641 research outputs found

    The APEX submillimeter imaging survey of distant galaxies in the COSMOS field

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    Submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) are far-infrared luminous, vigorously star forming galaxies in the early universe. They are major contributors to the extragalactic far-infrared background emission, and they trace the most intense phase of stellar mass build up in cosmic history. The star formation rates in SMGs is higher by a factor hundred to thousand compared to that of "normal" galaxies such as our Milky Way galaxy. In order to understand the nature of SMGs, numerous (sub)millimeter surveys have been carried out to collect large statistical samples of these galaxies. In particular, surveys at wavelengths in the range 800-2000 um have the unique advantage that, at a fixed wavelength, a galaxy with a given infrared luminosity is observed with the same flux density in the redshift range z ~ 1-8. The Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS) is an equatorial 2 deg^2 field designed to probe the formation and evolution of galaxies as a function of cosmic time and large scale structure environment. To date the field has been observed with most major space and ground-based telescopes over a large fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum. However, at 850-870 um the largest survey covers only ~ 0.11 deg^2. In this work, we carried out the yet largest, 0.75 deg^2, 870 um survey of the COSMOS field, using the Large Apex BOlometer CAmera (LABOCA) at the APEX telescope.We provide a catalog with reliably detected sources and compare it with other (sub)millimeter studies in the same field. We derive the number counts and redshift distribution of the sources, which are useful to constrain models that try to follow the evolution of galaxies throughout cosmic history. We present high-resolution interferometric observations at 1.3 mm wavelength of a subsample of SMGs that we previously detected in our LABOCA imaging of the COSMOS field. The high resolution allows to unambiguously identify the location of the most likely counterparts at other wavelenghts. The conclusions from our study are: (i) 15% to 40% of SMGs observed with single-dish telescopes break up into multiple (sub)mm galaxies, (ii) identifications through statistical arguments, of counterparts to single-dish submillimeter sources could be wrong up to 30% , and (iii) the redshift distribution of SMGs shows a higher mean and broader width than what was found in previous studies. We study the average (sub)millimeter properties of large samples of galaxies that have more moderate SFRs than SMGs. They are not individually detected in (sub)millimeter maps. However, they can be studied through stacking. We implement a recently developed stacking algorithm that we test on simulations with a wide range of source densities and source clustering properties. The algorithm is applied in the COSMOS field, where the large area and a deep 2.2 um source catalog allow us to stack samples more than an order of magnitude larger than those of previous studies for similar types of galaxies. We detect the average submillimeter emission from high redshift star-forming galaxies, while high-redshift passive galaxies remain undetected, mainly due to their low number statistics. We find that at redshift 1.4 to 2.5, star-forming galaxies are four times brighter than those at lower redshifts. We study the redshift evolution of these populations, and combine this information with the stacking at radio wavelengths of the same populations, confirming that the well-known tight correlation between radio and far-infrared luminosities is also seen for these galaxy populations up to z ~ 2

    Muscle Quality Index in Morbidly Obesity Patients Related to Metabolic Syndrome Markers and Cardiorespiratory Fitness

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    Background: Muscle quality index (MQI) is an emerging health indicator obtained by dividing handgrip strength by body mass index (BMI) that needs to be studied in morbidly obese patients (defined by BMI ≥ 35 kg/m2). Objective: To determine the association between MQI, metabolic syndrome (MetS) markers, and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), and as a second objective to determine the potential mediation role of MQI in the relationship between abdominal obesity and systolic blood pressure (SBP) in this sample. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 86 severely/morbidly obese patients (age = 41.1 ± 11.9 y, nine men). MQI, metabolic syndrome markers, CRF, and anthropometric parameters were measured. Two groups were developed according to MQI; High-MQI (n = 41) and Low-MQI (n = 45). Results: The Low-MQI group reported higher abdominal obesity (High-MQI: 0.7 ± 0.1 vs. Low-MQI: 0.8 ± 0.1 WC/height; p = 0.011), SBP (High-MQI: 133.0 ± 17.5 vs. Low-MQI: 140.1 ± 15.1 mmHg; p = 0.048), and lower CRF (High-MQI; 26.3 ± 5.9 vs. Low-MQI; 22.4 ± 6.1 mL/kg/min, p = 0.003) than the High-MQI group. Waist-to-height ratio (β: −0.07, p = 0.011), SBP (β: −18.47, p = 0.001), and CRF (β: 5.21, p = 0.011) were linked to MQI. In a mediation model, the indirect effect confirms that MQI is a partial mediator of the association between abdominal obesity with SBP. Conclusions: MQI in morbidly obesity patients reported an inverse association with MetS markers and a positive association with CRF (VO2max). It mediates the relationship between abdominal obesity and SBP

