21 research outputs found

    Influence of the strong metal support interaction effect (SMSI) of Pt/TiO2 and Pd/TiO2 systems in the photocatalytic biohydrogen production from glucose solution

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    Two different catalysts consisting of Pt/TiO2 and Pd/TiO 2 were submitted to diverse oxidative and reductive calcination treatments and tested for photocatalytic reforming of glucose water solution (as a model of biomass component) in H2 production. Oxidation and reduction at 850°C resulted in better photocatalysts for hydrogen production than Degussa P-25 and the ones prepared at 500°C, despite the fact that the former consisted in very low surface area (6-8 m2/g) rutile titania specimens. The platinum-containing systems prepared at 850°C give the most effective catalysts. XPS characterization of the systems showed that thermal treatment at 850°C resulted in electron transfer from titania to metal particles through the so-called strong metal-support interaction (SMSI) effect. Furthermore, the greater the SMSI effect, the better the catalytic performance. Improvement in photocatalytic behavior is explained in terms of avoidance of electron-hole recombination through the electron transfer from titania to metal particles

    Nueva ruta de síntesis para el dióxido de titanio

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    Se obtuvo dióxido de titanio por medio de una nueva ruta de síntesis que combina la técnica solgel con reacción a presión autógena. Se ensayaron dos geles de síntesis con diferentes fuentes de titanio; una de ellas usó tetraisopropil ortotitanato empleando agua e isopropanol como estructurantes en diversas proporciones, obteniéndose en todos los experimentos TiO2 en fase anatasa. Para el segundo tipo de síntesis se empleó el tetracloruro de titanio en mezcla con sílica e isopropanol algunos de los TiO2 se obtuvieron como fase anatasa mientras que otros cristalizaron como una mezcla anatasa-rutilo en diferentes proporciones, dependiendo de las relaciones entre los precursores en la gel de síntesis. La caracterización de los materiales obtenidos se realizó por medio de DRX y UV-Vis para determinar la cristalinidad y propiedades ópticas de los materiales obtenidos

    Boosting the visible-light photoactivity of Bi2WO6 using acidic carbon additives

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    We have explored the role of the physicohemical properties of carbon materials as additives to bismuth tungstate on its structure, optical properties, and photocatalytic activity for the degradation of rhodamine B under visible light. For this purpose, C/Bi2WO6 hybrid composites were prepared following two different routes: (i) physical mixture of the catalyst components, and (ii) one-pot hydrothermal synthesis of the semiconductor in the presence of the carbon additive. Three carbons with different properties were selected as additives: biomass-derived activated carbon, carbon nanotubes and carbon spheres obtained from polysaccharides. Data has shown the outstanding role of the acidic/basic nature of the carbon additive, and of the synthetic method on the photocatalytic performance of the resulting composites. For a given additive, the degradation rate of RhB is greatly improved for the catalysts prepared through a one-step hydrothermal synthesis, where there is low shielding effect of the carbon matrix. Carbon additives of acidic nature boost the surface acidity of the hybrid photocatalyst, thereby enhancing the photodegradation of RhB under visible light via a coupled mechanism (photosensitization, semiconductor photocatalysis and carbon-photon mediated reactions).The authors thank the financial support of MINECO (grants CTM2011/23378 and CTQ2011/26617) and PCTI Asturias (Fondos Feder 2007-2013, grant PC10-002). RJC thanks PCTI Asturias for her Severo Ochoa fellowshipPeer reviewe

    A Graphene Acid - TiO2 Nanohybrid as Multifunctional Heterogeneous Photocatalyst for the Synthesis of 1,3,4-Oxadiazoles

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    The immobilization of TiO2 nanoparticles on graphene acid (GA), a conductive graphene derivative densely functionalized with COOH groups, is presented. The interaction between the carboxyl groups of the surface and the titanium precursor leads to a controlled TiO2 heterogenization on the nanosheet according to microscopic and spectroscopic characterizations. Electronic communication shared among graphene and semiconductor nanoparticles shifts the hybrid material optical features toward less energetic radiation but maintaining the conductivity. Therefore, GA-TiO2 is employed as heterogeneous photocatalyst for the synthesis of 2,5-disubstituted 1,3,4-oxadiazoles using ketoacids and hydrazides as substrates. The material presented enhanced photoactivity compared to bare TiO2, being able to yield a large structural variety of oxadiazoles in reaction times as fast as 1 h with full recyclability and stability. The carbocatalytic character of GA is the responsible for the substrates condensation and the GA-TiO2 light interaction ability is able to photocatalyze the cyclization to the final 1,3,4-oxadiazoles, demonstrating the optimal performance of this multifunctional photocatalytic materialFinancial support was provided by the Spanish Government (RTI2018-095038-B-I00), FotoaArt “Comunidad de Madrid”, and European Structural Funds (S2018/NMT-4367) proyectos sinérgicos I+D (Y2020/NMT-6469) and Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (SI1/PJI/2019-00237). M.B. and M.B. thank the Spanish MICINN for the Juan de la Cierva Incorporación contracts (IJC2019-042157-I and IJC2019- 042430-I). We also acknowledge the electron microscopy analysis from CNME. This work was supported by the national project NovaCO2 (PID2020-118593RB-C22) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/50110001103

