133 research outputs found

    Coastal evolution of a Holocene barrier spit (Bug peninsula/NW-Rügen) deduced from geological structure and relative sea-level

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    Die an der südwestlichen Ostseeküste gelegene Halbinsel Bug/NW Rügen wurde untersucht, um die Entwicklung von Haken und Nehrungen unter dem Einfluss des holozänen Meeresspiegelanstiegs zu studieren. Als Datengrundlage dienten 25 Sedimentkerne, sowie sieben Georadar- und sechs Sedimentecholotprofile, aus denen sechs Lithofaziestypen abgeleitet wurden. Danach besteht die Nehrung aus einer durchschnittlich 10 m mächtigen holozänen Sedimentfolge, die auf pleistozäner Basis aus Geschiebemergel und (glazi-)fluviolimnischen Feinsanden lagert. Obwohl keine absoluten Altersdaten gewonnen wurden, kann die Sedimentabfolge mit der lokalen relativen Meeresspiegelkurve problemlos korreliert und eine Modellvorstellung für die Nehrungsentwicklung geschlussfolgert werden. Die marine Inundation des Untersuchungsgebietes erfolgte um 7.000 BC während der Littorina-Transgression. In diesem Stadium stieg der Meeresspiegel rapide an und generierte einen schnell wachsenden Akkumulationsraum, in dem feinklastisches Material an oder unter der Wellenbasis akkumulierte und zu einem Reliefausgleich beitrug. Akkumulative Küstenformen bildeten sich nur in geringem Maße, da der Akkumulationsraum schneller wuchs als er durch das aus der Küstenerosion stammende Material aufgefüllt werden konnte. In dem Maße, indem der Meeresspiegelanstieg sich verlangsamte, gewann die Akkumulation an Bedeutung und der Hauptteil der Nehrung wurde innerhalb von rund zweitausend Jahren landfest. Entsprechend dem Verlauf von Strandwällen auf seiner heutigen Oberfläche lassen sich zwei Entwicklungsphasen aushalten, die von unterschiedlichen wellenenergetischen, erosiven und overwash-Prozessen bestimmt werden. Gegenwärtig besitzt die Nehrung ein Volumen von 66,4 Mio m³, woraus sich auf einen Rückgang des benachbarten Kliffs von rund 2000 m schließen lässt. Obwohl die Nehrung entwicklungsmäßig in ihrem Reifestadium angelangt zu sein scheint, deuten einige Merkmale auf zunehmende Instabilität hin. Im nördlichen Bereich verhindern Küstenschutzmaßnahmen einen Nehrungsdurchbruch und beginnende Auflösung. Im Süden haben Fahrwasserbaggerungen eine weitere Längenzunahme und das Zusammenwachsen mit Haken von Hiddensee verhindert. Ohne diese Maßnahmen würde die Nehrung durch Seegattbildung und zunehmende Erosion im Norden und Seegattschließung und zunehmende Uferprogradation im Süden eine neue Gestalt annehmen

    El papel de los actores sociales en las cambiantes relaciones de poder entre trabajo y capital en Portugal

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    El presente artículo ofrece una visión general de los efectos de la crisis y del programa de ajuste en el marco del MoU sobre las relaciones de poder entre capital y trabajo en Portugal. El análisis incluye una evaluación de los logros de los empleadores con respecto a la reestructuración de las relaciones laborales, la crisis en la negociación colectiva y la creciente importancia del salario mínimo legal. Además, se analiza el efecto negativo de la crisis y el MoU en la concertación social a nivel macro. El análisis se basa en datos empíricos sobre tendencias a largo plazo en las diferentes áreas. En el contexto de esta configuración, se extraen algunas conclusiones sobre el impacto de la crisis en los sindicatos portugueses y sobre la calidad de su respuesta a este desafío.This paper gives an overview of the effects of the crisis and of the adjustment program under the MoU on power relations between capital and labour in Portugal. The analysis includes an assessment of the employers achievements regarding the reregulation of labour relations, of the crisis in collective bargaining and of the growing importance of the statutory minimum wage. Furthermore, the negative effect of the crisis and the MoU on social concertation at macro-level is analysed. The analysis is based on empirical data on long-term trends in the different areas. On the background of this setting some conclusions are drawn about the impact of the crisis on Portuguese trade unions and about the quality of their response to this challeng


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    UIDB/04647/2020 UIDP/04647/2020publishersversionpublishe

    Os sítios na internet dos sindicatos portugueses: navegação à vista?

