9 research outputs found


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    This study aims to prove the existence of a positive effect of competence, professionalism and experience of auditors on consideration of materiality levels. The sample of this research is 100 auditors obtained using purposive sampling technique. This research is a quantitative research with primary data through distributing questionnaires. Methods of data analysis in this study using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method. The results of this study prove that the competence, professionalism and experience of auditors have a positive effect on the consideration of the level of materiality of auditors who work in KAP DKI Jakarta Region


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    Pengetahuan mengenai kesehatan sangat dibutuhkan oleh setiap orang, demi terwujudnya kehidupan yang sehat dan sejahtera. Peran tenaga kesehatan saat ini tidak lagi hanya sekedar memberikan pelayanan yang baik, tetapi juga bertugas untuk memberikan edukasi yang baik mengenai kesehatan kepada masyarakat. Penggunaan obat dan antibiotik dengan cara dan dosis yang tidak tepat menjadi salah satu permasalahan besar di masyarakat yang berdampak buruk untuk kesehatan pengguna obat tersebut. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini untuk mengedukasi kepada masyarakat khususnya di Desa Warung Bambu mengenai cara penggunaan obat yang tepat dan rasional serta alternatif lain dalam menghindari resistensi obat-obatan dengan menggunakan Tanaman Obat Keluarga (TOGA). Umumnya TOGA dibuat menjadi seduhan kebugaran yang dapat menjadi salah satu cara alternatif pengobatan tanpa menyebabkan resistensi karena menggunakan bahan alami, dengan cara pengolahan yang benar. Berdasarkan hasil dari pengisian kuesioner Pre-test dan Post-test yang telah dilakukan oleh peserta, didapatkan hasil peningkatan nilai yang menunjukan bahwa terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan kesehatan masyarakat di Desa Warung Bambu

    Geography Virtual Reality for Learning About Ecotourism and Rural Sustainability

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    Tourism has an essential role in economic development through improving people’s welfare. However, tourism activities are vulnerable to global issues, one of which is the COVID-19 pandemic. Social restrictions on economic activity have implications for the sustainability of tourism. One effective strategy to maintain tourism sustainability in regional development can be achieved through education channels by packaging the concept of tourism into virtual reality (VR) 3600-assisted learning materials. This study aimed to develop VR 360∘ media in supporting geography learning on sustainable ecotourism. This was development research using the PLOMP model, which consisted of 3 stages: (1) preliminary research; (2) prototype design and development; and (3) evaluation. The results showed that the VR 3600 media helped the student’s learning process actively and independently through interaction with 3600 panoramic projections and multimedia. Immersive learning experiences involving complex thinking and contextual reflection were formed through the VR 360∘-assisted learning activities with learning outcomes of a) information literacy, b) exploration, and c) reflection on the content of sustainable ecotourism. Learning activities engaged through the virtual environment are expected to foster a good understanding in the student environment of the importance of managing and developing ecotourism in supporting rural sustainability. Keywords: mobile immersive, geography, virtual reality 360∘, ecotourism, rural sustainabilit


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    The scarcity and increase in world oil prices is a tough dilemma that must be responded to by the Indonesian government. In order to prevent fuel consumption from swelling, the government plans to reduce fuel subsidies. The plan certainly has many positive impacts, including savings on government finances so that they can be diverted to fund other programs that are more effective and on target. These savings are also useful in reducing the budget deficit, controlling the consumption of fuel oil, and saving non-renewable natural resources. It is appropriate for the state to think hard about switching energy to New and Renewable Energy (EBT) so that people's dependence on fossil energy consumption can be shifted. Therefore, this study aims to determine the current public perception of government policies in the management of fossil fuel energy so that they can be considered by the government in making comprehensive policy decisions. The data used in this study is in the form of primary data obtained from respondents with a population of Indonesian people and collected online through a questionnaire. The data analysis method in this study used the independence test with the chi-square test on categorical data. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationship between the level of public perception of the basic policy of managing electric fuel with the last level of education, type of work, and the area of the population

    Universitas Pertamina Starting Act (UPSTRACT) 3.0 Sebagai Edukasi Pengelolaan dan Pengolahan Limbah Padat

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    Permasalahan sampah di lingkungan kampus menjadi salah satu tantangan. Upaya pengendalian dampak lingkungan tidak terlepas dari bagaimana cara pengolahan sampah. Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Lingkungan Universitas Pertamina melaksanakan rangkaian kegiatan UPSTRACT 3.0 (Universitas Pertamina Starting Act 3.0) dengan tema Solid Waste Treatment for Sustainable Cities and Communities untuk mengendalikan dampak lingkungan negatif yang mungkin terjadi. Tujuan dilakukan kegiatan ini adalah untuk kepedulian terutama warga Kampus Universitas Pertamina terhadap pengolahan sampah Rangkaian kegitan ini yaitu lomba inovasi teknologi, -pemaparan mesin pencacah plastik dan pemaparan redesain TPS, dan talk show pengolahan sampah. Tingginya tingkat inovasi lingkungan yang terukur dalam kegiatan ini berkorelasi dengan tingginya kepedulian warga kampus terhadap pencegahan pencemaran lingkungan oleh sampa

    Internalisasi kesantunan berbahasa siswa MI melalui game edukasi berbasis kearifan lokal Temanggung

