2,814 research outputs found

    Cognitive Plasticity in Young-Old Adults and Old-Old Adults and Its Relationship with Successful Aging

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    The general objective of this study was to analyze cognitive plasticity as a variable related to successful aging in a group of young-old adults and old-old adults using the Auditory Verbal Learning Test—Learning Potential (AVLT-LP). Method: A total of 569 persons, with mean age 76.67 years (379 between the ages of 65 and 80 years, and 190 older than age 80). They were assessed with a socio-health questionnaire, with the AVLT-LP, and with the Spanish version of the Mini Mental State Examination. Results: The results showed significant differences on the test, in favor of the younger group, while the over 80 group gave poorer performance and showed less cognitive plasticity. With relation to gender, slight differences appeared in favor of the women, on the first four test trials, but not on the last two, nor in delayed recall or cognitive plasticity. As for cognitive status, the results showed significantly better task performance levels in healthy elders, as well as greater plasticity. Nonetheless, certain persons with high plasticity were also found among those with cognitive impairment. Conclusions: The data obtained here offers evidence for the importance of cognitive plasticity in elders and its relation to longevity and successful aging. It also provides information about the influence of variables like age, gender and cognitive status on a verbal memory and plasticity assessment task that is in wide use today

    A cross-national study of gender diversity initiatives in architecture: the cases of the UK, France and Spain

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    Despite initiatives designed to encourage more women, the construction industry and its associated professions remain resolutely male-dominated and the situation shows little signs of changing. Reporting on the findings of an exploratory study which examines the transfer of Equality Policy into practice in three European countries: the UK, France and Spain, we provide cross-national comparisons of the implementation of gender initiatives in a single profession, that of architecture.Caven, V.; Navarro Astor, E.; Diop, M. (2016). A cross-national study of gender diversity initiatives in architecture: the cases of the UK, France and Spain. Cross Cultural & Strategic Management (Online). 23(3):431-449. https://doi.org/10.1108/CCSM-11-2014-0141S431449233Caven, V., Navarro-Astor, E., & Diop, M. (2012). A Cross-National Study of Accommodating and «Usurpatory» Practices by Women Architects in the UK, Spain and France. Architectural Theory Review, 17(2-3), 365-377. doi:10.1080/13264826.2012.732588Gutiérrez Mozo, M.E. and Pérez del Hoyo, R. (2012), “Docencia y género: primeros pasos de la Universidad de Alicante (España) en la carrera de Arquitectura”, Arquitectura y Urbanismo , Vol. XXXIII No. 3, pp. 52-69.Özbilgin, M., & Tatli, A. (2011). Mapping out the field of equality and diversity: Rise of individualism and voluntarism. Human Relations, 64(9), 1229-1253. doi:10.1177/0018726711413620Sánchez de Madariaga, I. (2009), “El papel de las mujeres en la arquitectura y el urbanismo, de Matilde Ucelay a la primero generación universitaria en paridad”, in Leboeiro, M.A. (Ed.), Arquitectas: un reto professional. Jornados Internacionales de Arquitectura y Urbanismo desde la perspectiva de las arquitectas , UPM (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), Madrid, 11-13 December, pp. 69-77.Sánchez de Madariaga, I. (2010). Women in architecture: the Spanish case. Urban Research & Practice, 3(2), 203-218. doi:10.1080/17535069.2010.481377Tatli, A., Vassilopoulou, J., Ariss, A. A., & Özbilgin, M. (2012). The role of regulatory and temporal context in the construction of diversity discourses: The case of the UK, France and Germany. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 18(4), 293-308. doi:10.1177/0959680112461092Winch, G. M. (2000). Institutional reform in British construction: partnering and private finance. Building Research & Information, 28(2), 141-155. doi:10.1080/096132100369046Winch, G., & Campagnac, E. (1995). The organization of building projects: an Anglo/French comparison. Construction Management and Economics, 13(1), 3-14. doi:10.1080/01446199500000002Zapata-Barrero, R. (2010). Managing Diversity in Spanish Society: A Practical Approach. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 31(4), 383-402. doi:10.1080/07256868.2010.49127

    Diferencias en habilidades y conducta entre grupos de preescolares de alto y bajo rendimiento escolar

