112 research outputs found

    Energy justice issues in renewable energy megaprojects: implications for a socioeconomic evaluation of megaprojects

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate and discuss stakeholder issues faced by renewable energy megaprojects and in particular solar and wind power projects and their relevance to socioeconomic evaluation of megaprojects. Design/methodology/approach – The paper uses secondary data collected from the recent literature published on stakeholder issues face by mega solar and wind power energy generation projects around the world. The issues are then analysed across specific challenges in five continents where these projects are being developed. The paper then focuses on the literature on energy justice to elaborate the type of issues being faced by renewable energy megaprojects contributing to the achievement of UN Sustainable Goal 7 and their impact on vulnerable communities where these projects are situated. Findings – Renewable energy megaprojects are rarely discussed in the project management literature on megaprojects despite their size and importance in delivering sustainable development goals. While these projects provide social benefits they also create issues of justice due to their impact of vulnerable populations living is locations where these projects are situated. The justice issues faced include procedural justice, distributive justice, recognition inequalities. The type of justice issues was found to vary intensity in the developed, emerging and developing economies. It was found that nonprofit organisations are embarking on strategies to alleviate energy justice issues in innovative ways. It was also found that, in some instances, smaller local projects developed with community participation could actually contribute more equitable to the UN sustainable development goals avoiding the justice issues posed by mega renewable energy projects. Research limitations/implications – The research uses secondary data due to which it is difficult to present a more comprehensive picture of stakeholder issues involving renewable energy megaprojects. The justice issues revealed through thesis paper with renewable energy megaprojects are also present in conventional megaprojects which have not been discussed in the project management literature. Post-COVID19 these justice issues are likely to become mor prevalent due to the pandemic’s impact on vulnerable population exacerbating the issues and increasing their severity on these populations. Therefore it is becoming even more critical to take these into account while developing renewable energy megaprojects. Practical implications – Proper identification and response to energy justice issues can help in alleviating stakeholder issues in renewable energy megaprojects. Social implications – Contributes to the equitable achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 7. Originality/value – This paper addresses a gap in the project management literature on the exploration of stakeholder issues on renewable energy megaprojects. It also brings out the importance of justice issues which can assist in expanding stakeholders issues faced by megaprojects as these issues have not received sufficient attention in the past in the project management literature.acceptedVersio

    Crisis management process for project-based organizations

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to study the crisis management process for project-based organizations (PBOs) by developing a comprehensive model and propositions. Design/methodology/approach: This paper is based on a conceptual study. A literature review is considered a primary source for studying contemporary research, including 171 publications in total, which embody qualitative, quantitative, conceptual and theoretical studies. For data analysis, content analysis is used, which is comprised of descriptive and thematic analysis. Findings: This study identifies five imperative elements of crisis management for PBOs which include (1) sense-making (information gathering and crisis interpretation), (2) decision-making (accurate and timely decision), (3) response (reactive response), (4) outcome (success/failure) and (5) learning. Based on these findings, this study proposes an integrative model of the interplay between sense-making, decision-making, response, outcome and learning. Furthermore, the findings lead to propositions for each of the elements. The paper contributes to the literature on dynamic capability theory. Originality/value: This paper explores the crisis management process for PBOs. The proposed model deepens the understanding of the practices and processes of project-based crisis management.Peer reviewe

    HI studies of the Sculptor group galaxies. VIII. The background galaxies: NGC 24 and NGC 45

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    In order to complete our HI survey of galaxies in the Sculptor group area, VLA observations of NGC 24 and NGC 45 are presented. These two galaxies of similar magnitude M_B ~ -17.4 lie in the background of the Sculptor group and are low surface brightness galaxies, especially NGC 45. The HI distribution and kinematics are regular for NGC 24 while NGC 45 exhibits a kinematical twist of its major axis. A tilted-ring model shows that the position angle of the major axis changes by ~25 degrees. A best-fit model of their mass distribution gives mass-to-light ratios for the stellar disk of 2.5 and 5.2 for NGC 24 and NGC 45 respectively. These values are higher than the ones expected from stellar population synthesis models. Despite the large dark matter contribution, the galaxy mass is still dominated by the stellar component in their very inner regions. These high mass-to-light ratios are typical of what is seen in low surface brightness galaxies and may indicate that, in those galaxies, disks are far from the maximum disk case. The halo parameters derived from the best-fit models are thus lower limits.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa


