134 research outputs found

    Ethics of Public Administration in the Administration of Governance in Indonesia

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    Ethics is an important element which determines the successful implementation of organizations activities and public administration actors. The importance to implement public administration ethics in the Indonesia government bureaucracy was based to the ethical problems which happened, such as corruption, collusion and nepotism. This research used qualitative method, where is primary data obtained from observations, and secondary data obtained from media and literature study. From the research that has been conducted, it is known that few of government officials in Indonesia are lack of accountability in performing their duties, authorities and responsibilities and as a result the public bureaucracy in the reform era was much highlighted by the public and got criticism. To solve this problem, besides by enforcing the laws, the government also must to cultivate and implement the public administration ethics for their bureaucratic apparatus. &nbsp

    Proyeksi Kebutuhan Tenaga Listrik Kota dan Kabupaten Magelang Tahun 2030 Menggunakan Perangkat Lunak Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning system

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    Energi listrik memiliki peranan yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan manusia, energi listrik banyak digunakan di berbagai sektor, baik sektor industri, rumah tangga, usaha, sektor pelayanan umum dan lainnya. Agar tercapai penyesuaian antara pembangkitan dan permintaan daya, maka pihak penyedia listrik harus mengetahui beban atau permintaan daya listrik untuk beberapa waktu ke depan dengan melakukan proyeksi kebutuhan tenaga listrik. Pada penelitian ini, bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya permintaan energi listrik Kota dan Kabupaten Magelang sampai dengan tahun 2030. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data historis konsumsi energy listrik, data kependudukan wilayah Kota dan Kabupaten Magelang serta data rasio elektrifikasi. Pengolahan data untuk memprediksi tingkat konsumsi energi listrik menggunakan perangkat lunak LEAP (Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning System). Permintaan dihitung berdasarkan besarnya aktivitas pemakaian energi listrik dan besarnya pemakaian energi listrik per aktivitas (intensitas energi). Tahun 2012 sebagai tahun dasar perhitungan. Hasil yang diperoleh dari prediksi permintaan energi listrik Kota Magelang pada tahun 2015-2030 menunjukkan tren positif yaitu meningkat dari 7.595.544kWh menjadi 87.716.689,6kWh. Pertumbuhan untuk periode tersebut adalah 15,36%. Untuk Kabupaten Magelang meningkat dari 468.170.138kWh menjadi 1.098.322.616,4kWh pada tahun 2030. Pertumbuhan untuk periode tersebut adalah 4,7%

    Environmental awareness and attitude among Iranian students in Malaysian universities

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    This study focuses on environmental awareness and attitude among Iranian students in Malaysian universities. It evaluates the awareness and attitude of a group of 541 from 14 universities. The figure to 541 is considered the representative of these students and the selection was based on Stratified Random sampling method and G-power soft ware. A set of questionnaire which comprised of 25 questions was applied as instrument for data collection. The results revealed that environmental awareness was overall moderate while environmental attitude was high. The study also found that there was no significant difference observed between sex groups while environmental awareness results indicated that there were significant difference among different levels of education. This trend was in contrast with observation for environment alattitude status. The age groups analysis results revealed significant difference in environmental awareness and attitude. It was also found that the media positively affected the level of environmental awareness and attitude among students. The study concluded that increase on age and level of education would improve the level of awareness and attitude regarding to environmental issues

    Knowledge-Based Collaborative Lean Manufacturing Management (KBCLMM) system

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    The objective of this research paper is to demonstrate the application of hybrid Knowledge-Based System, Gauging Absences of Pre-Requisites (GAP), and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) approaches for selecting the improvement programs for Collaborative Lean Manufacturing Management (CLMM) System.In this research, a generic Knowledge-Based System is developed to measure the level of CLMM adoption in automotive manufacturers compared to the ideal system. Using the embedded GAP and AHP technique, the key lean manufacturing improvement programs can be prioritised by using both qualitative and quantitative criteria.The analysis covers the planning stage of the KBCLMM. The utilisation of the approach is demonstrated with an illustrative example

    Evaluation of residential grid-connected photovoltaic system as the potential energy source in Malaysia

