87 research outputs found

    In Adolescents With Epilepsy, High Scores Of Anxiety And Depression Are Associated With Occurrence Of Seizures In Public Places.

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    Objective To assess depression and anxiety symptoms of adolescents with epilepsy compared with adolescents without epilepsy. Method The study sample consisted of: case participants (50 subjects) attending the pediatric epilepsy clinic of a tertiary hospital and control participants (51 subjects) from public schools. The instruments utilized were: identification card with demographic and epilepsy data, Beck Depression Inventory and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Results No significant differences were founded between the groups regarding scores for depression and anxiety symptoms but both groups presented moderate scores of anxiety. A correlation was found between low scores anxiety and not frequent seizures, low scores anxiety and perception of seizure control, high scores of anxiety and depression and occurrence of seizures in public places. Conclusion Low scores of anxiety are associated with not frequent seizures; high scores of anxiety and depression are associated with occurrence of seizures in public places.73205-1

    Composite carbon materials from winery composted waste for the treatment of effluents contaminated with ketoprofen and 2-nitrophenol

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    The present work consisted of preparing and characterizing composite carbon materials (WRCC) from raw winery residues (WR) activated with zinc chloride to produce a carbon adsorbent. The WRCC was used for the adsorption of emerging contaminants in aqueous media. The WRCC presented a morphology with favorable characteristics for the adsorption process, giving an abundant porous structure with pores of different sizes. The results show the WRCC’s effectiveness, presenting surface area values (227 m2 g−1) and total pore volume (0.175 cm3 g−1). The general order kinetic model predicted the experimental curves sufficiently. The Sips model better described the two adsorbates' equilibrium data, with maximum adsorption capacities of 376.0 and 119.6 mg g−1 for 2-nitrophenol and ketoprofen, respectively. The WRCC carbon material was also highly efficient, with maximum removal of 81.4% and 94% in 1000 mg L−1 of the compounds 2-nitrophenol and ketoprofen. Finally, the prepared material has essential characteristics that make it an efficient adsorbent in treating effluents with emerging contaminants

    Genome-wide diversity and differentiation in New World populations of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium vivax.

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    BACKGROUND: The Americas were the last continent colonized by humans carrying malaria parasites. Plasmodium falciparum from the New World shows very little genetic diversity and greater linkage disequilibrium, compared with its African counterparts, and is clearly subdivided into local, highly divergent populations. However, limited available data have revealed extensive genetic diversity in American populations of another major human malaria parasite, P. vivax. METHODS: We used an improved sample preparation strategy and next-generation sequencing to characterize 9 high-quality P. vivax genome sequences from northwestern Brazil. These new data were compared with publicly available sequences from recently sampled clinical P. vivax isolates from Brazil (BRA, total n = 11 sequences), Peru (PER, n = 23), Colombia (COL, n = 31), and Mexico (MEX, n = 19). PRINCIPAL FINDINGS/CONCLUSIONS: We found that New World populations of P. vivax are as diverse (nucleotide diversity π between 5.2 × 10-4 and 6.2 × 10-4) as P. vivax populations from Southeast Asia, where malaria transmission is substantially more intense. They display several non-synonymous nucleotide substitutions (some of them previously undescribed) in genes known or suspected to be involved in antimalarial drug resistance, such as dhfr, dhps, mdr1, mrp1, and mrp-2, but not in the chloroquine resistance transporter ortholog (crt-o) gene. Moreover, P. vivax in the Americas is much less geographically substructured than local P. falciparum populations, with relatively little between-population genome-wide differentiation (pairwise FST values ranging between 0.025 and 0.092). Finally, P. vivax populations show a rapid decline in linkage disequilibrium with increasing distance between pairs of polymorphic sites, consistent with very frequent outcrossing. We hypothesize that the high diversity of present-day P. vivax lineages in the Americas originated from successive migratory waves and subsequent admixture between parasite lineages from geographically diverse sites. Further genome-wide analyses are required to test the demographic scenario suggested by our data

    Data standardization of plant–pollinator interactions

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    Background: Animal pollination is an important ecosystem function and service, ensuring both the integrity of natural systems and human well-being. Although many knowledge shortfalls remain, some high-quality data sets on biological interactions are now available. The development and adoption of standards for biodiversity data and metadata has promoted great advances in biological data sharing and aggregation, supporting large-scale studies and science-based public policies. However, these standards are currently not suitable to fully support interaction data sharing. Results: Here we present a vocabulary of terms and a data model for sharing plant–pollinator interactions data based on the Darwin Core standard. The vocabulary introduces 48 new terms targeting several aspects of plant–pollinator interactions and can be used to capture information from different approaches and scales. Additionally, we provide solutions for data serialization using RDF, XML, and DwC-Archives and recommendations of existing controlled vocabularies for some of the terms. Our contribution supports open access to standardized data on plant–pollinator interactions. Conclusions: The adoption of the vocabulary would facilitate data sharing to support studies ranging from the spatial and temporal distribution of interactions to the taxonomic, phenological, functional, and phylogenetic aspects of plant–pollinator interactions. We expect to fill data and knowledge gaps, thus further enabling scientific research on the ecology and evolution of plant–pollinator communities, biodiversity conservation, ecosystem services, and the development of public policies. The proposed data model is flexible and can be adapted for sharing other types of interactions data by developing discipline-specific vocabularies of termsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Heranças familiares: entre os genes e os afetos

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    Sabe-se que o câncer de mama é uma patologia que afeta um número considerável de mulheres e levanta diversos questionamentos entre os profissionais da saúde. A história familiar é considerada um fator de risco e os profissionais das diversas áreas da saúde apontam-na como fator decisivo na determinação de aspectos relativos ao processo de adoecimento. Entretanto, a história familiar é abordada de maneiras distintas pelos diferentes profissionais, de acordo com o enfoque tomado. O presente artigo propõe uma leitura global da história familiar considerando as diversas "heranças" que atravessam e constituem o sujeito. A partir da análise de instrumentos como o heredograma e o genograma, observa-se que, enquanto o saber médico se ocupa de uma história familiar que está previamente determinada por fatores genéticos e, portanto, pouco acessível à intervenções preventivas, o saber psicológico busca o que há de particular na história familiar do sujeito e na maneira como este se insere na trama das relações que compõem essa história. Desse modo, abre-se a possibilidade de re-significar essa história e de encontrar uma outra via que não a do adoecer. Propicia-se, a partir daí, um espaço de discussão onde saberes e práticas interdisciplinares possam se complementar na perspectiva de uma integralidade na prevenção e promoção da saúde.It is known that breast cancer is a pathology that affects a considerable number of women and gives rise to many interrogations amongst health professionals . Family history is considered a risk factor and professionals from all health branches point it as a decisive factor in determining multiple aspects related to sickness processes. However, family history is approached in different ways by different professionals, according to the focus that is given. The present article proposes a global view of the family history by taking into account the multiple "heritages" that cross and constitute the subject. From the analysis of instruments as the drawing of human pedigrees and genogram it is observed that, whereas medical cknowledge is engaged in a family history that is previously determined by genetic factors, and consequently, very little accessible to preventive interventions, psychological cknowledge seeks the particularities of subject's family history and the manners through which the subject inserts himself on the relations that compose his history. Doing so, it is possible to give new significations to family history and to open another way that is not to become ill. It is also provided, from that point, a space of discussion where interdisciplinary cknowledges and practices may complement each other in a perspective of integrality in the prevention and the promotion of human health
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