105 research outputs found

    Mediation to deal with information heterogeneity ? application to Earth System Science

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    International audienceWe address the problem of data and information interoperability in the Earth System Science information domain. We believe that well-established architectures and standard technologies are now available to implement data interoperability. In particular, we elaborate on the mediated approach, and present several technological aspects of our implementation of a Mediator-based Information System for Earth System Science Data. We highlight some limitations of current standard-based solutions and introduce possible future improvements

    Federated data bases for the development of an operational monitoring and forecasting system of the ocean: the THREDDS Dataset Merger

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    During the last decade, operational monitoring and forecasting systems have been developed in all the European seas. The exchange of data and products and the development of services for a wide community of users pose some fundamental issues, whose solution has become a priority in integrated and GMES referring projects, such as the MERSEA European project. These projects aim to develop a European system for operational monitoring and forecasting on global and regional scales of ocean physics, bio-chemistry and ecosystems. GMES system and its operational projects need to federate resources and expertise coming from diverse organizations working on different Earth Sciences fields (e.g. satellite data processing, in situ observing systems, data management, ocean and ecosystem modeling, etc.). Therefore, it is required a Marine Information Management (MIM) system capable of facilitating the regular real-time exchange of high quality information, data and products. Moreover, MIM system must provide appropriate information for a wide range of external users both in real-time and delayed mode. </p><p style=&quot;line-height: 20px;&quot;> In this paper an architecture based on the OPeNDAP/THREDDS technology is proposed as a solution for these operational systems. In this context, a catalog merging solution is introduced for the MIM system, which results in the design and development of the THREDDS Dataset Merger (TDM): a set of services meant to merge THREDDS Dataset Inventory Catalogs, so to achieve a unique catalog service for a whole database federation. TDM service merges distributed and autonomous THREDDS catalogs in order to work out a virtual merged catalog. The TDM service was extended in order to provide automatic catalogs synchronization. This service allows extending the pull-based TDM paradigm to support push-based applications. Some security issues are also considered

    Advances in Spatial Data Infrastructure, Acquisition, Analysis, Archiving and Dissemination

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    The authors review recent contributions to the state-of-thescience and benign proliferation of satellite remote sensing, spatial data infrastructure, near-real-time data acquisition, analysis on high performance computing platforms, sapient archiving, multi-modal dissemination and utilization for a wide array of scientific applications. The authors also address advances in Geoinformatics and its growing ubiquity, as evidenced by its inclusion as a focus area within the American Geophysical Union (AGU), European Geosciences Union (EGU), as well as by the evolution of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society's (GRSS) Data Archiving and Distribution Technical Committee (DAD TC)

    eHabitat, a multi-purpose Web Processing Service for ecological modeling

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    The number of interoperable research infrastructures has increased significantly with the growing awareness of the efforts made by the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). One of the Societal Benefit Areas (SBA) that is benefiting most from GEOSS is biodiversity, given the costs of monitoring the environment and managing complex information, from space observations to species records including their genetic characteristics. But GEOSS goes beyond simple data sharing to encourage the publishing and combination of models, an approach which can ease the handling of complex multi-disciplinary questions. It is the purpose of this paper to illustrate these concepts by presenting eHabitat, a basic Web Processing Service (WPS) for computing the likelihood of finding ecosystems with equal properties to those specified by a user. When chained with other services providing data on climate change, eHabitat can be used for ecological forecasting and becomes a useful tool for decision-makers assessing different strategies when selecting new areas to protect. eHabitat can use virtually any kind of thematic data that can be considered as useful when defining ecosystems and their future persistence under different climatic or development scenarios. The paper will present the architecture and illustrate the concepts through case studies which forecast the impact of climate change on protected areas or on the ecological niche of an African bird

    Can jets make the radioactively powered emission from neutron star mergers bluer?

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    Neutron star mergers eject neutron-rich matter in which heavy elements are synthesized. The decay of these freshly synthesized elements powers electromagnetic transients ('macronovae' or 'kilonovae') whose luminosity and colour strongly depend on their nuclear composition. If the ejecta are very neutron-rich (electron fraction Ye &lt; 0.25), they contain fair amounts of lanthanides and actinides that have large opacities and therefore efficiently trap the radiation inside the ejecta so that the emission peaks in the red part of the spectrum. Even small amounts of this high-opacity material can obscure emission from lower lying material and therefore act as a 'lanthanide curtain'. Here, we investigate how a relativistic jet that punches through the ejecta can potentially push away a significant fraction of the high opacity material before the macronova begins to shine. We use the results of detailed neutrino-driven wind studies as initial conditions and explore with 3D special relativistic hydrodynamic simulations how jets are propagating through these winds. Subsequently, we perform Monte Carlo radiative transfer calculations to explore the resulting macronova emission. We find that the hole punched by the jet makes the macronova brighter and bluer for on-axis observers during the first few days of emission, and that more powerful jets have larger impacts on the macronova

