1,184 research outputs found

    A new panel dataset for cross-country analyses of national systems, growth and development (CANA)

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    Missing data represent an important limitation for cross-country analyses of national systems, growth and development. This paper presents a new cross-country panel dataset with no missing value. We make use of a new method of multiple imputation that has recently been developed by Honaker and King (2010) to deal specifically with time-series cross-section data at the country-level. We apply this method to construct a large dataset containing a great number of indicators measuring six key country-specific dimensions: innovation and technological capabilities, education system and human capital, infrastructures, economic competitiveness, political-institutional factors, and social capital. The CANA panel dataset thus obtained provides a rich and complete set of 41 indicators for 134 countries in the period 1980-2008 (for a total of 3886 countryyear observations). The empirical analysis shows the reliability of the dataset and its usefulness for crosscountry analyses of national systems, growth and development. The new dataset is publicly available.Los datos incompletos representan una limitación importante para el análisis de sistemas nacionales, crecimiento y desarrollo. Este trabajo presenta un nuevo conjunto de datos de panel completos, en el que se presentan datos observados junto a datos estimados. Las estimaciones han sido realizadas a través de un nuevo método de imputación múltiple recién desarrollado por Honaker y King (2010) para ocuparse específicamente de series cronológicas de sección cruzada a nivel de país. Aplicamos este método para construir un conjunto de datos que contiene un importante número de indicadores para medir seis dimensiones claves específicas de cada país: la capacidad tecnológica y de innovación, el sistema educativo y capital humano, las infraestructuras, la competitividad económica, los factores político-institucionales, y el capital social. El conjunto de datos de panel “CANA” proporciona 41 indicadores para 134 países en el período desde 1980 hasta 2008 (para un total de 3886 observaciones país-año). El análisis empírico muestra la fiabilidad del conjunto de datos y su utilidad para posteriores usos en el estudio de sistemas nacionales, crecimiento y desarrollo. El nuevo conjunto de datos está a disposición del público.datos incompletos, métodos de imputación múltiple, sistemas nacionales de innovación, capacidades sociales, crecimiento económico y desarrollo, indicadores compuestos, Missing data; multiple imputation methods; national systems of innovation; social capabilities; economic growth and development; composite indicators.

    The dynamics of national innovation systems: a panel cointegration analysis of the coevolution between innovative capability and absorptive capacity

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    This paper puts forward the idea that the dynamics of national innovation systems is driven by the coevolution of two main dimensions: innovative capability and absorptive capacity. The empirical analysis employs a broad set of indicators measuring national innovative capabilities and absorptive capacity for a panel of 98 countries in the period 1980-2008, and makes use of panel cointegration analysis to investigate long-run relationships and coevolution patterns among these variables. The results indicate that the dynamics of national systems of innovation is driven by the coevolution of three innovative capability variables (technological output, scientific output, innovative input), on the one hand, and three absorptive capacity factors (income per capita, infrastructures and international trade), on the other.national systems of innovation; innovative capability; absorptive capacity; economic growth and development; coevolution; panel cointegration analysis

    A new panel dataset for cross-country analyses of national systems, growth and development (CANA)

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    Missing data represent an important limitation for cross-country analyses of national systems, growth and development. This paper presents a new cross-country panel dataset with no missing value. We make use of a new method of multiple imputation that has recently been developed by Honaker and King (2010) to deal specifically with time-series cross-section data at the country-level. We apply this method to construct a large dataset containing a great number of indicators measuring six key country-specific dimensions: innovation and technological capabilities, education system and human capital, infrastructures, economic competitiveness, political-institutional factors, and social capital. The CANA panel dataset thus obtained provides a rich and complete set of 41 indicators for 134 countries in the period 1980-2008 (for a total of 3886 country-year observations). The empirical analysis shows the reliability of the dataset and its usefulness for cross-country analyses of national systems, growth and development. The new dataset is publicly available.Missing data; multiple imputation methods; national systems of innovation; social capabilities; economic growth and development; composite indicators.

    The Mental Itineraries of the Everyday Lives of Indigenous Women Linked to their Partners’ Excessive Alcohol Consumption