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    El objetivo ha sido analizar la relación entre variables psicológicas y rendimiento escolar en niños preescolares. Se ha seleccionado un conjunto de variables cognitivas y conductuales, que según la bibliografía más actualizada se relacionan con el aprendizaje escolar, con el fin de identificar los factores que parecen influir en el rendimiento educativo en la etapa infantil. La meta final sería intentar prevenir problemas de rendimiento futuros mediante la identificación temprana de estas variables en los niños que parecen presentar bajo rendimiento. La muestra ha estado compuesta por 47 niños: 23 con alto rendimiento y 24 con bajo rendimiento. Se han utilizado medidas de inteligencia (K-BIT), potencial de aprendizaje (EHPAP) y metacognición. Los resultados muestran que los grupos difieren en el perfil de habilidades, en variables conductuales y en la utilización de estrategias metacognitivas. Sin embargo, todos presentan un potencial de aprendizaje similar

    Estudio de las redes educativas de centros escolares en Andalucía (España): claves para su análisis de la evaluación de los asesores de centros de profesores

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    Every school constitutes a singular case when it comes to changes and improvements as each of them belongs to a social and cultural context with their own idiosyncrasy and needs. This article aims to study 12 in depth a research on educative networks organized in groups of teachers, focusing on its origin, structure, resources, organization and impact. The process of data gathering has followed a descriptivenarrative methodology, based on a qualitative research, and using a questionnaire for advisors in Teachers Centers within Seville, where they inform about the benefits of networking. The results of the analysis show that the development and setting of these networks occur in response to both the need of support that teachers are sometimes missing in their professional day to day; and the requirements of the regional inspection service of education, Servicio de Inspección Educativa, in order to cope with basic difficulties that may arise in the teaching learning process, such as the reading and writing learning process or the improvement of the coexistence within the educational community. Feedback from this research proves the impact that the networking procedures have had in the educational community and centers, as well as its positive results and improvements in their development.Cada escuela se constituye en un caso especial para la implementación de cambios y mejoras, de forma que cada una responde a un contexto social y cultural con su propia idiosincrasia y necesidades. El objetivo principal del artículo es dar a conocer el estudio de las redes educativas configuradas en grupos de trabajo entre profesores en lo que se refiere a su origen, diseño, recursos, organización e impacto, con la finalidad de profundizar en su funcionamiento y repercusión en los centros escolares. Para la recogida de datos se ha utilizado una metodología descriptivo narrativa, basada en la investigación cualitativa, a partir de un cuestionario para asesores de centros de profesores de Sevilla capital y provincia, donde informan de la idoneidad del trabajo en red. Los resultados del análisis determinan que el desarrollo y puesta en marcha de las redes responde a las necesidades de apoyo que los docentes encuentran en su desarrollo profesional y a la exigencia del Servicio de Inspección Educativa para paliar problemas básicos dentro del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje, como es el aprendizaje de la lectoescritura y la mejora de la convivencia en la comunidad educativa. Las principales conclusiones reconocen el impacto del trabajo en red en los centros y en la comunidad educativa, sus resultados y las mejoras en el desarrollo de las mismas

    Percepción de la salud y actividades realizadas en el tiempo libre por adolescentes que viven en medios rurales

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    [Resumen] Este trabajo examina los efectos del estilo de vida en la percepción de la salud. La pobla- ción objeto de estudio está formada por 1109 escolares de 10 a 16 años que viven en el medio rural de dos comunidades españolas. En el estudio hemos utilizado como instru- mento de trabajo el cuestionario Self- Administered Physical Activity Checklist (SAPAC) adaptado a la población española. Recurrimos al análisis de tipo descriptivo, al análisis inferencial y la prueba de contraste Chi cuadrado (x2). Los resultados demostra- ron la existencia de diferencias en la percep- ción de la salud en función del sexo (p=.000), de la edad (p=.000) y del lugar de residencia (p=.015). De igual forma el consumo televisi- vo (p=.029), el tiempo dedicado al ordenador (p=.034), el tiempo dedicado a las tareas esco- lares (p=.034) y la realización de actividad física (p=.000) se relacionan con la percep- ción de la salud. El estilo de vida se relaciona con la percepción que los adolescentes tienen de su salud.[Abstract] This work he examines the property of lifestyle in the perception of health. I object the population of study he is composed of 1109 students of 10 to 16 years that they enjoy in two Spanish communities’s half way rural. In the study we have utilized like instrument of work the questionnaire Self Administered Physical Activity Checklist (SAPAC) adapted to the Spanish population. We utilized des- criptive fellow’s analysis, to the analysis infe- rencial and the test of contrast Chi cuadrado (x2). Aftermath demonstrated the existence of differences in the perception of health in terms of the sex (p=.000), of age (p=.000) and of the dwelling place (p=.015). Of equal form the television consumption (p =.029), the time dedicated to the computer (p =.034), the time dedicated to the school tasks (p =.034) and the accomplishment of physical activity (p =.000) they relate to the perception of the health. Lifestyle relates with the perception that the teens have of his health

