60 research outputs found

    Intervención farmacéutica en la detección de un trastorno de síndrome de piernas inquietas

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    Sexo: mujer. Edad: 72 años. Patología: diabetes tipo 2. Tratamiento: insulina glargina e insulina glulisina y también con hipolipemiantes (ezetimiba y atorvastatina 10 mg)

    Dispensación de medicamentos hipolipemiantes en seis oficinas de farmacia de Vizcaya

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    Las enfermedades cardiovasculares (ECV) son la primera causa de muerte en nuestro país, provocando en torno al 40% del total de fallecimientos1. El mantenimiento de las tasas de colesterolemia en valores normales se asocia en términos generales a una disminución de la incidencia y mortalidad por cardiopatía isquémica y ECV2. El control del colesterol plasmático se ha convertido en una medida preventiva de primer orden para la cual, además de la elección de una dieta adecuada y hábitos de vida saludables, como no fumar o practicar ejercicio físico, se cuenta con un grupo específico de medicamentos: los hipolipemiantes. Estos fármacos son útiles en la prevención y tratamiento de las enfermedades cardiovasculares, constituyendo el grupo de fármacos que más coste supone al Sistema Nacional de Salud. Su prescripción ha sufrido un aumento importante en los últimos años debido probablemente al sobrepeso, sedentarismo y aumento de la esperanza de vida en los países industrializados. El objetivo de nuestro estudio ha sido conocer las características del consumo de fármacos hipolipemiantes mediante encuestas a los pacientes en seis farmacias comunitarias en la provincia de Vizcaya

    The Efficacy and Effectiveness of Education for Preventing and Treating Non-Specific Low Back Pain in the Hispanic Cultural Setting: A Systematic Review

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    [EN] A systematic review was conducted to assess the efficacy and effectiveness of education programs to prevent and treat low back pain (LBP) in the Hispanic cultural setting. Electronic and manual searches identified 1148 unique references. Nine randomized clinical trials (RCTs) were included in this review. Methodological quality assessment and data extraction followed the recommendations from the Cochrane Back Pain Review Group. Education programs which were assessed focused on active management (3 studies), postural hygiene (7), exercise (4) and pain neurophysiology (1). Comparators were no intervention, usual care, exercise, other types of education, and different combinations of these procedures. Five RCTs had a low risk of bias. Results show that: (a) education programs in the school setting can transmit potentially useful knowledge for LBP prevention and (b) education programs for patients with LBP improve the outcomes of usual care, especially in terms of disability. Education on pain neurophysiology improves the results of education on exercise, and education on active management is more effective than “sham” education and education on postural hygiene. Future studies should assess the comparative or summatory effects of education on exercise, education on pain neurophysiology and education on active management, as well as explore their efficiency.S

    The Efficacy and Effectiveness of Education for Preventing and Treating Non-Specific Low Back Pain in the Hispanic Cultural Setting: A Systematic Review

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    A systematic review was conducted to assess the efficacy and effectiveness of education programs to prevent and treat low back pain (LBP) in the Hispanic cultural setting. Electronic and manual searches identified 1148 unique references. Nine randomized clinical trials (RCTs) were included in this review. Methodological quality assessment and data extraction followed the recommendations from the Cochrane Back Pain Review Group. Education programs which were assessed focused on active management (3 studies), postural hygiene (7), exercise (4) and pain neurophysiology (1). Comparators were no intervention, usual care, exercise, other types of education, and different combinations of these procedures. Five RCTs had a low risk of bias. Results show that: (a) education programs in the school setting can transmit potentially useful knowledge for LBP prevention and (b) education programs for patients with LBP improve the outcomes of usual care, especially in terms of disability. Education on pain neurophysiology improves the results of education on exercise, and education on active management is more effective than “sham” education and education on postural hygiene. Future studies should assess the comparative or summatory effects of education on exercise, education on pain neurophysiology and education on active management, as well as explore their efficiency

    Intervención farmacéutica en gestante: Derivación al médico para modificar la posición del feto

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    Se presenta en la farmacia una paciente habitual cuyo primer embarazo hemos seguido desde el principio. Durante los meses de gestación, la mujer no ha sufrido ningún problema importante, pero nos comenta que en la última ecografía el ginecólogo le ha informado que el feto se encuentra de nalgas y que es posible que le tengan que realizar una cesárea. La gestante se encuentra asustada ya que desea tener un parto natural por vía vaginal y nos pregunta si existe alguna técnica que ayude a colocar el feto, evitando la cesárea

    Fitoterapia como coadyuvante en el tratamiento de la obesidad

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    La obesidad es uno de los problemas de salud más importantes a nivel mundial debido a su relación con numerosas patologías como la diabetes mellitus tipo 2, la hipertensión y el aumento importante en el riesgo cardiovascular. La base del tratamiento es la dieta y el ejercicio físico, pero en muchos casos no es sufi ciente y es necesario combinarlo con tratamiento farmacológico. Recientemente se ha retirado sibutramina del mercado por lo que sólo se dispone de orlistat, que no está exento de contraindicaciones y efectos secundarios. Ante esta situación, se ha vuelto a retomar el tratamiento fi toterápico, aunque, en muchas ocasiones, con numerosas dudas. Esta revisión pretende aportar la información necesaria sobre las principales plantas utilizadas en este tratamiento

    Reproducibility Study of Nocturnal Blood Pressure Dipping in Patients with High Cardiovascular Risk