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    Some time ago, a psychosocial research project was launched (1999) in an Otomí community in the state of Hidalgo to determine the dynamics of alcohol consumption. It was found, as in many places in Mexico, that alcohol consumption is deeply rooted in culture and that it is a tradition, but also the cause of many social problems, which involve various spheres of everyday life. One of these is women’s everyday lives due to the violence and economic negligence inflicted on them, which produces emotional states of anguish, anxiety, physical and psychological malaise, which increases when they see how their partners’ health is affected as a result of alcohol consumption. Can anything be done for them? Do they want help? Although women are not the only ones to suffer from this, since some children and parents are also affected, they are the main ones to feel the effects. As a means of supporting the family group, a brief intervention model was adapted as an alternative for providing support for the family. The results of the participation in the intervention program and the analysis of the narrations of this process expressed by women are presented in this paper. By mental itineraries, we understand the processes of psychological and cognitive changes undergone by these women in the search for an answer to a situation they could no longer tolerate, which plunged them into a state of crisis. This is analyzed from the theory of experience (Turner, 1994; Mier, 2001) and the Ritual Process (Turner, 1969) understood as, a process of awareness different from previous ones, which makes it different from other similar events. It also drives them to seek help, even though this may involve dealing with cultural norms and patriarchal dominance. What changes an everyday experience for a woman who has tolerated a situation for a long time, suddenly turning it into a social drama that drives her to seek help? The anthropology of experience is based on how individuals experience their culture, in other words, how events are perceived by awareness. To document this experience, we not only recorded data but also cognition, feelings and expectations. Studying this long-established, everyday situation that suddenly becomes a social drama requires examining all the stages in order to be able to reconstruct it. The social drama comprises four stages: rupture, crisis, readjustment and reintegration. Lastly, the study proved the usefulness of the intervention for indigenous communities, despite the fact that the model is counter-cultural, since it runs counter to the cultural habits of alcohol consumption and obedience in a highly patriarchal society that looks for victims and culprits as a means of dealing with situations that cannot be solved or understood

    The Mental Itineraries of the Everyday Lives of Indigenous Women Linked to their Partners’ Excessive Alcohol Consumption

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    Some time ago, a psychosocial research project was launched (1999) in an Otomí community in the state of Hidalgo to determine the dynamics of alcohol consumption. It was found, as in many places in Mexico, that alcohol consumption is deeply rooted in culture and that it is a tradition, but also the cause of many social problems, which involve various spheres of everyday life. One of these is women’s everyday lives due to the violence and economic negligence inflicted on them, which produces emotional states of anguish, anxiety, physical and psychological malaise, which increases when they see how their partners’ health is affected as a result of alcohol consumption. Can anything be done for them? Do they want help? Although women are not the only ones to suffer from this, since some children and parents are also affected, they are the main ones to feel the effects. As a means of supporting the family group, a brief intervention model was adapted as an alternative for providing support for the family. The results of the participation in the intervention program and the analysis of the narrations of this process expressed by women are presented in this paper. By mental itineraries, we understand the processes of psychological and cognitive changes undergone by these women in the search for an answer to a situation they could no longer tolerate, which plunged them into a state of crisis. This is analyzed from the theory of experience (Turner, 1994; Mier, 2001) and the Ritual Process (Turner, 1969) understood as, a process of awareness different from previous ones, which makes it different from other similar events. It also drives them to seek help, even though this may involve dealing with cultural norms and patriarchal dominance. What changes an everyday experience for a woman who has tolerated a situation for a long time, suddenly turning it into a social drama that drives her to seek help? The anthropology of experience is based on how individuals experience their culture, in other words, how events are perceived by awareness. To document this experience, we not only recorded data but also cognition, feelings and expectations. Studying this long-established, everyday situation that suddenly becomes a social drama requires examining all the stages in order to be able to reconstruct it. The social drama comprises four stages: rupture, crisis, readjustment and reintegration. Lastly, the study proved the usefulness of the intervention for indigenous communities, despite the fact that the model is counter-cultural, since it runs counter to the cultural habits of alcohol consumption and obedience in a highly patriarchal society that looks for victims and culprits as a means of dealing with situations that cannot be solved or understood

    La noción de gobernanza como gestión pública participativa y reticular

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    En este documento de trabajo se aborda la perspectiva de la gobernanza como una nueva forma de entender las relaciones Estadosociedad en el marco de las transformaciones estatales producidas en las últimas décadas. Al margen de otras aproximaciones, se considera específico de la noción de gobernanza la consideración de acción del gobierno como gestión de redes en las que participan una multiplicidad de actores públicos y privados, a cuyo su análisis se presta la atención preferente. Dos de los ámbitos de mayor desarrollo, en cuanto a número de estudios, de la perspectiva de la gobernanza son, por una parte, el ámbito local en relación con la gestión de redes de participación ciudadana y, por otra parte, el ámbito supranacional vinculado concretamente a las formas de “gobierno multinivel” en la Unión Europea. A estos espacios se dedican sendas reflexiones generales, en tanto que ejemplos del modo en que se define en ellos la perspectiva de la gobernanza. Se concluye con el esbozo de algunos problemas típicos de los sistemas de gobernanza

