3,305 research outputs found

    Identificación de recursos turísticos potenciales importantes por criterios de singularidad identitaria y universal. El municipio de Ugíjar en la Comarca de las Alpujarras

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    The promotion of rural areas is a key issue to fight against their depopulation. Currently there are deficiencies in the perception of the value of own resources in many of these territories. Situation due to factors such as lack of territorial culture, local deepening and research dissemination of those which may have certain singularities or aspects of interest at different scales. The safeguarding of territorial identity makes possible an evasion before the banalizing processes while conserving the patrimonial wealth.La promoción de las áreas rurales es una cuestión primordial para luchar contra su despoblamiento. Actualmente existen deficiencias en la percepción del valor de los recursos propios existentes en muchos de estos territorios. Situación debida a factores como la falta de cultura territorial, profundización local y difusión investigadora de aquellos que pudieran poseer ciertas singularidades o aspectos de interés a diferentes escalas. La salvaguardia de la identidad territorial posibilita una evasión ante los procesos banalizadores conservando a su vez la riqueza patrimonial

    Solving Large-Scale Markov Decision Processes on Low-Power Heterogeneous Platforms

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    Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) provide a framework for a machine to act autonomously and intelligently in environments where the effects of its actions are not deterministic. MDPs have numerous applications. We focus on practical applications for decision making, such as autonomous driving and service robotics, that have to run on mobile platforms with scarce computing and power resources. In our study, we use Value Iteration to solve MDPs, a core method of the paradigm to find optimal sequences of actions, which is well known for its high computational cost. In order to solve these computationally complex problems efficiently in platforms with stringent power consumption constraints, high-performance accelerator hardware and parallelised software come to the rescue. We introduce a generalisable approach to implement practical applications for decision making, such as autonomous driving on mobile and embedded low-power heterogeneous SoC platforms that integrate an accelerator (GPU) with a multicore. We evaluate three scheduling strategies that enable concurrent execution and efficient use of resources on a variety of SoCs embedding a multicore CPU and integrated GPU, namely Oracle, Dynamic, and LogFit. We compare these strategies for solving an MDP modelling the use-case of autonomous robot navigation in indoor environments on four representative platforms for mobile decision-making applications with a power use ranging from 4 to 65 Watts. We provide a rigorous analysis of the results to better understand their behaviour depending on the MDP size and the computing platform. Our experimental results show that by using CPU-GPU heterogeneous strategies, the computation time and energy required are considerably reduced with respect to multicore implementation, regardless of the computational platform.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. This work was partially supported by the Spanish project TIN 2016-80920-R

    Eliminación de la actividad silanofílica en cromatografía líquida en fase inversa mediante el uso de aditivos

