23 research outputs found

    Approach to defining the object of energy efficiency assessment in industry

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    A scientific project focused on the development of a methodology for assessing energy efficiency classes of industrial facilities identified the primary research problems. The first and most important of them is the absence of a categorical and conceptual apparatus in the field of energy efficiency in industry, both in the Russian Federation and at the global level. This fact limits the definition of the system of indicators in the diagnosis of energy consumption. The study analyzed the definitions of an industrial facility contained in the current legislative and regulatory documents, as well as related assessment categories, such as: an industrial building and an industrial enterprise. The lack of unity in the definition of the identified categories, and in some cases their contradiction, demanded clarification of the category “industrial facility” as an object of diagnostics of energy consumption in industry, within the framework of an expert survey with the involvement of Russian and foreign experts in the field of energy. The practical significance of the results of the study is that the clarification of the category “industrial facility” is an integral attribute of the process of developing a methodological framework for assessing energy efficiency in industry, affecting its substantive part

    Blockchain Integration in Industry 5.0: A Security Experiment for Resilience Assessment

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    This study uses an organized experimental methodology to assess the security and robustness of blockchain-integrated systems within the framework of Industry 5.0. The R&D department's average salary increased by 10%, according to an analysis of personnel statistics, which reflects trends in remuneration. Interdepartmental transactions have increased by 20% according to blockchain transaction analysis, highlighting the significance of safe interdepartmental cooperation. Security issues highlight the need of ongoing watchfulness; in the R&D department, data breaches have increased by 30%. The Manufacturing department scored 85% on the resilience evaluation, which reveals diversity in departmental flexibility. Conclusively, this study offers crucial perspectives on blockchain's function in Industry 5.0 and underscores the need of security, cooperation, and adaptability in this dynamic environment

    Enhancing Smart City Services with AI: A Field Experiment in the Context of Industry 5.0

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    The practical effects of incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) into Industry 5.0 smart city services are made evident by this empirical research. The use of AI-powered smart traffic management yields a noteworthy 32.94% rise in traffic volume, signifying a noteworthy progression towards improved urban mobility. AI waste management optimization results in a 5.71% increase in collection efficiency, highlighting the importance of operational effectiveness and resource conservation. The control of energy use shows an 8.57% decrease, confirming AI's importance in sustainable energy practices. AI-enhanced public safety offers dependable event prediction, indicating safer cityscapes. These results highlight AI's revolutionary potential and establish smart cities as safe, secure, and sustainable urban environments

    Potential influence of birds on soil testate amoebae in the Arctic

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    Birds can be an important agent of environmental change in High Arctic ecosystems, particularly due to the role of seabirds as a vector transferring nutrients from the marine to terrestrial realms. The soils of bird nesting sites are known to host distinct plant communities but the consequences of bird modification for microorganisms are much less clear. Our focus here is testate amoebae: a widely-distributed group of protists with significant roles in many aspects of ecosystem functioning. We compared the testate amoeba assemblages of a site on Spitsbergen (Svalbard archipelago) affected by nesting birds, with nearby control sites. We found differences in assemblage between sites, typified by reduced relative abundance of Phryganella acropodia and Centropyxis aerophila in bird-modified soils. These changes may reflect a reduced availability of fungal food sources. We found no evidence for differences in assemblage diversity or test concentration between bird-modified and control soils. Our dataset is small but results provide the first evidence for the potential effect of bird modification of soils on testate amoebae in the Arctic. Results show only limited similarity to experimental studies of nutrient addition, implying that response mechanisms may be more complicated than simply additional nutrient supply

    Globally invariant metabolism but density-diversity mismatch in springtails.

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    Soil life supports the functioning and biodiversity of terrestrial ecosystems. Springtails (Collembola) are among the most abundant soil arthropods regulating soil fertility and flow of energy through above- and belowground food webs. However, the global distribution of springtail diversity and density, and how these relate to energy fluxes remains unknown. Here, using a global dataset representing 2470 sites, we estimate the total soil springtail biomass at 27.5 megatons carbon, which is threefold higher than wild terrestrial vertebrates, and record peak densities up to 2 million individuals per square meter in the tundra. Despite a 20-fold biomass difference between the tundra and the tropics, springtail energy use (community metabolism) remains similar across the latitudinal gradient, owing to the changes in temperature with latitude. Neither springtail density nor community metabolism is predicted by local species richness, which is high in the tropics, but comparably high in some temperate forests and even tundra. Changes in springtail activity may emerge from latitudinal gradients in temperature, predation and resource limitation in soil communities. Contrasting relationships of biomass, diversity and activity of springtail communities with temperature suggest that climate warming will alter fundamental soil biodiversity metrics in different directions, potentially restructuring terrestrial food webs and affecting soil functioning

