1,745 research outputs found

    Disseny d'un tauler de joc per impartir la prevenció de riscos laborals

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    Els següent treball anomenat Disseny d'un tauler de joc per impartir la prevenció de riscos laborals descriu la solució buscada a impartir una assignatura considerada poc interessant tant per l’alumnat com pels professors que la imparteixen i transformar-la en una classe divertida on els alumnes gaudeixin aprenent. Per aconseguir aquest fi he dissenyat un prototip, ja portat a la pràctica, i descric les principals característiques. També es fa una revisió al concepte de gamificació i les definicions d’alguns experts en la matèri

    Tests estadísticos basados en proyecciones aleatorias

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    RESUMEN: Las proyecciones aleatorias proyectan los datos iniciales de alta dimensión en un subespacio de baja dimensión seleccionado aleatoriamente. Se usan en problemas que requieren el manejo de datos de dimensión reducida junto con eficiencia computacional y preservación de la estructura local de los datos. Se utilizan según dos paradigmas: se elige un estadístico apropiado para el problema considerado en el caso unidimensional y i) Se maneja un número reducido de proyecciones unidimensionales en las que, para cada una de ellas, se calcula el valor del estadístico. Se elige un valor que resuma los valores obtenidos. ii) Se calcula el valor esperado, dada la muestra, del estadístico. En esta tesis usamos i) para proponer un nuevo procedimiento de detección de outliers en dimensión alta (ayudándonos del análisis secuencial) y ii) para introducir una novedosa familia de tests de uniformidad en hiperesferas. Estudios de simulación corroboran las propiedades teóricas obtenidas. La aplicación a conjuntos de datos reales ilustra el funcionamiento de los métodos propuestos.ABSTRACT: Random projections project high-dimensional data into a lower dimensional subspace that has been randomly chosen. They are used in problems that require handling reduced dimensional data in a computational efficiency manner while preserving the local structure of the original high-dimensional data. They are applied according to two paradigms: choosing an appropiate statistic for the considered problem in the one-dimensional case and i) Handling a reduced number of one-dimensional random projections in which, for each of them, the value of the statistic is computed. Choosing a value summarizing the obtained values. ii) Computing the expected value, given the sample, of this statistic. In this thesis we use i) to propose a new procedure that detects outliers in Gaussian high-dimensional data (by means of sequential analysis) and ii) to introduce a novel projection-based class of uniformity tests on the hypersphere. Simulation studies corroborate our theoretical findings and the application to real datasets illustrates the performance of the proposed methods

    Tests of laboratory on materials coming from test embankments. Dam of l´Albagés (Lleida)

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    La futura presa de tierras de l´Albagés, situada en la comarca de Les Garrigues, estará formada por aproximadamente unos 5 millones de m3, con unas dimensiones de 85 m de altura por unos 750 m de longitud de coronación. Debido a este gran volumen a utilizar en la presa , se consideró de gran importancia el estudio geológico-geotécnico de los materiales presentes en las cercanías de la futura presa, de manera que se pudiesen obtener estos materiales del propio vaso del embalse. A partir de esta idea de estudio, además de una precampaña de sondeos y catas para posterior estudio geotécnico en laboratorio, se optó por construir dos terraplenes de prueba, uno dedicado a un material limo arcilloso y otro dedicado básicamente a un todo-uno, proveniente de la mezcla entre arenisca y argilita/limolita en el proceso de extracción. En esta construcción se estudiaron, a parte del uso del material, el modo de extracción y compactación más adecuado. Una vez realizado los terraplenes se efectuaron varios ensayos a pie de obra (básicamente ensayos de permeabilidad y deformabilidad) y se recogieron varias muestras bloque provenientes de ambos terraplenes

    Tests of laboratory on materials coming from test embankments. Dam of l´Albagés (Lleida)

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    La futura presa de tierras de l´Albagés, situada en la comarca de Les Garrigues, estará formada por aproximadamente unos 5 millones de m3, con unas dimensiones de 85 m de altura por unos 750 m de longitud de coronación. Debido a este gran volumen a utilizar en la presa , se consideró de gran importancia el estudio geológico-geotécnico de los materiales presentes en las cercanías de la futura presa, de manera que se pudiesen obtener estos materiales del propio vaso del embalse. A partir de esta idea de estudio, además de una precampaña de sondeos y catas para posterior estudio geotécnico en laboratorio, se optó por construir dos terraplenes de prueba, uno dedicado a un material limo arcilloso y otro dedicado básicamente a un todo-uno, proveniente de la mezcla entre arenisca y argilita/limolita en el proceso de extracción. En esta construcción se estudiaron, a parte del uso del material, el modo de extracción y compactación más adecuado. Una vez realizado los terraplenes se efectuaron varios ensayos a pie de obra (básicamente ensayos de permeabilidad y deformabilidad) y se recogieron varias muestras bloque provenientes de ambos terraplenes

