36 research outputs found
Relationship between the non-volatile composition and the in-mouth quality in red wines
Póster presentado en la Third Edition of International Conference Series on Wine Active Compounds (WAC2014), celebrada en Borgoña (Francia) del 26 al 28 de marzo de 2014.Peer Reviewe
Rapid sensory-directed methodology for the selection of high-quality aroma wines
BACKGROUND: The present work contributes by developing a rapid sensory-directed methodology for the screening and selection of high-quality wines with different sensory profiles. Verdejo and Tempranillo musts were fermented with 50 different yeasts each under controlled laboratory conditions. Resulting samples were firstly categorised according to five levels of quality by a panel of wine professionals. Higher quality samples were described by flash profiling by a semi-trained panel and most distinctive samples were screened by gas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O).
RESULTS: Seven Verdejo and five Tempranillo samples were classified in the highest quality category, presenting different aroma profiles such as citrus, fruit in syrup, boxtree/vegetal, tropical or wet grain aromas for Verdejo and red fruit or fruit in syrup for Tempranillo. ß-Damascenone, 3-mercaptohexyl acetate and ethyl butyrate appeared as distinctive quality compounds linked to dried, tropical and red fruit aromas, respectively.
CONCLUSIONS: The categorisation task followed by flash profiling and GC-O analysis was shown to be a rapid and effective sensory-directed methodology for the screening of distinctive and quality wine aroma profiles in a case study of yeast selection. The wine industry could benefit from the use of this methodology as a complementary tool for optimising different technical processes. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry
Adelante / Endavant
Séptimo desafío por la erradicación de la violencia contra las mujeres del Institut Universitari d’Estudis Feministes i de Gènere "Purificación Escribano" de la Universitat Jaume
¿Influye el genotipo HLA-DQA1*05 en la respuesta frente a los fármacos anti-TNF y nuevos biológicos ustekinumab y vedolizumab?
El éxito de las estrategias con fármacos anti-TNF en el tratamiento de la
enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (EII) se ve alterado por el desarrollo de
anticuerpos antifármaco que reducen su eficacia. Existen estudios que
demuestran que el alelo HLA-DQA1*05 aumenta aproximadamente dos veces el
riesgo de inmunogenicidad a los fármacos anti-TNF. El impacto negativo de este
alelo no se ha investigado a fondo en el caso de los nuevos biológicos
Analizar si la presencia del alelo HLA-DQA1*05 se asocia al desarrollo de
inmunogenicidad y si afecta a la respuesta frente a los fármacos anti-TNF
(infliximab (IFX) y adalimumab (ADA)), así como de los nuevos biológicos
ustekinumab (UST) y vedolizumab (VDZ).
Material y métodos
Se trata de un estudio de cohortes retrospectivo, unicéntrico y
observacional en el que se determinaba el impacto del HLA-DQA1*05 en la
actividad de la enfermedad en pacientes con EII del Hospital Universitario Virgen
Macarena. Se evaluó la respuesta- definida como mejoría- y la remisión- definida
como desaparición de los síntomas y signos analíticos/endoscópicos- mediante
los índices de actividad (Mayo parcial, Harvey-Bradshaw) en todos los pacientes.
También se determinaron los niveles de los fármacos anti-TNF así como la
presencia o no de anticuerpos anti-IFX y anti-ADA.
Se incluyeron 293 pacientes con EII: 109 tratados con IFX, 91 con ADA,
39 con UST y 54 con VDZ. El alelo HLA-DQA1*05 se encontró en el 35%, 35,9%
y el 38,9% de los pacientes tratados con anti-TNF, UST y VDZ respectivamente.
El riesgo de retirada, intensificación, así como desarrollo de anticuerpos, fue
mayor en los pacientes que portaban el alelo y se encontraban en tratamiento
con IFX o ADA. Sin embargo, no hallamos asociación en la respuesta clínica en
el caso de UST y VDZ.