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    La gran mayoría de los compuestos utilizados como principios activos en los productos farmacéuticos contienen átomos de nitrógeno básicos en su estructura. Su análisis por cromatografía líquida de fase inversa (reversed-phase liquid chromatography, RPLC) con columnas de sílice presenta una serie de inconvenientes, entre los que destacan retenciones elevadas, picos con colas y bajas eficacias, lo que se debe a la presencia de grupos silanoles residuales en la fase estacionaria que cuando están ionizados, interaccionan con los analitos catiónicos a través de un proceso de intercambio iónico, siendo el efecto más o menos pronunciado dependiendo de la columna seleccionada. Aunque aparentemente muchos materiales son similares, existen diferencias en sus prestaciones en función del tipo de sílice en la columna y el grado de empaquetamiento. En la actualidad, con la comercialización de columnas de nueva generación, junto con la mejora de la tecnología empleada en los empaquetamientos de RPLC, la influencia de los silanoles residuales sobre el comportamiento cromatográfico de los compuestos básicos es menos acusada. Sin embargo, el problema no se ha eliminado por completo. Una práctica muy eficaz para enmascarar el efecto de los silanoles es la adición de compuestos a la fase móvil, que son adsorbidos sobre la fase estacionaria modificando sus propiedades. Experimentalmente, la metodología es sencilla de aplicar, ya que no requiere el uso de equipamiento o columnas con características especiales, sino que basta con añadir a la fase móvil hidro-orgánica (habitualmente tamponada a un pH ácido) una pequeña cantidad del agente enmascarante seleccionado. Entre los aditivos empleados, recientemente han destacado los líquidos iónicos y los surfactantes. Aunque se ha publicado una amplia bibliografía en la que se trata el tema de la mejora de la separación cromatográfica de compuestos básicos, al inicio de esta Tesis no existían conclusiones claras acerca de qué directrices debían considerarse para elegir el aditivo más adecuado en cada caso concreto. Por otra parte, no siempre que se proponen nuevos aditivos o se aplican los habituales a nuevas familias de analitos, se profundiza en el estudio de los mecanismos de retención que tienen lugar, o se efectúan comparaciones respecto a los resultados obtenidos con otros tipos de aditivos o aplicando otras soluciones, como el uso de fases estacionarias especialmente diseñadas para el análisis de compuestos básicos. Ello da lugar a que, entre las opciones existentes, no siempre se elija la más adecuada. Éste ha sido precisamente el objetivo principal que se ha pretendido desarrollar a lo largo de esta Tesis Doctoral. Así, se ha estudiado el comportamiento cromatográfico de dos familias de compuestos básicos (β-bloqueantes y antidepresivos tricíclicos), utilizando fases móviles que contienen líquidos iónicos o surfactantes. Los inconvenientes asociados a la elución de estos analitos en RPLC, en ausencia de aditivo, son resueltos satisfactoriamente en la mayoría de los casos, y se apuntan directrices a seguir respecto a la fase estacionaria y aditivo más adecuados para cada caso concreto. El resultado más destacable es que la adición a la fase móvil de un líquido iónico adecuado permite que una columna cromatográfica de bajo precio proporcione resultados comparables o ventajosos respecto a los obtenidos con columnas especiales de alto precio. La Memoria de Tesis incluye también estudios en la línea del compromiso por el desarrollo de una Química Analítica verde y sostenible, que se concreta en la posibilidad de utilizar fases móviles formadas por agua y jabón con el surfactante neutro Brij-35. Particularmente interesantes son los resultados obtenidos con un grupo de flavonoides, cromatografiados a alta temperatura. Todos estos aspectos se recogen en la Memoria de Tesis a lo largo de cinco capítulos, divididos en dos partes que se detallan a continuación: La primera parte consta de tres capítulos, en los que se exponen estudios fundamentales sobre la interacción de cuatro líquidos iónicos con columnas de RPLC y la modificación del comportamiento cromatográfico de compuestos básicos. Concretamente, se describe un estudio exhaustivo del mecanismo de retención que posiblemente tiene lugar en la elución cromatográfica de β-bloqueantes, utilizando una columna Kromasil C18, en presencia de diversos líquidos iónicos que contienen en su estructura un catión imidazolio con una cadena alquílica de longitud variable, y los aniones tetrafluoroborato o hexafluorofosfato. El comportamiento observado en presencia de los líquidos iónicos se compara con el del surfactante aniónico dodecilsulfato sódico y trietilamina. Tras establecer que los líquidos iónicos asociados al anión tetrafluoroborato son más efectivos como enmascarantes de los grupos silanol, se amplía el estudio de sus prestaciones a diversas columnas C18 con contenidos diversos de silanoles libres. La potencia supresora del aditivo sobre el efecto de los silanoles se establece en base a la disminución de la retención y a la mejora de la forma de los picos cromatográficos. Normalmente, los estudios que hacen uso de líquidos iónicos examinan un número reducido de fases móviles de distinta composición, en las que la concentración del disolvente orgánico seleccionado se mantiene generalmente fija, lo que limita la obtención de información acerca del comportamiento cromatográfico de los analitos en un amplio intervalo de condiciones. Por este motivo, se aplica una estrategia de optimización interpretativa, para encontrar las condiciones de separación óptimas para un grupo de β-bloqueantes eluidos con fases móviles que contienen concentraciones variables de acetonitrilo y del líquido iónico tetrafluoroborato de 1-hexil-3-metilimidazolio, utilizando tres columnas C18 de distinta naturaleza. Se comprueba así la superioridad de este líquido iónico en el análisis de compuestos básicos. La segunda parte de la Memoria de Tesis consta de dos capítulos que abordan la utilidad del surfactante Brij-35 en la separación de compuestos básicos y flavonoides, cuando se utiliza en condiciones micelares como aditivo en RPLC. El Brij-35 es un surfactante de uso minoritario en la técnica denominada “cromatografía líquida micelar”, pero con perspectivas interesantes de cara a la “Química verde”. En primer lugar, se desarrolla un procedimiento para la determinación de un grupo de antidepresivos tricíclicos en preparados farmacéuticos que no utiliza disolvente orgánico. Se estudia, también, el efecto de la temperatura sobre la retención y la forma de pico para un grupo de flavonoides. Estos compuestos muestran una interesante interacción con Brij-35, con una cinética de reparto particular para cada flavonoide, en función de la posición de los grupos oxhidrilo en los anillos de su estructura. A temperatura ambiente, el Brij-35 origina picos cromatográficos anchos y baja resolución, debido a la lentitud del equilibrio de adsorción-desorción sobre fases estacionarias de RPLC recubiertas con este surfactante. Al aumentar la temperatura, se incrementa la velocidad de este equilibrio, asemejándose el comportamiento de los flavonoides al observado con fases móviles de acetonitrilo-agua, para las que la cinética de reparto alcanza rápidamente la condición de equilibrio. En