790 research outputs found

    The use of Twitter on fashion brands. A comparison between luxury and low-cost brands

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    En este artículo se analizó comparativamente la capacidad dialógica de las marcas de moda de lujo frente a las denominadas low-cost en la red social Twitter. Para ello, se recurrió a la metodología cuantitativa y se realizó un análisis de contenido de 1135 tuits publicados por H&M, Zara, Ralph Lauren y Hugo Boss. Se observó que no existe consenso entre las organizaciones para dirigirse a sus públicos, y si bien las marcas low-cost son las que hacen un mayor esfuerzo por mantener un diálogo, las firmas de lujo reciben más interacciones.In this paper, we made a comparative analysis about the dialogical capacity of luxury fashion brands and low-cost brands in the social network Twitter. For this, we used a quantitative methodology and conducted a content analysis of 1,135 tweets published by H&M, Zara, Ralph Lauren and Hugo Boss. We observed that there is no consensus among brands to address their audiences, and while low-cost brands make the greatest effort to maintain a dialogue, luxury brands receive more interactions.Ciencias de la Comunicació

    Measuring primordial non-Gaussianity through weak lensing peak counts

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    We explore the possibility of detecting primordial non-Gaussianity of the local type using weak lensing peak counts. We measure the peak abundance in sets of simulated weak lensing maps corresponding to three models f_NL={0, +100, -100}. Using survey specifications similar to those of Euclid and without assuming any knowledge of the lens and source redshifts, we find the peak functions of the non-Gaussian models with f_NL=+-100 to differ by up to 15% from the Gaussian peak function at the high-mass end. For the assumed survey parameters, the probability of fitting an f_NL=0 peak function to the f_NL=+-100 peak functions is less than 0.1%. Assuming the other cosmological parameters known, f_NL can be measured with an error \Delta f_NL ~ 13. It is therefore possible that future weak lensing surveys like Euclid and LSST may detect primordial non-Gaussianity from the abundance of peak counts, and provide complementary information to that obtained from the cosmic microwave background.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    El sexismo publicitario: delimitación de conceptos e indicadores de género. Estudio empírico de la producción científica

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    In developed societies gender inequality stands as a matter of social and scientific concern, well, these differences have been the subject of various studies. In this sense, feminist research has been concerned about the mass media, and within these by advertising, as they consider them as important agents of socialization them to influence the population. Therefore, in order to observe the main features and the definition specific of advertising sexism in the academic literature, is carried out a systematic review of research related to advertising and gender. The results of this study show that there is ambiguity in the concepts and terminology used by the scientific production for define sexism advertising.En las sociedades desarrolladas, la desigualdad de género se erige como un tema de preocupación social y científica, de modo que estas diferencias han sido el objeto de diversos estudios. En este sentido, las investigaciones feministas se han preocupado por los medios de comunicación (considerados como importantes agentes de socialización capaces de influir en la población) y, dentro de éstos, por la publicidad. Con el objetivo de observar las características principales y la forma concreta de definir el sexismo publicitario en la literatura académica, en este trabajo se lleva a cabo una revisión sistemática de las investigaciones relacionadas con la publicidad y el género. Los resultados del estudio muestran que existe ambigüedad terminológica en los conceptos y delimitaciones utilizados por la comunidad científica

    The impact of correlated projections on weak lensing cluster counts

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    Large-scale structure projections are an obstacle in converting the shear signal of clusters detected in weak-lensing maps into virial masses. However, this step is not necessary for constraining cosmology with the shear-peak abundance, if we are able to predict its amplitude. We generate a large ensemble of N-body simulations spanning four cosmological models, with total volume V~1 (Gpc/h)^3 per model. Variations to the matter density parameter and amplitude of fluctuations are considered. We measure the abundance of peaks in the mass density projected in ~100 Mpc/h slabs to determine the impact of structures spatially correlated with the simulation clusters, identified by the 3D friends-of-friends algorithm. The halo model shows that the choice of the smoothing filter for the density field is important in reducing the contribution of correlated projections to individual halo masses. Such contributions are less than 2% in the case of the optimal, compensated filter used throughout this analysis. We measure the change in the mass of peaks when projected in slabs of various thicknesses. Peaks in slabs of 26 Mpc/h and 102 Mpc/h suffer an average mass change of less than 2% compared to their mass in slabs of 51 Mpc/h. We then explore the cosmology dependence of the projected-peak mass function, and find that, for a wide range of slab thicknesses (<500 Mpc/h), it scales with cosmology in exactly the same way as the 3D friends-of-friends mass function and the Sheth-Tormen formula. This extends the earlier result of Marian et al. (2009). Finally, we show that for all cosmological models considered, the low and intermediate mass bins of the peak abundance can be described using a modified Sheth-Tormen functional form to within 10%-20% accuracy.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Quality Function Deployment: Can Improve Innovation Efficiency in the Food Industry?