En contraste con los fármacos anti-TNF, la portación de HLA-DQA1*05 no
se correlaciona con la disminución de la respuesta a UST ni a VDZ
Sensory, olfactometric and chemical characterization of the aroma potential of Garnacha and Tempranillo winemaking grapes
Reconstituted polyphenolic and aromatic fractions (PAFs) from 33 different Garnacha and Tempranillo grapes were incubated in strict anoxia (75 °C × 24 h). Obtained hydrolyzates were characterized by sensory analysis, gas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC–MS). Five different aroma categories emerged. Garnacha may develop specific tropical/citrus fruit, kerosene and floral and Tempranillo toasty-woody and red-fruit characteristics. Those notes seem to mask alcoholic and fruit-in-syrup descriptors and the common vegetal background. Twenty-seven odorants were detected by GC-O. GC–MS data showed a clustering closely matching the one found by sensory analysis, suggesting the existence of five specific metabolomic profiles behind the five specific sensory profiles. Overall results suggest that 3-mercaptohexanol is responsible for tropical/citrus fruit, TDN for kerosene, volatile phenols for woody/toasty, β-damascenone and massoia lactone, likely with Z-1,5-octadien-3-one for fruit-in-syrup and alcoholic notes. Nine lipid-derived unsaturated aldehydes and ketones may be responsible for the vegetal background.Work funded by the Spanish MCIU AGL2017-87373-C3-1R. Y.A. and LAAE acknowledge the Diputación General de Aragón for a predoctoral fellowship, as well as the European Social Fund.Peer reviewe
Análisis sensorial descriptivo de vinos tintos crianza riojanos: valoración de los críticos de vinos
Póster presentado en el XII Congreso de los Grupos de Investigación Enológica (GIENOL 2013, Nuevas perspectivas en investigación vitivinícola), celebrado en Madrid del 18 al 21 de junio de 2013.Peer Reviewe
Los vinos tintos españoles de calidad, ¿a qué huelen según los expertos?
The main objective of this work is to characterize the aroma of a set of Spanish red wines belonging to different segments of the Spanish market as well as to determine the relationship between the sensory aroma descriptors and quality assessed by a group of Spanish experts. With the ultimate goal of disclosing the sensory attributes that make that a red wine is perceived as a quality exemplar by a group of experts.
On the one hand, a trained panel characterized the aroma of 96 Spanish wines belonging to three price segments of the market (premium, highstandard, low-standard). Using statistical criteria and combining similar individual terms, eleven robust terms were built. On the other hand, a panel of experts consistently evaluated the quality of the same samples.
The aroma profile of wines perceived lower in quality were characterized with nuances such as: “animal”, “undergrowth”, “vegetable”, “dried fruit” or “evolved/oxidized”. The role of some terms depends on the category or group of wines (premium, high-standard, low-standard). Thus, the presence of “dried fruit” nuances increases the perceived quality of the premium wines, but in the other two categories the opposite effect is observed, in which the “berry/fresh fruit” aroma increases their quality.
Results show that orthonasal aroma perception (direct nasal route) is able to explain the quality of the studied wines. Besides, the pair of aromas “woody/animal” seems to be the most relevant in wine quality perception. However, the role of other terms depends on the category of the wine group. Furthermore, attributes related with oxidation/evolution are especially responsible for the low quality of some of the younger winesEl objetivo principal de este trabajo es caracterizar el aroma de un conjunto de vinos tintos españoles pertenecientes a distintos segmentos de precio del mercado español y a su vez determinar la relación existente entre los descriptores sensoriales del aroma y la calidad evaluada por un grupo de expertos españoles. Con el fin último de conocer los atributos sensoriales que hacen que un vino tinto sea percibido de calidad por un grupo de expertos.
Por una parte, un panel entrenado ha caracterizado el aroma de 96 vinos tintos españoles pertenecientes a tres segmentos de precios del mercado (premium, medio, bajo). Mediante criterios estadísticos y combinando términos individuales similares se han construido once términos robustos. Por otra parte, un panel de expertos ha evaluado de manera consistente la calidad de las mismas muestras. El perfil del aroma de los vinos percibidos de peor calidad ha sido identificado con notas como: “animal”, “sotobosque”, “vegetal”, “frutas pasas” o “evolucionado/oxidado”. El papel de algunos términos se ha visto que depende de la categoría o grupo de vinos. Así, la presencia de la nota “fruta pasa” aumenta la calidad percibida de los vinos premium, sin embargo en las otras dos categorías se observa el efecto contrario, en las que el aroma a “fruta fresca/baya” aumenta la calidad de los mismos.
Los resultados muestran que el aroma percibido ortonasalmente (via nasal directa) es capaz de explicar la calidad de los vinos estudiados. Además, el par de aromas “madera/animal” parece ser el más relevante en la calidad de los vinos, aunque el papel de otros términos depende de la categoría del grupo de muestras. Por otra parte los atributos relacionados con la oxidación/evolución son especialmente responsables de la baja calidad de alguno de los vinos más jóvenes
Sensory profiling and quality assessment of wines derived from Graciano × Tempranillo selections
Wine production is a dynamic process that must be adapted to changes such as global warming and new consumer interests. Obtaining new cultivars by hybridization of traditional varieties is a promising approach with great potential to produce wines that are able to preserve regional typicity, together with adaptability to both evolving market preferences and distinct environmental scenarios.