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    International audienceThe SPIRALE (Spectroscopie Infa-Rouge par Absorption de Lasers Embarqués) balloon-borne instrument has been launched twice within 17 days in the polar region (Kiruna, Sweden, 67.9°N-21.1°E) during summer, at the beginning and at the end of August 2009. In situ measurements of several trace gases have been performed including CO and O 3 between 10 and 34 km height, with very high vertical resolution (~5 m). The both flight results are compared and the CO stratospheric profile of the first flight presents specific structures associated with mid-latitude intrusion in the lowest stratospheric levels. Their interpretation is made with the help of results from several modeling tools (MIMOSA and FLEXTRA) and available satellite data (IASI). We also used the O 3 profile correlated with CO to calculate the proportion of recent air in the polar stratosphere. The results indicate the impact of East Asia urban pollution on the chemistry of polar stratosphere in summer

    Quantifying migratory capacity and dispersal of the invasive tench (Tinca tinca) in the St. Lawrence River using otolith chemistry

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    ABSTRACT The study of distribution and dispersal of invasive fishes is challenging during the early stages of invasion. Quantification of trace elements incorporated into fish hard parts represents an innovative technique for this task. Otolith chemistry has been used to describe fish stock structure, migratory behaviour and to support the management of several species. We used otolith chemistry to study the dispersal and population structure of tench (Tinca tinca), an invader in the St. Lawrence River. Tench movements throughout the invaded portion of the system were reconstructed using a Random Forests algorithm. The results showed that, despite the presumed limited dispersal capacity of the species, tench are capable of extensive migratory movements (up to 250 km). The variability in migratory patterns among individuals, including both short- and long-distance movements, supports a stratified diffusion. Such a strategy may explain the successful invasion of tench in the St. Lawrence River ecosystem. Our study represents a flexible framework for the study of tench ecology in its invaded and native range, as well as for other freshwater invasive fishes. RÉSUMÉ L’étude de la rĂ©partition et de la dispersion de poissons envahissants durant les premiĂšres Ă©tapes de l’envahissement n’est pas chose facile et, pour ce faire, la quantification d’élĂ©ments en traces incorporĂ©s dans les parties dures de poissons constitue une approche novatrice. La chimie des otolites a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e pour dĂ©crire la structure de stocks et le comportement migratoire des poissons, ainsi que pour appuyer la gestion de plusieurs espĂšces. Nous avons utilisĂ© la chimie des otolites pour Ă©tudier la dispersion et la structure de la population de tanche (Tinca tinca), une espĂšce envahissante dans le fleuve Saint-Laurent. Les dĂ©placements des tanches dans toute la portion envahie du systĂšme ont Ă©tĂ© reconstituĂ©s Ă  l’aide d’un algorithme de forĂȘts alĂ©atoires. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que, malgrĂ© une capacitĂ© de dispersion limitĂ©e prĂ©sumĂ©e pour cette espĂšce, les tanches sont capables d’effectuer de grands dĂ©placements migratoires (jusqu’à 250 km). La variabilitĂ© des habitudes migratoires d’un individu Ă  l’autre, qui comprend des dĂ©placements tant sur de longues que sur de courtes distances appuie une stratĂ©gie de diffusion stratifiĂ©e. Une telle stratĂ©gie pourrait expliquer l’envahissement de l’écosystĂšme du fleuve Saint-Laurent par la tanche. Notre Ă©tude offre un exemple d’approche polyvalente pour l’étude de l’écologie de la tanche dans ses aires de rĂ©partition indigĂšne et envahis, mais aussi chez d’autres poissons d’eau douce envahissants

    The western tubenose goby (Proterorhinus semilunaris Heckel, 1837) is expanding its range into the St. Lawrence River: first record in Quebec

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    The invasive western tubenose goby (Proterorhinus semilunaris) was introduced in the Great Lakes in the 1990s. Since then, its range slowly expanded downstream into Ontario’s portion of the St. Lawrence River. This rapid communication reports on the first occurrence of a western tubenose goby found in Lake St. Francis (St. Lawrence River, Quebec) in August 2022. The specimen, the study area and the sampling methodology are described while hypotheses about its presence and expansion are explored

    Contributing factors of unmet needs among young adult survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia with comorbidities

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    Purpose: This study aimed to: (1) describe the domains and levels of unmet needs of young adult survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (cALL) with comorbidities, and (2) to explore the factors associated with higher levels of unmet needs. Unmet need was considered as supportive care needs not met. Methods: The most vulnerable cALL survivors from the PETALE study cohort completed the Short-Form Survivor Unmet Needs Survey, the Brief Pain Inventory and the 15D instrument of health-related quality of life. Demographic and clinical information, including comorbidities, were obtained from medical records or self-reporting. The participants' needs and contributing factors to their needs were evaluated using nonparametric tests. Results: Of the 72 participants, 9 (13%) reported moderate/high levels of overall unmet needs. “Worry about earning money” (56%) and “Dealing with feeling tired” (51%) were the most frequent unmet needs (all levels combined). The factors associated significantly with any domain of unmet needs were: having a comorbidity, reporting altered functional health status, high ALL risk status, pain, age (<26 years), and having previously received psychological support. Conclusion: A minority of young adult survivors of cALL with comorbidities interviewed reported moderate/high levels of unmet needs. However, financial concerns and emotional health and relationship are the two domains of greatest need. Survivors with altered health condition are most at risk of experiencing moderate/high levels of unmet needs. If confirmed in larger samples, interventions should target modifiable contributors of unmet needs such as physical health and comfort, fatigue, and emotional health