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    This paper considers the implementation of the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) as a methodological framework for the development of new food products. This paper focuses on the beef supply chain and develops a horizontal product’s quality deployment as a strategic tool for the implementation of consumer-led product innovation strategies. Difficulties in the prioritisation of parameters and setting of target values for the desired performance level of each parameter would limit the implementation of a complete ‘four-phase’ model in the sector. Thus, the use of complementary management tools, such as SWOT analysis and Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) would be necessary to develop more suitable process designs to the specific requirements of the sector.Agribusiness, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Comparison of sustainable architecture from two European countries trough indicators (The Netherlands and Spain)

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    The Netherlands was pioneer in incorporating ecological concern to its aims and politics. By 1972 the Dutch government spread the message of responsible and ecologic production and consumption, wheras Spain was still far from considering sustainability as a main concern. The way that both countries have followed is worth studying and comparing. In this research, the status of the construction sector in Spain and the Netherlands will be analysed, by using indices. Both countries enjoy a similar HDI (Human Development Index), and differences, among others, in their constructive development, as the results show. Considering sustainability as a compound result of environmental, social and economical matters, diverse indices related to these aspects have been searched for in order to locate construction in its real context. This way, proper comparisons can be established, which will help to learn and improve, both in the general aims and in the process of construction. The aims will be analysed by comparing existing and possible situations. The processes will be analysed by indicating the areas whose indices should be established and studied in more depth, and detecting as well the weaknesses of knowledge that should be improved. As for the temporal development, the indices selected were those related to sustainability in the different stages of the life cycle of a building; from the pre-design until the demolition of it. Where necessary, trends have been defined by presenting temporary cycles. The indices have been obtained from several official organisations considering the availability of data about both countries as for concept, time and reliability. This is the case of institutes, universities, congresses and research centres. In some cases, the sources of the information are common to both countries: EU statistics. All conclusions establish forcefully, how (in a comparable framework, where differences are not essential) there is a space of improvement and learning that can be shared. It also identifies which areas should be considered as those requiring priority attentions and the trend towards a likely common factor

    Weak Lensing Peak Finding: Estimators, Filters, and Biases

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    Large catalogs of shear-selected peaks have recently become a reality. In order to properly interpret the abundance and properties of these peaks, it is necessary to take into account the effects of the clustering of source galaxies, among themselves and with the lens. In addition, the preferred selection of lensed galaxies in a flux- and size-limited sample leads to fluctuations in the apparent source density which correlate with the lensing field (lensing bias). In this paper, we investigate these issues for two different choices of shear estimators which are commonly in use today: globally-normalized and locally-normalized estimators. While in principle equivalent, in practice these estimators respond differently to systematic effects such as lensing bias and cluster member dilution. Furthermore, we find that which estimator is statistically superior depends on the specific shape of the filter employed for peak finding; suboptimal choices of the estimator+filter combination can result in a suppression of the number of high peaks by orders of magnitude. Lensing bias generally acts to increase the signal-to-noise \nu of shear peaks; for high peaks the boost can be as large as \Delta \nu ~ 1-2. Due to the steepness of the peak abundance function, these boosts can result in a significant increase in the abundance of shear peaks. A companion paper (Rozo et al., 2010) investigates these same issues within the context of stacked weak lensing mass estimates.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures; comments welcom

    Potent spinal parenchymal AAV9-mediated gene delivery by subpial injection in adult rats and pigs.

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    Effective in vivo use of adeno-associated virus (AAV)-based vectors to achieve gene-specific silencing or upregulation in the central nervous system has been limited by the inability to provide more than limited deep parenchymal expression in adult animals using delivery routes with the most clinical relevance (intravenous or intrathecal). Here, we demonstrate that the spinal pia membrane represents the primary barrier limiting effective AAV9 penetration into the spinal parenchyma after intrathecal AAV9 delivery. We develop a novel subpial AAV9 delivery technique and AAV9-dextran formulation. We use these in adult rats and pigs to show (i) potent spinal parenchymal transgene expression in white and gray matter including neurons, glial and endothelial cells after single bolus subpial AAV9 delivery; (ii) delivery to almost all apparent descending motor axons throughout the length of the spinal cord after cervical or thoracic subpial AAV9 injection; (iii) potent retrograde transgene expression in brain motor centers (motor cortex and brain stem); and (iv) the relative safety of this approach by defining normal neurological function for up to 6 months after AAV9 delivery. Thus, subpial delivery of AAV9 enables gene-based therapies with a wide range of potential experimental and clinical utilizations in adult animals and human patients

    Shared authorship : Sonesnat, audiovisual production workshop

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    En este trabajo mostramos el desarrollo de una experiencia educativa basada en el aprendizaje participativo y en la compresión de los procesos relacionales en el ámbito artístico. Mediante la metodología desarrollada en la propuesta artística Sonesnat, se planteó un taller creativo que incitó a un diálogo a tres bandas: la obra artística como proceso, la experiencia colectiva como motor de producción de sentidos y la autoría compartida en los productos inmateriales.The following paper shows the development of an educational experience based on participatory learning, understanding relational processes in a artistic scene. Using the methodology applied in the artistic work Sonesnat, we propose a creative workshop that encourages a trialogue: the artwork as a process, the collective experience as an engine to produce meanings, and the shared authorship through immaterial product