1,782 research outputs found

    Els impactes positius del Sistema de Gestió Ambiental de l'EPSEM

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    High performance computing simulator for the performance assessment of trajectory based operations

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    High performance computing (HPC), both at hardware and software level, has demonstrated significant improve- ments in processing large datasets in a timely manner. However, HPC in the field of air traffic management (ATM) can be much more than only a time reducing tool. It could also be used to build an ATM simulator in which distributed scenarios where decentralized elements (airspace users) interact through a centralized manager in order to generate a trajectory-optimized conflict-free scenario. In this work, we introduce an early prototype of an ATM simulator, focusing on air traffic flow management at strategic, pre-tactical and tactical levels, which allows the calculation of safety and efficiency indicators for optimized trajectories, both at individual and network level. The software architecture of the simulator, relying on a HPC cluster of computers, has been preliminary tested with a set of flights whose trajectory vertical profiles have been optimized according to two different concepts of operations: conventional cruise operations (i.e. flying at constant altitudes and according to the flight levels scheme rules) and continuous climb cruise operations (i.e., optimizing the trajectories with no vertical constraints). The novel ATM simulator has been tested to show preliminary benchmarking results between these two concepts of operations. The simulator here presented can contribute as a testbed to evaluate the potential benefits of future Trajectory Based Operations and to understand the complex relationships among the different ATM key performance areasPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Volcanismo jurásico del sector valenciano de la Cordillera Ibérica. Distribución y trama estructural

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    En el sector valenciano de la Cordillera Ibérica se desarrolla durante elJurásico un volcanismo fundamentalmente piroclástico, con emisiones basálticas y traquibasálticas en el Pliensbachiense, Toarciense y Bajociense. La cartografía de los afloramientos permite definir dos alineaciones NW-SE (franja de Caudiel, alineación piroclástica de Alcublas), asi como un área más amplia de traza general NE-SW en las sierras de Javalambre y Camarena. Tal disposicion regional sugiere que las manifesiaciones volcánicas ocurren según dos direcciones principales de fracturación tardihercínica (NW-SE y NE-SW) y aún posiblemente a favor de los puntos de intersección de ambos sistemas estructurales. La dirección NW-SE ejerce el máximo control de la actividad volcánica jurásica, al igual que previamente durante el Triásico superior (línea ofítica de Altura)

    The importance of topological validation processes when managing changes in land property

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    Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación están consiguiendo que la información geográfica sea asequible a un mayor número de profesionales a través de las Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica. La intervención multidisciplinar en el territorio enriquece la investigación y las formas de aplicación de este tipo de recursos tecnológicos. Pero esta facilidad tecnológica puede suponer el riesgo de un uso inadecuado, por falta de conocimientos técnicos adecuados a la complejidad de la información geográfica o por el mal uso de las aplicaciones informáticas. El trabajo catastral puede beneficiarse mucho del empleo de estas tecnologías de información geográfica, al facilitar el uso, la comunicación y su administración electrónica, pero el desconocimiento de las propiedades geométricas y topológicas de la información geográfica puede llevar a cometer errores de graves consecuencias a profesionales no especializados. En este artículo ofrecemos el resultado de la investigación del trabajo de diversos juristas y técnicos, con el objetivo de desarrollar métodos automatizados y aplicaciones informáticas que permitan a los especialistas no expertos en Cartografía usar este tipo de información con garantías de exactitud al más alto nivel, como una solución eficaz para que la información geográfica con calidad topológica enriquezca la seguridad jurídica en el tráfico inmobiliario.Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is making Geographic Information (GI) reachable to an increasing number of professionals through technology. A multidisciplinary approach to land resources assessment enriches research and encourages new implementations of this type of technological resources, but the affordability of Geographic Information Technology (GIT) may lead to misuse due to lack of knowledge about GI complexity or poor user skills when working with computer applications. Cadastral tasks can greatly benefit from the use of GIT to empower transparent transactions and e-government, but failing to handle geometric and topological properties when dealing with GI may lead to mistakes with serious consequences for non-skilled professionals. In this article, we show results of a research work conducted by a team of both, legal and technical professionals, whose main goal is the development of automated methods and mapping software that allow non-experts to fully embrace GI while preserving the highest level of accuracy. We foresee this as an effective solution to encompass real estate data transactions with topologically accurate GI and, thus, as a means to enforce for legal certainty.Este trabajo se ha realizado como resultados del Proyecto de Investigación Aplicada “Ramón Llull”, realizado en el Laboratorio de Geomática del Instituto Interuniversitario de Geografía y el Departamento de Derecho Civil de la Universidad de Alicante bajo el patrocinio del Consejo General del Notariado y Colegio Notarial de Valencia. Además, se inscribe en el marco del proyecto de investigación «El Registro de la Propiedad como instrumento vertebrador de la información territorial; datos espaciales, metadatos y Directiva INSPIRE (II)» (DER 2011-23321), financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad

    Right-sided diaphragmatic rupture after blunt trauma. An unusual entity

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    Traumatic injuries of the diaphragm remain an entity of difficult diagnosis despite having been recognised early in the history of surgery, especially when it comes to blunt trauma and injuries of the right diaphragm. We report the case of a patient with blunt trauma with right diaphragmatic rupture that required urgent surgical treatment for hepatothorax and iatrogenic severe liver injury. Blunt trauma can cause substantial diaphragmatic rupture. It must have a high index of suspicion for diaphragmatic injury in patients, victims of vehicle collisions, mainly if they have suffered frontal impacts and/or side precipitates in patients with severe thoracoabdominal trauma. The diagnosis can be performed clinically and confirmation should be radiological. The general measures for the management of multiple trauma patients must be applied. Surgery at the time of diagnosis should restore continuity

    Geoquímica aplicada al medio ambiente

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    In this work it is intended to determinate the different effects that the chemical elements defining the "landscape geochemistry" produce in the environment. These effects, thougt to be positive or negative under human perspective, are due to the physico-chemical behaviour of the element, to their interaction with the environrnent and the final use of these elements by the man. The different methods and techniques applied in geochemical prospecting are presented in order to examine the varied options determined on the defined object. As last target, this work deals with placing the enviromental applied geochemistry as an geochemical prospecting and geoepidemiology and enviromental geochemistry interactiori. Five examples in zones near Barcelona and the isle of Menorca are presented

    Sepulcres i enterraments a la Dertosa tardoantiga. Les excavacions del carrer de la Mercè (Tortosa, Baix Ebre)

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    En els darrers anys el nostre coneixement de les àrees d’enterrament tardoantigues a la ciutat de Dertosa ha augmentat significativament, gràcies sobretot a les excavacions que s’han produït a la zona del barranc del Rastre. En aquest estudi presentem les dades de caire funerari obtingudes de les excavacions efectuades al carrer de la Mercè entre els anys 2009 i 2010. És destacable la troballa d’un conjunt de sepulcres de cista del segle VI cobertes amb grans lloses de pedra. Aquesta modalitat d’enterrament, la qual ha d’estar destinada a personatges d’un rang social elevat, no s’havia documentat fins ara a Tortosa.In recent years, our knowledge about the late Roman burial areas of the city of Dertosa has increased significantly mainly due to the excavations that have been carried out in the Rastre ravine area. In this paper we present the data of funeral type obtained from the excavations of Mercè street between 2009 and 2010. Is remarkable the finding of a VIth century set of stone slab graves covered by ashlars. This type of burial, which must be reserved for individuals of high social rank, was unknown in Tortosa until now