44 research outputs found

    El fen贸meno de la migraci贸n en aves: una mirada desde la Orinoquia

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    La migraci贸n es un fen贸meno que ha llamado la atenci贸n de investigadores a lo largo del mundo y de la historia de la ciencia. Este proceso biol贸gico ha sido bien estudiado en aves, sin embargo, en Colombia y, especialmente en la regi贸n de la Orinoquia, a煤n queda mucho por conocer sobre estas viajeras. Este art铆culo presenta el fen贸meno de la migraci贸n Neotropical en aves; primero se evidencia una recopilaci贸n de bibliograf铆a sobre la migraci贸n en aves y algunos de sus aspectos m谩s relevantes, a continuaci贸n se hace un an谩lisis de este fen贸meno en la regi贸n de la Orinoquia y se proponen pasos a seguir para mejorar el estudio y conservaci贸n de estas aves en el pa铆s y en la regi贸n orinocense. Con este art铆culo se pretende llamar la atenci贸n sobre la importancia de estudiar las aves migratorias en la Orinoquia para dise帽ar estrategias efectivas para su conservaci贸n

    Batch-produced, GIS-informed range maps for birds based on provenanced, crowd-sourced data inform conservation assessments.

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    Accurate maps of species ranges are essential to inform conservation, but time-consuming to produce and update. Given the pace of change of knowledge about species distributions and shifts in ranges under climate change and land use, a need exists for timely mapping approaches that enable batch processing employing widely available data. We develop a systematic approach of batch-processing range maps and derived Area of Habitat maps for terrestrial bird species with published ranges below 125,000 km2 in Central and South America. (Area of Habitat is the habitat available to a species within its range.) We combine existing range maps with the rapidly expanding crowd-sourced eBird data of presences and absences from frequently surveyed locations, plus readily accessible, high resolution satellite data on forest cover and elevation to map the Area of Habitat available to each species. Users can interrogate the maps produced to see details of the observations that contributed to the ranges. Previous estimates of Areas of Habitat were constrained within the published ranges and thus were, by definition, smaller-typically about 30%. This reflects how little habitat within suitable elevation ranges exists within the published ranges. Our results show that on average, Areas of Habitat are 12% larger than published ranges, reflecting the often-considerable extent that eBird records expand the known distributions of species. Interestingly, there are substantial differences between threatened and non-threatened species. Some 40% of Critically Endangered, 43% of Endangered, and 55% of Vulnerable species have Areas of Habitat larger than their published ranges, compared with 31% for Near Threatened and Least Concern species. The important finding for conservation is that threatened species are generally more widespread than previously estimated