    Aplicación móvil que utiliza realidad aumentada para ilustrar el abecedario y los números

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    Este trabajo de grado tiene como esencia ilustrar a niños de 2 a 5 años de edad, en la comprensión de los números, las vocales y las consonantes, utilizando la Realidad Aumentada por medio de marcadores; como apoyo al trabajo realizado, se elaboró un libro didáctico donde se encuentra almacenado el material audiovisual que se emplea para realizar el conocimiento y del tema anteriormente mencionado. Lo anterior, se estableció por la evidente brecha que existe hoy en día en cuanto a tecnología y educación en menores de edad. Por cuanto, actualmente son muy pocas las aplicaciones móviles enfocadas a la educación de niños entre los 2 y 5 años de edad. Por el contrario, se utiliza la tecnología como factor distractor por ejemplo, aplicaciones móviles como PlayKids, KinoMi, Camiones monstruo, Toca y revienta los globos, piano, niños, música y canciones, también existen aplicaciones dirigidas explícitamente para aprender las vocales, los números, palabras, pero no han enfocado su mirada al uso de aplicaciones móviles, utilizando Realidad Aumentada.The essence of this thesis work is to illustrate children from two to five years old, in the numbers, vowels and consonants comprehension, harnessing Augmented Reality through markers; as support for the present work, a didactic book was elaborated where children can find audiovisual material to help to develop the knowledge on the subject previously related. The above mentioned, was established thanks to the existent gap on technology and education among underage population nowadays. Therefore, there are few mobile apps currently aimed to educate children between two to five years old. Conversely, technology is used as a distraction factor, for example, apps like Playkids, KinoMi, "Camiones Monstruo", "Toca y revienta los globos", Piano, music and songs, ..., different apps exist focused specifically on the vowels, numbers and words learning process, but they are missing the implementation of Augmented Reality

    diplomado de profundización cisco prueba de habilidades prácticas diplomado ccnp

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    RESUMEN En el desarrollo de este informe de prueba de habilidades practicas se da solución a una problemática de una red corporativa que está compuesta por dos escenarios, en el primer escenario se realiza una configuración básica de los dispositivos Routers, switch y PCs que son los dispositivos más comunes que integran una red LAN y en el segundo escenario se configura los dispositivos de capa dos, (Switch) donde se crean las vlans, el enrutamiento OSPFv2 y OSPFv3, HSRP y la configuración BGP en los dispositivos que realizan el tráfico de paquetes en el extremo de la red. Los protocolos OSPF, BGP, HSRP se encargan del tráfico de paquetes y están configurados con un enrutamiento IPv4 e IPv6 para ofrecer una red con alta velocidad, escalable y a prueba de fallos con el protocolo IP SLA que se encarga de evitar o disminuir la redundancia física de la red LAN. Para realizar la Prueba de Habilidades es necesario el uso de simulador de red GNS3 y la máquina virtual VMGNS3 en Virtual Box, que permite realizar el diseño y la configuración de la red propuesta ENCOR SKILLS ASSESSMENT En el desarrollo de los dos escenarios, se realiza las respectivas verificaciones del enrutamiento y configuración adecuado siguiendo los protocolos de enrutamiento de la tabla de direcciones y de la configuración básica, además de la implementación de los protocolos propuestos que se visualizan en screenshot simulando una red real demostrando su correcto funcionamiento en la red.ABSTRACT In the development of this practical skills test report, a solution is given to a problem of a corporate network that is made up of two scenarios, in the first scenario a basic configuration of the router, switch and PC devices is carried out, which are the most important devices. common devices that make up a LAN network and in the second scenario, layer two devices are configured, (Switch) where the vlans, OSPFv2 and OSPFv3 routing, HSRP and BGP configuration are created in the devices that carry out the packet traffic in the end of the network. The OSPF, BGP, HSRP protocols are in charge of the packet traffic and are configured with IPv4 and IPv6 routing to offer a high-speed, scalable and fail-safe network with the IP SLA protocol that is in charge of avoiding or reducing redundancy. physical LAN. To carry out the Skills Test, it is necessary to use the GNS3 network simulator and the VMGNS3 virtual machine in Virtual Box, which allows designing and configuring the proposed network ENCOR SKILLS ASSESSMENT In the development of the two scenarios, the respective verifications of the proper routing and configuration are carried out following the routing protocols of the address table and of the basic configuration, in addition to the implementation of the proposed protocols that are displayed in a screenshot simulating a network. real demonstrating its correct operation in the network

    La aplicación de la ineficacia negocial en Colombia: entre pragmatismo e idealismo

