293 research outputs found

    Estudio de factores de predictibilidad: Expresión de IGF1-R, p73, MMR (MLH-1, MSH-2), COX-2 y VEGF en el cáncer colorrectal estenosante y no estenosante

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    El cáncer colorrectal (CCR) es la tercera neoplasia más frecuente y la cuarta causa de mortalidad por cáncer en el mundo, con índices de supervivencia que oscilan entre el 30 y el 65%, según la zona geográfica de residencia. El CCR es el responsable del 60- 90% de todos los casos de obstrucción del colon, siendo la estenosis el problema quirúrgico agudo más común, su efecto debe verse afectado por la localización del tumor. El propósito de este estudio fue la búsqueda de dianas potenciales en grupos de alto riesgo, precisando las causas por las que este tipo de neoplasias debutan como obstrucción intestinal y su efecto en el pronóstico vital del enfermo. Para ello, mediante técnicas inmunohistoquímicas, analizamos la expresión de IGF1-R, p73, MMR (MLH1, MSH2), COX-2 y VEGF en especímenes de CCR, pertenecientes a pacientes con un tiempo de seguimiento de 5 años. El CCR obstructivo se ha presentado como un factor predictor clínico y vital del paciente, asociándose a un estadio más avanzado de la enfermedad. Nuestro modelo experimental sugiere que VEGF, COX-2, IGF-1R, p73 e índice de proliferación celular, tienen un impacto potencial en la carcinogénesis y en la historia natural de la neoplasia. La patología obstructiva, con un diámetro ostensiblemente mayor del tumor, la invasión de nodos linfáticos adyacentes, la presencia de valores elevados de VEGF, p73, y Ki- 67, son importantes elementos en el índice de riesgos de la recurrencia de la enfermedad y en la supervivencia. La detección de niveles de antígeno carcinoembrionario postoperatorio fue una buena herramienta suplementaria en el seguimiento oncológico.Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common malignancy and the fourth leading cause of cancer mortality in the world, with survival rates ranging between 30 and 65% depending on the geographical area of residence. The CRC is responsible for 60-90% of all cases of colon obstruction, stenosis being the most common acute surgical problem, its effect should be affected by the location of the tumor. The purpose of this study was to search for potential targets in high-risk groups, specifying the reasons why this type of tumor debut as intestinal obstruction and its effect on the prognosis of the patient. We analysed, using immunohistochemical staining, the expression of IGF1-R, p73, MMR (MLH1, MSH2), COX-2 and VEGF in specimens of CRC, belonging to patients with follow-up time of 5 years. Obstructive CRC has been presented as a clinical and vital predictor of patient, associated to a more advanced stage of the disease. Our experimental model suggests that VEGF, COX-2, IGF-1R, p73 and cell proliferation index, have potential in carcinogenesis and in the natural history of neoplasia. The obstructive disease with a markedly greater tumour diameter, invasion of adjacent lymph nodes, the presence of high levels of VEGF, p73 and Ki-67 are important elements in the index risk of recurrence of the disease and the survival of patients. The detection of carcinoembryonic antigen levels after surgery was a good supplementary tool in monitoring for cancer

    Compressional behavior of the aragonite-structure carbonates to 6 GPa

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    Supplementary Information The online version contains supplemen- tary material available at https://doi.org/10.1007/s00269-023-01237-6.The behaviors of aragonite (CaCO3 ), strontianite (SrCO3 ), cerussite (PbCO3 ), and witherite (BaCO3 ) at increasing pressure have been studied up to 6 GPa using density functional theory with plane waves. A parallelism of the orthorhombic carbonates with the closed-packed AsNi structure is considered in our analysis, being the CO2−3 groups not centered in the interstice of the octahedron. The decomposition of the unit-cell volume into atomic contributions using the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules has allowed the analysis of the bulk modulus in atomic contributions. The bulk, axes, interatomic distances, and atomic compressibilities are calculated. The largest compression is on the c crystallographic axis, and the c linear modulus has a linear function with the mineral bulk modulus (K0 ). Many of the interatomic distances moduli of the alkaline earth (AE) carbonates show linear functions with the bulk modulus; however, the whole series (including cerussite) only gives linear functions when K0 is related either with the CC distances modulus or the modulus of the distances of the C to the faces of the octahedron perpendicular to c. These last distances are the projections of the Metal–Oxygen (MO) distances to the center of the octahedron. K0AE carbonates also show linear functions with the atomic moduli of their cations. However, the whole series show a linear relation with the atomic modulus of C atoms. Therefore, the whole series highlight the importance of the C atoms and their interactions in the mechanism of compression of the orthorhombic carbonate series.Spanish MCINN and European FEDER Grants FIS2016-77692-C2. 2PCIN-2017-098Junta de Andalucía for the RNM-264-363 and RNM-264-1897 PAI-Grant

