1,339 research outputs found

    Estudio PRECOST&E: evaluación de los costes constructivos y consumos energéticos derivados de la calificación energética en un edificio de viviendas situado en Madrid

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    Este artículo presenta un caso de estudio en el que, mediante la calificación energética, se relacionan la eficiencia energética de un edificio, sus costes de construcción y sus consumos energéticos. La variación del comportamiento energético del edificio se realiza a través de cambios en la envolvente y los sistemas de producción de energía. El estudio es teórico y fue realizado en 2009-2010 sobre el proyecto de un edificio residencial de protección oficial situado en Madrid. El trabajo desarrolla una metodología que permite evaluar las variaciones de eficiencia energética en un proyecto y sus im¬plicaciones económicas. Ello permitirá a promotores y arquitectos valorar cómo la adopción de medidas activas y pasivas afecta a la calificación energética de un edificio, a su consumo de energía y a los costes constructivos. Además se analiza la relación entre la orientación de las viviendas y la calificación energética, y las características de los programas utilizados

    Metodología para la evaluación de la sostenibilidad en autopistas: cálculo del balance energético de la infraestructura.

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    El trabajo aborda el desarrollo de un procedimiento para la evaluación de la eficiencia energética en infraestructuras lineales desde el punto de vista constructivo. El procedimiento permite calcular, tanto globalmente como de forma independizada, el balance energético de las diferentes fases del ciclo de vida de la infraestructura: construcción, operación y desmantelamiento o deconstrucción

    Plant residue chemical quality modulates the soil microbial response related to decomposition and soil organic carbon and nitrogen stabilization in a rainfed Mediterranean agroecosystem

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    Soils play a major role in the global carbon cycle and are crucial to the management of climate change. Changes in plant cover derived from different agricultural practices induce variations in the quality of plant residue inputs and in the soil microbial community structure and activity, which may enhance the storage and protection of organic carbon (OC) and nitrogen (N) within aggregates. The aim of this study was to assess how differences in the chemical composition of plant residues in combination with tillage management practices affect the local microbial community activity and structure, and subsequent soil aggregation and OC and N dynamics in an organic, rainfed almond (Prunus dulcis Mill.) orchard. In the laboratory, three types of plant residue (shoots, roots, and the combination of both) coming from different species belonging to each agricultural practice (reduced tillage, reduced tillage plus green manure, reduced tillage plus organic manure, and no-tillage) were mixed with their respective soils and the CO2 released was measured over 243 days at 60% WHC and 28 °C. Water-stable aggregates (including microaggregates within macroaggregates), enzymatic activities related to carbon (dehydrogenase and ß-glucosidase) and N (urease) cycling, and the microbial biomass and community structure through phospholipid fatty acid analysis, were measured at the end of the incubation period. Our results indicate that the chemical composition of plant residues controls the microbial community response, mediating decomposition and the incorporation of OC and N in stable aggregates. Therefore, the incorporation of labile and N-rich plant residues into the soil by reduced tillage is recommended since mixing roots and shoots from green manure increased the formation of free micro-aggregates and improved OC and N stabilization in our semiarid agroecosystem. © 2021 Elsevier LtdThis research was supported with funds from the Fundaci?n S?neca of the Murcia Region (projects 08757/PI/08, EMISEMUR 19350/PI/14 and DECADE 20917/PI/18). Parts of this research were performed within the framework of the project IMPASEC AGL2011-25069 funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Econom?a y Competitividad. Mar?a Almagro was supported by the Juan de la Cierva Program (Grant IJCI-2015-23500) and Antonio Ruiz-Navarro by the Fundaci?n General from the Spanish Research Council (CSIC, ConFuturo Progamme). We thank members of the Soil and Water Conservation Group - Eloisa Garc?a, Inmaculada Montoya, and Mar?a Jos? Espinosa - for helping us with the field and laboratory work, and Gonzalo Barber? for his useful advice with statistical analyses. We also thanks Gonzalo Herv?s, from the Instituto de Ganader?a de Monta?a of the Spanish Research Council, for performing the fiber fraction analysis. We are also grateful to Claire Chenu and two anonymous reviewers for their constructive and insightful comments on earlier versions of the manuscript