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    Em Portugal, os estudos de relações industriais têm dado pouca atenção ao papel das novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação. Procurando contribuir para colmatar esta lacuna, este artigo apresenta uma caracterização do uso da internet pelos sindicatos portugueses através de uma tipologia dos seus sítios, e verifica se existem associações estatisticamente significativas entre a tipologia e a filiação nas principais confederações nacionais. Partimos, com efeito, do princípio de que a fragmentação sindical resulta em estratégias de comunicação diversas. No final esboçamos algumas hipóteses explicativas para os resultados encontrados.Studies on industrial relations in Portugal have not paid much attention to the role of the latest information and communication technologies. In seeking to help fill this gap, this article characterises the use of the Internet by Portuguese trade unions, by presenting a typology of their websites and determining whether there are statistically significant associations between that typology and each union’s membership of the main national confederations. The authors base themselves on the principle that the fragmented nature of the trade union structure in Portugal leads to different communication strategies. The conclusion sets out a number of hypotheses that may help explain the results of the present study.Au Portugal, les études sur les relations industrielles ne se sont guère penchées sur le rôle des nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication. Cet article entend colmater cette lacune en présentant une caractérisation de l’utilisation d’internet par les syndicats portugais, en esquissant une typologie de leurs sites et en vérifiant s’il existe des associations statistiquement significatives entre la typologie et l’affiliation aux principales confédérations nationales. L’article part en effet du principe que l’éclatement du mouvement syndical est étroitement lié aux stratégies de communication différentes. Quelques hypothèses susceptibles d’expliquer les résultats trouvés sont présentés à la fin.En Portugal, los estudios de relaciones industriales han dado poca atención al papel de las nuevas tecnologías de información y comunicación. Procurando contribuir para superar esta falla, este artículo presenta una caracterización del uso de la internet por los sindicatos portugueses a través de una tipología de sus sitios y verifica si existen asociaciones estadísticamente significativas entre la tipología y la filiación en las principales confederaciones nacionales. Partimos, con efecto, del principio de que la fragmentación sindical resulta en estrategias de comunicación diversas. Al final, esbozamos algunas hipótesis explicativas para los resultados encontrados

    Os sítios na internet dos sindicatos portugueses: navegação à vista?

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    Em Portugal, os estudos de relações industriais têm dado pouca atenção ao papel das novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação. Procurando contribuir para colmatar esta lacuna, este artigo apresenta uma caracterização do uso da internet pelos sindicatos portugueses através de uma tipologia dos seus sítios, e verifica se existem associações estatisticamente significativas entre a tipologia e a filiação nas principais confederações nacionais. Partimos, com efeito, do princípio de que a fragmentação sindical resulta em estratégias de comunicação diversas. No final esboçamos algumas hipóteses explicativas para os resultados encontrados.Studies on industrial relations in Portugal have not paid much attention to the role of the latest information and communication technologies. In seeking to help fill this gap, this article characterises the use of the Internet by Portuguese trade unions, by presenting a typology of their websites and determining whether there are statistically significant associations between that typology and each union’s membership of the main national confederations. The authors base themselves on the principle that the fragmented nature of the trade union structure in Portugal leads to different communication strategies. The conclusion sets out a number of hypotheses that may help explain the results of the present study.Au Portugal, les études sur les relations industrielles ne se sont guère penchées sur le rôle des nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication. Cet article entend colmater cette lacune en présentant une caractérisation de l’utilisation d’internet par les syndicats portugais, en esquissant une typologie de leurs sites et en vérifiant s’il existe des associations statistiquement significatives entre la typologie et l’affiliation aux principales confédérations nationales. L’article part en effet du principe que l’éclatement du mouvement syndical est étroitement lié aux stratégies de communication différentes. Quelques hypothèses susceptibles d’expliquer les résultats trouvés sont présentés à la fin.En Portugal, los estudios de relaciones industriales han dado poca atención al papel de las nuevas tecnologías de información y comunicación. Procurando contribuir para superar esta falla, este artículo presenta una caracterización del uso de la internet por los sindicatos portugueses a través de una tipología de sus sitios y verifica si existen asociaciones estadísticamente significativas entre la tipología y la filiación en las principales confederaciones nacionales. Partimos, con efecto, del principio de que la fragmentación sindical resulta en estrategias de comunicación diversas. Al final, esbozamos algunas hipótesis explicativas para los resultados encontrados

    Identification of the protease cleavage sites in a reconstituted Gag polyprotein of an HERV-K(HML-2) element