    Model for assessing the financial potential of the region

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    The paper proposes an approach to the assessment of the financial potential of a region of the Russian Federation on the basis of an economic model including system-processing approach. The article examines the role of regional finance in modern conditions as an important tool to influence the process of maintaining economic growth. The financial capacity may be a fundamental tool in the management of social and economic development of regions, is an indicator of the actual state for the purpose of monitoring and make effective management decisions. The result of the study is to determine the most effective model of assessment of the financial potential of a region in order to ensure sustainable economic development. The article is devoted to the development of a model for assessing the financial potential of the region and the study of its elements. It is proposed to revise the elements that make up the financial potential. The author's interpretation of the conceptual bases of the study presupposes a significant expansion of the boundaries of the financial potential, which determines the systemic and complex research approaches. The authors identified the subjects of the economy that affect the formation and regulation of financial capacity

    Economic Efficiency of Innovative Materials for Sectors of Economy

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    The paper proposes an approach to the assessment of the economic efficiency of innovative anti-corrosion coatings for sectors of the national economy of the Russia on the basis of a synthesis of strategic sectoral and cost analysis. According to the authors, a comparative analysis of composite polymeric anticorrosion protecting coatings with similar products, estimating of direct and indirect economic effect and prognosis of implementation, forms a deeper understanding of the role of innovative technologies in the Russian state development of import substitution, the investment attractiveness of Russian industries in the new part technologies, applied research activities of private companies. Metal consumption sectors of the economy were chosen as an object of research, as they are characterized by the use of the following products: industrial construction and reconstruction, nuclear and thermal power, chemical, oil and gas, utilities, food processing, automotive, shipbuilding, aviation and rocket science, other industry. Basic modeling of implementation of anticorrosion protecting coatings in industrial enterprises was carried out on the basis of generating energy enterprises as one of the main end-users of anti-corrosive materials that also issue accurate statements

    Influence of town-planning on social and economic progress of the subject of the Russian Federation in aspect of regional management

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    The aim of research is to form a method allowing estimating the influence of town-planning on social and economic development in the region. The article presents the natural - territorial and socio-economic conditions that determine urban development. Authors examine the natural conditions in conjunction with the planning factors as a priority when implementing management actions on the socio-economic situation of the region. Complex evaluation of natural factors allows to take into account their impact on the quality of the created urban environment, and to predict possible scenarios of spatial strategy. The article examines the problems of formation of transport and logistic center of the city district integrated into the Asia-Pacific region. The strategic goal of development of the transport sector is the development of a balanced transport system. In the process of research was used analytical method for the processing of statistical and accounting documentation of the Administration of the city district. The research methodology involves use of information approach which in turn requires the use of such research methods as vertical, horizontal and comparative analysis

    Approaches to the assessment the innovation-and-investment projects within the system of “Smart City” criteria

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    The article clarifies the understanding of modern approaches to risk management in construction organizations. The authors have formed a classification of the sources of risks in construction and the reasons causing the uncertainty of the conditions of operation of construction companies. The researchers identified factors that require control in the construction industry. The authors offer, that “smart city” assumes six criteria, including smart economy, smart mobility, smart environment, smart people, smart living, smart governance. The consideration of the tendency to innovations and the assessment of innovation-and-investment risks within the concept “Smart city” was carried out for the Russian practice for the first time. The risk assessment is offered to be carried out with the use of the modern approach. The proposed approach to improve risk management, according to which all the basic processes of risk management should be carried out at each stage of the life cycle of a construction object. The authors propose to use certain methods of qualitative and quantitative risk assessment, enshrined in the risk management standard, at the appropriate stages of the life cycle of a construction object in terms of their advantages. This will increase the effectiveness of risk management and minimize the impact of risk factors identified by researchers on the performance of construction organizations. Research of risk management systems allowed us to determine the priorities and problems of construction companies in the field of risk management and increase its efficiency