6,315 research outputs found

    Search for charginos, neutralinos, and gravitinos at LEP

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    The hep-ex data base was decided not to be an appropriate place to make DELPHI notes public. Sorry for the inconvenience.Comment: the paper should not have been made publi

    Combination of DROOL rules and Protégé knowledge bases in the ONTO-H annotation tool

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    ONTO-H is a semi-automatic collaborative tool for the semantic annotation of documents, built as a Protégé 3.0 tab plug-in. Among its multiple functionalities aimed at easing the document annotation process, ONTO-H uses a rule-based system to create cascading annotations out from a single drag and drop operation from a part of a document into an already existing concept or instance of the domain ontology being used for annotation. It also gives support to the detection of name conflicts and instance duplications in the creation of the annotations. The rule system runs on top of the open source rule engine DROOLS and is connected to the domain ontology used for annotation by means of an ad-hoc programmed Java proxy

    Dishonest signals of strength in male slender crayfish (Cherax dispar) during agonistic encounters

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    Many animals resolve disputes without combat by displaying signals of potential strength during threatening displays. Presumably, competitors use each other's displays to assess their relative strengths, and current theory predicts that these signals of strength should generally be honest. We tested this prediction by investigating the relationships among morphology, performance, and social dom inance in males of the slender crayfish Cherax dispar. Crayfish routinely use their enlarged front claws (chelae) for both intimidation and fighting, making this species ideal for studying the honesty of weapon size. We evaluated five competing models relating morphological and physiological traits to dominance during paired competitive bouts. Based on the best model, larger chelae clearly resulted in greater dominance; however, chela strength had no bearing on dominance. Thus, displays of chela size were dishonest signals of strength, and the enlarged chelae of males seemingly function more for intimidation than for fighting. In addition, an analysis of the performance of isolated chela muscle showed that muscle from male crayfish produced only half the force that muscle from female crayfish produced (236.6 +/- 26.4 vs. 459.5 +/- 71.6 kN m(-2)), suggesting that males invest more in developing larger chelae than they do in producing high-quality chela muscle. From our studies of crayfish, we believe dishonest signaling could play a greater role in territorial disputes than previously imagined

    Prey choice, provisioning behaviour, and effects of early nutrition on nestling phenotype of titmice

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    [EN] It is generally assumed that blue and great tits (Cyanistes caeruleus, Parus major) compete for the same type of food (Lepidoptera larvae) during the breeding season and that the former have some advantage because they are usually earlier and can exploit small caterpillars that are often more abundant and are not consumed by great tits. However, it is not clear whether, when confronted with similar circumstances (e.g., nestling demand), blue and great tits show similar preferences for a particular caterpillar type. In this 2-y study, we compare the diet of both tit species in detail by controlling for hatching date and brood size. We also examine how the contribution of caterpillars and spiders to the diet is related to nestling development. A positive relationship was found between the percentage of spiders in the diet and nestling tarsus length in both species, reinforcing the idea that neonatal nutrition could have a strong influence on nestling phenotype (e.g., offspring size). Such a correlation may arise because spiders contain a high level of taurine, an essential nutrient in the early development of young, and/or this prey type contains more calcium than other food items, which may affect the rate of nestling bone mineralization. Blue tits fed their young double the number of tortricid larvae in comparison with great tits, whereas the latter showed a clear preference for noctuids and exploited, with a low frequency, a type of larvae not consumed by blue tits, hairy caterpillars (Lasiocampidae). Our results point to resource partitioning by these species in this forest ecosystem and contribute to a better understanding of feeding ecology of titmice, which is particularly timely in a global warming context [FR] Il est généralement admis que les mésanges bleues (Cyanistes caeruleus) et les mésanges charbonnières (Parus major) se font compétition pour le même type de nourriture (larves de lépidoptères) durant la période de reproduction. Il est également admis que les mésanges bleues possèdent un certain avantage, car elles se reproduisent plus tôt et mangent de petites chenilles souvent plus abondantes qui ne sont pas consommées par les mésanges charbonnières. Cependant, il n'est pas clair si dans les mêmes conditions (ex. de demande en nourriture des oisillons), les mésanges bleues et charbonnières préfèrent les mêmes types de chenilles. Dans cette étude de 2 ans, nous avons comparé en détail les régimes alimentaires des 2 espèces de mésanges en contrôlant pour la date de ponte et la taille de la couvée. Nous avons aussi examiné si les contributions des chenilles et des araignées au régime alimentaire étaient reliées au développement des oisillons. Chez les 2 espèces, une relation positive a été trouvée entre le pourcentage d'araignées dans le régime alimentaire et la longueur du tarse des oisillons renforçant ainsi l'idée que la nutrition néonatale peut avoir une grande influence sur le phénotype des oisillons (ex. la taille des jeunes). Une telle corrélation peut résulter du fait que les araignées ont un taux élevé de taurine, un nutriment essentiel au développement précoce des jeunes, et/ou que ce type de proie contient plus de calcium que d'autres aliments ce qui peut influencer le taux de minéralisation des os chez les oisillons. Les mésanges bleues ont nourri leurs jeunes avec deux fois plus de larves de tortricidés que les mésanges charbonnières qui elles ont montré une nette préférence pour les noctuidés. Ces dernières ont aussi consommé, quoique peu fréquemment, des livrées (Lasiocampidae), un type de larves boudé par les mésanges bleues. Nos résultats pointent vers une division des ressources entre ces espèces dans cet écosystème forestier et contribuent à une meilleure compréhension de l'écologie alimentaire des mésanges ce qui est particulièrement utile dans un contexte de réchauffement climatiqueV. García-Navas was supported by a FPI predoctoral fellowship (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN)-European Social Fund). This study was financed by the MICINN (grant reference: GCL2007-61395)Peer Reviewe

