426 research outputs found

    POTENSI WAKAF PRODUKTIF MENURUT PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM : (Studi Kasus Pada Pondok Pesantren Ar- Raudlatul Hasanah Medan)

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    The Productive Waqf Paradigm is a momentum as an effort to transform from traditional waqf management to professional waqf management to increase or increase the benefits of waqf. The management of productive waqf is the empowerment of waqf which is characterized by the main characteristics of the waqf management pattern that must be integrated, the principle of Nazir welfare that must be considered and the principle of transformation and responsibility. In this case, it is very important to link productive waqf management and development activities with Islamic boarding schools. Among the pesantren that can be considered successful in managing productive waqf is the Ar-Raudlatul Hasanah Islamic Boarding School. From the data obtained at the Islamic boarding school, it is known that the potential for productive waqf is in accordance with the perspective of Islamic economics. This type of research is qualitative. Data collection is in the form of in-depth interviews and is supported by literature studies. The data analysis method used is descriptive qualitative. Primary data sources are obtained directly from ustadz or teachers in Islamic boarding schools. and secondary data that researchers use in the form of documents, books, and journals. This study shows that the potential for productive waqf contained in the pesantren is in the form of Islamic Boarding School Owned Enterprises (BUMP). The management of productive waqf in Ar-Raudlatul Hasanah Islamic Boarding School is simple and traditional, namely: Waqf assets and businesses owned by Ar-Raudlatul Hasanah Islamic Boarding School are managed by Nazhir themselves and are traditional and voluntary. Then the line of business owned is a relatively simple form of business with minimal risk. The view of Islamic economics on productive waqf at the Ar-Raudlatul Hasanah Islamic Boarding School does not appear to violate the Shari'a. Overall, the line of business and the form of waqf management at the Ar-Raudlatul Hasanah Islamic Boarding School are in accordance with Islamic law


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    Abstract   This research is to describe the implementation of a Bilingual program in Yapalis Senior High School in Sidoarjo. The bilingual program has been conducted for years in the school. The teachers, students, and staff are motivated to speak bilingual, English, and their native language; Indonesia or Javanese, inside and outside the classroom. The researcher intended to identify the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the program. It is descriptive qualitative research with observation, interview, and documentation of technique in collecting data. The subjects of the research are some teachers, students, and staff of the school. The researcher has identified that the school has planned and state the program in the school development planning document to reach the graduate assurance for students. The implementation of the program has run well by the role of triggers; teachers and students who are good at speaking English. They practice code-switching between English and their native language in daily communication at school. The school, however, has not done evaluation regularly yet. There was no reward and punishment for students, teachers, or staff. The school needed to design the system of implementing the program. The system consisted of a detailed target, technique, assessment, and evaluation

    ترقية مهارة الكلام باستخدام وسيلة الصور لطلبة المدرسة الابتدائية الحكومية حمايونج نقارا منطقة هولو سونجي الجنوبية