    Research advances in Risaralda. An overview of 8 experiences

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    I am honored to present to you this remarkable book, a testament to the invaluable research conducted in the fields of Health, Law, Engineering, and Administrative Sciences. Each chapter within these pages represents the culmination of extensive investigations carried out by dedicated scholars affiliated with the Red Universitaria de Risaralda (RUN), a network comprising 15 esteemed higher education institutions. Risaralda has emerged as a thriving hub for higher education, bolstered by its strategic geographical location, high quality of life, rich biodiversity, and competitive development. Today, Pereira ranks third in the index of university cities, with a student enrollment rate exceeding 63%. Close to 50,000 students pursue academic programs within the department. Notably, three institutions have achieved accreditation for their excellence in education, positioning Risaralda among the most competitive regions in terms of accredited academic programs. As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Red Universitaria de Risaralda in 2023, it is with great pride that we reflect on its pivotal role in fostering collaboration among public and private higher education institutions. Our mission has been twofold: attracting students to our region and supporting sustainable development and quality of life for our community. The mesa de investigaci贸n (research committee) has diligently coordinated the necessary actions to unite our researchers, facilitating an integrated approach to various disciplines and themes associated with the challenges faced in our region.CONTENT Introduction...................................................................................................................5 CHAPTER ONE. Tobacco Use and Social Skills in Children from Two Schools in Pereira, Colombia .......................................................................................................9 Ang茅lica Mar铆a Blanco Vanegas, Natalia Jeaneth Carmona Valencia and 脕ngela Liceth P茅rez Rend贸n CHAPTER TWO. Lesbian visibility: between control and family silence.................................................35 Mireya Ospina Botero and Carolina Carmona Castilla CHAPTER THREE. New centralities in the city of Pereira, 1990-2019 .......................................................65 Cesar Augusto Casta帽o Galvis CHAPTER FOUR. Bibliometric analysis of scientific publications on the effect of roots on slope stability ...........................................................................................................95 Alejandro Alzate Buitrago, Ra煤l Alberto Gaviria Valencia, C茅sar Augusto Pe帽uela Meneses, Carlos Alberto Ospina Parra CHAPTER FIVE. Sustainability of local agri-food systems in a municipality of the Eje Cafetero, Colombia...............................................................................................131 Jaime Cardona Ocampo, Orlando Ospina Salazar and Julia Arredondo Botero CHAPTER SIX. Organizational strategies aimed at the Ember谩 Cham铆 unified indigenous reservation, Inamurcito community located in the municipality of Pueblo Rico, Risaralda............................................................................................................163 Carla Johana Mart铆nez Garc铆a and Yenny Marcela V茅lez Herrera CHAPTER SEVEN. Psychomotor profile of children between 4 and 5 years old in the city of Pereira, Colombia ...................................................................................................199 Jhonatan Gonzalez-Santamar铆a and Claudia Jimena Lopez-Garcia CHAPTER EIGHT. Analysis of assembly tasks without the use of vision: an opportunity for the design of support technologies in manufacturing environments.....................217 Gustavo Adolfo Pe帽a Mar铆n, Carlos Andr茅s Quintero Diaztagle and Juan Diego Gallego G贸me

    El fen贸meno de la migraci贸n en aves: una mirada desde la Orinoquia

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    Titulo en ingles:聽 The phenomenon of migration in birds: a view from the Orinoco.RESUMEN: La migraci贸n es un fen贸meno que ha llamado la atenci贸n de investigadores a lo largo del mundo y de la historia de la ciencia. Este proceso biol贸gico ha sido bien estudiado en aves, sin embargo, en Colombia y, especialmente en la regi贸n de la Orinoquia, a煤n queda mucho por conocer sobre estas viajeras. Este art铆culo presenta el fen贸meno de la migraci贸n Neotropical en aves; primero se evidencia una recopilaci贸n de bibliograf铆a sobre la migraci贸n en aves y algunos de sus aspectos m谩s relevantes, a continuaci贸n se hace un an谩lisis de este fen贸meno en la regi贸n de la Orinoquia y se proponen pasos a seguir para mejorar el estudio y conservaci贸n de estas aves en el pa铆s y en la regi贸n orinocense. Con este art铆culo se pretende llamar la atenci贸n sobre la importancia de estudiar las aves migratorias en la Orinoquia para dise帽ar estrategias efectivas para su conservaci贸n.Palabras clave: aves, Colombia, conservaci贸n, migraci贸n, Orinoquia.ABSTRACT:聽 Migration is a phenomenon that has attracted the attention of researchers throughout the world and history of science. This biological process has been well studied in birds, however, in Colombia and especially in the Orinoco region, much remains unknown about these travelers. This paper presents the phenomenon of migra- tion in Neotropical birds. First of all, presents an evidence of a collection of literature on migration in birds and some of its most relevant aspects, then an analysis of this phenomenon in the region of the Orinoco and proposes steps to improve the study and conservation of these birds in the country and the orinocense region. With this article we try to foccus some attention to the importance of studying migratory birds in the Orinoco to design effective conservation strategies.Key words: birds, Colombia, conservation, migration, Orinoquia.Titulo en ingles:聽 The phenomenon of migration in birds: a view from the Orinoco.RESUMEN: La migraci贸n es un fen贸meno que ha llamado la atenci贸n de investigadores a lo largo del mundo y de la historia de la ciencia. Este proceso biol贸gico ha sido bien estudiado en aves, sin embargo, en Colombia y, especialmente en la regi贸n de la Orinoquia, a煤n queda mucho por conocer sobre estas viajeras. Este art铆culo presenta el fen贸meno de la migraci贸n Neotropical en aves; primero se evidencia una recopilaci贸n de bibliograf铆a sobre la migraci贸n en aves y algunos de sus aspectos m谩s relevantes, a continuaci贸n se hace un an谩lisis de este fen贸meno en la regi贸n de la Orinoquia y se proponen pasos a seguir para mejorar el estudio y conservaci贸n de estas aves en el pa铆s y en la regi贸n orinocense. Con este art铆culo se pretende llamar la atenci贸n sobre la importancia de estudiar las aves migratorias en la Orinoquia para dise帽ar estrategias efectivas para su conservaci贸n.Palabras clave: aves, Colombia, conservaci贸n, migraci贸n, Orinoquia.ABSTRACT:聽 Migration is a phenomenon that has attracted the attention of researchers throughout the world and history of science. This biological process has been well studied in birds, however, in Colombia and especially in the Orinoco region, much remains unknown about these travelers. This paper presents the phenomenon of migra- tion in Neotropical birds. First of all, presents an evidence of a collection of literature on migration in birds and some of its most relevant aspects, then an analysis of this phenomenon in the region of the Orinoco and proposes steps to improve the study and conservation of these birds in the country and the orinocense region. With this article we try to foccus some attention to the importance of studying migratory birds in the Orinoco to design effective conservation strategies.Key words: birds, Colombia, conservation, migration, Orinoquia