    First application of carbon-based screen-printed electrodes for the voltammetric determination of the organic UV filters oxybenzone and octocrylene

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    A new voltammetric methodology is proposed for the simultaneous determination of the organic UV filters oxybenzone (benzophenone 3, BP3) and octocrylene (OC) in personal care products and in wastewater extracts.It is based on previous adsorptive stripping voltammetric (AdSV) methods developed for hanging mercury drop electrodes, adapted to the special characteristics of carbon-based screen-printed electrodes. Among the carbon substrates tested, regular carbon screen-printed devices exhibited the best performance, with detection limits of 4.8 and 6.6 μmol L−1 and linearity ranges of 16-400 and 22-400 μmol L−1 for BP3 and OC, respectively, and, as compared to mercury electrodes, with the advantages of environmental safety, easy of use, low cost and compatibility with automation and flow measurements. The methodology has been successfully tested in real samples and compared to the standard methodology by liquid chromatography - tandem mass spectrometry (LCMS/MS)

    Simulation of wind turbines interaction within wind farms and with the environment

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    Publicado en: Mecánica Computacional vol. XXXV, no.1.Facultad de Ingenierí

    Molecular characterization of autophagic and apoptotic signaling induced by sorafenib in liver cancer cells

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    Sorafenib is the unique accepted molecular targeted drug for the treatment of patients in advanced stage of hepatocellular carcinoma. The current study evaluated cell signaling regulation of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, c-Jun-N-terminal kinase (JNK), Akt, and 5′AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) leading to autophagy and apoptosis induced by sorafenib. Sorafenib induced early (3–12 hr) ER stress characterized by an increase of Ser51P-eIF2α/eIF2α, C/EBP homologous protein (CHOP), IRE1α, and sXBP1, but a decrease of activating transcription factor 6 expression, overall temporally associated with the increase of Thr183,Tyr185P-JNK1/2/JNK1/2, Thr172P-AMPKα, Ser413P-Foxo3a, Thr308P-AKt/AKt and Thr32P-Foxo3a/Foxo3a ratios, and reduction of Ser2481P-mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)/mTOR and protein translation. This pattern was related to a transient increase of tBid, Bim EL, Beclin-1, Bcl-xL, Bcl-2, autophagy markers, and reduction of myeloid cell leukemia-1 (Mcl-1) expression. The progressive increase of CHOP expression, and reduction of Thr308P-AKt/AKt and Ser473P-AKt/AKt ratios were associated with the reduction of autophagic flux and an additional upregulation of Bim EL expression and caspase-3 activity (24 hr). Small interfering-RNA (si-RNA) assays showed that Bim, but not Bak and Bax, was involved in the induction of caspase-3 in sorafenib-treated HepG2 cells. Sorafenib increased autophagic and apoptotic markers in tumor-derived xenograft model. In conclusion, the early sorafenib-induced ER stress and regulation of JNK and AMPK-dependent signaling were related to the induction of survival autophagic process. The sustained drug treatment induced a progressive increase of ER stress and PERK-CHOP-dependent rise of Bim EL, which was associated with the shift from autophagy to apoptosis. The kinetic of Bim EL expression profile might also be related to the tight balance between AKt- and AMPK-related signaling leading to Foxo3a-dependent BIM EL upregulation.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BFU2016‐75352‐PInstituto de Salud Carlos III PI15/00034, PI13/ 00021, PI16/00090, PI14/01349Ministerio de Educación FPU16/05127, FPU12/01433, FPU13/01237Junta de Andalucía CTS-6264, PI-00025-2013, PI-0127-2013, PI-0198-201

    Detection of butyric spores by different approaches in raw milks from cow, ewe and goat