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    162 páginasIn the context of contract law, the subject regarding the non-production of effects by a contract has been widely studied, as in, why does such a circumstance arise and which are its consequences. However, a question that is commonly avoided is the one concerning how does the effects of the contract, pragmatically speaking, are frustrated. Furthermore, the study vested upan this dissertation comprehends, with an exhaustive approach and from the perspective of Colombian Law, the different mechanisms by which the effects of the contract are frustrated and, consequently, translated into the physical world by: the 'inexistence", "resolution by breach", "nullity", "rescission", "plain inefficacy" or "unenforceability" of the contract.El estudio de la ineficacia del negocio jurídico, de vieja data, ha sido un capítulo imprescindible dentro del análisis de la teoría general del negocio jurídico, por ello, la disciplina jurídica ha tenido ocasión de estudiar los perfiles más significativos de este tópico, como, por ejemplo, ¿qué es la ineficacia del negocio jurídico?, ¿por qué existe?, ¿cuáles son sus consecuencias? Sin embargo, un interrogante que, de ordinario, es pretermitido es aquel concerniente a ¿cómo se aplica de la ineficacia del negocio jurídico? En este orden de ideas, en este escrito se analizan, con ánimo exhaustivo y desde la óptica del Derecho Colombiano, los mecanismos jurídicos, en cuya virtud, las diversas concreciones de la ineficacia negocia! resultas trasladadas al mundo físico, en particular: la inexistencia, la resolución por incumplimiento, la nulidad, la rescisión, la ineficacia de pleno derecho y la inoponibilidad.Abogado(a)Pregrad

    Impacto precio-producto de reducir subsidios a combustibles en Ecuador : un análisis estructural

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    Los subsidios a los combustibles derivados de petróleo en el Ecuador no ha sido política aplicada bajo patones de eficiencia o de equidad, desperdiciando recursos a lo largo de su periodo de vigencia. En este sentido, surge la inquietud de lo beneficioso o perjudicial que puede ser para la economía ecuatoriana, el mantener los precios de venta interna por debajo de los costos de producción e importación y de los precios de mercado nacional e internacional. El segundo capítulo de la presente investigación establece el marco teórico que sustenta los efectos, tanto positivos como negativos, los cuales inciden en el desempeño del sector público y privado. Se establecen las razones por las cuales el gobierno debe intervenir en una economía; justificando la aplicación de subsidios como una medida redistributiva y de beneficio hacia sectores estratégicos o menos favorecidos. Comúnmente toda medida que la administración pública desea implementar, genera la aceptación o negación de determinados grupos sociales, la cual depende de intereses. Principalmente, se considera a los subsidios como un estimulo a la demanda de derivados. No obstante este beneficio se ve distorsionado en el largo plazo, cuando los agentes malinterpretan la ayuda, generándose un consumismo de los bienes que en determinado periodo de tiempo, acelerando el agotamiento de estos. Uno de los factores negativos más significantes de los subsidios es la generación de derecho adquirido. Cuando la política se ha establecido durante un ciclo demasiado largo, los agentes generan dependencia de la ayuda, perdiéndose la necesidad de mejorar su estructura costos y de aumentar sus inversiones. A esto se suma el continuo choque de ideologías políticas que impiden que la política sea removida o..

    Propuesta metodológica para lograr el incremento de la productividad: una mirada desde la cadena del valor de la empresa

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    Tesis (Magíster Ingeniero Industrial)Uno de los temas de mayor connotación en las empresas es saber qué tan productivas son en términos generales, objeto, definir y proyectar su continuidad en un futuro y crear estrategias que aseguren la estabilidad y viabilidad en el tiempo. Esta investigación está enfocada al estudio de los procesos que lleva a cabo la empresa automotriz Jameuro, con la finalidad de analizar las actividades internas y externas que condicionan su servicio, con la intención de entregar propuestas de mejora para ser implementadas en cada actividad que el taller realice para la construcción de servicios hacia sus clientes. Los estudios muestran que la falta de gestión en los procesos críticos de una empresa, pueden significar pérdidas significativas en la producción y/o el posicionamiento estratégico de esta con respecto a sus competidores, por lo anterior, el análisis está dirigido al diagnóstico de las actividades de la organización, tomando como base analítica la cadena del valor. La primera metodología propuesta, esta en función de generar cambios en los procesos y pasos que la empresa realiza, desde analizar un correcto pedido de repuestos, construcción de actividades adecuadas en tiempos acotados durante la realización de un servicio, hasta propuestas secuenciales en el manejo del servicio de post-venta y marketing. La segunda propuesta está dirigida a analizar la capacidad del taller en términos productivos, permitiendo maximizar el recurso humano y material de la empresa. Por lo anterior, se propone a través de la metodología de la Teoría de las restricciones, descubrir los cuellos de botella (Restricciones), que condicionan y limitan productivamente a la empresa, con el fin de entregar propuestas que produzcan cambios significativos en la estructura de la organización, logrando un mayor margen de utilidades. Los resultados obtenidos a través de la experiencia investigativa, describen principalmente el desconocimiento del personal en temas de gestión, y la mala planificación de sus actividades internas, que si bien es cierto, la empresa genera utilidades, estás últimas están limitadas por su personal y mala estructuración de sus procesos, logrando disminuir la instancia de aprovechar al máximo su capacidad productiva