    El fen贸meno de la migraci贸n en aves: una mirada desde la Orinoquia

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    Migration is a phenomenon that has attracted the attention of researchers throughout the world and history of science. This biological process has been well studied in birds, however, in Colombia and especially in the Orinoco region, much remains unknown about these travelers. This paper presents the phenomenon of migration in Neotropical birds. First of all, presents an evidence of a collection of literature on migration in birds and some of its most relevant aspects, then an analysis of this phenomenon in the region of the Orinoco and proposes steps to improve the study and conservation of these birds in the country and the orinocense region. With this article we try to foccus some attention to the importance of studying migratory birds in the Orinoco to design effective conservation strategies.La migraci贸n es un fen贸meno que ha llamado la atenci贸n de investigadores a lo largo del mundo y de la historia de la ciencia. Este proceso biol贸gico ha sido bien estudiado en aves, sin embargo, en Colombia y, especialmente en la regi贸n de la Orinoquia, a煤n queda mucho por conocer sobre estas viajeras. Este art铆culo presenta el fen贸meno de la migraci贸n Neotropical en aves; primero se evidencia una recopilaci贸n de bibliograf铆a sobre la migraci贸n en aves y algunos de sus aspectos m谩s relevantes, a continuaci贸n se hace un an谩lisis de este fen贸meno en la regi贸n de la Orinoquia y se proponen pasos a seguir para mejorar el estudio y conservaci贸n de estas aves en el pa铆s y en la regi贸n orinocense. Con este art铆culo se pretende llamar la atenci贸n sobre la importancia de estudiar las aves migratorias en la Orinoquia para dise帽ar estrategias efectivas para su conservaci贸n

    Reservas Naturales del nodo Orinoquia en su rol de Conservacion de la Biodiversidad

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    Colombia es uno de los pa铆ses mega diversos del mundo, ocupando el primer lugar en diversidad de aves, el segundo en plantas, y el tercero en mariposas. las tres cordilleras, los tres valles interandinos, las selvas las tierras bajas y las vastas sabanas hacen de nuestro pa铆s el escenario ideal para alojar una alta diversidad tropical. como las dem谩s regiones de Colombia, la Orinoquia es una re guion especial y diversa en cuanto a los ecosistemas que posee, y la fauna y flora que alberga. en esta vasta regi贸n, abarcada entre la gran cuenca del ri贸 Orinoco, la cordillera oriental de los andes, y las selvas amaz贸nicas encontrando gran variedad de ecosistemas siendo los mas representativos: las sabanas bien drenadas o altillanura, las sabanas inundables, los bosques de galer铆a, los bosques subandinos, los bosques del escudo Guyan茅s, entre otros