20 research outputs found

    Development of engobe composition with the use of pharmaceutical glass waste for glazed ceramic granite

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    Представлені результати досліджень застосування фармацевтичних вiдходiв зi скла, що являють собою суміш використаних медичних ампул, у виробництві керамічної плитки. Утилiзацiя таких вiдходiв зменшує негативний вплив на довкілля та сприяє збереженню мінеральної сировини. При цьому екологiчно безпечне поводження з ампульними формами фармацевтичних вiдходiв зi скла на стадiї утилiзацiї передбачає вилучення з них залишкiв лiкарських препаратiв. Експериментально та теоретично обґрунтовується доцiльнiсть використання очищених вiд залишків лікарського препарату скляних ампул у якостi флюсуючого компоненту ангобних покриттiв для глазурованого керамогранiту. Проведено порiвняльний аналiз шихтового складу ангобів різних виробників та хiмiчних складiв флюсуючих матерiалiв, що є компонентами даних ангобiв. Визначено, що хімічний склад фармацевтичних скло вiдходiв дозволяє припустити схожiсть основних властивостей розплавів цих вiдходiв та ангобних склофритт. Розглянуто залежнiсть в’язкостi розплавiв ангобних склофритт вiд температури. Встановлено, що за розрахунковими значеннями в’язкостi розплавів та експериментально визначеними характеристиками плавкостi скловiдходи можуть служити замiнниками коштовних ангобних фритт при їх використанні з іншими традиційними компонентами ангобів. Методом рентгенівської спектрометрії визначено хiмiчний склад вiдходiв та базової ангобної фритти. За допомогою термомiкроскопа MISURA досліджено характеристики плавкості. Визначено дилатометром DIL402РС температурний коефіцієнт лiнiйного розширення скломатерiалiв. Проведено дослiдження по розробцi ангобних покриттiв з використанням фармацевтичних вiдходiв зi скла для технологiї глазурованого керамогранiту з температурою випалу 1185 °С. Визначено рацiональний шихтовий склад глянцевого ангобу з білизною 76 %, що мiстить 30 мас. % скловiдходiв. Отримана ангобована плитка з водопоглинанням 0,3–0,4 % i границею мiцностi при згинi 52–54 МПа

    The Scattering Polarization of the Sr I 4607 \AA Line at the Diffraction Limit Resolution of a 1-m Telescope

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    One of the greatest challenges in solar and stellar physics in coming years will be to observe the Second Solar Spectrum with a spatial resolution significantly better than 1 arcsec. This type of scattering polarization observations would probably allow us to discover hitherto unknown aspects of the Sun's hidden magnetism. Here we report on some theoretical predictions for the photospheric line of Sr I at 4607 \AA, which we have obtained by solving the three-dimensional (3D) radiative transfer problem of scattering line polarization in a realistic hydrodynamical model of the solar photosphere. We have taken into account not only the anisotropy of the radiation field in the 3D medium and the Hanle effect of a tangled magnetic field, but also the symmetry breaking effects caused by the horizontal atmospheric inhomogeneities produced by the solar surface convection. Interestingly, the Q/I and U/I linear polarization signals of the emergent spectral line radiation have sizable values and fluctuations, even at the very center of the solar disk where we meet the forward scattering case. The ensuing small-scale patterns in Q/I and U/I turn out to be sensitive to the assumed magnetic field model, and are of great diagnostic value. We argue that it should be possible to observe them with the help of a 1-m telescope equipped with adaptive optics and a suitable polarimeter.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters (12 pages and 2 color figures

    Three-dimensional Radiative Transfer Modeling of the Polarization of the Sun's Continuous Spectrum

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    Here we formulate and solve the 3D radiative transfer problem of the polarization of the solar continuous radiation. Our approach takes into account not only the anisotropy of the continuum radiation, but also the symmetry-breaking effects caused by the horizontal atmospheric inhomogeneities produced by the solar surface convection. Interestingly, our radiative transfer modeling in a well-known 3D hydrodynamical model of the solar photosphere shows remarkable agreement with the empirical data, significantly better than that obtained via the use of 1D atmospheric models. Although this result confirms that the above-mentioned 3D model was indeed a suitable choice for our Hanle-effect estimation of the substantial amount of "hidden" magnetic energy that is stored in the quiet solar photosphere, we have found however some small discrepancies whose origin may be due to uncertainties in the empirical data and/or in the thermal and density structure of the 3D model. For this reason, we have paid some attention also to other (more familiar) observables, like the center-limb variation of the continuum intensity, which we have calculated taking into account the scattering contribution to the continuum source function. The overall agreement with the observed center-limb variation turns out to be impressive, but we find a hint that the model's temperature gradients in the continuum forming layers could be slightly too steep, perhaps because all current simulations of solar surface convection and magnetoconvection compute the radiative flux divergence ignoring the fact that the effective polarizability is not completely negligible, especially in the downward-moving intergranular lane plasma.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Permitted Oxygen Abundances and the Temperature Scale of Metal-Poor Turn-Off Stars