    Sucesión de Polygnátidos (Conodontos) del Emsiense (Devónico Inferior) en los Pirineos Centrales Españoles

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    A comprehensive conodont study of five sections of Emsian age, carried out in the Spanish Central Pyrenees, has revealed an important succession of polygnathids that can be used for identifying basal boundaries of globally recognized biozones. This succession consists of Polygnathus excavatus excavatus, Po. gronbergi, Po. nothoperbonus, Po. mashkovae, Po. laticostatus, and the new species Polygnathus luciae that allows the identification of the excavatus, nothoperbonus and laticostatus Zones. The nothoperbonus Zone is further subdivided into Lower and Upper nothoperbonus subzones, relying upon the lowest occurrence of Po. mashkovae. These biostratigraphic data from the Spanish Central Pyrenees corroborate the succession of conodont indexes in other regions of Europe (north-western France and southern Italy), North Africa (Morocco), Central Asia, Australia, and North America (Alaska, Nevada and Canada).El estudio exhaustivo de cinco secciones de edad Emsiense en el Pirineo Central Español ha proporcionado una importante sucesión de especies de conodontos del género Polygnathus que puede usarse para reconocer los límites de diferentes biozonas de aplicación global. Esta sucesión consiste en Polygnathus excavatus excavatus, Po. gronbergi, Po. nothoperbonus, Po. mashkovae, Po. laticostatus y la nueva especie Polygnathus luciae, lo que permite identificar las biozonas excavatus, nothoperbonus y laticostatus. Además, el primer registro de Po. mashkovae se usa para subdividir la Zona nothoperbonus en las Subzonas nothoperbonus Inferior y Superior. Estos datos corroboran la sucesión de los índices de conodontos registrada en otras regiones de Europa (noroeste de Francia y sur de Italia), norte de África (Marruecos), Asia central, Australia y Norte América (Alaska, Nevada y Canadá)

    Hydrogen passivation of boron acceptors in as-grown boron-doped CVD diamond epilayers

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    A homoepitaxial boron-doped diamond single layer is investigated by means of Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and cathodoluminescence (CL). Both techniques are shown to be complementary. μ-FTIR mapping allows to determine the location of active boron while CL allows discernability between passivation and compensation. Hydrogen incorporation during chemical vapour deposition (CVD) growth is revealed to passivate boron acceptors. The obtained results highlight that plasma etching can induce a dissociation of B–H centres.4 page