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    محمد نواوي،2010. ترقية مهارة الكلام باستخدام وسيلة الصور لطلبة المدرسة الابتدائية الحكومية حمايونج نقارا منطقة هولو سونجي الجنوبية. الرسالة العلمية. قسم تعليم اللغة العربية. المرشد الأول المكرم الأستاذ عاشقين نور، الماجستير والمرشد الثاني المكرم الأستاذ فتح الله منادى.س.أغ، الماجستير.\ud إن الكلام من أهم ألوان النشاط اللغوي للصغار والكبار، ويعتبر من أهم المهارات اللغوية العربية الأربعة فى تعليم اللغة العربية. وبعد مقابلة مع المدرّسة اللغة العربية وملاحظة الباحث في مدرسة الابتدائية الحكومية حمايونج نقارا منطقة هولو سونجي الجنوبية خصوصا لطلبة المستوي الخامس ب عرف أن هم يحبون تعليم اللغة العربية ولكن هم لا يستحقون الشجاعة في التكلم باللغة العربية، وهذا الحال يأثر نجاحهم في عملية التدريس ويحتاج إلى تطبيق الطريقة واستخدام الوسيلة لبصحيحة الجيدة. وعلى هذا الحال فأراد الباحث تنفيذ بحث إجراء الفصل باستخدام وسيلة الصور لمعالجة هذه المشكلة.\ud المشكلات المبحوثة هي هل استخدام الصور يكون فعالا في تدريس مهارة الكلام لدى طلبة المستوى الخامس "ب" فى المدرسة الابتدائية الحكومية حماينج نقارا منطقة هولو سونجي الجنوبية.\ud العيّنة في هذا البحث هي جميع طلبة المستوى الخامس ب في مدرسة الابتدائية الحكومية حمايونج نقارا منطقة هولو سونجي الجنوبية بعدد31 طالبا يتكون من 13 طالبا و18 طالبة. ينفذ هذا البحث في دورين ولكل دور لقاءان. وينفذ كل دور باتباع الخطة (planing)والإجراء(acting) والملاحظ (observing) وصورة المنعكسة(reflecting) . \ud جمع البيانات ينفذ بالاختبار والملاحظة والمقابلة بالصاحبة او المدرسة. لتحليل البيانات يستعمل التحليل التصويري باستعمال أسلوب النسبة المؤوية لمعرفة الاعمال الذي وقع في التدريس. \ud بناء على حاصل الاختبار فعرف أن استخدام الوسيلة الصور ترقي قدرة الطلبة في التكلم باللغة العربية. وعرف هذا من ترقي حاصل اختبار تعلم الطلبة من النتيجة المعدلة 74.47 في دور الأول ويكون 80.76 في دور الثاني. ونشاط الطلبة ترتقي من النتيجة في الدور الأول للقاء الأول حصل على 67,5% وللقاء الثاني حصل على 70% وفي الدور الثاني ترقي ترقية جيدة، في الدور الثاني للقاء الأول حصل على 80% وللقاء الثاني حصل على 82.50%. فهذا يدل على أن هذه الوسيلة جيدة الاستعمال في عملية التدريس بهدف ترقية مهارة الكلام

    Pengaruh Motivasi dan Kompetensi Tenaga Kesehatan terhadap Kinerja Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji pengaruh motivasi dan kompetensi tenaga kesehatan terhadap kinerja puskesmas dalam pelayanan kesehatan di Kota Palu Sulawesi Tengah. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori motivasi Herzberg, teori kompetensi Spencer and Spencer, dan teori kinerja dari Poister. Penelitian ini didesain secara kuantitatif, dengan metode survei eksplanatori. Teknik penarikan sampel adalah Cluster Sampling. Pengumpulan data melalui studi dokumentasi, angket, wawancara konfirmasi, dan observasi. Analisis data digunakan Model Persamaan Struktural. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan motivasi berpengaruh kuat, dan kompetensi berpengaruh cukup kuat terhadap kinerja puskesmas di Kota Palu. Hasil penelitian ini mengandung makna bahwa untuk mendapatkan kinerja yang tinggi dalam suatu organisasi publik, motivasi pegawai harus ditingkatkan terlebih dahulu untuk mendorong kompetensi pegawai sebagai dasar keberhasilan dalam bekerja

    Analysis of English Language Teaching Materials on Gender Representation

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    This study was conducted to show how two ELT textbooks accommodate gender in their contents and if there is any types of gender bias in the textbooks. The method of this study was descriptive qualitative method which was used to describe a phenomenon and its characteristics. The data was collected by using content analysis that was supported by descriptive quantitative data. The content analysis was conducted to analyze written text and photographs in the two EFL textbooks published by The Ministry of Education And Culture of the Republic of Indonesia and Erlangga publisher. The analysis was based on five categories, namely, visibility, firstness, masculine/feminine generic construction, occupation, and activities related to gender. The findings of study showed that gender biases still exist in both textbooks. The types of bias found were stereotyping, linguistic bias, imbalance and selectivity, cosmetic bias, and fragmentation and isolation. The latest types was only found in Pathway To English 1. The result of this study was expected to help the materials designer, author, teacher, and students to have a better understanding about gender representation of the book currently used in Lombok, and to be more aware of gender bias issues in ELT textbook.