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    We use high quality VLT/UVES published data of the permitted OI triplet and FeII lines to determine oxygen and iron abundances in unevolved (dwarfs, turn-off, subgiants) metal-poor halo stars. The calculations have been performed both in LTE and NLTE, employing effective temperatures obtained with the new infrared flux method (IRFM) temperature scale by Ramirez & Melendez, and surface gravities from Hipparcos parallaxes and theoretical isochrones. A new list of accurate transition probabilities for FeII lines, tied to the absolute scale defined by laboratory measurements, has been used. We find a plateau in the oxygen-to-iron ratio over more than two orders of magnitude in iron abundance (-3.2 < [Fe/H] < -0.7), with a mean [O/Fe] = 0.5 dex (sigma = 0.1 dex), independent of metallicity, temperature and surface gravity. According to the new IRFM Teff scale, the temperatures of turn-off halo stars strongly depend on metallicity, a result that is in excellent qualitative and quantitative agreement with stellar evolution calculations, which predict that the Teff of the turn-off at [Fe/H] = -3 is about 600-700 K higher than that at [Fe/H] = -1.Comment: In press, Ap

    Oxygen in the Very Early Galaxy

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    Oxygen abundances in a sample of ultra-metal-poor subdwarfs have been derived from measurements of the oxygen triplet at 7771--5 A and OH lines in the near UV performed in high-resolution and high signal-to-noise spectra obtained with WHT/UES, KeckI/HIRES, and VLT/UVES. Our Fe abundances were derived in LTE and then corrected for NLTE effects following Thevenin and Idiart (1999). The new oxygen abundances confirm previous findings for a progressive linear rise in the oxygen-to-iron ratio with a slope -0.33+-0.02 from solar metallicity to [Fe/H] -3. A slightly higher slope would be obtained if the Fe NLTE corrections were not considered. Below [Fe/H]= -2.5 our stars show [O/Fe] ratios as high as ~ 1.17 (G64-12), which can be interpreted as evidence for oxygen overproduction in the very early epoch of the formation of the halo, possibly associated with supernova events with very massive progenitor stars. We show that the arguments against this linear trend given by Fulbright and Kraft (1999), based on the LTE Fe analysis of two metal-poor stars cannot be sustained when an NLTE analysis is performed. Using 1-D models our analysis of three oxygen indicators available for BD +23 3130 gives consistent abundances within 0.16 dex and average [O/Fe] ratio of 0.91.Comment: 45 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Radioecological modeling of the 131I activity dynamics in the pasture vegetation of Mazovia in the year of the Chernobyl accident: Reconstruction, verification, reliability assessments

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    A radioecological model, which is a system of linear differential equations describing the dynamics of the transport of 137Cs and 131I radionuclides along the food chain after their release into the atmosphere after the Chernobyl accident, was used to reconstruct “instrumental” data of the 131I activities in the grass pastures in the central part of Mazovia. Four atmospheric models were used for the reconstruction: direct calculation, homogeneous cloud – inhomogeneous rainfall, inhomogeneous cloud – homogeneous rainfall, and a model with recalculation of the 137Cs and 131I activities in the atmosphere. The “instrumental” data were reconstructed based on data from direct measurements of the 131I activity in lawn grass. It has been shown that the direct calculation and homogeneous cloud models lead to a better agreement of the calculated and reconstructed “instrumental” data than the inhomogeneous cloud model. The arithmetic mean ratio of the calculated and reconstructed “instrumental” data lie in a range of 0.84 to 0.95 for the direct calculation and homogeneous cloud models, and in a range of 1.7 to 3.0 for the inhomogeneous cloud model. The mean geometric deviation for all models is constant and equal to 1.7. Instrumental and reconstructed “instrumental” data show a significant decrease in the specific activity of 131I in grass due to its wash-off by continuous rainfall, both during rainfall and after most of the deposition takes place. Due to this effect, the coefficient of the 131I retention on grass in the form of the maximum activity ratio to the 137Cs deposition density decreases from 34 to 1.4 m2/kg while it increases from 1 to 29 kBq/m2 as the result of the rainfall growth from 0 to 40 mm