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    Clostridium tyrobutyricum is described as the main causative agent of late blowing defect in cheese. Currently, there are no fast methods to detect this microorganism in raw milk, which would allow determining the use of milk for fresh or cured cheese. The technique commonly used is the Most Probable Number, which is laborious and non-specific. In this work, we present the optimization of a real-time PCR-based detection method for C. tyrobutyricum spores in raw milk samples. This novel approach extracts DNA in a semi-automatic system with magnetic beads. The applicability of the developed procedure has been tested in field milk samples from cow, ewe and goat (n = 202), allowing detection of low levels of butyric spores. Raw milk samples were also analyzed by microbiological culture in a selective medium for butyric bacteria, and positive colonies were identified by multiplex PCR and 16S rDNA sequencing. Apart from C. tyrobutyricum, other Clostridium spp. were identified, which should be considered for further development of detection methods

    «Estudio Precost&e»: evaluación de los costes constructivos y consumos energéticos derivados de la calificación energética en un edificio de viviendas situado en Madrid

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    This paper presents a case study that relates the energy efficiency of a building, its construction costs and its energy consumption. The variation of the energy performance of the dwellings –and its energy rating- is made through changes in the envelope and the energy production systems. This theoretical study was conducted during the years 2009-2010 on the project of a residential block of apartments located in Madrid. The paper develops a methodology to evaluate the energy efficiency variations in a project and its economic implications. This will enable developers and architects to assess how the adoption of active and passive solutions affects the energy rating of a building, its energy consumption and its construction costs. The relationship between the orientation of housing and its energy rating, and the characteristics of the calculation programs used is also analyzed.Este artículo presenta un caso de estudio en el que, mediante la calificación energética, se relacionan la eficiencia energética de un edificio, sus costes de construcción y sus consumos energéticos. La variación del comportamiento energético del edificio se realiza a través de cambios en la envolvente y los sistemas de producción de energía. El estudio es teórico y fue realizado en 2009-2010 sobre el proyecto de un edificio residencial de protección oficial situado en Madrid. El trabajo desarrolla una metodología que permite evaluar las variaciones de eficiencia energética en un proyecto y sus implicaciones económicas. Ello permitirá a promotores y arquitectos valorar cómo la adopción de medidas activas y pasivas afecta a la calificación energética de un edificio, a su consumo de energía y a los costes constructivos. Además se analiza la relación entre la orientación de las viviendas y la calificación energética, y las características de los programas utilizados

    Evaluación del comportamiento mecánico de mezclas asfálticas templadas con 100 % de material reciclado

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    The use of Half Warm Mixes with high Reclaimed Asphalt content (HWMRA) has the potential to generate significant environmental advantages such as the reduction in consumption of natural resources and the emission of gases into the atmosphere. This paper therefore focuses on demonstrating the viability of using these types of mixes in wearing courses. For this purpose, an HWMRA with 70 % and 100 % Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) and emulsion were designed in the laboratory. The performance of the mixes was then assessed and compared with that of conventional Hot Mix Asphalt. In a second stage, the mixes were manufactured in-plant, and laid and compacted in an Accelerated Pavement Test track. The cores were then extracted and tested for stiffness modulus and resistance to fatigue. The results from the tests conducted with both the laboratory specimens and the cores showed that the performance of HWMRA is comparable to that of HMA. These findings encourage greater confidence in promoting the use of these types of sustainable asphalt mixes.La utilización de mezclas asfálticas templadas con alto contenido de asfalto reciclado (HWMRA) conlleva ventajas medioambientales como la reducción del consumo de recursos naturales y la emisión de gases a la atmósfera. Este artículo se centra en mostrar la viabilidad de este tipo de mezclas para capas de rodadura. Para ello, se diseñaron mezclas HWMRA con 70 % y 100 % de asfalto reciclado en el laboratorio y se evaluó y comparó su comportamiento con una mezcla caliente convencional. En una segunda etapa, las mezclas fueron fabricadas en planta, extendidas y compactadas en una pista de ensayo acelerado de pavimentos. A continuación, se extrajeron testigos y se ensayaron para conocer su módulo de rigidez y resistencia a fatiga. Tanto los resultados de laboratorio como tras la fabricación en planta y puesta en obra mostraron que el comportamiento de mezclas HWMRA es comparable al de mezclas calientes convencionales. Dicha conclusión puede aportar confianza a este tipo de mezclas sostenibles promoviendo su mayor utilización