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    Application of solar energy in Malaysia has been started in 1998. This country has a large potential of solar energy due to its location at equatorial region. The current energy consumption and demand in Malaysia is describes in this paper. The potential of solar energy in Malaysia is described together with the suitable photovoltaic construction. It also explains the plans conducted by Malaysia involving solar energy that covers investments and also projects involved such as Malaysia Building Integrated Photovoltaic (MBIPV). Simulation of grid-connected photovoltaic system in this study is performed using HOMER software. Finally, the potential of having a grid-connected PV system in a residential area is analyzed. The positive and negative findings in terms of cost and suitability of the system are explained

    Performance Analysis of a VPV/FC Hybrid System for Generating Electricity in Iraq's Remote Areas

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    A reliable electrical energy supply is a prerequisite for improving the standard economic and quality of life levels in a country. As is the case in many countries, Iraq is home to a collection of remote villages. Since it is uneconomical to connect these villages to the existing grid, the installation of stand-alone electrical power generators has become common practice. As a result, diesel stand-alone power generators see widespread use in these remote locales, which, whilst fit for their intended purpose, unfortunately suffer from several drawbacks, including instability in regards to everyday oil prices and a number of environmental issues. The implementation of a PV/FC hybrid power system could be one potential alternative to help solve these problems. Therefore, this paper will present PV/FC system control strategies alongside information relating to the performance of such system components, based on a case study that was conducted in Al-Gowair, Iraq. This study is especially important in terms of envisioning the future energy supply needs of Iraq. The HOMER simulation results showed that by using the proposed control strategies and suggested components of a PV/FC system, it was able to produce a satisfactory outcome

    Potential of Residential Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System as the Future Energy Source in Malaysia

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    Malaysia has started the implementation of solarenergy harvesting in 1998. Located at equatorial region, Malaysia hasa large potential for solar energy. This paper examines the currentenergy consumption and demand in Malaysia. The potential of solarenergy harvesting in Malaysia is described together with the suitablephotovoltaic construction. It also explains the plans conducted byMalaysia involving solar energy that covers investments and alsoprojects involved such as Malaysia Building Integrated Photovoltaic(MBIPV). Finally, this paper analyses the potential of having a gridconnectedPV system in a residential area. The positive and negativefindings in terms of cost and suitability of the system are explaine

    Transformer Fault Early Warning System Model Using GSM Network

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    This paper presents the design and implementation of amobile embedded system using an Arduino microprocessor to monitorand record key operational indicators of a distribution transformer,such as transformer oil level, temperature and vibration of adistribution transformer in a substation. If there is any abnormalityor an emergency situation, the system sends SMS (Short MessageService) messages to designated mobile telephones containinginformation about the abnormality of the mentioned parameters.Providing early warning of the abnormality of the distributiontransformer can be accomplished by shutting down the entire unitwith the aid on-line monitoring system integrates with Global ServiceMobile (GSM) Modem. Furthermore, the design generally consiststand-alone single chip microcontroller, modem and sensor packageslocated on distribution transformer site. In general, the design isdeveloped for the user to easily recognize the distribution transformerthat is suffered by any high vibration and rise in temperatures andlocated in remote or suburban area which is rarely and hard to reachfor manual monitoring. The ultimate objective is to monitor thetransformer oil level and temperature of 24 hours, 7 days a weekcontinuously besides the current and voltage parameter whichincluded in basis monitoring syste

    Analysis of Transmission Lightning Arrester Locations Using Tflash

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    Tropical countries with extensive lightning activity, such as Malaysia, encounter numerous problems on their electrical transmission and distribution systems. Many overhead lines trip because of back flashover of lightning and shielding failures of the grounding system. To overcome the problem and improve transmission line performance, a detailed lightning study is required to analyse the corresponding lines and determine the best location for transmission line arrester (TLA) installation. We used TFlash to analyse a TLA installation on a 132-kV SSWW-BBST overhead transmission line system located in Selangor, Malaysia. Based on the results, the installation of the TLA at the optimum quantity and at appropriate towers have reduced the number of lines that trip

    Analysis of transmission lightning arrester locations using Tflash

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    Tropical countries with extensive lightning activity, such as Malaysia, encounter numerous problems on their electrical transmission and distribution systems. Many overhead lines trip because of back flashover of lightning and shielding failures of the grounding system. To overcome the problem and improve transmission line performance, a detailed lightning study is required to analyse the corresponding lines and determine the best location for transmission line arrester (TLA) installation. We used TFlash to analyse a TLA installation on a 132-kV SSWW-BBST overhead transmission line system located in Selangor, Malaysia. Based on the results, the installation of the TLA at the optimum quantity and at appropriate towers have reduced the number of lines that trip