54 research outputs found

    An Investigation of the Role of Exchange Rates on U.S. Exports of Selected Agricultural Products: 1968-1983

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    An· econometric partial equilibrium trade model of the U.S. corn, wheat, soybean, cotton, and tobacco market is developed for the yearly periods 1968-1983. The effect of real exchange rates, real price, and demand factors on the exports of each commodity is examined to test the hypothesis that monetary factors can affect the agricultural sector. An examination of the elasticities of real price, real exchange rate, and real income indicate that an extremely inelastic response to both price movements and exchange rate adjustments. Foreign buying power is the strongest explanatory variable. An exchange rate linkage with the agricultural sector is not proven.International Relations/Trade,

    Domestic Support for the U.S. Rice Sector and the WTO: Implications of the 2002 Farm Act

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    The U.S. rice sector is expected to receive some of the largest relative support under the 2002 Farm Act. USDA's rice baseline model is used to compute marketing loan benefits, while direct payments and counter-cyclical payments are estimated from endogenous prices and exogenous policy parameters. Alternative scenarios of reduced marketing loan benefits suggest that projected annual average sector revenue could decline by 4 to 27 percent.Agricultural and Food Policy,


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    The spatial rice price relationships for U.S. long grain rough rice are affected by many factors besides the transportation cost between markets, such as milling, processing, cooking and nutritional value as well as physical characteristics. This study applies a time series framework to analyze long run price relationships for Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and California long grain rice. Johansen's test results showed that at least there are two cointegrating price vectors. However, such a finding is not supported by the ECM model in any of the price series.Demand and Price Analysis,

    NASA Applied Sciences' DEVELOP Program Fosters the Next Generation of Earth Remote Sensing Scientists

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    Satellite remote sensing technology and the science associated with the evaluation of the resulting data are constantly evolving. To meet the growing needs related to this industry, a team of personnel that understands the fundamental science as well as the scientific applications related to remote sensing is essential. Therefore, the workforce that will excel in this field requires individuals who not only have a strong academic background, but who also have practical hands-on experience with remotely sensed data, and have developed knowledge of its real-world applications. NASA's DEVELOP Program has played an integral role in fulfilling this need. DEVELOP is a NASA Science Mission Directorate Applied Sciences training and development program that extends the benefits of NASA Earth science research and technology to society

    Quantum teleportation on a photonic chip

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    Quantum teleportation is a fundamental concept in quantum physics which now finds important applications at the heart of quantum technology including quantum relays, quantum repeaters and linear optics quantum computing (LOQC). Photonic implementations have largely focussed on achieving long distance teleportation due to its suitability for decoherence-free communication. Teleportation also plays a vital role in the scalability of photonic quantum computing, for which large linear optical networks will likely require an integrated architecture. Here we report the first demonstration of quantum teleportation in which all key parts - entanglement preparation, Bell-state analysis and quantum state tomography - are performed on a reconfigurable integrated photonic chip. We also show that a novel element-wise characterisation method is critical to mitigate component errors, a key technique which will become increasingly important as integrated circuits reach higher complexities necessary for quantum enhanced operation.Comment: Originally submitted version - refer to online journal for accepted manuscript; Nature Photonics (2014

    Quantum-circuit design for efficient simulations of many-body quantum dynamics

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    We construct an efficient autonomous quantum-circuit design algorithm for creating efficient quantum circuits to simulate Hamiltonian many-body quantum dynamics for arbitrary input states. The resultant quantum circuits have optimal space complexity and employ a sequence of gates that is close to optimal with respect to time complexity. We also devise an algorithm that exploits commutativity to optimize the circuits for parallel execution. As examples, we show how our autonomous algorithm constructs circuits for simulating the dynamics of Kitaev's honeycomb model and the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer model of superconductivity. Furthermore we provide numerical evidence that the rigorously proven upper bounds for the simulation error here and in previous work may sometimes overestimate the error by orders of magnitude compared to the best achievable performance for some physics-inspired simulations.Comment: 20 Pages, 6 figure

    Malaria risk and access to prevention and treatment in the paddies of the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania

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    Background: The Kilombero Valley is a highly malaria-endemic agricultural area in south-eastern Tanzania. Seasonal flooding of the valley is favourable to malaria transmission. During the farming season, many households move to distant field sites (shamba in Swahili) in the fertile river floodplain for the cultivation of rice. In the shamba, people live for several months in temporary shelters, far from the nearest health services. This study assessed the impact of seasonal movements to remote fields on malaria risk and treatment-seeking behaviour. Methods: A longitudinal study followed approximately 100 randomly selected farming households over six months. Every household was visited monthly and whereabouts of household members, activities in the fields, fever cases and treatment seeking for recent fever episodes were recorded. Results: Fever incidence rates were lower in the shamba compared to the villages and moving to the shamba did not increase the risk of having a fever episode. Children aged 1-4 years, who usually spend a considerable amount of time in the shamba with their caretakers, were more likely to have a fever than adults (odds ratio = 4.47, 95 confidence interval 2.35-8.51). Protection with mosquito nets in the fields was extremely good (98 antimalarials was uncommon. Despite the long distances to health services, 55.8 health facility, while home-management was less common (37 17.4-50.5). Conclusion: Living in the shamba does not appear to result in a higher fever-risk. Mosquito nets usage and treatment of fever in health facilities reflect awareness of malaria. Inability to obtain drugs in the fields may contribute to less irrational use of drugs but may pose an additional burden on poor farming households. A comprehensive approach is needed to improve access to treatment while at the same time assuring rational use of medicines and protecting fragile livelihoods

    Identification, characterization, and gene expression analysis of nucleotide binding site (NB)-type resistance gene homologues in switchgrass

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    Abstract Background Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is a warm-season perennial grass that can be used as a second generation bioenergy crop. However, foliar fungal pathogens, like switchgrass rust, have the potential to significantly reduce switchgrass biomass yield. Despite its importance as a prominent bioenergy crop, a genome-wide comprehensive analysis of NB-LRR disease resistance genes has yet to be performed in switchgrass. Results In this study, we used a homology-based computational approach to identify 1011 potential NB-LRR resistance gene homologs (RGHs) in the switchgrass genome (v 1.1). In addition, we identified 40 RGHs that potentially contain unique domains including major sperm protein domain, jacalin-like binding domain, calmodulin-like binding, and thioredoxin. RNA-sequencing analysis of leaf tissue from ‘Alamo’, a rust-resistant switchgrass cultivar, and ‘Dacotah’, a rust-susceptible switchgrass cultivar, identified 2634 high quality variants in the RGHs between the two cultivars. RNA-sequencing data from field-grown cultivar ‘Summer’ plants indicated that the expression of some of these RGHs was developmentally regulated. Conclusions Our results provide useful insight into the molecular structure, distribution, and expression patterns of members of the NB-LRR gene family in switchgrass. These results also provide a foundation for future work aimed at elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying disease resistance in this important bioenergy crop