18 research outputs found

    Symbiotic characters, thermal requirement, growth, yield and economics of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) genotypes sown at different dates under Punjab conditions

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    A field experiment was conducted during kharif (rainy season) 2008 and 2009 at research farm of the Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, to study the effect of four/three sowing dates (1 May, 15 May, 1 June and 15 June in 2008 and 15 May, 1 June and 15 June in 2009) on the symbiotic characters, thermal requirement, growth, productivity and economics of four pigeonpea genotypes (AL 201, AL 1507, AL 1578 and AL 1593). Days taken to 50% flowering, physiological maturity, and various agroclimatic indices i.e. AGDD, AHTU, APTU and HUE decreased with delay in sowing. The crop sown on 15 May recorded the highest nodule dry weight plant -1. The grain yield was significantly higher for the 15 May sowing compared to the 15 June sowing. During the two years, the crop sown on 15 May registered on average 6.7 and 48.0 percent higher grain yield than the1 June and 15 June sowings, respectively. The crop sown on 15 May gave the maximum gross returns, net returns and benefit-cost (B:C) ratio. Among the genotypes, AL 1507 recorded the highest nodule number plant-1 and AL 1578 recorded the maximum nodule dry weight plant-1.Genotypes AL 1507, AL 1578 and AL 1593 registered on average 19.4, 19.2 and 20.0 percent higher grain yield relative to AL 201, respectively. The genotype AL 1507 in 2008 and AL 1593 in 2009 performed better in terms of heat use efficiency for grain yield

    Comparative Simulation Analysis of Process Parameter Variations in 20 nm Triangular FinFET

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    Technology scaling below 22 nm has brought several detrimental effects such as increased short channel effects (SCEs) and leakage currents. In deep submicron technology further scaling in gate length and oxide thickness can be achieved by changing the device structure of MOSFET. For 10–30 nm channel length multigate MOSFETs have been considered as most promising devices and FinFETs are the leading multigate MOSFET devices. Process parameters can be varied to obtain the desired performance of the FinFET device. In this paper, evaluation of on-off current ratio (Ion/Ioff), subthreshold swing (SS) and Drain Induced Barrier Lowering (DIBL) for different process parameters, that is, doping concentration (1015/cm3 to 1018/cm3), oxide thickness (0.5 nm and 1 nm), and fin height (10 nm to 40 nm), has been presented for 20 nm triangular FinFET device. Density gradient model used in design simulation incorporates the considerable quantum effects and provides more practical environment for device simulation. Simulation result shows that fin shape has great impact on FinFET performance and triangular fin shape leads to reduction in leakage current and SCEs. Comparative analysis of simulation results has been investigated to observe the impact of process parameters on the performance of designed FinFET

    Female Education and Economic Growth: theoretical overview and two country cases

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    This bachelor thesis examines if female education affects economic growth through human capital and fertility rate. To illustrate this aim, two country cases have been presented: India and Niger. The motive behind choosing India was because of the country's recent shift from developing to developed country. With its steady economic growth and large population, yet still some cultural and social barriers to overcome, India made an interesting case. Niger made a stimulating case because of the country's unstable economic growth and high illiteracy rates. To facilitate the reading of the paper as well to approach the topic not just from illustrative but also theoretical point of view, female education has been examined on a general level as well. Ultimately, we came to the conclusion that female education does affect economic growth, both directly and indirectly, through human capital and fertility rate

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    Not AvailablePunjab is an agriculture intensive state where traditional rice-wheat cropping system has contributed towards food security of the nation. The productivity of this system has stagnated, even declined in certain areas due to depletion of native nutrient reserves and emergence of their defi ciencies, lowering of under-ground water table and resurgence of insects and diseases due to over exploitation. This has accentuated the need for diversifi cation from this system. Agroforestry has emerged as one of the viable alternatives for diversifi cation from existing rice-wheat rotation. Diff erent tree species are traditionally grown in the various agroclimatic zones of the state. The main tree species adopted by the farmers on their agriculture fi elds as block and boundary plantations are poplar, eucalyptus and dek. Appropriate tree species, their quality planting material and remunerative crop combinations have to be selected for higher returns. The productivity and economic returns from the agroforestry systems can also be increased by adopting the appropriate cultural and management practices.Not Availabl