    Diseño y cálculo de la línea aérea de contacto del tramo de una línea de ferrocarril de alta velocidad

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    El objetivo principal es el diseño, dimensionado, y cálculo de la catenaria correspondiente al tramo de un trazado ferroviario en fase de proyecto, asociado, a su vez, a la pertinente subestación de tracción. Dentro de este objetivo principal pretendemos de forma más específica: 1) Ampliar los conocimientos en relación a las formas de suministro eléctrico a trazados de vía de ferrocarril. 2) Aportar cierta información de interés general en cuanto a terminología empleada, tipos y elementos de catenarias. 3) Considerar qué aspectos hay que tener presentes a la hora de dimensionar y calcular una catenaria. 4) Mostrar las diferentes disposiciones de un tendido eléctrico. 5) Analizar las funciones y describir las características constructivas de cada uno de los elementos de los que consta un tendido eléctrico. 6) Realizar los planos necesarios que definan el tramo de la vía en cuanto a disposición de los postes, descentramiento, etc...Departamento de Ingeniería EléctricaGrado en Ingeniería Eléctric

    Inferring effective couplings with Restricted Boltzmann Machines

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    Generative models offer a direct way to model complex data. Among them, energy-based models provide us with a neural network model that aims to accurately reproduce all statistical correlations observed in the data at the level of the Boltzmann weight of the model. However, one challenge is to understand the physical interpretation of such models. In this study, we propose a simple solution by implementing a direct mapping between the energy function of the Restricted Boltzmann Machine and an effective Ising spin Hamiltonian that includes high-order interactions between spins. This mapping includes interactions of all possible orders, going beyond the conventional pairwise interactions typically considered in the inverse Ising approach, and allowing the description of complex datasets. Earlier work attempted to achieve this goal, but the proposed mappings did not do properly treat the complexity of the problem or did not contain direct prescriptions for practical application. To validate our method, we perform several controlled numerical experiments where the training samples are equilibrium samples of predefined models containing local external fields, two-body and three-body interactions in various low-dimensional topologies. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach in learning the correct interaction network and pave the way for its application in modeling interesting datasets. We also evaluate the quality of the inferred model based on different training methods.Comment: 16 figures, 22 page

    Gymkana matemática IES Valle de Piélagos

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    Es bien sabido por todos, que uno de los grandes retos de los docentes de hoy en día es la motivación del alumnado. Para ello, necesitamos cada vez más dosis de imaginación e ingenio en las aulas, que nos lleven a ideas que estimulen a nuestros chicos. Entendemos que éste es uno de los pilares fundamentales de la educación, la motivación constante, y por ello desde el departamento de Matemáticas del IES Valle de Piélagos se decidió realizar una gymkana con nuestros alumnos de la ESO. En el siguiente artículo pretendemos dar a conocer la práctica realizada en nuestro instituto y las buenas sensaciones que hemos tenido al realizarla

    2M1 phlogopite–muscovite series minerals at increasing pressure to 9 GPa. I Atomic volumes and compressibilities

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    Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. Authors are thankful to Andalusian project P18-RT-3786 for financial support, and to the Computational Centers of the University of Granada and CSIC for computational facilities.Muscovite (Ms) and phlogopite (Phl) series mineral is studied in the 2M1 polytype and modeled by the substitution of three Mg2+ cations in the three octahedral sites of Phl [KMg3(Si3Al)O10(OH)2] by two Al3+ and one vacancy, increasing the substitution up to reach the Ms [KAl2□(Si3Al)O10(OH)2]. The series was computationally examined at DFT using Quantum ESPRESSO, as a function of pressure from − 3 to 9 GPa. Crystal structure is calculated, and cell parameters, and geometry of atomic groups agree with experimental values. OH in the Mg2+ octahedrons are approximately perpendicular to the (001) plane, meanwhile when they are in Al3+, octahedral groups are approximately parallel to this plane. From Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules, the atomic basins are calculated as a function of the pressure, K+ and basal O show the largest volumes. The bulk excess volume (Vxs) and the excess atomic volumes are analyzed as a function of the composition and the pressure. K+, basal and apical O Vxs show a behavior similar to the bulk Vxs as a function of the composition, keeping qualitatively this behavior as a function of pressure; substituent atoms do not show a Vxs behavior similar to the bulk and their effect consequently is mostly translated to atoms in the interlayer space. Atomic compressibilities are also calculated. Atomic compressibilities are separated in the different sheets of the crystal cell. Atomic moduli of K and basal O are the lowest and the ones behaving as the bulk modulus of the series. The atomic bulk modulus of the H’s is different depending of their position with respect to the (001) plane.CRUE-CSICAndalusian project P18-RT-378