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    This research is motivated by the lack of game development in Indonesian language learning based on local wisdom to instill language politeness in elementary school students. This research aims to reveal the needs of students and teachers for developing educational games based on Temanggung local wisdom in instilling language politeness in elementary school students. The method used was quantitative through a survey with a cross-sectional survey type. The research findings refer to 23 students and 23 teachers, obtained data on student needs for the development of educational games based on Temanggung local wisdom to instill language politeness in elementary school students from the 20 categories obtained the conclusion that they need the most critical details in each aspect, because of the 20 aspects, in the category of high need there are 19 aspects, enough need one aspect, and less need 0 aspects. Meanwhile, in the teacher's need for the development of educational games based on Temanggung local wisdom to instill language politeness in elementary school students, data from the 20 categories were obtained, in the category of high need getting the highest 12, the category of moderate need the highest 9, and less need the highest 0. Regarding teacher needs for training in making visual novel games, the same score is obtained, namely the category of high need 10 teachers (43.5%) and quite need 10 teachers (43.5%). The results of the analysis of the needs of students and teachers recommend the development of educational games based on Temanggung local wisdom to instill language politeness in elementary school students because the needs of students get the most 19 scores, and the needs of teachers get the most 12 scores out of 20 aspects

    Rehabilitation of Critical Land Through Implementation of Four-Dimensional Agroforestry in Tenjolaya, Bogor, West Java

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    Critical land is caused by unsustainable land use and has an impact on decreasing the function of the land ecosystem. An effort to rehabilitate critical land can be carried out through the implementation of four-dimensional agroforestry (4D Agroforestry). The aims of this research were i) to design a 4D Agroforestry design, and ii) to analyze the growth of ginger (Zingiber officinale), pepper (Piper nigrum), cardamom (Amomum cardamomum), and grass jelly (Cyclea barbata) under the shade of mahogany (Swietenia mahagony) . The number of plants used was 67 ginger seeds, 44 pepper seeds, 187 grass jelly seeds, and 65 cardamom seeds, so the total was 363 plant seeds with an observation duration of 4 WAP. Implementation of 4D Agroforestry is an alternative effort to optimize land management by utilizing 4 dimensions, namely i) length dimension by planting mahogany, ii) width dimension by planting grass jelly (C. barbata), iii) height dimension by planting pepper ( P. nigrum), cassava (M. esculenta), ginger (Z. officinale), and cardamom (Amomum cardamomum), as well as iv) time dimensions for short-term production (production from cassava, grass jelly, ginger and cardamom plants ), medium (production from pepper plants), and long (production from mahogany wood) to achieve sustainable production. Cardamom plants produced the best growth in the parameters of height increase (15.28 cm) and percent survival (98.46%) after 4 WAP. Keywords: agroforestry, farmers, rehabilitationLahan kritis diakibatkan oleh penggunaan lahan yang tidak berkelanjutan dan berdampak pada menurunnya fungsi ekosistem lahan. Salah satu upaya rehabilitasi lahan kritis yang dapat dilakukan adalah melalui implementasi four-dimensional agroforestry (4D Agroforestry). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah i) merancang desain 4D Agroforestry, dan ii) menganalisis pertumbuhan tanaman jahe (Zingiber officinale), lada (Piper nigrum), kapulaga (Amomum cardamomum), dan cincau (Cyclea barbata Miers) di bawah naungan mahoni (Swietenia mahagony). Jumlah tanaman yang digunakan adalah 67 bibit jahe, 44 bibit lada, 187 bibit cincau, dan 65 bibit kapulaga, sehingga totalnya adalah 363 bibit tanaman dengan durasi pengamatan adalah 4 MST. Implementasi 4D Agroforestry menjadi alternatif upaya optimalisasi pengelolaan lahan dengan memanfaatkan 4 dimensi, yakni i) dimensi length (panjang) dengan penanaman mahoni, ii) dimensi width dengan penanaman cincau (C. barbata), iii) dimensi height (tinggi) dengan penanaman lada (P. nigrum), singkong (M. esculenta), jahe (Z. officinale), dan kapulaga (Amomum cardamomum), serta iv) dimensi time (waktu) untuk produksi jangka pendek (produksi dari tanaman singkong, cincau, jahe, dan kapulaga), menengah (produksi dari tanaman lada), serta panjang (produksi dari kayu mahoni) untuk mencapai produksi berkelanjutan. Tanaman kapulaga menghasilkan pertumbuhan terbaik pada parameter pertambahan tinggi (15,28 cm) dan persen hidup (98.46%) setelah 4 MST. Kata kunci: agroforestri,  petani, rehabilitas

    Modeling of tsunami run-up using terrain model data based on photogrammetry processing product (case study at Way Muli Village, Rajabasa, South Lampung)

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    Photogrammetry has become a trend in large-scale mapping today. The ability to produce large-scale geospatial products in a relatively short time and low cost is very beneficial for mapping. The ability of high temporal and spatial resolution also makes photogrammetry used in the disaster mapping process. In this study, the DEM approach from photogrammetry was used for input data in tsunami run-up modeling activities in Way Muli Village. High temporal and spatial capabilities are utilized for the production of surface roughness and elevation which are key parameters for rigorous inundation modeling. The modeled inundation results show that the run-up limit achieved in residential areas is on the main road with a maximum distance of inundation from the shoreline is an average of 80 m. The results obtained can be used by the village government to preparedness in dealing with the tsunami

    Pengembangan Marketing Budidaya Jamur Dengan Cara Branding Melalui Tiktok di Desa Prajegan Ponorogo

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    The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the economic sector in Indonesia. Several MSMEs experienced a decline in profits and the business ceased. This is also the case with mushroom cultivation in Prajegan village, Ponorgo. The aim of this service is to provide training on how to brand products via social media, especially TikTok, to mushroom cultivators in Prajegan Village and register IPR for these products. The method used is by creating a TikTok business account and registering IPR to protect goods from plagiarism. The results of this service resulted in MSMEs cultivating Pak Deki mushrooms as a product with digital branding via TikTok which has been registered with IPR in Prajegan village, Ponorogo