    A comprehensive material and experimental investigation of a packed bed latent heat storage system based on waste foundry sand

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    The EU's industrial sector discards about 18.9% of its energy as waste heat, much of which has the potential for recovery. This study addresses the challenge by focusing on the advancement of latent heat thermal energy storage (LHTES) using phase change materials (PCMs) encapsulated within industrial waste foundry sand (WFS). WFS, a problematic by-product, is repurposed as a supportive matrix for NaNO3 and solar salt PCMs, tailored for effective integration into high-temperature industrial processes. The paper provides a thorough mechanical and thermal examination of the WFS-salt PCMs, highlighting their improved thermal stability, performance, and compatibility with direct thermal energy systems. The composite PCMs demonstrated melting points well-suited for industrial waste heat applications and achieved an energy density of 542.0 ± 8.3 kJ/kg for NaNO3 and 516.0 ± 4.5 kJ/kg for solar salt, An experimental cascade PBLHS, based on these CPCMs, with a capacity of 262 MJ, designed to mimic an industrial heat source at 450 °C, was systematically tested to assess its energy density and efficiency over repeated charging/discharging and free cooling cycles. Its overall system efficiency is found to be 68.5%. These findings position WFS-salt PCMs as a promising and environmentally beneficial approach to enhance industrial energy efficiency and utilisation

    From waste to value:Utilising waste foundry sand in thermal energy storage as a matrix material in composites

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    Waste foundry sand (WFS) is a by-product of the casting industry, which poses increasing economic and environmental issues due to the costs associated with landfill maintenance and stricter environmental regulations. This study proposes a novel solution for WFS as a material for thermal energy storage. The approach involves blending WFS with NaNO3 and a proprietary additive, X, to fabricate a composite phase change material (CPCM). The CPCM is found to be structurally stable up to 400 °C, and an optimal composition with a mass ratio of NaNO3:WFS:X = 0.6:0.3:0.1 is achieved. This composition yields an energy storage density of 628 ± 27 kJ/kg, and an average thermal conductivity of 1.38 W/mK over the temperature range of 25–400 °C. The CPCM also exhibits good mechanical strength and a low coefficient of thermal expansion compared to NaNO3. Currently, only a small portion of WFS is recycled, most commonly in building applications. The CPCM presented in this study has the potential for medium-to-high temperature heat storage in waste heat recovery applications, offering a sustainable solution for upcycling WFS.</p

    Exploring the critical barriers to the implementation of renewable technologies in existing univeristy buildings

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    [EN] For more than a decade, the European Union has been implementing an ambitious energy policy focused on reducing CO2 emissions, increasing the use of renewable energy and improving energy efficiency. This paper investigates the factors that hinder the application of renewable energy technologies (RETs) in existing university buildings in Spain and Portugal. Following a qualitative methodology, 33 technicians working in the infrastructure management offices of 24 universities have been interviewed. The factors identified have been classified into economic-financial, administrative and legislative barriers, architectural, urban planning, technological, networking, social acceptance, institutional and others. It is concluded that there have not been sufficient economic incentives to carry out RETs projects in this type of building. Conditioning factors can act individually or jointly, generating a greater effect. Most participants consider that there are no social acceptance barriers. Knowledge of these determinants can facilitate actions that help implement this technology on university campuses in both countries.This research received funds given by the Department of Civil Engineering and Building (University of Castilla-La Mancha), for covering part cost of manuscript¿s publicationFuentes-Del-Burgo, J.; Navarro Astor, E.; Monteiro Ramos, NM.; Martins, JP. (2021). Exploring the critical barriers to the implementation of renewable technologies in existing univeristy buildings. Sustainability. 13(22):1-24. https://doi.org/10.3390/su132212662124132