definitiva, el conjunto de trabajos presentados en esta Memoria pretende ser una contribución al reconocimiento de la práctica del uso de aditivos en las fases móviles en RPLC, para mejorar la separación de compuestos básicos y fenólicos, y proporcionar un criterio que permita decantarse con fiabilidad por un determinado tipo de aditivo y/o columna, según las necesidades e intereses que se persigan en un análisis particular.The vast majority of the compounds used as active ingredients in pharmaceuticals contain basic nitrogen atoms in their structure. Its analysis by reverse-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC) with silica columns presents a series of drawbacks, among which are high retention, tailing peaks and low efficiencies, owing to the presence of residual silanols on the stationary phase which when ionized, interact with cationic analytes via ion-exchange processes, the effect being more or less pronounced depending on the selected column. Although many materials are apparently similar, there are differences in performance depending on the type of silica in the column and packaging density. Today, with the commercialization of new generation columns, together with the improvement of the technology used in the manufacture of RPLC packings, the effect of residual silanols on the retention of basic compounds is weaker. However, the problem has not been completely eliminated. A very effective practice to mask the effect of silanols is the addition of reagents to the mobile phase, which are adsorbed onto the stationary phase modifying its properties. Experimentally, the methodology is simple to implement, as it does not require the use of equipment or columns with special features, but just add to the hydro-organic mobile phase (usually buffered at an acidic pH) a small amount of the selected masking agent. Among the additives, ionic liquids and surfactants are becoming relevant. Although there is an extensive literature that addresses the issue of improving the chromatographic separation of basic compounds, at the beginning of this PhD work there were no clear conclusions about what guidelines should be considered to choose the most suitable additive in each case. Moreover, when new additives are proposed or usual additives are applied to new families of analytes, the retention mechanisms that are taking place are not examined, and the results are usually not compared with those obtained with other types of additives, or using other solutions as stationary phases specially designed for the analysis of basic compounds. This results in the fact that, among the existing options, the most appropriate is not always chosen. This was specifically the main objective that has been sought along this PhD work. Thus, the chromatographic behaviour of two families of basic compounds (β-blockers and tricyclic antidepressants) has been studied, using mobile phases with ionic liquids or surfactants. The disadvantages associated with the analyses of these analytes in RPLC, in the absence of additive, are solved satisfactorily in most cases, giving rise to useful guidelines regarding the most adequate stationary phase and additive for each particular case. The most remarkable finding is that the use of a suitable ionic liquid allows a low cost chromatographic column to provide results comparable to or better than those with special columns of high price. Studies in the commitment for the development of a sustainable and "green Analytical Chemistry" are also included, which consists of the possibility of using mobile phases consisting of water and soap with the neutral surfactant Brij-35. Particularly interesting are the results obtained with a group of flavonoids, chromatographed at high temperature. All these aspects are described in the PhD report along five chapters divided into two parts, as detailed below: The first part consists of three chapters, which describe fundamental studies on the interaction of four ionic liquids with RPLC columns, and the modification of the chromatographic behaviour of basic compounds. Specifically, a comprehensive study of the retention mechanism that may take place in the chromatographic elution of β-blockers from a Kromasil C18 column, in the presence of ionic liquids containing in its structure an imidazolium cation and an alkyl chain of variable length side, and the tetrafluoroborate or hexafluorophosphate anion, is described. The behaviour observed in the presence of ionic liquids is compared to that with the anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate and triethylamine. Having established that ionic liquids associated with the anion tetrafluoroborate are more effective as masking agents of silanol groups, the study of their performance is extended to several C18 columns with diverse contents of free silanols. The suppressing potency of the silanol effect is established for each additive, based on the decrease in retention or through the improvement in peak shape. Typically, published studies that use ionic liquids examine a small number of mobile phases of different composition, where the concentration of the selected organic solvent is usually fixed. This limits the gathered information about the overall chromatographic behaviour of analytes. For this reason, an interpretive optimization strategy was applied for finding the optimal separation conditions for a group of β-blockers eluted with mobile phases containing varying concentrations of acetonitrile and the ionic liquid 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate, using three C18 columns of different nature. The superiority of this ionic liquid in the analysis of basic compounds is thus checked. The second part of the PhD report includes two chapters that address the usefulness of the surfactant Brij-35 in the separation of basic compounds and flavonoids, when used in micellar conditions as mobile phase additive. Brij-35 is a surfactant of minor use in the so-called “micellar liquid chromatography”, but with interesting perspectives in the field of "green Analytical Chemistry". A method is first developed for the determination of a group of tricyclic antidepressants in pharmaceutical preparations, without the need of organic solvent. The effect of temperature on the retention and peak shape for a group of flavonoids is also studied. These analytes show an interesting interaction with Brij-35, with particular partitioning kinetics for each flavonoid depending on the position of the hydroxyl groups in the ring structure. At room temperature, Brij-35 yields broad chromatographic peaks and low resolution, due to slow adsorption-desorption equilibria on the RPLC stationary phase, which is coated with the surfactant. By increasing the temperature, the reaction rate is increased, and the behaviour becomes similar to that observed for flavonoids eluted with acetonitrile-water mixtures, for which the partitioning kinetics is rapid, reaching instantaneously equilibrium conditions. In short, the work presented in this report is a contribution to the recognition of the practical use of additives in RPLC mobile phases to improve the separation of basic compounds and phenols, and provide a criterion to select reliably a particular type of additive and/or column, according to the needs and interest that are pursued in a particular analysis

