1,113 research outputs found

    Not quite what’s on paper? Comparison between theoretical and actual information-sharing networks in the Ugandan rural water service sector

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    Under Uganda’s decentralised system, rural water service delivery remains to some extent problematic. Several studies attribute the possible causes of deficiencies in the water sector to governance issues. This article applies social network analysis to map upward and downward water-related information flows between the actors of local government from village to district level. Comparing the actual information-sharing network with what’s on paper reveals a less reciprocal and more centralised network than that theoretically envisaged. Some actors, such as the district water officer, are more central than expected in terms of sending and receiving information, while others seem to underperform. Our findings show, however, that it is not the political–administrative information exchange which is the biggest obstacle, but rather information flows between higher (district and sub-county) and lower (parish and village) levels of the local governance structure. Adding water users to the analysis reveals the village chairperson as the most crucial broker of information upward to duty bearers at district level. The limited role of water user committees also becomes apparent. The authors conclude that information communication technology holds potential to overcome some of the bottlenecks (eg distance) hindering the flow of water-related information between actors at different levels

    On the Impact of Network Topology on Wireless Sensor Networks Performances Illustration with Geographic Routing

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    International audienceWireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are composed of constrained devices and deployed in unattended and hostile environments. Most papers presenting solutions for WSN evaluate their work over random topologies to highlight some of their "good" performances. They rarely study these behaviors over more than one topology. Yet, the topology used can greatly impact the routing performances. This is what we demonstrate in this paper. We present a study of the impact of the network topology on algorithm performance in WSNs and illustrate it with the geographic routing. Geographic routing relies on node coordinates to route data packets from source to destination. We measure the impact of different network topologies from realistic ones to regular and very popular ones through extensive simulation and experimentation campaigns. We show that different topologies can lead to a difference of up to 25% on delivery ratio and average route length and more than 100% on energy costs

    Comment l'infirmière parvient-elle à coopérer avec le proche aidant pour faciliter les soins à domicile: quelle forme de relation avec le proche aidant et comment répondre à ses besoins : travail de Bachelor

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    Introduction : Avec l’augmentation de la population vieillissante, les soins à domicile sont plus demandés afin de favoriser le maintien à domicile. Le rôle du proche aidant est donc une ressource essentielle pour l’infirmière qui devra alors créer un partenariat avec celui-ci. Méthode : Une revue de la littérature a été conduite en interrogeant les bases de données CINAHL, Pubmed et Banque de données en santé publique (BDSP). Résultats : La nature de la relation établie par l’infirmière avec le proche aidant en soins à domicile a été décrite par Ward-Griffin & McKeever (2000). L’outil ESPA qui est l’adaptation de l’outil COAT a été créé afin de permettre l’évaluation des besoins du proche aidant et de mettre en place des stratégies d’intervention adaptées. Il est important de préserver le proche aidant car il est le pilier de la prise en soin à domicile. Discussion : L’outil ESPA est comparé à l’échelle de Zarit dans le but de mettre en évidence ce qu’il apporte en plus dans les soins à domicile. D’après une approche systémique du soin à domicile selon le modèle de McGill, l’infirmière devrait privilégier une relation de partenariat. Conclusion : L’utilisation de l’outil ESPA parait plus pertinente dans le but d’établir une coopération entre l’infirmière et le proche aidant, ainsi que de permettre la mise en oeuvre d’une relation de type « travailleur-travailleur ». L’évaluation des besoins du proche aidant va faciliter le positionnement de l’infirmière dans la relation soignant - proche aidant

    Interactions between Artificial Gravity, the Affected Physiological Systems, and Nutrition

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    Malnutrition, either by insufficient supply of some nutrients or by overfeeding, has a profound effect on the health of an organism. Therefore, optimal nutrition is a necessity in normal gravity on Earth, in microgravity, and when applying artificial gravity to the human system. Reduced physical activity, such as observed in microgravity or bed rest, has an effect on many physiological systems, such as the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, immune, and body fluids regulation systems. There is currently no countermeasure that is effective to counteract both the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal deconditioning when applied for a short duration (see Chapter 1). Artificial gravity therefore seems the simplest physiological approach to keep these systems intact. The application of intermittent daily dose of artificial gravity by means of centrifugation has often been proposed as a potential countermeasure against the physiological deconditioning induced by spaceflight. However, neither the optimal gravity level, nor its optimal duration of exposure have been enough studied to recommend a validated, effective, and efficient artificial gravity application. As discussed in previous chapters, artificial gravity has a very high potential to counteract any changes caused by reduced physical activity. The nutrient supply, which ideally should match the actual needs, will interact with these changes and therefore has also to be taken into account. This chapter reviews the potential interactions between these nutrients (energy intake, vitamins, minerals) and the other physiological systems affected by artificial gravity generated by an on-board short-radius centrifuge