    Biology and Management of Black Leg Disease in Winter Canola

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    The fungus Leptosphaeria maculans is the causal agent of black leg disease in canola (Brassica napus). The best strategy to control this disease is the use of genetic resistance. Two types of resistance are described. Quantitative resistance is controlled by multiple genes and expressed at adult stage. Major-gene resistance is expressed at the seedling stage and controlled by major genes (Rlm) genes that interact with avirulence genes (Avr) in a gene-for-gene manner. AvrLm4-7 is a unique avirulence gene that is recognized by two major genes (Rlm4 and Rlm7). The genetic variability of the AvrLm4-7 gene among L. maculans isolates with known Avr genes was investigated by high resolution melting analysis (HRM). Two sets of newly designed primers and one set of previously reported primers were used to amplify the AvrLm4-7 gene and generate different melting profiles. Virulent and avirulent isolates could be differentiated by HRM. In addition, two melting profiles that identified avirulent isolates towards Rlm4 and Rlm7 (A4A7) and five different melting profiles that identified avirulent isolates only for Rlm7 (a4A7) were found. Well characterized L. maculans isolates with different Avr profiles (AvrLm6,7; AvrLm1,6,7; and AvrLm1,2,4,7,S) were used to infer the presence of major-gene resistance in canola breeding lines (n=119), cultivars (n=7) and hybrids (n=17) by cotyledon inoculation. More than 80% of the breeding lines were resistant in response to race AvrLm1,2,4,7,S and susceptible to the other races. The presence of gene Rlm4 was inferred in these entries. The hybrids Dimension, Visby, Artoga, DK-Sensei, DK-Extorm, DK-Imiron, the cultivar Claremore, and four of the breeding lines were resistant to all three races possibly due to the presence of resistance gene Rlm1, Rlm4, Rlm6 and/or Rlm7. Finally, field experiments were conducted to assess the disease and yield responses of resistant and susceptible winter canola genotypes to fungicide application for control of black leg. Resistant genotypes produced the highest yields and the lowest levels of disease compared with the susceptible genotypes. Significant reductions were observed for disease incidence and severity in the plots that were treated with the fungicide. However, there is no significant effect of fungicide application on yield. Results provide information on the genetic interaction between L. maculans and B. napus that is essential for selecting effective resistance to control black leg, a strategy that was more effective than fungicide application.Entomology and Plant Patholog

    Effects of the centrifugal force on stellar dynamo simulations

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    The centrifugal force is often omitted in simulations of stellar convection. This force might be important in rapidly rotating stars such as solar analogues due to its Ω2\Omega^2 scaling, where Ω\Omega is the rotation rate of the star. We study the effects of the centrifugal force in a set of 21 semi-global stellar dynamo simulations with varying rotation rates. Among these, we include three control runs aimed at distinguishing the effects of the centrifugal force from the nonlinear evolution of the solutions. We solve the 3D MHD equations with the Pencil Code in a solar-like convective zone in a spherical wedge setup with a 2π2\pi azimuthal extent. We decompose the magnetic field in spherical harmonics and study the migration of azimuthal dynamo waves (ADWs), energy of different large-scale magnetic modes, and differential rotation. In the regime with the lowest rotation rates, Ω=5−10Ω⊙\Omega = 5-10\Omega_\odot, where Ω⊙\Omega_\odot is the rotation rate of the Sun, we see no marked changes in neither the differential rotation nor the magnetic field properties. For intermediate rotation with Ω=20−25Ω⊙\Omega = 20-25\Omega_\odot we identify an increase of the differential rotation as a function of centrifugal force. The axisymmetric magnetic energy tends to decrease with centrifugal force while the non-axisymmetric one increases. The ADWs are also affected, especially the propagation direction. In the most rapidly rotating set with Ω=30Ω⊙\Omega=30\Omega_\odot, these changes are more pronounced and in one case the propagation direction of the ADW changes from prograde to retrograde. Control runs suggest that the results are a consequence of the centrifugal force and not due to the details of the initial conditions or the history of the run. We find that the differential rotation and properties of the ADWs change as a function of the centrifugal force only when rotation is rapid enough.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, submitted to A&
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