    Utilizando ARMSim y QtARMSim para la docencia de Arquitectura de Computadores

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    Muchos de los objetivos formativos de las asignaturas de introducción a la Arquitectura de Computadores se centran en aquellos aspectos que conforman la visión que un programador en lenguaje ensamblador tiene de un computador. Por regla general, para definir dichos objetivos se suele utilizar una arquitectura de computador concreta, que normalmente se selecciona con el doble criterio de que sea lo más sencilla posible y, a la vez, motive al estudiantado. La arquitectura ARM es una candidata idónea como vehículo conductor en la docencia de Arquitectura de Computadores. Por un lado, al estar basada en la arquitectura RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer), es relativamente sencilla. Por otro, se trata de una arquitectura actual y ampliamente difundida (especialmente en dispositivos móviles, smartphones y tabletas), lo que motiva al estudiantado. Para poder realizar prácticas sobre ARM es conveniente disponer de un simulador o de una herramienta de desarrollo sobre una máquina ARM. Puesto que dicha materia se explica en los primeros cursos, conviene que la aplicación seleccionada sea sencilla de utilizar y lo suficientemente flexible. Por otro lado, conviene que sea software libre, para poder adaptarla en caso necesario, y también multiplataforma y gratuita, para facilitar que el estudiante que lo desee pueda instalarla en su propio equipo. Tras evaluar distintas opciones, finalmente se optó por desarrollar y liberar un simulador propio de ARM, ARMSim, y una interfaz gráfica para dicho simulador, QtARMSim. El motor de simulación, ARMSim, y su interfaz, QtARMSim, han sido utilizados durante el curso 2014–15. Las críticas recibidas, tanto por los estudiantes como por los profesores de laboratorio, han sido muy positivas.Many of the training objectives of the Introduction to Computer Architecture modules focus on those aspects that conform the vision that an assembly language programmer has about a computer. As a rule, in order to define those objectives a concrete computer architecture is used following the following criteria: simplicity and ability to motivate students. ARM architecture is an ideal candidate for the didactics of Computer Architecture. On the one hand, being based on RISC architecture (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) it is rather simple. On the other, it is widely spread contemporary architecture (especially in mobile phones, smartphones and tablets), something that motivates students. In order to carry out ARM practice it would be convenient to have a simulator or a development tool on an ARM machine. Given the fact that this module is taught during the first academic years, it would also be convenient that the application selected was easy to use and flexible enough. Besides, it would be a good idea that it used freeware in order to be adapted if necessary, besides being free of charge and cross-platform-based so the students may install it in their own computers. After assessing several options, an ARM simulator (ARMSim) as well as a graphic interface for the latter (QtARMSim) were finally developed. The simulation engine, ARMSim, as well as its interface, QtARMSim, were used during the 2014/2015 academic year. The feedback received from both the students and lab lecturers have been remarkably positive

    System based on inertial sensors for behavioral monitoring of wildlife

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    Sensors Network is an integration of multiples sensors in a system to collect information about different environment variables. Monitoring systems allow us to determine the current state, to know its behavior and sometimes to predict what it is going to happen. This work presents a monitoring system for semi-wild animals that get their actions using an IMU (inertial measure unit) and a sensor fusion algorithm. Based on an ARM-CortexM4 microcontroller this system sends data using ZigBee technology of different sensor axis in two different operations modes: RAW (logging all information into a SD card) or RT (real-time operation). The sensor fusion algorithm improves both the precision and noise interferences.Junta de Andalucía P12-TIC-130