In this research, wines from twelve Graciano × Tempranillo selections were analyzed in two consecutive years. Sensory properties and quality were evaluated by a trained panel and a group of wine experts, respectively. Quality was positively correlated with anthocyanin and phenolic content (r = 0.8, r = 0.7, p < 0.01, respectively). Wines presented high sensory variability differing in eight attributes in each vintage. Two high quality selections, TG8 and TG63 consistently improved Tempranillo and Graciano specimens, presenting high color intensity, acidity, and positive aroma related to red fruit. Furthermore, TG129 a late-ripening genotype with high polyphenol content and fruity aroma, and other selections with roasted or dried fruit aroma notes appear as potential cultivars suitable to satisfy distinct consumer demands in the context of global warming.Financial support from Viveros Provedo and ADER 2017_IDD_I_00041 is gratefully acknowledged. CM-M was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) grant BES-2015-073773.Peer reviewe
Wine quality and berry size: a case study with Tempranillo Tinto progenies
Small berry size is normally associated with quality wine production. However, the contribution of grapevine variety and environment to sensory quality has not been well established. In this study, genotypes from two intra-specific hybrid populations were categorized by size according to berry diameter and weight: small (16 mm, >2 g). Chemical and sensory attributes of wines produced in two consecutive vintages (2017 and 2018) from each size category were characterized. Perceived intrinsic wine quality was judged by 20 wine professionals.
Wines obtained from small berry genotypes consistently displayed higher proportions of phenolic compounds and deeper color and were judged higher in quality regardless of genetic background and vintage. Perceived quality was positively correlated with anthocyanin and phenolic content. Wines presented high sensory variability in both vintages. Small berry size genotypes produced sweeter, fruitier wines with greater astringency; whereas wines from larger berries were perceived as more alcoholic and with lower positive aroma intensities. Berry size influenced color and phenolic compounds more than genotype or environment.
Small berry-size genotypes were related to high quality judgements in both years, thus providing a predictor of wine categories, which could be used to meet different market demands. © 2020 Society of Chemical IndustryFinancial support from Viveros Provedo and ADER 2017_IDD_I_00041 is gratefully acknowledged. CM-M thanks the Spanish MINECO for her predoctoral (FPI-BIO2014-59324-R).Peer reviewe
Los vinos tintos españoles de calidad, ¿a qué huelen según los expertos?
El objetivo principal de este trabajo es caracterizar el aroma de un conjunto de vinos tintos españoles pertenecientes a distintos segmentos de precio del mercado español y a su vez determinar la relación existente entre los descriptores sensoriales del aroma y la calidad evaluada por un grupo de expertos españoles. Con el fin último de conocer los atributos sensoriales que hacen que un vino tinto sea percibido de calidad por un grupo de expertos.
Por una parte, un panel entrenado ha caracterizado el aroma de 96 vinos tintos españoles pertenecientes a tres segmentos de precios del mercado (premium, medio, bajo). Mediante criterios estadísticos y combinando términos individuales similares se han construido once términos robustos. Por otra parte, un panel de expertos ha evaluado de manera consistente la calidad de las mismas muestras. El perfil del aroma de los vinos percibidos de peor calidad ha sido identificado con notas como: animal, sotobosque, vegetal, frutas pasas o evolucionado/oxidado. El papel de algunos términos se ha visto que depende de la categoría o grupo de vinos. Así, la presencia de la nota fruta pasa aumenta la calidad percibida de los vinos premium, sin embargo en las otras dos categorías se observa el efecto contrario, en las que el aroma a fruta fresca/baya aumenta la calidad de los mismos.
Los resultados muestran que el aroma percibido ortonasalmente (via nasal directa) es capaz de explicar la calidad de los vinos estudiados. Además, el par de aromas madera/animal parece ser el más relevante en la calidad de los vinos, aunque el papel de otros términos depende de la categoría del grupo de muestras. Por otra parte los atributos relacionados con la oxidación/evolución son especialmente responsables de la baja calidad de alguno de los vinos más jóvenes.The main objective of this work is to characterize the aroma of a set of Spanish red wines belonging to different segments of the Spanish market as well as to determine the relationship between the sensory aroma descriptors and quality assessed by a group of Spanish experts. With the ultimate goal of disclosing the sensory attributes that make that a red wine is perceived as a quality exemplar by a group of experts.
On the one hand, a trained panel characterized the aroma of 96 Spanish wines belonging to three price segments of the market (premium, highstandard, low-standard). Using statistical criteria and combining similar individual terms, eleven robust terms were built. On the other hand, a panel of experts consistently evaluated the quality of the same samples.
The aroma profile of wines perceived lower in quality were characterized with nuances such as: animal, undergrowth, vegetable, dried fruit or evolved/oxidized. The role of some terms depends on the category or group of wines (premium, high-standard, low-standard). Thus, the presence of dried fruit nuances increases the perceived quality of the premium wines, but in the other two categories the opposite effect is observed, in which the berry/fresh fruit aroma increases their quality.
Results show that orthonasal aroma perception (direct nasal route) is able to explain the quality of the studied wines. Besides, the pair of aromas woody/animal seems to be the most relevant in wine quality perception. However, the role of other terms depends on the category of the wine group. Furthermore, attributes related with oxidation/evolution are especially responsible for the low quality of some of the younger wine