    Nature-based coastal restoration: Development of an early-rearing production protocol of sugar kelp (Saccharina latissima Linnaeus) for bottom planting activities in the Gulf of St-Lawrence (Québec, Canada)

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    Successful bottom planting of indigenous macroalgae Saccharina latissima aimed at coastal restoration purposes require the mass production in controlled conditions of strongly fixed, healthy sporophytes followed by optimal transfer techniques in order to ensure viability and vigor of the young seedlings about to be directly introduced in the coastal environment. Early development of S. latissima submitted to different combinations of substrate type (natural vs artificial brick-shaped substrate), gametophyte spraying method (water-based vs binder-based) and water velocity (0.1 vs 0.2 m s-1) was evaluated during a growth trial that lasted 42 days. Overall, all experimental groups (8 in triplicate) reached the targeted length of 15 mm between 35-42 days post-seeding. No strong indications that the proposed 2×2×2 factorial design generated long lasting effects on growth and development indicators were observed (thallus length, SGR and % coverage). The observation of no persistent difference in the growth response of S. latissima under all experimental conditions, demonstrates that it is well suited for mass production of seedlings. Our results and evidenced-based practices led us to conclude that the use of an artificial substrate in combination with a binder-based gametophyte pulverization and the application of a velocity 0.2 m s-1 during early-growth could be adopted in a standardized protocol. We argue that 1) artificial substrates (uniform shape, stackable and rough surface) will most likely allow better use of a vessel’s open deck space and adherence of the developing holdfast; 2) the use of a binder may slow down the dehydration of the propagules and promote adhesiveness to the substrate during rearing, handling and transfer operations and under varying flow rates or wave actions respectively and 3) highest velocity should promote the selection of propagules with strongest attachment and thus possibly limit post-transfer dislodgement. We suggest further studies should 1) focus on identifying optimal gametophyte concentration at the spraying step, in order to reduce production costs and maximise productivity of seedling operations and 2) include biomass determination (g of tissue per cm2) in combination to the semi-quantitative density evaluation (% coverage) based on image-analysis, in order to improve our global assessment of growth

    Centre Alexandre-KoyrĂ©. Histoire des sciences et des techniques – CAK

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    Amy Dahan, directrice de recherche au CNRS Changement climatique, expertise et fabrications du futur : modĂšles et scĂ©narios, politique et gouvernance Une sĂ©rie d’exposĂ©s sur la progression des travaux des doctorants et post-doc du groupe sur divers aspects des thĂ©matiques du sĂ©minaire. On a eu les exposĂ©s suivants : L’ascension de la conscience planĂ©taire globale (1945-1970) par Élodie Vieille-Blanchard ; La forĂȘt pousse bien dans la citĂ© du carbone, par Mathieu Henry ; L’imaginaire de la vil..

    Formation of stress-specific p53 binding patterns is influenced by chromatin but not by modulation of p53 binding affinity to response elements†

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    The p53 protein is crucial for adapting programs of gene expression in response to stress. Recently, we revealed that this occurs partly through the formation of stress-specific p53 binding patterns. However, the mechanisms that generate these binding patterns remain largely unknown. It is not established whether the selective binding of p53 is achieved through modulation of its binding affinity to certain response elements (REs) or via a chromatin-dependent mechanism. To shed light on this issue, we used a microsphere assay for protein–DNA binding to measure p53 binding patterns on naked DNA. In parallel, we measured p53 binding patterns within chromatin using chromatin immunoprecipitation and DNase I coupled to ligation-mediated polymerase chain reaction footprinting. Through this experimental approach, we revealed that UVB and Nutlin-3 doses, which lead to different cellular outcomes, induce similar p53 binding patterns on naked DNA. Conversely, the same treatments lead to stress-specific p53 binding patterns on chromatin. We show further that altering chromatin remodeling using an histone acetyltransferase inhibitor reduces p53 binding to REs. Altogether, our results reveal that the formation of p53 binding patterns is not due to the modulation of sequence-specific p53 binding affinity. Rather, we propose that chromatin and chromatin remodeling are required in this process