    Al voltant de la innovació

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    Iniciar un projecte ha estat una oportunitat que ens ha permès obrir-nos a noves possibilitats, plantejar-nos de si l'escola que havíem viscut fins aleshores podia ser diferent. Una qüestió sobre la qual hem anat avançant i volem continuar-ho fent desitjant que el projecte de l'escola no sigui finit i estigui en construcció constant tenint en compte els criteris que ens vam plantejar en el seu moment i que ens van permetre visualitzar el nostre somni quan encara no existia l'escola. Per innovar, necessitem uns referents teòrics, un coneixement profund del context i tenir molt clara la intenció. Les experiències viscudes van ser un punt de partida a partir del qual imaginar altres possibilitats expressades amb nous llenguatges que remeten també a altres significats i amb els quals la comunitat educativa d'El Martinet s'identifica. El compromís d'actualització del projecte ens porta al repte d'oferir en cada moment el millor per a les persones que formem part d'aquest col·lectiu.The start-up of a project was a great opportunity to consider new possibilities, such as whether the school we had known until then could take a different approach. Since then, we have developed these questions thoroughly, always with the willingness to keep advancing with the ongoing school project. To preserve the spirit of learning, we are constantly rethinking the project while always bearing in mind our initial criteria, which allowed us to visualize our school even before it existed. In order to innovate, we need to have theoretical references, a deep knowledge of the context and clear ideas of what we want to do. Our first professional experiences formed a good starting point for dreaming and imagining new opportunities expressed in different languages. This led to new meanings, with which El Martinet identifies itself

    CrowdSourcing como estrategia de Defensa

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    Crowdsourcing has taken root in the business world, but applications in the fields of science and pop culture pre-date this boom. By now it’s clear that the catalyst for this Cambrian explosion of collaborative projects has been the Internet. Crowdsourcing efforts come in many different forms, but the same characteristics appear over and over in the most successful examples. Crowdsourcing has had a profound impact wherever an organization’s needs intersect the crowd’s desires to accomplish something. Entire sections of industries have been decimated by crowdsourcing. Government organizations are not completely immune to the effect. A public good such as defense is safe from obsolescence, but there is strong evidence to indicate that there’s nothing preventing defense from reaping rewards from crowdsourcing. Cost savings, innovation, manning issues, and even success on the battlefield might all benefit from applying the lessons learned from crowdsourcing. Other industries have carved a roadmap for defense to follow. It needs to start experimenting with these methods now before rivals learn to perfect crowdsourcing’s varied and proven techniques

    Digital Competences for Improving Digital Inclusion in E-Government Services: A Mixed-Methods Systematic Review Protocol

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    The e-government requires citizens that have a certain level of digital skills. Contact restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the digital transformation of Public Administration in most countries and has increased the social digital divide. Therefore, the training of citizens in digital competences is one of the main challenges of the knowledge society. This mixed-methods systematic review protocol aims to synthesize quantitative and qualitative findings about conditioning factors of digital inclusion, in a multidimensional perspective, related with the education, healthcare and welfare sectors and the political actions involved to improve the digital competences of citizenship for allowing and enhancing their interactions with these online public services. The protocol has been written following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Protocols (PRISMA-P) guidelines. Nine databases including Web of Science, Scopus, Educational Resources Information Center Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA), ProQuest, MEDLINE, PubMed, SocINDEX and Cairn.info will be searched for peer-reviewed empirical studies published from 2011 or later. Grey literature and citation chaining will be undertaken. Quantitative, qualitative and mixed-methods studies will be included. Data items will be extracted and coded in a standardized format. A convergent segregated approach to synthesis and integration will be used. The results will be of interest to educational policymakers who want to take into account citizens'' digital skills in the design of online services and lifelong learning programs

    The enriched Variscan lithosphere of NE Iberia: data from postcollisional Permian calc-alkaline lamprophyre dykes of Les Guilleries

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    Post-collisional mafic dykes crosscut the Paleozoic metamorphic basement and late-Variscan plutons in Les Guilleries massif (Catalan Coastal Ranges, NE Iberia). The predominance of mafic phenocrysts, porphyritic texture, abundant amphibole, high MgO and volatile content, together with crustal-like trace-element patterns indicate that the dykes correspond to calc-alkaline lamprophyres, mainly spessartites. Their enrichment in LILE, HFSE and REE and initial Sr-Nd isotopic compositions (87Sr/86Sri between 0.70851 and 0.71127, epsilon Ndi between -5.23 and -4.63) are consistent with an enriched subcontinental lithospheric mantle source. U-Pb ages of matrix titanite crystals yield concordia ages of 262±7Ma, congruent with crosscutting relationships. Postmagmatic processes are evidenced by intense chloritization and albitization of the lamprophyres, together with systematic variations of Na2O vs SiO2, K2O, CaO, Ba, Rb, Cs, Pb, Sr, Tl, and Zn, and possibly the removal of F. The geochemical and geochronological data support an orogenic geochemical affinity, in accordance with the transitional tectonic regime between Variscan compression/transpression and post-collisional transtension/extension, related to the fragmentation of Pangea and thinning of the lithosphere. The lamprophyre dykes studied could represent the youngest pulse of Variscan orogenic magmatism and, therefore, mark its end in NE Iberia before the onset of the generalized Triassic extension