67 research outputs found

    Cardiovascular biomarkers in chronic kidney disease

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    Przewlekła choroba nerek (CKD) jest istotnym problemem zdrowia publicznego na całym świecie. Wysoka zachorowalność na choroby układu sercowo-naczyniowego (CVD) i wysoka śmiertelność pacjentów ze współistniejącą CKD, szczególnie w jej zaawansowanych stadiach, uzasadniają potrzebę stratyfikacji ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego w tej populacji chorych. Znane czynniki ryzyka, takie jak przewlekły stan zapalny, stres oksydacyjny, niedokrwistość czy zaburzenia mineralne i kostne, w znacznym stopniu przyczyniają się do dużej częstości występowania powikłań sercowo-naczyniowych u chorych z CKD. Biomarkery metaboliczne związane z tymi czynnikami ryzyka mogą mieć istotne znaczenie w przewidywaniu rozwoju CVD. Precyzyjna ocena ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego na wczesnym etapie mogłaby ułatwić podjęcie decyzji o agresywnym postępowaniu u wybranych pacjentów w celu zmniejszenia częstości powikłań. W artykule omówiono epidemiologię CKD i CVD, mechanizmy zwapnienia naczyń, jak również możliwości wykorzystania biomarkerów w ocenie ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego u pacjentów z CKD.  Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a growing public health problem worldwide. The high incidence of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and high mortality rates in patients with CKD, particularly in advanced stages, bring a rationale for better risk stratification in this population. Known risk factors such as inflammation, oxidative stress, anemia, and bone mineral disorders contribute by large to the high incidence of cardiovascular complications diagnosed in patients with CKD. Metabolic biomarkers related to these events might be valuable in predicting CVD. The accurate assessment of cardiovascular risk at an early stage could facilitate more aggressive and better tailored treatment of selected patients in order to reduce event rates. In this review, we discuss the epidemiology of CKD and CVD, the mechanisms of vascular calcification, as well as established and emerging laboratory biomarkers for the cardiovascular risk assessment in CKD

    Retrospective Analysis of Reasons for Presenting to Emergency Ophthalmic Care in Poland and the USA – Literature Review

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    Introduction. Emergency Department is a hospital unit, where is provided care in in cases of sudden threat to life and health. One of the reasons why patients come to the Emergency Department is eye damage. Emergency ophthalmological services are a very important form of ophthalmological care because some conditions and diseases require quick intervention to prevent permanent vision damage or eye loss. Patients come to hospital emergency departments for many reasons, such as: eyeball injury, sudden pain or unexpected deterioration of vision. It is worth noting that some patients do not understand the provision of services within health care units and in conditions that do not require urgent care, they seek it in emergency rooms. Aim of study. The following study analyzes the reasons for reporting to emergency ophthalmological services in Poland and the United States. Knowing the most common causes of patients' ailments and the factors that influence them, we can plan strategies for providing specific services within health care units. Materials and methods. The work reviews articles published in the years 2005-2023 in Poland and the United States of America. The results obtained from individual studies were divided in terms of age, gender, traumatic and non-traumatic causes. Additionally, it was checked how often patients had to be hospitalized after staying in Polish emergency departments. Conclusions. Injuries and other eye diseases affect patients regardless of gender and age. Most often, these are adult men

    Is a dissociation process underlying the molecular origin of the Debye process in monohydroxy alcohols?

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    Herein, we investigated the molecular dynamics as well as intra-molecular interactions in two primary monohydroxy alcohols (MA), 2-ethyl-1-hexanol (2EHOH) and n-butanol (nBOH), by means of broad-band dielectric (BDS) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The modeling data obtained from dielectric studies within the Rubinstein approach [Macromolecules 2013, 46, 7525−7541] originally developed to describe the dynamical properties of self-assembling macromolecules allowed us to calculate the energy barrier (Ea)of dissociation from the temperature dependences of relaxation times of Debye and structural processes. We found Ea ∼ 19.4 ± 0.8 and 5.3 ± 0.4 kJ/mol for the former and latter systems, respectively. On the other hand, FTIR data analyzed within the van’tHoff relationship yielded the energy barriers for dissociation Ea ∼ 20.3 ± 2.1 and 12.4 ± 1.6 kJ/mol for 2EHOH and nBOH, respectively. Hence, there was almost a perfect agreement between the values of Ea estimated from dielectric and FTIR studies for the 2EHOH, while some notable discrepancy was noted for the second alcohol. A quite significant difference in the activation barrier of dissociation indicates that there are probably supramolecular clusters of varying geometry or a ring-chain-like equilibrium is strongly affected in both alcohols. Nevertheless, our analysis showed that the association/dissociation processes undergoing within nanoassociates are one of the main factors underlying the molecular origin of the Debye process, supporting the transient chain model

    Beyond the Aesthetics: Understanding Risks in Nonsurgical Rhinoplasty

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    Nonsurgical rhinoplasty (NSR), colloquially referred to as a "liquid nose job," is a procedure that employs injectable fillers to modify the shape and contour of the nose. This procedure is particularly suited to patients presenting with minor imperfections and nasal defects. The procedure typically entails the injection of hyaluronic acid-based fillers, which are preferred due to their reversibility and safety profile. Although rare, dangerous complications are possible, therefore it is important to be aware of the risks associated with performing NSR and how to recognise and manage them. This article examines a number of potential complications associated with the procedure, including minor side effects such as bruising and swelling, as well as more serious risks such as vascular obstruction, skin necrosis and blindness. It is evident that the practitioner's experience and anatomical knowledge are of paramount importance in order to minimise the aforementioned risks. The aim of this review is to delineate the potential hazards associated with NSR. It is imperative that both clinicians and patients are cognizant that NSR is not a risk-free procedure. Dissemination of information may facilitate the implementation of safer practices and superior outcomes in facial aesthetic procedures

    Retrospective Analysis of Reasons for Presenting to Emergency Ophthalmic Care in Poland and the USA – Literature Review

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    Introduction. Emergency Department is a hospital unit, where is provided care in in cases of sudden threat to life and health. One of the reasons why patients come to the Emergency Department is eye damage. Emergency ophthalmological services are a very important form of ophthalmological care because some conditions and diseases require quick intervention to prevent permanent vision damage or eye loss. Patients come to hospital emergency departments for many reasons, such as: eyeball injury, sudden pain or unexpected deterioration of vision. It is worth noting that some patients do not understand the provision of services within health care units and in conditions that do not require urgent care, they seek it in emergency rooms. Aim of study. The following study analyzes the reasons for reporting to emergency ophthalmological services in Poland and the United States. Knowing the most common causes of patients' ailments and the factors that influence them, we can plan strategies for providing specific services within health care units. Materials and methods. The work reviews articles published in the years 2005-2023 in Poland and the United States of America. The results obtained from individual studies were divided in terms of age, gender, traumatic and non-traumatic causes. Additionally, it was checked how often patients had to be hospitalized after staying in Polish emergency departments. Conclusions. Injuries and other eye diseases affect patients regardless of gender and age. Most often, these are adult men

    Argumentacja w edukacji: postulaty badań edukacyjnych w polskiej szkole argumentacji

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    Uwzględniając dotychczasową działalność Polskiej Szkoły Argumentacji, w szczególności jej działalność edukacyjną wyeksponowaną podczas XV konferencji ArgDiaP, sformułowaliśmy postulaty dotyczące dalszej działalności edukacyjnej Szkoły. Ich realizacja w ciągu najbliższych lat mogłaby stanowić grunt dla długoterminowych celów edukacyjnych, takich jak (1) opracowanie spójnego programu nauczania sztuki argumentowania i krytycznego myślenia w szkołach podstawowych i średnich oraz (2) zaprojektowanie ogólnopolskich standardów i ram nauczania przedmiotów powiązanych z argumentacją i krytycznym myśleniem na poziomie studiów uniwersyteckich

    Machine Learning Identifies Stemness Features Associated with Oncogenic Dedifferentiation.

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    Cancer progression involves the gradual loss of a differentiated phenotype and acquisition of progenitor and stem-cell-like features. Here, we provide novel stemness indices for assessing the degree of oncogenic dedifferentiation. We used an innovative one-class logistic regression (OCLR) machine-learning algorithm to extract transcriptomic and epigenetic feature sets derived from non-transformed pluripotent stem cells and their differentiated progeny. Using OCLR, we were able to identify previously undiscovered biological mechanisms associated with the dedifferentiated oncogenic state. Analyses of the tumor microenvironment revealed unanticipated correlation of cancer stemness with immune checkpoint expression and infiltrating immune cells. We found that the dedifferentiated oncogenic phenotype was generally most prominent in metastatic tumors. Application of our stemness indices to single-cell data revealed patterns of intra-tumor molecular heterogeneity. Finally, the indices allowed for the identification of novel targets and possible targeted therapies aimed at tumor differentiation

    “Pedagogisation of parents of early school pupils in selected municipal and rural primary schools of the Malopolskie Voivodeship"

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    Głównym celem pracy pt. “Pedagogizacja rodziców uczniów edukacji wczesnoszkolnej w wybranych miejskich i wiejskich szkołach podstawowych województwa małopolskiego” było zbadanie sposobu organizacji i realizacji przez szkołę pedagogizacji rodziców uczniów edukacji wczesnoszkolnej. W pracy szczególnie skupiono uwagę na poziomie kompetencji rodzicielskich w zakresie wiedzy psychologiczno-pedagogicznej rodziców uczniów edukacji wczesnoszkolnej, tematyki organizowanych spotkań, warsztatów, kursów skierowanych do rodziców oraz poczuciu potrzeby przez rodziców poszerzania wiedzy w zakresie wychowania dzieci. Pierwsza wiedza na temat wychowywania dzieci ma swoje źródło w rodzinie pochodzenia małżonków. Niestety nie jest często wystarczalna. Należy tą wiedzę rozwijać, wzbogacać np. poprzez czytanie książek, uczęszczanie na warsztaty bądź do szkoły dla rodziców. Miejscem, do którego każdy rodzic ma dostęp bez obciążeń finansowych jest szkoła, do której uczęszcza dziecko. To właśnie tam może korzystać z pomocy pedagoga, wychowawcy oraz z organizowanych przez szkołę spotkań, warsztatów, prelekcji, które pomogą rozwinąć kompetencje rodzicielskie. Część teoretyczna pracy składa się z trzech rozdziałów. W pierwszej z nich opisano szkołę, która oprócz pełnienia funkcji edukacyjnych jest również środowiskiem wychowawczym. Odniesiono się w tym rozdziale do zadań i funkcji jakie powinna pełnić szkoła a szczególnie skupiono się na jej roli wychowawczej. Drugi rozdział został poświęcony rodzinie. Przedstawiono w nim typy oraz funkcje rodziny. Ponadto odniesiono się również do istotności komunikacji interpersonalnej wewnątrz rodziny. Trzeci rozdział poświęcono tytułowej pedagogizacji rodziców. Przedstawiono cel i potrzebę pedagogizacji, jej formy i metody oraz zadania pedagoga szkolnego wynikające z ustawy. Rozdział ten zakończono przeglądem badań związanych z pedagogizacją rodziców.Część empiryczna składa się z dwóch rozdziałów. Pierwszy z nich dotyczy metodologii badań własnych. Metodą, która została wykorzystana do badań był sondaż diagnostyczny. Techniką, odpowiadającą metodzie była ankieta oraz wywiad a kwestionariusz ankiety i kwestionariusz wywiadu to narzędzia, którymi się posłużono. Kwestionariusz ankiety został skierowany do rodziców uczniów edukacji wczesnoszkolnej a kwestionariusz wywiadu skierowano do pedagogów szkolnych. Natomiast drugi rozdział empiryczny to prezentacja i analiza wyników badań własnych.Pracę kończy podsumowanie i wnioski końcowe z przeprowadzonych badań empirycznych.The main aim of the work is to present the following topic “Pedagogisation of parents of early school pupils in selected municipal and rural primary schools of the Malopolskie Voivodeship" was to investigate the way in which the school organises and implements the pedagogisation of parents of early school pupils. The work focuses on the level of parental competence in the field of psychological and pedagogical knowledge of parents of early school education students, the subject matter of meetings, workshops, courses addressed to parents and the sense of need for parents to broaden their knowledge in the field of child upbringing. The first knowledge about raising children has its source in the family of the spouses'; origin. Unfortunately, it is often not enough. This knowledge should be developed and enriched, for example by reading books, attending workshops or attending a school for parents. The place where every parent has access without financial burden is the school attended by the child. It is there that he or she can benefit from the help of a teacher, a teacher and from meetings, workshops and lectures organized by the school, which will help to develop parental competences. The theoretical part of the work consists of three chapters. The first one describes the school, which apart from its educational functions is also an educational environment. This chapter refers to the tasks and functions that should be performed by the school and focuses especially on its educational role. The second chapter is devoted to the family. It presents the types and functions of the family. In addition, the importance of interpersonal communication within the family is also referred to. The third chapter is devoted to the pedagogy of parents in the title. The aim and need of pedagogization, its forms and methods as well as the tasks of a school teacher resulting from the Act are presented. This chapter ended with a review of research related to parental pedagogy.The empirical part consists of two chapters. The first one concerns the methodology of own research. The method that was used in the research was a diagnostic survey. The technique, corresponding to the method, was the questionnaire and the interview, and the questionnaire and the interview questionnaire were the tools used. The questionnaire was addressed to parents of early school pupils andthe interview questionnaire was addressed to school pedagogues. The second empirical chapter is a presentation and analysis of the results of own research. The work ends with a summary and final conclusions of the empirical research