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    It has been shown that in most people there is a physiological reduction in blood pressure during nighttime sleep, it falling by approximately 10% compared to daytime values (dippers). On the other hand, in some people, there is no nighttime reduction (non-dippers). Various studies have found an association between being a non-dipper and a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, but few have assessed whether the nocturnal pattern is maintained over time. From the database of the TAHPS study, data were available on 225 patients, each of whom underwent 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) on four occasions over a period of 5 months. We studied the reproducibility of the nocturnal BP dipping pattern with mixed linear analysis and also calculated the concordance in the classification of patients as dippers or non-dippers. The intraclass correlation coefficients between the different ABPM recordings were 0.482 and 0.467 for systolic and diastolic blood pressure, respectively. Two-thirds (67%) and 70% of the patients classified, respectively, as dippers or non-dippers based on systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings in the first ABPM recording were found to have the same classification based on the subsequent recordings. We conclude that the reproducibility of nocturnal dipping patterns and concordance of dipper vs non-dipper status in individual patients is modest and therefore that we should be cautious about recommending treatments or interventions based on these patterns.A grant was received from the Department of Pharmacy of the Spanish Health Ministr

    Efecto del control de malezas y fertilización sobre el crecimiento inicial de Gmelina arborea Roxb. en el departamento del Tolima, Colombia

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    This study was conducted to generate knowledge about silvicultural management in the establishment of Gmelina arborea plantations located at department of Tolima, Colombia. The objective was to quantify the individual and combined effects of weed control and fertilization with N-PK-Mg on the growth of individual trees of G. arborea. The evaluation used analysis of variance (ANOVA) considering a block design with split plots arrangement, being the response variables: periodic annual increment (PAI) in diameter, total height, basal area and total volume inside the bark. ANOVA allowed to infer that there are no significant response differences among the application of one to three chemical weed control per year. However, the absence of weed control reduced the PAI in diameter by 22% and 3% in total volume inside bark. Fertilization was the main factor influencing the PAI in diameter, total height, basal area and total volume inside bark. To conclude, the best treatment consisted of a combination of two weed controls per year and the use of a high dose of fertilizer (N = 60 g = 30 g P2O5, K2O = 120 g, Mg = 68 g). This combination increased the PAI in diameter by 29%, total height by 15% , area basal by 30% and total volume inside bark by 15% when compared with control plots.Este estudio se desarrolló para generar conocimiento sobre el manejo silvícola en el establecimiento de plantaciones de Gmelina arborea localizadas en el departamento del Tolima, Colombia. El objetivo fue cuantificar el efecto individual y combinado del control de malezas y fertilización con N-P-K-Mg sobre el crecimiento de los árboles individuales de G. arborea. Para la evaluación, se utilizó análisis de varianza (ANOVA) considerando un diseño en bloques con arreglo en parcelas divididas (split-plot), siendo las variables respuesta: el incremento periódico anual (IPA) en diámetro, altura total, área basal y volumen total sin corteza. El ANOVA permitió inferir que no existen diferencias signicativas entre la aplicación de uno a tres controles de malezas químicos al año. Sin embargo, la ausencia de controles de malezas disminuyó el IPA en diámetro en el 22% y en volumen en el 3%. La fertilización fue el principal factor que presentó la mayor influencia en los IPA en diámetro, altura total, área basal y volumen total sin corteza. Se puede concluir que el mejor tratamiento considera una combinación de dos controles de malezas al año y el uso de una dosis alta de fertilización (N=60 g, P2O5=30 g, K2O=120 g, Mg=68 g). Esta combinación permitió aumentar los incrementos periódicos anuales en un 29% en diámetro, 15% en altura total, 30% en área basal y 15% en volumen total sin corteza comparado con las parcelas testigo

    Experiences of water immersion during childbirth: a qualitative thematic synthesis

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    Background The increasing demand for childbirth care based on physiological principles has led official bodies to encourage health centers to provide evidence‑based care aimed at promoting women’s participation in informed decision‑making and avoiding excessive medical intervention during childbirth. One of the goals is to reduce pain and find alternative measures to epidural anesthesia to enhance women’s autonomy and well‑being during child‑ birth. Currently, water immersion is used as a non‑pharmacological method for pain relief. This review aimed to identify and synthesize evidence on women’s and midwives’ experiences, values, and prefer‑ ences regarding water immersion during childbirth. Methods A systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative evidence were conducted. Databases were searched and references were checked according to specific criteria. Studies that used qualitative data collection and analysis methods to examine the opinions of women or midwives in the hospital setting were included. Non‑qualita‑ tive studies, mixed‑methods studies that did not separately report qualitative results, and studies in languages other than English or Spanish were excluded. The Critical Appraisal Skills Program Qualitative Research Checklist was used to assess study quality, and results were synthesized using thematic synthesis. Results Thirteen studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in this review. The qualitative studies yielded three key themes: 1) reasons identified by women and midwives for choosing a water birth, 2) benefits experienced in water births, and 3) barriers and facilitators of water immersion during childbirth. Conclusions The evidence from qualitative studies indicates that women report benefits associated with water birth. From the perspective of midwives, ensuring safe water births requires adequate resources, midwives training, and rig‑ orous standardized protocols to ensure that all pregnant women can safely opt for water immersion during childbirth with satisfactory results

    The OpenGame Course curriculum and content

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    The course on open education proposed here comprises 8 modules based on 8 competences. For each competence we have defined learning outcomes. The modules are built around the practices identified and described in IO1. In each module 3 practices are used to engage the trainees. The practices themselves are transformed into learning activities, allowing the trainees to actively interact with the learning activities.OpenGame Project -Promoting Open Education through Gamification, Ref: 2019-1-ES01-KA203-065815info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio