211 research outputs found

    Boosting power of salt hydrates for heat storage

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    Evaluation of the effectiveness of the perimeter physical protection system

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    In the article the evaluation of the efficiency of the physical protection system of the perimeter for the given object of protection was conducted. One of the possible ways to improve the early detection of the fact of penetration of the object of protection and early warning of the security service is submitted for the adoption of adequate or preventive measures. The concept of timely detection of the offender in the controlled area of the space is formulated

    Alcibiade et son image à propos d’une épigramme d’Evgueni Baratynski

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    Le rôle fondamental de l’Antiquité dans la culture et l’éducation européennes aux xviiie‑xixe siècles n’a pas besoin d’être démontré. Cependant, les particularités de la réception et de l’utilisation du substrat antique sont encore insuffisamment étudiées. Cette étude de l’épigramme d’Evgenij Baratynskij Alcibiade (1836) est une reconstruction d’habitudes intellectuelles d’un homme de “formation classique”. Le poème apparaît comme une « structure ouverte » qui invite le lecteur à un jeu intellectuel. Pour participer à ce jeu, il est nécessaire de connaître la biographie d’Alcibiade et les interprétations qui en ont été données par les moralistes de l’époque moderne, de maîtriser les codes des genres et des figures rhétoriques et de savoir déchiffrer des représentations iconographiques. Ces compétences faisaient partie du bagage culturel ordinaire de l’homme formé dans la tradition classique : capable d’apprécier la concision de la description de l’un des caractères les plus connus de l’Antiquité, il pouvait, en même temps, reconnaître en Alcibiade ses contemporains (par exemple, lord Byron) ou bien lui-même.The importance of Classical Antiquity for European culture and education during the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries is universally acknowledged. However, the particularities of the reception and pragmatics of this classical substrate require further investigation. In this case study of an epigram by Evgeny Baratynsky ‘Alcibiades’ (1836) we reconstruct some interpretative habits acquired through classical education. To an experienced reader this epigram presented itself as an ‘open structure’, a challenge and an intellectual quest. In order to succeed, one had to remember the biography of Alcibiades and its interpretations by the modern moralists, to discern the genres and the rhetorical figures and to have some iconographical skills. Such a deposit of intellectual skills and habits resulting from classical education enabled a reader to appreciate Baratynsky’s elegant concision in rendering one of the most popular antique characters and to enjoy possible projections of Alcibiades upon his contemporaries such as Lord Byron, or even upon himself


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    In this article three components and degrees of the preparedness of future informatics teachers for monitoring students’ educational achievements are mentioned. Besides, it was characterized the organization and pedagogical conditions of effective formation the given preparedness. It was described the content of the experimental research of formation of the cognitive component of the preparedness for realizing the monitoring activity by future informatics teachers in the profile school and the received results were introduced. In the final part it was indicated the directions which require further research.В статье указаны компоненты и уровни готовности будущих учителей информатики к мониторингу учебных достижений учащихся. Кроме того, были охарактеризованы организационно-педагогические и педагогические условия эффективного формирования данной готовности. Описано содержание экспериментального исследования формирования когнитивного компонента готовности к осуществлению мониторинговой деятельности будущими учителями информатики в профильной школе и представлены полученные результаты. В заключительной части указаны направления, которые требуют дальнейшего исследования.У статті зазначено компоненти та рівні готовності майбутніх вчителів інформатики до моніторингу навчальних досягнень учнів. Крім того, було охарактеризовано організаційно-педагогічні та педагогічні умови ефективного формування даної готовності. Описано зміст експериментального дослідження формування когнітивного компоненту готовності до здійснення моніторингової діяльності майбутніми вчителями інформатики у профільній школі та представлено отримані результати. У заключній частині зазначено напрями, що потребують подальшого дослідження

    Assessment of the cardiovascular risk in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: choosing the appropriate tool

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    Department of Internal Medicine, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemițanu”, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova, Department of Family Medicine, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemițanu”, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova, Congresul consacrat aniversării a 75-a de la fondarea USMF ”Nicolae Testemițanu” 21-23 octombrie 2020Abstract Objectives. The aim of the research was to assess the cardiovascular risk in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Materials and Methods. Cross-sectional study, including 96 patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (The Systemic Lupus Collaborating Clinics classification criteria, 2012), was conducted at the Department of Internal Medicine, Institute of Cardiology, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova, between 2017-2019 years. We calculated and compared the 10-year cardiovascular risk by Systemic Coronary Risk Evaluation versus Systemic Lupus Erythematosus cardiovascular risk equation. Results. A total number of 96 patients were included in the study, with female gender predominance (92 patients, 96%) and mean age, at the moment of the study, of 43.2±12.1 years. The Systemic Lupus Erythematosus duration was 89,9±44,1 months. The disease activity by Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index was 8.08±7,1 points. Traditional cardiovascular risk factors were hypertension (50%), age (16.6%) and hypercholesterolemia (12.5%). Non-traditional risk factors were high disease activity (33.3%), antiphospholipid syndrome (33.3%), and renal lupus (20.8%). The mean 10-year risk provided by Systemic Coronary Risk Evaluation was 7.8±9.0 points. Overall, 12.5% of participants were deemed high risk, most of the subjects having moderate 45.8% or low 41.7% cardiovascular risk. According to Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Cardiovascular Risk Equation, we have established that 29.1% of patients had high cardiovascular risk, compared to only 12.5% by Systemic Coronary Risk Evaluation (p<0.05). Conclusion. Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus have a high cardiovascular risk, by combining traditional and non-traditional risk factors (disease activity, lupus nephritis, and antiphospholipid syndrome). For clinical use, the specific tool for stratifying cardiovascular risk in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus is recommended

    Early consequences of idiopathic inflammatory myopathies

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    Departamentul Medicină Internă, USMF Nicolae TestemiţanuIdiopathic infl ammatory myopathies (IIM) are a group of rare diseases characterized by asthenia of skeletal muscles. Early approach to disease leads to a favorable evolution of the disease and less outcomes. The aim of this study is to assess the short-term outcomes in patients with IIM. We conducted a transversal study enrolling 12 patients (7 women, 5 men) with IIM, the mean age was 54.1±12.1 (30–67) years and the follow–up period was 16±9.4, (7-25) months. Patients were assessed by aplying specifi c questionnaires and modern, validated clinical tools.We found in all patients muscle damage manifested by muscular dysfunction – 11 (91.7%) patients and atrophy in one (8,3%) patient, confi rmed by moderate muscle strengh, which implies disability – 10 (83.3%) patients. Gastrointestinal damage was manifested by dysphagia in 3 (25.0%) patients, hepatic steatosis – 3 (25.0%), dismotility – 5 (41.7%) patients. Endocrine damage like dyslipidemia had 4 (33.3%), secondary amenorrhea – 4 (33.3%), diabetes mellitus in 2 (16.6%) patients. Despite moderate disease activity the most common disease outcomes obtained were muscular – 100% patients, gastrointestinal – 91.7% and endocrine – 83.3% patients

    Поражение желудочно-кишечного тракта у больных с идиопатическими воспалительными миопатиями

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu“, Conferința naţională de gastroenterologie şi hepatologie cu participare internaţională ”Actualităţi în gastroenterologie şi hepatologie” 16 iunie 2016 Chișinău, Republica MoldovaThe inflammatory myopathies collectively named myositis, encompass a group of heterogeneous muscle disorders, which share the common clinical features of slowly progressive, symmetrical muscle weakness, low endurance and fatigue. Idiopathic inflammatory myopathies are characterized by the involvement of muscles that can affect any system or organ, including the gastrointestinal tract. The most common digestive manifestation is dysphagia, proximal oesophageal skeletal muscle dysfunction is demonstrated by manometry with low amplitude/absent pharyngeal contractions. Myositis is also associated with coeliac disease and responds to a gluten-free diet. A variety of malignancies have been reported in dermatomyositis including colorectal and gastric adenocarcinomas. In patients with myositis gastrointestinal system may be affected throughout his trajectory and actual prevalence and prognosis associated with digestive symptoms are uncertain. Dysphagia wich is the most common manifestation in some patients may have severe impact on quality of life.Воспалительные миопатии, в общем называемые миозитами, охватывают группу гетерогенных мышечных расстройств, которые разделяют общие клинические особенности медленно прогрессирующей, симметричной мышечной слабости, низкой выносливости и усталости. Идиопатические воспалительные миопатии характеризуются вовлечением мышц, которые могут поражать любую систему или орган, в том числе желудочно-кишечный тракт. Наиболее распространенным проявлением поражения пищеварительного тракта является дисфагия, дисфункция проксимальных скелетных мышц пищевода, с малой амплитудой / отсутствием пищеводных сокращений, определяемая с помощью манометрии. Миозит также связан с целиакией и отвечает на безглютеновую диету. Множество злокачественных опухолей, включая колоректальную и желудочную аденокарциному, было зарегистрировано при дерматомиозитах. У больных с воспалительными миопатиями желудочно-кишечный тракт может быть поражен на протяжении всей своей траектории, и распространенность и прогноз связанные с пищеварительными симптомами являются неопределенными. Дисфагия, являющаяся самым распространенным симптомом, может иметь серьезное влияние на качество жизни пациентов

    Fluorescence Imaging in Colorectal Surgery: An Updated Review and Future Trends

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    Fluorescence imaging in colorectal surgery is considered a novel predominantly intraoperative method of ensuring a greater surgical success. The use of fluorescence is linked to advanced tumor visualization and projection of its lymphatics, both vessels and nodes, which results in a higher chance of achieving a total excision. Additionally, iatrogenic complications prove to be reduced using fluorescence during the surgical excision. The combination of fluorescence and artificial intelligence to better facilitate oncological surgery will soon become an established approach in operating rooms worldwide

    Use of horse riding in chronic pain therapy

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    Introduction and purpose: Chronic pain is a struggle itself and also a symptom in many common conditions. Its complexity requires diverse treatment methods including some that might seem unconventional, for example, horse riding. This study gathers information about the use of equine assisted therapy in pain relief. Brief description of the state of knowledge: Hippotherapy is known as an important part of care for patients with cerebral palsy, attention deficit and autism. The rhythmical, multidimensional movements of the horse are transmitted to the rider’s pelvis and help in strengthening and stretching the muscles which result in better posture stabilization and balance. The positive effects of equine assisted therapy are not limited to only physical ones but positive social, cognitive and psychological effects can be observed as well. In order to lower the cost and time of the therapy, horse riding simulators were invented. So far, horse riding has been tested as a pain relief tool in entities like nonspecific low back pain, multiple sclerosis and arthritis. Summary: Horse riding sessions had beneficial effects on pain levels among patients with nonspecific back pain and arthritis. There is a need to conduct further research in order to properly compare the use of real horses versus horse simulators. Hippotherapy was well perceived by different patient groups so maybe it has the potential to be an important part of pain management in various conditions