    Chloride anion transporters inhibit growth of methicillin-resistant: Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in vitro

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    A series of aminopyrrolic receptors were tested as anion transporters using POPC liposome model membranes. Many were found to be effective Cl(−) transporters and to inhibit clinical strains of Staphylococcus aureus growth in vitro. The best transporters proved effective against the methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strains, Mu50 and HP1173. Tris-thiourea tren-based chloride transporters were also shown to inhibit the growth of S. aureus. in vitro

    Chloride anion transporters inhibit growth of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in vitro

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    A series of aminopyrrolic receptors were tested as anion transporters using POPC liposome model membranes. Many were found to be effective Cl– transporters and to inhibit clinical strains of Staphylococcus aureus growth in vitro. The best transporters proved effective against the methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strains, Mu50 and HP1173. Tris-thiourea tren-based chloride transporters were also shown to inhibit the growth of S. aureus. in vitro.<br/

    Impact of jets on kilonova photometric and polarimetric emission from binary neutron star mergers

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    A merger of binary neutron stars creates heavy unstable elements whose radioactive decay produces a thermal emission known as a kilonova. In this paper, we predict the photometric and polarimetric behaviour of this emission by performing 3D Monte Carlo radiative transfer simulations. In particular, we choose three hydrodynamical models for merger ejecta, two including jets with different luminosities and one without a jet structure, to help decipher the impact of jets on the light curve and polarimetric behaviour. In terms of photometry, we find distinct colour evolutions across the three models. Models without a jet show the highest variation in light curves for different viewing angles. In contrast to previous studies, we find models with a jet to produce fainter kilonovae when viewed from orientations close to the jet axis, compared to a model without a jet. In terms of polarimetry, we predict relatively low levels (≲0.3–0.4 per cent) at all orientations that, however, remain non-negligible until a few days after the merger and longer than previously found. Despite the low levels, we find that the presence of a jet enhances the degree of polarization at wavelengths ranging from 0.25 to 2.5μm2.5\rm{\mu m}, an effect that is found to increase with the jet luminosity. Thus, future photometric and polarimetric campaigns should observe kilonovae in blue and red filters for a few days after the merger to help constrain the properties of the ejecta (e.g. composition) and jet

    Inhomogeneous Jets from Neutron Star Mergers: One Jet to Rule Them All

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    Using the resultant profiles from 3D hydrodynamic simulations of relativistic jets interacting with neutron star merger wind ejecta, we show how the inhomogeneity of energy and velocity across the jet surface profile can alter the observed afterglow lightcurve. We find that the peak afterglow flux depends sensitively on the observer’s line-of-sight, not only via the jet inclination but also through the jet rotation: for an observer viewing the afterglow within the GRB-bright jet core, we find a peak flux variability on the order < (Formula presented.) dex through rotational orientation and < (Formula presented.) dex for the polar inclination. An observed afterglow’s peak flux can be used to infer the jet kinetic energy, and where a top-hat jet is assumed, we find the range of inferred jet kinetic energies for our various model afterglow lightcurves (with fixed model parameters), covers ∼1/3 of the observed short GRB population. Additionally, we present an analytic jet structure function that includes physically motivated parameter uncertainties due to variability through the rotation of the source. An approximation for the change in collimation due to the merger ejecta mass is included and we show that by considering the observed range of merger ejecta masses from short GRB kilonova candidates, a population of merger jets with a fixed intrinsic jet energy is capable of explaining the observed broad diversity seen in short GRB afterglows

    Expert Consensus Recommendations for the Suspicion and Diagnosis of Transthyretin Cardiac Amyloidosis

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    Cardiomyopathy is a manifestation of transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTR), which is an underrecognized systemic disease whereby the transthyretin protein misfolds to form fibrils that deposit in various tissues and organs. ATTR amyloidosis is debilitating and associated with poor life expectancy, especially in those with cardiac dysfunction, but a variety of treatment options have recently become available. Considered a rare disease, ATTR amyloidosis may be more prevalent than thought, particularly in older persons. Diagnosis is often delayed because of a lack of disease awareness and the heterogeneity of symptoms at presentation. Given the recent availability of effective treatments, early recognition and diagnosis are especially critical because treatment is likely more effective earlier in the disease course. The Amyloidosis Research Consortium recently convened a group of experts in ATTR amyloidosis who, through an iterative process, agreed on best practices for suspicion, diagnosis, and characterization of disease. This review describes these consensus recommendations for ATTR associated with cardiomyopathy as a resource to aid cardiologists and others in the recognition and diagnosis of ATTR associated with cardiomyopathy. Included in this review is an overview of red flag signs and symptoms and a recommended diagnostic approach, including testing for monoclonal protein, scintigraphy, or biopsy and, if ATTR associated with cardiomyopathy is identified, TTR genotyping
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