous vegetation were the most important environmental variables affecting the distribution of P. rhadamanthus. After analyzing the climatic preferences, this species seems to be related mainly to the tropical savanna climate, subtropical highland variety of the oceanic climate and humid subtropical climate. An analysis of environmental variables also showed that this species prefers areas with herbaceous vegetation, with a small participation of trees, which is probably caused by food preferences of its victims. Conclusions: P. rhadamanthus so far was only known that it occurs in widely understood tropical Africa. On the base of the museum data on the occurrence of the species and ecological niche modelling methods we provided new and valuable information of the potentially suitable habitat, the possible range of distribution of the species and its climatic preferences

    Zgrupowania lądowych pluskwiaków różnoskrzydłych (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) wybranych zbiorowisk roślinnych Wzgórz Trzebnickich

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    Heteroptera are a monophyletic group of insects classified in the Hemiptera order. They are distinguished by the varied construction of the wings of the first and second pair, the stingily-sucking mouthpiece and the presence of the gula on the ventral side of the head. Most of the comprehensive work which analyzes the composition of Heteroptera species in plant communities refers to protected areas. There are a few studies focusing on the true bugs fauna within agricultural areas. These areas include the Trzebnickie Hills, which form a range of stacked terminal glacial moraine, which constitute the mesoregion that is the central part of the Trzebnicki Shaft. The morphological and topoclimatic diversity of the Trzebnickie Hills area makes the vegetation varied and well sunlit slopes are used for orchard and vegetable cultivation. This area has been explored in terms of heteropterofauna only fragmentarily, which was the basis for conducting a faunistic study of it. Research of terrestrial true bugs fauna was conducted in 2012-2014, on 23 research plots in the area of the municipalities of Oborniki Śląskie, Trzebnica and Wisznia Mała. Several methods have been applied to the collection of true bugs, the most effective of which has beed found to be the bucket. To analyze the collected research material, indicators of species diversity have been used, as well as comparative analysis of clusters of true bugs inhabiting different areas and ecological and chorological analysis. The material collected in the Trzebnickie Hills was designated to 188 species of terrestrial Heteroptera, belonging to 16 families and 118 genera. In total, one new species for the fauna of Poland – Psallus albicinctus and 128 new species for the fauna of the Trzebnickie Hills have been shown. The trophic analysis showed a similar proportion of polyphagous species to mono- and oligophagous species. On the other hand, the chorological analysis showed that the palearctic, eurosyberian and western-palearctic elements were the most represented ones. Based on the analyses, two main groups of true bugs communities associated with selected phytocoenosis were identified. In addition, in the landscape dominated by agrocenoses, an increased number of pests has been observed

    New faunistical data of true bugs (Hemiptera : Heteroptera) of the Krośnice and selected reserves of the Barycz Valley (Wielkopolsko-Kujawska Lowland, Poland)

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    New data on the distribution of the true bugs from the Barycz Valley are given. A list of 91 species from 20 families is presented. New sites of some rarely collected species: Spilostethus saxatilis (Scopoli, 1763), Acetropis longirostris Puton, 1875, Deraeocoris ventralis Reuter, 1904 and Horistus orientalis (Gmelin, 1790) are given

    Revision and Phylogenetic Analysis of the Genus Phonoctonus Stål, 1853 (Heteroptera, Reduviidae, Harpactorinae)

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    This paper presents a taxonomic revision and phylogenetic analysis of nine known species of the genus Phonoctonus Stål, 1853, distributed exclusively in the Afrotropical region. The revision and phylogenetic analysis were performed using morphological data. A full redescription for all species is provided, taxonomical problems are clarified, and diagnostic characters are presented and illustrated. Based on the analysis, thirteen species are recognised as valid: Phonoctonus bifasciatus stat. nov., P. caesar, P. elegans, P. fairmairei stat. nov., P. fasciatus, P. grandis, P. immitis stat. rev., P. luridus, P. lutescens, P. nigrofasciatus stat. rev., P. picta stat. nov., P. picturatus stat. rev., and P. principalis. New synonymies are proposed: Phonoctonus nigrofasciatus = P. fasciatus var. poultoni syn. nov., P. picturatus = P. fasciatus var. discalis syn. nov., and P. principalis = P. validus syn. nov. An identification key to separate the species, drawings of dorsal habitus, and distribution maps of all valid species are presented. Performed morphological phylogenetic analyses indicate monophyly of the genus Phonoctonus

    Quality of life of people with Parkinson’s disease in the context of professional work and physiotherapy