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The human genome harbors several largely preserved HERV-K(HML-2) elements. Although this retroviral family comes closest of all known HERVs to producing replication competent virions, mutations acquired during their chromosomal residence have rendered them incapable of expressing infectious particles. This also holds true for the HERV-K113 element that has conserved open reading frames (ORFs) for all its proteins in addition to a functional LTR promoter. Uncertainty concerning the localization and impact of post-insertional mutations has greatly hampered the functional characterization of these ancient retroviruses and their proteins. However, analogous to other betaretroviruses, it is known that HERV-K(HML-2) virions undergo a maturation process during or shortly after release from the host cell. During this process, the subdomains of the Gag polyproteins are released by proteolytic cleavage, although the nature of the mature HERV-K(HML-2) Gag proteins and the exact position of the cleavage sites have until now remained unknown.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>By aligning the amino acid sequences encoded by the <it>gag-pro-pol </it>ORFs of HERV-K113 with the corresponding segments from 10 other well-preserved human specific elements we identified non-synonymous post-insertional mutations that have occurred in this region of the provirus. Reversion of these mutations and a partial codon optimization facilitated the large-scale production of maturation-competent HERV-K113 virus-like particles (VLPs). The Gag subdomains of purified mature VLPs were separated by reversed-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography and initially characterized using specific antibodies. Cleavage sites were identified by mass spectrometry and N-terminal sequencing and confirmed by mutagenesis. Our results indicate that the <it>gag </it>gene product Pr74<sup>Gag </sup>of HERV-K(HML-2) is processed to yield p15-MA (matrix), SP1 (spacer peptide of 14 amino acids), p15, p27-CA (capsid), p10-NC (nucleocapsid) and two C-terminally encoded glutamine- and proline-rich peptides, QP1 and QP2, spanning 23 and 19 amino acids, respectively.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Expression of reconstituted sequences of original HERV elements is an important tool for studying fundamental aspects of the biology of these ancient viruses. The analysis of HERV-K(HML-2) Gag processing and the nature of the mature Gag proteins presented here will facilitate further studies of the discrete functions of these proteins and of their potential impact on the human host.</p

    Assessing the effects of flood resilience technologies

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    The impacts of floods on housing in urban areas are increasing due to both the intensification of extreme weather events and the development of settlements together with the rising vulnerability of assets in areas at risk. Therefore, the improvement of buildings’ resilience properties to better cope with flooding is becoming a key issue in European research in recent years. The implementation of flood resilience technologies (FRe T) on a building scale provides a previously untapped potential to reduce flood damage because of insufficient transparency of their effects. To overcome this obstacle the paper covers an extended methodological framework for the analysis of the potential of FRe T. This framework is based a synthetic approach on flood damage simulation that supports the assessment of singular FRe T or the combination of serval FRe T options and permits the derivation of optimised FRe T alternatives. The approach his been tested, amongst other selected European study sites, in Heywood/Greater Manchester(United Kingdom) to analyse its functionality considering various flood types as well as different national and local contexts

    Representativeness of the European social partner organisations : Sea fisheries sector

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    Aquesta publicació s'elabora a partir de les contribucions de cadascú dels membres nacionals que integren la Network of Eufound Correspondent. Pel cas d'Espanya la contribució ha estat realitzada per l'Alejandro GodinoThis study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the sea fisheries sector. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effective participation in the European sectoral social dialogue and their capacity to negotiate agreements. The aim of Eurofound's representativeness studies is to identify the relevant national and European social partner organisations. This study identified the Association of National Organisations of Fishing Enterprises in the European Union (Europêche) (representing employers) and European Transport Workers' Federation (ETF) (representing employees) as the most representative European level social partner organisations in the sea fisheries sector. COPA-COGECA, representing employers in the primary sector, has also some representativeness in the sector

    Representativeness of the European social partner organisations : human health sector

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    Aquesta publicació s'elabora a partir de les contribucions de cadascú dels membres nacionals que integren la Network of Eufound Correspondent. Pel cas d'Espanya la contribució ha estat realitzada per l'Oscar MolinaThis study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the human health sector. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effective participation in the European sectoral social dialogue, and their capacity to negotiate agreements. The aim of Eurofound's studies on representativeness is to identify the relevant national and European social partner organisations in the field of industrial relations in the EU Member States. This study identified the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) - representing employees - and the European Hospital and Healthcare Employers' Association (HOSPEEM) - representing employers - as the most representative European-level social partner organisations in the human health sector. The member organisations of the European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI) and UNI Europa also organise employees in the sector in several Member States

    Representativeness of the European social partner organisations : Industrial cleaning sector

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    Aquesta publicació s'elabora a partir de les contribucions de cadascú dels membres nacionals que integren la Network of Eufound Correspondent. Pel cas d'Espanya la contribució ha estat realitzada per l'Alejandro GodinoThis study provides information to allow for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the industrial cleaning sector. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effective participation in the European sectoral social dialogue, and their capacity to negotiate agreements. The aim of Eurofound's representativeness studies is to identify the relevant national and European social partner organisations in the field of industrial relations in selected sectors in the EU Member States. This study identified the European Cleaning and Facility Services Industry (EFCI) (representing employers) and UNI Europa (representing employees) as the most representative European-level social partner organisations in the industrial cleaning sector