    Adaptación española de la escala breve de depresión-felicidad: un estudio de validación y fiabilidad en una muestra de personas mayores

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    The psychometric properties of the Short Depression-Happiness Scale (SDHS) were analyzed in a sample of 216 Spanish elderly people with an average age of 73.89 (SD = 6.49). An exploratory factor analysis and confirm­atory factor analysis were developed in order to identify the factorial solution and the best model fit. Just on factor was identified. Regarding reliability and validity, internal consistency index was .757 and the correlation between the Short Depression-Happiness Scale (SDHS) and measures of others construct, General Health Question­naire (GHQ) and Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CESD) (CESD), were significance. The practical implications of the scale and the index values obtained are discussed.  ResumenSe analizaron las propiedades psicométricas de la Short Depression-Happiness Scale (SDHS) en una muestra de 216 mayores con una edad promedio de 73.89 (DT = 6.49). Se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio para identificar la estructura factorial y el mejor ajuste del modelo. La solución estaba compuesta de un único factor.  Con respecto a la fiabilidad y vali­dez, el índice de consistencia interna fue de .757 y la correlación entre la Escala Breve de depresión-felicidad y las medidas de otros constructos, entre otros, el Cues­tionario de Salud General (GHQ) y el Centro de Escala de Depresión de Estudios Epidemiológicos (CESD) fue­ron significantes. Se discuten las implicaciones prácticas de la escala y los valores de los índices obtenidos.AbstractThe psychometric properties of the Short Depression-Happiness Scale (SDHS) were analyzed in a sample of 216 Spanish elderly people with an average age of 73.89 (SD = 6.49). An exploratory factor analysis and confirm­atory factor analysis were developed in order to identify the factorial solution and the best model fit. Just on factor was identified. Regarding reliability and validity, internal consistency index was .757 and the correlation between the Short Depression-Happiness Scale (SDHS) and measures of others construct, General Health Question­naire (GHQ) and Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CESD) (CESD), were significance. The practical implications of the scale and the index values obtained are discussed.

    Coupling major ions and trace elements to turbidity dynamics for allogenic contribution assessment in a binary karst system (Sierra de Ubrique, S Spain).

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    This investigation deals with the application of a multi-technique approach combining data from turbidity, major ions, and trace elements to characterize the implications of allogenic recharge in a binary karst system and assess the relative hydrochemical contribution to karst springs captured for drinking use. Hydrodynamic and hydrochemical responses of the outlets to storm events were continuously monitored during four selected flooding events, and water samples were collected at the main sinking stream in the recharge area and discharge points (Cornicabra and Algarrobal springs) for chemical analysis. The obtained hydrogeochemical dataset was analyzed through mean of time-series and statistical analysis and allowed to describe the fate and origin of trace elements. Despite that most of analyzed components present a natural origin, the existence of a Wastewater Treatment Plant in the recharge area was determined to be the main source of P (phosphorus) concentrations measured in the karst springs. Sediment (particulate) transport constitutes the most important factor in the mobilization of Al, Mn, Ni, and Ba in both surface and groundwater, whilst Li, Sr, and P are mainly controlled by solute migration. The hydrochemical signature of allogenic water component was constrained by identifying characteristic correlations between Ba and Ca/Sr ratio in water samples. The combination of specific hydrogeological processes as ion solution and sorption processes onto solids between solutes and particles as well as water mixing processes (allogenic vs diffuse) result more evident in Algarrobal spring, which receives a higher contribution of allogenic component due to a greater feeding catchment.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Strength-velocity relationship of resisted swimming: A regression analysis

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    This study explored how external loads affect semi-tethered resisted swimming (STRS). Twenty national competitive swimmers (age: 18.31 ± 1.42 years) participated in an incremental STRS test. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients between the load and the swimming variables were obtained, and simple linear regression analyses were applied to evaluate the associations. The results showed that less velocity and acceleration were delivered at high loads (p < 0.001). It increased the velocity fluctuation, affecting the swimming patterns adversely. A decrease in the impulse relative to the load pulled is obtained, especially after 20-30% of the maximal load (R2 = 0.724, p < 0.000). Coaches should reconsider using STRS, as little benefits may be obtained in performance.This work was supported by the projects DEP 2014-59707-P “SWIM: Specific Water Innovative Measurements” and PGC2018-102116-B-I00 “SWIM II”, granted by the Spanish Research Agency and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)