    Biosafety test for plant growth-promoting bacteria: proposed environmental and human safety index (EHSI) protocol

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    Plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) colonize plants and enhance their growth by different mechanisms. Some of these microorganisms may represent a potential threat to human, animal or plant health; however, their use might be approved in parts of Europe if they have been recommended as plant growth enhancers. The current regulatory framework has resulted in a fragmented, contradictory system, and there is an urgent need to establish harmonized protocols for the predictability, efficiency, consistency and especially the safety of PGPB for human and animal health and for the environment. In response to current efforts to update biosafety policies and provide alternative methods to replace the use of vertebrate animals, we propose a panel of tests and an evaluation system to reliably determine the biosafety of bacterial strains used as PGPB. Based on the results of different tests, we propose a scoring system to evaluate the safety of candidates for PGPB within the limitations of the assays used.Peer reviewe

    Conocimiento de los comportamientos y las consecuencias de las catástrofes entre los estudiantes de psicología

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    It does not exist many studies on the perception that people have about behavioral consequences and psychological health of having experienced a catastrophe. However, those who have focused on it, along with this research, have found that the different groups studied present distortions about catastrophes, having topical beliefs about the occurrence of behaviors such as panic, looting, disorders, etc. Method: This study was performed with a sample of 544 psychology students and other disciplines. The design corresponds to a retrospective study or ex post facto where it has been used a scale of collective behavior in disasters and risk situations. Results: It has appeared significant differences in the mean scores between the group of psychology students regarding the correction key and in comparison with non-psychologists. Conclusions: These results could indicate that the training given to students of psychology distorts their perceptions about the occurrence of behavioral myths in catastrophes.No existen muchos estudios sobre la percepción que se tiene sobre las consecuencias comportamentales y para la salud psicológica por haber experimentado una catástrofe. Sin embargo, los que se han centrado anteriormente y esta misma investigación han encontrado que los distintos grupos estudiados presentan distorsiones sobre la misma teniendo creencias tópicas sobre la aparición de conductas como el pánico, saqueo, trastornos, etc. Método: El presente trabajo se ha realizado con 544 participantes estudiantes de psicología y de otras carreras. El diseño corresponde a un estudio retrospectivo o ex post facto en el que se ha utilizado una escala sobre comportamiento colectivo ante catástrofes y situaciones de riesgo Resultados: Han aparecido diferencias significativas de las puntuaciones medias del grupo de psicólogos respecto a las claves de corrección y el grupo de no-psicólogos. Conclusiones: Estos resultados podrían indicar que la formación que se les da a los alumnos de psicología distorsiona la percepción que tienen sobre la ocurrencia de conductas-mito en las catástrofes

    Knowledge of the behaviors and consequences of catastrophes among psychology students

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    Background: It does not exist many studies on the perception that people have about behavioral consequences and psychological health of having experienced a catastrophe. However, those who have focused on it, along with this research, have found that the different groups studied present distortions about catastrophes, having topical beliefs about the occurrence of behaviors such as panic, looting, disorders, etc. Method: This study was performed with a sample of 544 psychology students and other disciplines. The design corresponds to a retrospective study or ex post facto where it has been used a scale of collective behavior in disasters and risk situations. Results: It has appeared significant differences in the mean scores between the group of psychology students regarding the correction key and in comparison with non-psychologists. Conclusions: These results could indicate that the training given to students of psychology distorts their perceptions about the occurrence of behavioral myths in catastrophes.La Revista Publicaciones se edita en la Facultad y cuenta con los siguientes patrocinadores: Consejería de Educación, Juventud y Deportes (Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla) Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Transferencia de la Universidad de Granada Facultad de Educación y Humanidades de Melill

    Elaboration of the Competence Profile of the Residential Child/Youth Care Worker

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    This paper describes the steps used to develop a professional competence profile which allows a residential child youth care worker to perform his or her tasks in an efficient effective and confident way Among the strategic and specific competencies 11 were selected which explain a high percentage of performance empathy planning resistance to stress responsibility problem solving flexibility collaboration teamwork commitment expertise and communication skills Once the list of competencies has been established the behaviors that reflect them are determined and a questionnaire to evaluate the candidates for the position is elaborate