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    Background: Of many diseases and disorders of the nervous system Parkinson’s disease (PD) deserves a particular attention for its specific effects having an impact on the ability to undertake different forms of professional and economic activities. Due to the constantly growing incidence rate and the lowering age of patients, PD is becoming more and more serious social problem. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of professional work and physiotherapy on the quality of live in people with Parkinson’s disease. Material and Methods: The research was carried out on 109 people with diagnosed PD of stage II according to the Hoehn and Yahr classification. They were divided into professionally working and non-working subjects and those participating and not participating in physiotherapy programs. The Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS), was used to estimate the patients’ clinical status. The Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39), the Quality of Life Short Form (SF-36) Questionnaire and the Parkinson’s Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire (PDQL) were used to estimate the quality of life. Results: In all groups statistically significant differences were observed in each of the used scale. The PDQ-39 (F = 5.278, p = 0.04), SF physical component (F = 4.24, p = 0.005), SF mental component (F = 3.45, p = 0.021), PDQL (F = 6.57, p = 0.003). The highest quality of life was noticed in people working professionally and participating in physiotherapy programs. Conclusions: Professional activity and participation in properly planned physiotherapy help reduce the symptoms and improve the quality of life of people with Parkinson’s disease. The study showed that the quality of life of people with PD is determined by professional work and participation in the process of rehabilitation. Med Pr 2017;68(6):725–73

    Inflammatory reaction and angiogenesis intensity in aortic wall according to clinical manifestation of abdominal aortic aneurysm

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    Wstęp. Celem pracy jest ocena parametrów histologicznych w zależności od obrazu klinicznego tętniaka ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem obecności i jakości procesu zapalnego oraz nasilenia angiogenezy.   Materiały i metody. Materiał pobierano od chorych operowanych w Klinice Chirurgii Ogólnej i Naczyniowej AM w Łodzi w latach 1998&#8211;2000. Fragmenty ściany aorty utrwalano w 9-procentowym formaldehydzie. Do badań zakwalifikowano 98 przypadków. Wyróżniono 5 grup badawczych: 1. Chorzy z tętniakami operowanymi planowo (n = 50); 2. Osoby z tętniakami objawowymi i pękniętymi (n = 18); 3. Pacjenci z tętniakami aorty współistniejącymi z niedrożnością aortalno-biodrową (n = 9); 4. Chorzy z niedrożnością aortalno-biodrową bez tętniaka (n = 14); 5. Grupa kontrolna &#8211; osoby z prawidłową aortą pobraną od dawców narządów (n = 7). Preparaty barwione h + e oceniano pod względem obecności i/lub nasilenia procesu zapalnego, stosując skalę HISA, określano liczbę limfocytów T, limfocytów B, makrofagów oraz liczbę naczyń krwionośnych. W badaniach półilościowych oceniano liczbę naczyń w skali 1&#8211;3. Wyniki poddano analizie statystycznej z użyciem testu Manna-Whitneya. Wyniki. Nasilenie angiogenezy w grupie 2 było znamiennie statystycznie wyższe niż w pozostałych grupach. W grupie tej stwierdzono także największą liczbę makrofagów w błonie zewnętrznej (M = 47 vs. M = 34 w grupie 1; p < 0,01), limfocytów T w błonie środkowej (M = 447 vs. M = 292; p < 0,01), limfocytów B w błonie zewnętrznej (M = 633 vs. M = 431; p < 0,01), a także granulocytów (M = 26 vs. M = 7; p < 0,01). Grupę chorych z tętniakami objawowymi charakteryzowało także największe nasilenie procesu zapalnego w ścianie aorty oceniane w skali HISA. Wnioski. Wykazano korelację pomiędzy nasileniem procesu zapalnego i angiogenezy w ścianie aorty a klinicznymi objawami tętniaka.Background. The aim of the study was the estimation of histological parameters in association with the clinical manifestation of aortic aneurysm, mainly the intensity of angiogenesis and inflammatory infiltration. Material and metods. Material was obtained from patients operated on in the Department of General and Vascular Surgery at the Medical University of Łódź in 1998&#8211;2000. The samples of aortic wall were fixed in formalin. 98 cases were selected for the study and divided into 5 groups: 1. Patients with aneurysms undergoing elective surgery (n = 50); 2. Patients with aneurysms symptomatic and ruptured (n = 18); 3. Patients with aneurysms coexisting with aorto-iliac occlusion (n = 9); 4. Patients with aorto-iliac occlusion without aneurysm (n = 14); 5. Control group with normal aorta obtained from organ donors (n = 7). Slides were stained with h + e, the presence of inflammatory reaction was estimated according to conditions described in Histologic Inflammatory Scale Aneurysm. The numbers of T-cells, B-cells and macrophages were calculated after immunohistochemistry. The number of blood vessels was described semiquantitatively, using the 3-degree scale. Results. The intensity of angiogenesis in the second group was significantly higher than in the other groups. In this group we found the highest number of macrophages in adventitia (M = 47 vs. M = 37 in the first group; p < 0.01), T-cells in media (M = 447 vs. 292; p < 0.01), B-cells in adventitia (M = 633 vs. M = 431; p < 0.01) and neutrophiles (M = 26 vs. M = 7; p < 0.01). The symptomatic group also had the biggest intensity of inflammatory reaction estimated in HISA. Conclusions. We show the correlation between angiogenesis and inflammatory intensity and clinical manifestation of aneurysm

