551 research outputs found

    Towards a Distant Reading of the Golden Ages Hendecasyllable: Metrical Patterns, Frequencies and Historical Development

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    En este trabajo se desarrolla un análisis de los principales tipos de endecasílabos utilizados en los sonetos del Siglo de Oro. Como novedad, aplicamos un método de análisis macro o distante, mediante el análisis computacional de un corpus de más de setenta mil (70.000) versos. A partir de un modelo formal de patrón métrico, analizamos los tipos de patrones métricos más frecuentes y su evolución histórica. Los resultados, sin ser aún concluyentes, sí muestran las principales preferencias métricas de los diferentes autores y cómo varían a lo largo de los siglos XVI y XVII.In this paper an analysis of the hendecasyllable meter in the Golden Age Spanish sonnets is presented. A macroanalysis or (computer-based) “distant reading” approach is applied to a corpus of more than 70 000 hendecasyllables. Based on a formal definition of metrical pattern, I analyze the most frequent metrical patterns and their historical development. Results are not entirely conclusive, but they show the main authors’ metrical preferences and their evolution during 16th and 17th Centuries

    Un viaje de fin de curso y tres tareas de modelizacion. Una experiencia en un aula de secundaria.

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    Este trabajo describe una experiencia llevada a cabo en un aula de tercer curso de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Para su desarrollo se han diseñado tres tareas de modelización con un contexto común cercano a la realidad de los estudiantes: la organización de un viaje de fin de curso. El objetivo principal es extraer los aspectos que han de tenerse en cuenta al plantear una actividad de modelización y analizar el resultado de la experiencia en base a las respuestas de los estudiantes para así identicar y clasificar las dicultades encontradas por los alumnos

    Ordenación de eventos multidocumento usando inferencia de relaciones temporales y modelos semánticos distribucionales

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    This paper focuses on the contribution of temporal relations inference and distributional semantic models to the event ordering task. Our system automatically builds ordered timelines of events from different written texts in English by performing first temporal clustering and then semantic clustering. In order to determine temporal compatibility, an inference from the temporal relationships between events –automatically extracted from a Temporal Information Processing system– is applied. Regarding semantic compatibility between events, we analyze two different distributional semantic models: LDA Topic modeling and Word2Vec word embeddings. Both semantic models together with the temporal inference have been evaluated within the framework of SemEval 2015 Task 4 Track B. Experiments show that, using both models, the current State of the Art is improved, showing significant advance in the Cross-Document Event Ordering task.Este artículo se centra en estudiar la contribución que la inferencia de relaciones temporales y los modelos semánticos distribucionales hacen a la tarea de ordenación de eventos. Nuestro sistema construye automáticamente líneas de tiempo con eventos extraídos de diferentes documentos escritos en inglés. Para ello realiza primero una agrupación temporal y posteriormente una agrupación semántica. Para determinar la compatibilidad temporal se realiza una inferencia sobre las relaciones temporales entre los eventos extraídos de un sistema automático de procesamiento de información temporal. Para la compatibilidad semántica entre eventos hemos analizado dos modelos semánticos distribucionales distintos: LDA Topic Modeling y Word2Vec Word Embeddings. Ambos modelos semánticos junto con la inferencia temporal han sido evaluados bajo el marco de evaluación de SemEval 2015 Task 4 Track B. Los experimentos muestran que, usando ambos modelos se mejora el estado del arte actual, implicando un avance importante en la tarea de ordenación de eventos multidocumento.This paper has been partially supported by the Spanish government, project TIN2015-65100-R, project TIN2015-65136-C2-2-R and PROMETEOII/2014/001

    Educommunication Web 2.0 for Heritage: A View From Spanish Museums

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    Museums have now been using social networks for nearly twenty years. While they began by engaging in activities characteristic of web 1.0, they have come to learn how to adapt to the new digital landscape. They are now fluent in the language and conventions of each social media platform and post content on a daily basis. The 2005 Faro Convention is partially responsible for urging museums to develop these new online strategies. The present chapter examines how large institutions are capable of generating daily content that is both multiform and attractive, but which barely encourages the exchange of experiences and opinions between users. Interestingly, it is in the local heritage-based cyber communities that we find the creation of authentic educommunicative spaces that are even capable of moving action from the digital realm of social media into the physical world

    The Simplification of the Language of Public Administration: The Case of Ombudsman Institutions

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    Language produced by Public Administrations has crucial implications in citizens’ lives. However, its syntactic complexity and the use of legal jargon, among other factors, make it difficult to be understood for laypeople and certain target audiences. The NLP task of Automatic Text Simplification (ATS) can help to the necessary simplification of this technical language. For that purpose, specialized parallel datasets of complex-simple pairs need to be developed for the training of these ATS systems. In this position paper, an on-going project is presented, whose main objectives are (a) to extensively analyze the syntactical, lexical, and discursive features of the language of English-speaking ombudsmen, as samples of public administrative language, with special attention to those characteristics that pose a threat to comprehension, and (b) to develop the OmbudsCorpus, a parallel corpus of complex-simple supra-sentential fragments from ombudsmen’s case reports that have been manually simplified by professionals and annotated with standardized simplification operations. This research endeavor aims to provide a deeper understanding of the simplification process and to enhance the training of ATS systems specialized in administrative texts.This paper has been partially funded by the Spanish Government through the R&D projects “CORTEX: Conscious Text Generation” (PID2021-123956OB-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”) and “CLEAR.TEXT: Enhancing the modernization public sector organizations by deploying Natural Language Processing to make their digital content CLEARER to those with cognitive disabilities” (TED2021-130707B-I00), and by the Generalitat Valenciana through the project “NL4DISMIS: Natural Language Technologies for dealing with dis- and misinformation with grant reference (CIPROM/2021/21)”

