869 research outputs found

    Porous nanosystems for biological applications

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    The present thesis aims to provide suitable information on the fundamentals about the controlled manipulation and targeted application of nanoscale porous materials. The research interests in this work are focused on the controlled colloidal synthesis and functionalization of two specific porous materials based on porous coordination polymers (PCPs) and calcium carbonate polymeric nanoparticles (CCPNs), as nanocarriers for intended biological and catalytic applications

    Estrategias para la certificación del nuevo edificio de residencias estudiantiles del Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica bajo el sistema LEED v4 O+M: EB

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    Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería Ambiental) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería Ambiental, 2018.The infrastructure development is one of the most lucrative human activities around the world, nevertheless, it also represents a significant environmental impact. Buildings are associated with high rates of energy consumption, as well with ecosystems disruption due to the excessive use of natural resources. In addition, all around the world buildings are responsible for a large part of greenhouse gas emissions. The existence of green buildings has become a necessity, rather than just an option. There is a widespread variety of certification systems that evaluates the performance of a sustainable building, among them is the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) created by the US. Green Building Council. LEED is one of the most widely used systems, which offers different system categories according to the project's characteristics. In this case, the system LEED for Building Operations and Maintenance for Existing Buildings (LEED O+M: EB V4) was used for the evaluation of the most recent students’ residence at the Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. The actual conditions of the building were evaluated according to each aspect of the system. Specific strategies were proposed in order to achieve the prerequisite and credits requirements. It was shown that the recent students' residence could achieve a total of 66 points, which implies the possible achievement of a Gold LEED certification

    La importancia de la inteligencia emocional en la formación de los estudiantes de Comunicación Social de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

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    Se realizó un análisis teórico en donde se trató de sacar una definición universal de cada concepto según los autores consultados. El marco teórico se dividió en seis partes, en primer lugar se busco exponer los temas relacionados con la comunicación, al igual que con el concepto de inteligencia utilizado para introducir el tema de inteligencia emocional. Se contrastó la teoría con muestras reales, donde el grupo de profesores seleccionados evidenció la importancia de las emociones en su vida laboral. Una profesional en periodismo demostró como las emociones interfieren en su trabajo. Unas empresas seleccionadas demostraron las características que necesitan en los comunicadores sociales y opinan sobre el perfil actual del comunicador. Una sicóloga especialista en el tema de reclutamiento e inteligencia emocional señala los beneficios que puede tener la inteligencia emocional.Comunicador (a) SocialPregrad

    Diseño de centro de retiro espiritual en la ciudad de Baños de Agua Santa - Tungurahua, como una arquitectura integrada a la naturaleza

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    ABSTRACT This project is an architectural solution that allows the proper development of activities of spiritual formation, purification of the soul, body and mind, as well as being a support for the community of Baños de Agua Santa in the province of Tungurahua, for the making of activities, as an urban equipment for the habitants of the whole country, especially to the province itself. It is an integrative project that intends to take advantage of the turistic development of the area, as well as the religious affluence that helds the Virgen de Agua Santa...RESUMEN El trabajo es una solución arquitectónica que permite el adecuado desarrollo de actividades de formación espiritual, purificación de alma, cuerpo y mente, además de ser un apoyo para la comunidad de Baños de Agua Santa en la provincia de Tungurahua, para realización de actividades, como un equipamiento urbano a servicio de los pobladores de todo el país, en especial a la provincia misma. Es un proyecto integrador que pretende aprovechar el desarrollo turístico de la zona, como también la afluencia religiosa que abarca la Virgen de Agua Santa..

    Diagnostic tools for Autism Spectrum Disorders by gender: Analysis of current status and future lines

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    Studies on the prevalence of autism spectrum disorders have shown gender disproportion. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in this investigation area. There are two main research lines; the first is focused mostly on gender-related biological reasons that could account for low ASD prevalence in women (i.e., related to some protective factors related to hormones or the immune system, among others), and the second research line studies possible diagnostic biases. In the present study, a review of the latter line of research is made based on two main objectives: (a) analysis of possible biases in diagnostic tools and (b) other nonbiological ASD prevalence explained by gender differences. As a result of our theoretical review, we found that the articles reviewed showed contradictory results and possible diagnostic biases, not only in their design but also in their assessment standards. We concluded that specific or complementary diagnostic tools and procedures differentiated by gender should be developed in order to reduce these biases

    Revisión de la literatura de la experiencia al cliente en el proceso de atención de reclamos del BCP

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    La presente investigación se centra en cómo mejorar la experiencia del cliente en el proceso de atención de reclamos del Banco de Crédito del Perú -BCP. Para ello se pretende evaluar en que medida la capacitación del personal y los procedimientos de atención influyen en la experiencia de los clientes. Se trata de una investigación aplicada, con un nivel relacional entre las variables dependiente e independientes; así como un enfoque mixto al contar condatos cuantitativos y cualitativosen el que se utilizó el método hipotético-deductivo enfocado en dos hipótesis. Se revisóuna serie de artículos científicos, de los cuales 15 forman parte del estadodel arte

    Cemented and screw-retained implant-supported single-tooth restorations in the molar mandibular region: a retrospective comparison study after an observation period of 1 to 4 years

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the survival and compare the appearance of different mechanical and biological complications, in screw-retained and cemented-retained single-tooth implant-supported restorations localized in the molar mandibular region, over a period of 1 to 4 years. Material and Methods: A retrospective study was carried out with a total of eighty implant-supported restorations, which were placed in eighty patients for prosthetic rehabilitation of a mandibular molar. Forty patients were rehabilitated with a cemented-retained restoration and the other forty with a screw-retained restoration. The presence of the following complications was recorded for both types of prostheses: Fractures of the ceramic veneering, loosening screws, mucositis and peri-implantitis. Debonding of the restoration was analyzed in the cemented-retained restoration group. The clinical survival of crowns was analyzed with a Kaplan-Meier test and the clinical complications were compared, using a Student t test and Log-rank test. Results: 27 patients registered some complication. The average rate of complications was 37,5% for cemented- retained restorations and 30% for screw-retained restorations. The complications more common in the cemented- retained restoration were the presence of mucositis (14,87%), while in the screw-retained restorations was the loosening screw (20%). Student t test and Log-Rank test found significant differences ( p =0,001) between the screw loosening and presence of mucositis. Conclusions: The cemented-retained restorations seem to prevent screw loosening, but the presence of cement seem to increase the complications around the soft tissues, however in the screw-retained restorations the presence of mucositis and peri-implantitis are lower than cemented-retained restorations. The incidence of fracture of ceramic veneering was similar in both groups