    Síntesis, caracterización y evaluación fotocatalítica de sistemas zro2-sio2

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    La incorporación de un óxido a la matriz de un segundo produce cambios en las propiedades superficiales del sistema inicial, así como modificaciones en la estructura electrónica del material; de hecho, la recombinación de portadores de cargas en un material semiconductor se ve modificada por la incorporación de otro elemento a la red del semiconductor. En particular, las propiedades estructurales, morfológicas, superficiales y catalíticas del óxido de zirconio se ven afectadas al depositarlo sobre otro que actúe como matriz de soporte. En este trabajo se han preparado óxidos mixtos ZrO2-SiO2 empleando el método sol gel de precipitación seguido de diversos tratamientos térmicos. Los materiales así obtenidos fueron caracterizados por diversas técnicas evaluándose además su actividad fotocatalítica en la degradación del 3-nitrofenol. Si bien el comportamiento fotocatalítico del sistema ZrO2-SiO2 no difiere del que exhiben los óxidos simples ZrO2 y SiO2, las propiedades de estos materiales tipo óxido mixto sí están fuertemente condicionadas no sólo por el método de preparación sino por los tratamientos de calcinación

    Photocatalytic oxidation of pollutants in gas-phase via Ag3PO4-based semiconductor photocatalysts: Recent progress, new trends, and future perspectives

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    Air pollution has become a significant challenge for both developing and developed nations. due to its close association with numerous fatal diseases such as cancer, respiratory, heart attack, and brain stroke. Over recent years, heterogeneous semiconductor photocatalysis has emerged as an effective approach to air remediation due to the ease of scale-up, ready application in the field, use of solar light and ready availability of a number of different effective photocatalysts. To date, most work in this area has been conducted using UV-absorbing photocatalysts, such as TiO2 and ZnO; However, recent studies have revealed Ag3PO4 as an attractive, visible-light-absorbing alternative, with a bandgap of 2.43 eV. In particular, this material has been shown to be an excellent photocatalyst for the removal of many types of pollutants in the gas phase. However, the widespread application of Ag3PO4 is restricted due to its tendency to undergo photoanodic corrosion and the poor reducing power of its photogenerated conductance band electrons, which are unable to reduce O2 to superoxide •O2−. These limitations are critically evaluated in this review. In addition, recent studies on the modification of Ag3PO4 via combination with the conventional heterojunctions or Z-scheme junctions, as well as the photocatalytic mechanistic pathways for enhanced gas-pollutants removal, are summarized and discussed. Finally, an overview is given on the future developments that are required in order to overcome these challenges and so stimulate further research into this promising field

    Propiedades estructurales, morfológicas y superficiales de sistemas ZrO2-SiO2

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    La incorporación de un óxido a la matriz de un segundo produce cambios en las propiedades superficiales del sistema inicial, así como modificaciones en la estructura electrónica del material; de hecho, la recombinación de portadores de cargas en un material semiconductor se ve modificada por la incorporación de otro elemento a la red del semiconductor. El óxido mixto ZrO2-SiO2 fue preparado empleando el método sol gel de precipitación seguido de diversos tratamientos térmicos. Los materiales así obtenidos fueron caracterizados por diversas técnicas encontrándose que la textura, estructura y morfología de estos sistemas está fuertemente condicionada no sólo por el método de preparación sino por los tratamientos de calcinación

    A facile Shape-Controlled Synthesis of highly photoactive Fluorine containing TiO2 nanosheets with high {001} facet exposure

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    Surface fluorinated TiO2 materials with high {001} facet exposure were prepared by a simple and high yield preparation procedure. Faceted/fluorinated samples showed a high photocatalytic performance not only in oxidation processes, tested inphenol and Methyl Orange degradation, but also in a reduction process as Cr(VI) photoreduction. Reaction rates for these materials greatly exceeded the ones obtained for materials prepared without Fluorine addition and for commercial TiO2 Degussa (Evonik) P25 used as reference photocatalyst. A broad characterisation of the samples allowed us to estimate the percentages of different facets and the amount and form in which the fluorine is found on the surfaces. Good photocatalytic behavior can be ascribed to both high {001} facet exposure and adsorbed fluorine on the photocatalysts surfacesPeer reviewe

    Fluorinated and Platinized Titania as Effective Materials in the Photocatalytic Treatment of Dyestuffs and Stained Wastewater Coming from Handicrafts Factories

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    In this study, commercial and lab-prepared TiO2 were modified by fluorination and platinum photodeposition; and the effect of these modifications over the physicochemical and photocatalytic properties of TiO2 was evaluated. It was found that F and Pt addition leads to the modification of the optical and textural properties of TiO2. The materials prepared were tested in the photocatalytic degradation of different organic dyestuffs such as methylene blue (MB) and methyl orange (MO); the degradation of commercial anilines employed in the staining of natural fibers was also evaluated. Photocatalysis was also studied in this work as an eco-friendly treatment of wastewater coming from handicrafts factories. In general it was observed that the effectiveness of the photocatalytic treatment strongly depends on the substrate to be degraded, thus, fluorinated and platinized commercial Titania (Pt-F-P25) showed the best photocatalytic performance in the MB and MO photodegradation and in contrast, in the case of the anilines the highest degradation was obtained over commercial TiO2 fluorinated (F-P25). These results can be explained by differences observed in the structure and in the adsorption of these dyestuffs over the photocatalysts surfaces. F-P25 photocatalyst also demonstrated to be the best material for the treatment of real wastewater coming from handicrafts factoriesThis work was funded by Fondo Nacional de Financiamiento para la Ciencia, la Tecnología y la Innovación “Francisco José de Caldas”, COLCIENCIAS and Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia.We acknowledge support by the CSIC Open Access Publication Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI)Peer reviewe