    Usefulness of serum VEGF concentration measurement to estimate aortic aneurysm risk of rupture

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    Wstęp. Celem niniejszej pracy jest ocena przydatności oznaczania wartości stężeń VEGF w surowicy u chorych z tętniakami aorty brzusznej w celu oceny ryzyka pęknięcia. Analizowano stężenia VEGF w surowicy pacjentów z tętniakami aorty w zależności od objawów klinicznych tętniaka oraz zbadano korelację wartości stężeń VEGF w surowicy z ekspresją tego czynnika w ścianie aorty.Materiał i metody. Materiał badawczy stanowiły próbki surowicy pobrane od chorych przed zabiegiem oraz fragmenty ściany aorty uzyskane od tych samych pacjentów podczas operacji rekonstrukcyjnej aorty. Wyodrębniono następujące grupy: I - tętniaki operowane planowo (n = 49), II - tętniaki objawowe i pęknięte (n = 19), III - niedrożności aortalno-biodrowe (n = 17), IV - grupa kontrolna, którą stanowiły fragmenty ściany aorty pobranej od dawców narządów (n = 9) oraz surowica pobrana u chorych operowanych planowo z powodu przepuklin i żylaków kończyn dolnych (n = 34). Stężenie VEGF w surowicy oznaczano metodą ELISA. Ekspresję VEGF w tkance oceniono morfometrycznie, zliczając komórki VEGF-dodatnie po wykonaniu odczynów immunohistochemicznych. Wyniki. Ekspresja VEGF w ścianie aorty była największa w grupie II. Stwierdzono istotną statystycznie różnicę tej wartości w porównaniu z grupą I (p < 0,003). Wykazano statystycznie znamienne różnice ekspresji VEGF między pozostałymi grupami (p < 0,001). Największą średnią wartość stężenia VEGF w surowicy odnotowano w grupie II, ale różnice między wartościami w poszczególnych grupach nie były istotne statystycznie, mimo że korelacja między wartościami VEGF w surowicy a ekspresją w tkance okazała się silna (p < 0,001). Wniosek. Wyniki badań wskazują na istotną rolę VEGF (i angiogenezy) w rozwoju tętniaka aorty, jednak brak specyficzności uniemożliwia zastosowanie pomiaru jego stężeń w ocenie dynamiki powiększania się tętniaka i ryzyka jego pęknięcia.Background. Risk of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) rupture is difficult to estimate. Angiogenesis in aneurysm walls is an important morphologic finding. One of the most important factors stimulating angiogenesis is vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). The aim of our study was to evaluate if the two values: VEGF expression in aortic wall tissues, and VEGF serum concentration correlate with clinical manifestations of aneurysms, and if these two values correlate with each other. Material and methods. Aorta tissue samples were taken in the operating room from patients undergoing aorta reconstruction for aneurysms: electively (group I, n = 49), emergency (group II, n = 19) or because of aortoiliac occlusion (AIO) (n = 17). Control tissue was taken from healthy organ donors (n = 9). Blood samples were obtained from these patients before surgery. Control serum samples were taken from patients undergoing surgery because of hernias and varices. Expression of VEGF in tissue was measured with use of morphometric analysis in slides after immunohistochemistry with anti-VEGF antibodies. Vascular endothelial growth factor serum concentration was measured with the use of ELISA. Results. The highest level of serum VEGF was observed in the symptomatic AAA group (mean value: 404.3 pg/ml; sv = 331.7). Electively operated AAA showed lower serum VEGF concentration (mean value = 285.3; sv = 300.9), AIO and control: 366.4 and 277.3 respectively. These differences were not significant. Strong correlation was observed between VEGF serum level and VEGF tissue expression. Significant differences were shown in VEGF positive cell numbers between all examined groups (mean cell number in AAA symptomatic = 140.9, elective AAA = 108.5, AIO = 51.4, control = 21.0). Conclusions. There is strong correlation in VEGF tissue expression with clinical manifestation of AAA. Vascular endothelial growth factor serum concentration is not a good clinical marker to estimate the risk of rupture