    China : crecimiento económico, políticas medioambientales y cambio climático

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    China ha experimentado un crecimiento exponencial en las últimas décadas, situándose en el podio de naciones en Producto Interior Bruto (PIB). Su importancia geopolítica es incuestionable, así como su peso en la economía mundial. De ser un país en vías en desarrollo en los años 70 a postularse como líder del mundo gracias a una fórmula de mano de obra barata, grandes exportaciones internacionales, inversiones masivas y un capitalismo de Estado marcado por la confluencia entre el sector público y privado. Este crecimiento meteórico ha supuesto un ingente consumo de recursos naturales, principalmente carbón, para producir la energía necesaria. En pos del crecimiento, se ha obviado el cuidado del entorno y del ecosistema. Ahora China, como gran potencial mundial, es una de las responsables para afrontar el reto del cambio climático global. Además de esto, tiene que enfrentar los problemas derivados de la contaminación en su propio país y las consecuencias para sus habitantes. El crecimiento en PIB del estado se ha visto acompañado de un crecimiento también de enfermedades pulmonares, ríos contaminados, hectáreas deforestadas y desérticas, etc. China ha aceptado el reto de reducir sus emisiones y buscar fuentes de energía alternativas. Pero esta transición es lenta y costosa y no siempre avanza según lo planificado pues la corrupción en el país mandarín es generalizada. Por otro lado, el Gobierno desea mantener en lo posible una pauta acelerada de crecimiento, así que losúnicos cambios que se dispone a asumir son aquellos que no inciden directamente sobre ese indicador. Ahora que estamos comprobando que las medidas tomadas hasta el momento no son suficientes tendremos que esperar y observar si en los próximos años los gobernantes del Partido Comunista Chino se deciden por fin a cambiar sus directrices y anteponer sostenibilidad a crecimiento.China has experienced exponential growth in recent decades, reaching the podium of nations in gross domestic product (GDP). Its geopolitical importance is unquestionable, as well as its weight in the global economy. It went from being a developing country in the 70s to becoming a world leader, thanks to a formula of cheap labour, large international exports and state capitalism decided by the confluence of public and private sector. This meteoric growth has been possible at the expense of huge consumption of natural resources, mainly coal, in order to produce the necessary energy. In search of growth, it has left out care for the environment and the ecosystems. Nowadays China, as a great world power, is one of the countries responsible for facing the challenge of global climate change. Furthermore, it must deal with problems related to pollution in its own country and its inhabitants. The growth of the state's GDP has been accompanied by an increase in lung diseases, polluted rivers, deforested and desertificated lands, and so on. China has taken on the challenge of reducing its emissions and finding alternative energy sources. Nevertheless, this transition is slow and expensive, and not always progresses as planned, due to widespread corruption in the Mandarin country. On the other hand, the government wants to keep a growth pattern as accelerated as possible, so the only changes that it is ready to carry out are those ones that do not directly affect on this indicator. Now, when we are realizing that the measures already taken are not enough, we have to wait and observe if the Chinese Communist Party’s leaders finally decide to prioritize sustainability over growth in the next coming years.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Periodism

    Las dinámicas de los sistemas nacionales de innovación

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, leída el 20-01-2014.Fac. de Ciencias Económicas y EmpresarialesTRUEunpu

    Comunicación, ciudad e Internet: flujos de información urbana en entornos digitales

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    Se estima que para el 2050 más del 70% de la población mundial viva en ciudades (Hábitat, 2013). Al mismo tiempo, va aumentando la conexión a internet en el mundo y la difusión de conocimiento se hace de manera más acelerada. Es en este punto de encuentro entre el crecimiento urbano mundial y el acceso a redes digitales que se enmarca esta investigación. El objetivo de la investigación en desarrollo es identificar las relaciones que pueden existir entre el crecimiento urbano mundial y la producción de blogs y redes enfocados a temas de conocimiento urbano.It is estimated that by 2050 over 70% of the world population will live in cities (Habitat 2013). At the same time, the internet access is increasing in the world improving the dissemination of knowledge. It is at this meeting point between global urban growth and access to digital networks that this research takes place. The objective of the research is to identify relationships that may exist between global urban growth and the production of blogs and networks focused on urban issues.Peer Reviewe

    Los factores de diferenciación socioespacial de la población en el municipio de Marbella a la luz del censo de 2001

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    A partir de la información del Censo de Población de 2001 a nivel de sección censal, en el presente estudio nos interesamos por los factores que subyacen en la diferenciación socioespacial de la población en el municipio de Marbella. Además, comparamos los resultados con los obtenidos en otro estudio utilizando información referida a 1991, para lo cual se han seleccionado las mismas variables, la misma referencia espacial y el mismo método de análisis de la información.Using the data from 2001 Population Census provided at census tract level, this paper focuses on the factors underlying the sociospatial differentiation of the inhabitants of Marbella. Along with this, we compare the results with those obtained before using information referred to 1991, using the same variables, spatial references and methods in order to maintain comparability