    The influence of dairy consumption, sedentary behaviour and physical activity on bone mass in Flemish children : a cross-sectional study

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    Background: This cross-sectional study aimed to look for an association in young children between whole body bone mineral content (BMC) and areal bone mineral density (aBMD) and dairy consumption as well as sedentary behaviour (SB) and physical activity (PA). Moreover, we investigated whether there was an interaction effect between dairy consumption and SB or PA on BMC and aBMD. Methods: Healthy children (6-12 years) were recruited from primary schools. Body composition and whole body bone mass were measured with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), dairy consumption was assessed with a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) and PA and SB with an accelerometer. In total, 272 children underwent a DXA scan. Complete FFQ data were available for 264 children and 210 children had matching data from accelerometry recordings. Regression analyses were used to study the associations between (1) BMC and aBMD and (2) dairy consumption, SB and PA, adjusting for age, gender, pubertal stage, height and body composition. Results: Dairy consumption was positively associated with whole body BMC and aBMD (absolute value as well as z-score), after correction for relevant confounders. SB was negatively associated with aBMD z-score and light PA was positively associated with both BMC and aBMD z-score. No gender differences were found. Moreover, an interaction effect between vigorous PA (VPA) and dairy consumption on aBMD (z-score) and BMC z-score was found, indicating that children with both high VPA and high dairy consumption had higher values for BMC and aBMD of the whole body minus the head. Conclusion: Already at young age, PA and dairy consumption positively influence whole body bone mass assessed by DXA. Moreover, this study indicates clearly that SB is negatively associated with whole body bone density. Promoting regular PA and sufficient dairy consumption in young children and limiting SB can be expected to positively influence their bone mass accumulation, which can help in the prevention of osteoporosis later in life

    Impacto de la aplicación móvil “Yoveoveo: Mejora tu ciudad” como una herramienta que permite la interacción entre los ciudadanos y las autoridades locales de la ciudad de Quito. Caso: Administración Zonal Eloy Alfaro

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    En el marco del uso de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación ligadas a los comportamientos sociales, esta tesis indaga el surgimiento de interacciones cara a cara y ensamblajes mediados por herramientas y mecanismos de comunicación instantánea en dos barrios de la ciudad capital pertenecientes a las Administraciones Zonales Eloy Alfaro y Tumbaco. Este estudio está guiado por las propuestas teóricas de dos autores que abordan el tema de la interacción cara a cara y el ensamblaje, Erving Goffman y Bruno Latour, respectivamente, quienes a través de sus postulados contribuyen a la comprensión de estos dos fenómenos mediante sus propuestas relacionadas con el estudio de los comportamientos sociales de las personas cuando se reúnen para formar asociaciones, colectivos o simplemente grupos que persiguen un determinado fin a lo largo del tiempo o solo se juntan para conseguir un objetivo específico y luego se enfocan en sus actividades cotidianas. De esta manera, la presente investigación se desarrolla en la parroquia La Magdalena (barrio Los Dos Puentes) y en la parroquia Tumbaco (barrio San José de Collaquí). Con la información obtenida en estos sitios se elaboraron mapas a escala para plasmar el sexo, la edad, el medio de comunicación que utilizan y los sitios donde se forman ensamblajes. Lo que se pudo constatar es que estos dos barrios son física y demográficamente distintos y cuentan con un rasgo en común: la aplicación Yoveoveo entró en desuso, pero esto no impidió que sí exista interacción cara a cara y, posteriormente ensamblajes, mediados por otras formas de comunicación como el uso de los grupos de WhatsApp y, en pleno siglo XIX, el empleo de esquelas impresas o del anuncio dominical en la iglesia para convocar a las reuniones barriales, lo cual sigue motivando la constante interacción entre sus habitantes