    An approach to the recommendation of scientific articles according to their degree of specificity

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    En este artículo se presenta un método para recomendar artículos científicos teniendo en cuenta su grado de generalidad o especificidad. Este enfoque se basa en la idea de que personas menos expertas en un tema preferirían leer artículos más generales para introducirse en el mismo, mientras que personas más expertas preferirían artículos más específicos. Frente a otras técnicas de recomendación que se centran en el análisis de perfiles de usuario, nuestra propuesta se basa puramente en el análisis del contenido. Presentamos dos aproximaciones para recomendar artículos basados en el modelado de tópicos (Topic Modelling). El primero de ellos se basa en la divergencia de tópicos que se dan en los documentos, mientras que el segundo se basa en la similitud que se dan entre estos tópicos. Con ambas medidas se consiguió determinar lo general o específico de un artículo para su recomendación, superando en ambos casos a un sistema de recuperación de información tradicional.This article presents a method for recommending scientific articles taking into consideration their degree of generality or specificity. This approach is based on the idea that less expert people in a specific topic prefer to read more general articles to be introduced into it, while people with more expertise prefer to read more specific articles. Compared to other recommendation techniques that focus on the analysis of user profiles, our proposal is purely based on content analysis. We present two methods for recommending articles, based on Topic Modelling. The first one is based on the divergence of topics given in the documents, while the second uses the similarities that exist between these topics. By using the proposed methods it was possible to determine the degree of specificity of an article, and the results obtained with them overcame those produced by an information retrieval traditional system.Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por los siguientes proyectos: ATTOS (TIN2012-38536-C03-03), LEGOLANG-UAGE (TIN2012-31224), FIRST (FP7-287607), DIIM2.0 (PROMETEOII/2014/001) y por el Programa Nacional de Movilidad de Recursos Humanos del Plan Nacional de I+D+i (CAS12/00113)

    Moodle: una herramienta libre para la formación de usuarios

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    Los Entornos Virtuales de Aprendizaje son programas informáticos que favorecen el aprendizaje facilitando la comunicación entre sus usuarios. Los programas de software libre, permiten crear un entorno modular propio con una rápida puesta en servicio. Moodle, es una plataforma de aprendizaje de software libre, basada en principios pedagógicos del constructivismo y del construccionismo, según los cuales el alumno es el responsable de su propio aprendizaje, y el tutor deja de ser el transmisor de conocimientos para convertirse en el guía del alumno en este proceso, todo ello dentro de un entorno que facilita la comunicación de todos los participantes. En esta ponencia, explicamos cómo se ha llevado a cabo la formación de usuarios desde la plataforma Moodle, en la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Málaga: la formación virtual en el Plan de Formación de Usuarios, los primeros pasos con Moodle, qué ofrece la plataforma al tutor y al alumno, diseño y desarrollo de un curso virtual y la evaluación de la formación con Moodle

    Who Are the Protagonists of History? Exploratory Study on Historical Relevance after Completing Compulsory Secondary Education in Spain

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    Which historical figures do Spanish students think are relevant after completing their compulsory schooling in the subject of history? The main objective of this research is to discover which four historical figures students choose as the most important in human history after completing¡ their compulsory schooling, and the type of reasons they give to justify their answers. By means of a mixed study, this research involved asking 165 students, aged 16 to 17, which four figures they think are the most relevant in history and why. Based on this statement, a quantitative and qualitative analysis was conducted to explore the students’ discourses justifying their choices using the categories proposed by Partington, Hunt and Lévesque. The results show a clear tendency in students to choose key figures in Spain’s history, such as Christopher Columbus or Francisco Franco, or a prominent person, such as Adolf Hitler, as the most relevant historical figures, who appear in the curriculum in their last year of compulsory secondary education. Lastly, the argumentative approach regarding the level of historical significance focuses primarily on the impact of their actions on a large number of people during their historical moment, with no critical reflection on their long-term impact or consequences

    Metrical Annotation of a Large Corpus of Spanish Sonnets: Representation, Scansion and Evaluation

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    In order to analyze metrical and semantics aspects of poetry in Spanish with computational techniques, we have developed a large corpus annotated with metrical information. In this paper we will present and discuss the development of this corpus: the formal representation of metrical patterns, the semi-automatic annotation process based on a new automatic scansion system, the main annotation problems, and the evaluation, in which an inter-annotator agreement of 96% has been obtained. The corpus is open and available