    Molecular characterization of autophagic and apoptotic signaling induced by sorafenib in liver cancer cells

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    Sorafenib is the unique accepted molecular targeted drug for the treatment of patients in advanced stage of hepatocellular carcinoma. The current study evaluated cell signaling regulation of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, c-Jun-N-terminal kinase (JNK), Akt, and 5′AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) leading to autophagy and apoptosis induced by sorafenib. Sorafenib induced early (3–12 hr) ER stress characterized by an increase of Ser51P-eIF2α/eIF2α, C/EBP homologous protein (CHOP), IRE1α, and sXBP1, but a decrease of activating transcription factor 6 expression, overall temporally associated with the increase of Thr183,Tyr185P-JNK1/2/JNK1/2, Thr172P-AMPKα, Ser413P-Foxo3a, Thr308P-AKt/AKt and Thr32P-Foxo3a/Foxo3a ratios, and reduction of Ser2481P-mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)/mTOR and protein translation. This pattern was related to a transient increase of tBid, Bim EL, Beclin-1, Bcl-xL, Bcl-2, autophagy markers, and reduction of myeloid cell leukemia-1 (Mcl-1) expression. The progressive increase of CHOP expression, and reduction of Thr308P-AKt/AKt and Ser473P-AKt/AKt ratios were associated with the reduction of autophagic flux and an additional upregulation of Bim EL expression and caspase-3 activity (24 hr). Small interfering-RNA (si-RNA) assays showed that Bim, but not Bak and Bax, was involved in the induction of caspase-3 in sorafenib-treated HepG2 cells. Sorafenib increased autophagic and apoptotic markers in tumor-derived xenograft model. In conclusion, the early sorafenib-induced ER stress and regulation of JNK and AMPK-dependent signaling were related to the induction of survival autophagic process. The sustained drug treatment induced a progressive increase of ER stress and PERK-CHOP-dependent rise of Bim EL, which was associated with the shift from autophagy to apoptosis. The kinetic of Bim EL expression profile might also be related to the tight balance between AKt- and AMPK-related signaling leading to Foxo3a-dependent BIM EL upregulation.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BFU2016‐75352‐PInstituto de Salud Carlos III PI15/00034, PI13/ 00021, PI16/00090, PI14/01349Ministerio de Educación FPU16/05127, FPU12/01433, FPU13/01237Junta de Andalucía CTS-6264, PI-00025-2013, PI-0127-2013, PI-0198-201

    Foreign bodies on lateral neck radiographs in adults: Imaging findings and common pitfalls

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    Foreign-body (FB) ingestion is less common in adults than in children, but still occurs. Diagnostic management of patients with suspected FB ingestion in emergency departments depends on FB type and location, both of which are related to the patient profile. In adults, fish and chicken bones are the most common FB types, and the oropharynx and cricopharyngeal muscle are the most common locations. Once accidentally swallowed, an FB may become lodged in the oropharynx, and in such cases indirect or fiberoptic laryngoscopy is the first clinical management option. For FBs that have passed beyond this location, radiologic study is recommended, including anteroposterior and lateral neck radiographs (LNRs) using the soft-tissue technique. This is a quick and simple imaging method that in emergency departments achieves detection rates of 70%-80% in assessing FBs in the hypopharynx and upper cervical esophagus. Careful initial evaluation using LNRs can determine the presence and nature of an FB, which helps with predicting the location and risk assessment, making further imaging—including computed tomography—unnecessary. Prevertebral soft-tissue swelling is a nonspecific indirect sign, which in the appropriate clinical context raises suspicion of a radiolucent FB or related complications. LNRs can sometimes be difficult to interpret due to the presence of multiple overlapping soft-tissue structures and variable patterns of laryngeal cartilage calcification in adults. Adequate performance in interpreting LNRs along with familiarity with the full diagnostic process in these patients will enable radiologists to use the right imaging technique for the right patient, as described in the clinical algorithm proposed by the authors