    Pelatihan Quoting, Paraphrasing dan Summarizing untuk Menghindari Plagiat bagi Mahasiswa Program Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Universitas Mataram

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    Plagiarism or plagiarism in the academic world is considered a crime because it steals other people's copyrights. Universities as mandated by the regulation of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia No. 17 of 2010 need to take precautions so that plagiarism does not occur and counteract plagiarism. Plagiarism activities carried out by academics, especially students, are due to their ignorance about plagiarism and strategies to avoid plagiarism. Among the strategies that can be used by a writer to avoid plagiarism is by quoting and paraphrasing and summarizing other people's information, opinions or ideas correctly. This community service activity was carried out in the form of training which began with the delivery of material related to plagiarism, quoting, paraphrasing and summarizing to 17 students of the English language education master's study program at FKIP University of Mataram who were and would be completing their final assignment (thesis writing). This service activity was carried out in 2 meetings, where the first meeting was for delivering material and guided training and the second meeting was for presenting results and giving feedback, as well as evaluating activities. Based on the results of observations, questionnaires and portfolios, it can be concluded that students were enthusiastic in participating in a series of activities, active in asking questions, working in groups and presenting the results of their group work. The students also said that activities like this were very useful and hoped that similar activities would be held regularly

    Factors of Consumer Behavior That Affect Purchasing Decisions on Blackberry Smartphone

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    This study aimed to determine factors of consumer behavior that affect to purchasing decision on BlackBerry Smartphone with the case study in Faculty of Economics, Tarumanagara University, Jakarta. The population was all students of faculty of economics who used or were familiar with the BlackBerry brand mobile phone, with a sampling technique used was purposive random sampling and samples were taken by 200 students. The purpose of the study was to examine and analyze some factors that affect students in the decision to buy BlackBerry mobile phone brands and know the dominant factors that influence the purchase decision. Theanalysis used the method of multiple regression analysis and hypothesis testing and also testing conducted validity and reliability by using the help of SPSS (Statistical Program for the Science Society). The analysis shows that there is significant positive effect between the factors of cultural, social, personal, and psychological effect on purchasing decisions, with significance 0,000 < 0,05, and Adjusted R Square is worth 0,216, it means that 21,6% of purchase decisions are influenced by these factors

    Dynamics simulation of Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM) reactor using aspen hysys

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    The purpose of this research is to observe the dynamics simulation of Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM) process particularly in reaction section. The simulation is conducting by Aspen Hysys software by applied some steps. To develop dynamics simulation, the first step is developing steady state mode. Once the steady state simulation have completed, then sizing and installing the controller should be done. The third step is tuning of the controller. The characteristics of the reaction process can be investigated by changing of a raw materials flow rate. The result shows that the transient responses of the VCM reactor are inverse response process. The outcome result of this research is the oxychlorination reactor section of vinyl chloride monomer can be develop by using dynamics simulation as the monitoring process if any disturbances occur after the parameter is changed in process meanwhile the environment and safety of human secured from any pollution and dangerous incident. Apart from that, this study can become guidance to VCM industry to improve process performance. The significant of the study is improving knowledge of the characteristic of VCM process in reactor section by simulating process using dynamics simulation. Another significant is commercialization of dynamics simulation to VCM industries that bring 1001 benefit to industries


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    Berdasarkan hasil observasi di SMAN 2 Gedongtataan, diketahui bahwa pemahaman kognitif siswa kelas X pada materi pokok Ekosistem Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019 masih sangat rendah, yaitu rata-rata 65. Nilai tersebut belum mencapai Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) yang telah ditetapkan sekolah yaitu 100% siswa mencapai nilai ?75. Siswa yang telah mencapai KKM hanya 47% dari jumlah keseluruhan siswa kelas X. Rendahnya pemahaman kognitif siswa diduga akibat metode yang digunakan oleh guru dalam pembelajaran kurang tepat dengan karakteristik materi dan siswa. Selama ini guru hanya menggunakan metode ceramah dan diskusi informasi. Oleh sebab itu, dalam penelitian ini mengkaji penggunaan model pembelajaran Team Games Tournament (TGT) dalam meningkatkan aktivitas dan pemahaman kognitif siswa kelas X SMAN 2 Gedongtataan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang terdiri dari 3 siklus. Setiap siklus terdiri atas langkah-langkah: perencanaan, tindakan, observasi dan refleksi. Data kuantitatif pemahaman kognitif siswa yang diperoleh melalui postest, sedangkan data aktivitas siswa diperoleh dari lembar observasi. Data dianalisis menggunakan statistik sederhana atau dekriptif dalam bentuk skor dan persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan model pembelajaran Team Games Tournament (TGT) dapat meningkatkan: (1) pemahaman kognitif siswa, dilihat dari semakin meningkatnya nilai postest siswa dari siklus ke siklus: (2) aktivitas siswa, dibuktikan dari meningkatnya aktivitas on task semakin dari siklus ke siklus


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