33 research outputs found
Formación de competencias comunicativas y pragmáticas en fraseología entre estudiantes filológicos extranjeros
This article deals with the analysis of the factors influencing the formation of communicative and pragmatic competence in the process of teaching foreign students of the Faculty of Philology, Department of Russian Phraseology. The authors prove that the system of training future teachers of Russian has no sections and courses aimed at the formation of communicative and pragmatic competence in Russian phraseology. The study of the assimilation of phraseological units was carried out in several stages. The first is related to the definition of the level of knowledge of the phraseological system of the Russian language. The second is the level of understanding of certain phraseological units by philology students. The third is the ability to express an evaluative attitude towards someone using phraseological units. The fourth is related to the ability to use phraseological units when evaluating something, any event, phenomena.Este artículo aborda el análisis de los factores que influyen en la formación de la competencia comunicativa y pragmática en el proceso de enseñanza de estudiantes extranjeros de la Facultad de Filología del Departamento de Fraseología Rusa. Los autores demuestran que el sistema de formación de futuros profesores de ruso no tiene secciones y cursos destinados a la formación de competencias comunicativas y pragmáticas en la fraseología rusa. El estudio de la asimilación de unidades fraseológicas se realizó en varias etapas. El primero está relacionado con la definición del nivel de conocimiento del sistema fraseológico de la lengua rusa. El segundo es el nivel de comprensión de ciertas unidades fraseológicas por parte de los estudiantes de filología. El tercero es la capacidad de expresar una actitud evaluativa hacia alguien usando unidades fraseológicas. El cuarto está relacionado con la capacidad de usar unidades fraseológicas al evaluar algo, cualquier evento, fenómeno
Investigar el efecto de la formación de competencia comunicativa y pragmática en fraseología en la educación de estudiantes filológicos extranjeros
This article deals with the analysis of the factors influencing the formation of communicative and pragmatic competence in the process of teaching foreign students of the Faculty of Philology, Department of Russian Phraseology. The authors prove that the system of training future teachers of Russian has no sections and courses aimed at the formation of communicative and pragmatic competence in Russian phraseology. The study of the assimilation of phraseological units was carried out in several stages. The first is related to the definition of the level of knowledge of the phraseological system of the Russian language. The second is the level of understanding of certain phraseological units by philology students. The third is the ability to express an evaluative attitude towards someone using phraseological units. The fourth is related to the ability to use phraseological units when evaluating something, any event, phenomena.Este artículo aborda el análisis de los factores que influyen en la formación de la competencia comunicativa y pragmática en el proceso de enseñanza de estudiantes extranjeros de la Facultad de Filología del Departamento de Fraseología Rusa. Los autores demuestran que el sistema de formación de futuros profesores de ruso no tiene secciones y cursos destinados a la formación de competencias comunicativas y pragmáticas en la fraseología rusa. El estudio de la asimilación de unidades fraseológicas se realizó en varias etapas. El primero está relacionado con la definición del nivel de conocimiento del sistema fraseológico de la lengua rusa. El segundo es el nivelde comprensión de ciertas unidades fraseológicas por parte de los estudiantes de filología. El tercero es la capacidad de expresar una actitud evaluativa hacia alguien usando unidades fraseológicas. El cuarto está relacionado con la capacidad de usar unidades fraseológicas al evaluar algo, cualquier evento, fenómeno
Investigating the Effect of Formation of Communicative and Pragmatic Competence in Phraseology in Educating Foreign Philological Students
This article deals with the analysis of the factors influencing the formation of communicative and pragmatic competence in the process of teaching foreign students of the Faculty of Philology, Department of Russian Phraseology. The authors prove that the system of training future teachers of Russian has no sections and courses aimed at the formation of communicative and pragmatic competence in Russian phraseology. The study of the assimilation of phraseological units was carried out in several stages. The first is related to the definition of the level of knowledge of the phraseological system of the Russian language. The second is the level of understanding of certain phraseological units by philology students. The third is the ability to express an evaluative attitude towards someone using phraseological units. The fourth is related to the ability to use phraseological units when evaluating something, any event, phenomena.This article deals with the analysis of the factors influencing the formation of communicative and pragmatic competence in the process of teaching foreign students of the Faculty of Philology, Department of Russian Phraseology. The authors prove that the system of training future teachers of Russian has no sections and courses aimed at the formation of communicative and pragmatic competence in Russian phraseology. The study of the assimilation of phraseological units was carried out in several stages. The first is related to the definition of the level of knowledge of the phraseological system of the Russian language. The second is the level of understanding of certain phraseological units by philology students. The third is the ability to express an evaluative attitude towards someone using phraseological units. The fourth is related to the ability to use phraseological units when evaluating something, any event, phenomena
South-Siberian mountain mires: Perspectives on a potentially vulnerable remote source of biodiversity
Changes in climate, land-use and pollution are having disproportionate impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity of arctic and mountain ecosystems. While these impacts are well-documented for many areas of the Arctic and alpine regions, some isolated and inaccessible mountain areas are poorly studied. Furthermore, even in well-studied regions, assessments of biodiversity and species to environmental change are biased towards vascular plants and cryptogams, particularly bryophytes are far less represented. This paper aims to document the environments of the remove and inaccessible Altai-Sayan mountain mires and particularly their bryofloras where threatened specias exist and species new to the regional flora are still being found. As these mountain mires are relatively inaccessible, changes in drivers of change ad their ecosystem and biodiversity impacts have not been monitored. However, the remoteness of the mires has so far protected them and their species. In this study, we describe the mires, their bryophyte species and the expected impacts of environmental stressors to bring attention to the urgency of documenting change and conserving these pristine ecosystems
The Algorithm for Comparative Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Cryptocurrency Assets
The current stage of development of the cryptocurrency market is characterized by a number of structural properties and transformations that cause increased interest in cryptocurrency as a means of payment. This payment option allows you to speed up the money transfer operations, requires significantly lower commissions, is not tied to time intervals, effectively solves the problem of settlements with foreign partners in any currencies, and overcomes inflationary risk. The presence of these advantages determines the relevance of studying the cryptocurrency market in order to determine the prospects for improving the modern practice of non-cash electronic payments in Ukraine, which, in turn, will contribute to increasing the level of competitiveness of domestic enterprises. The aim of the publication is to build and implement an algorithm for comparative analysis of the spatio-temporal characteristics of cryptocurrency assets, the use of which will allow to make a reasonable choice of cryptocurrency as a non-cash means of payment. This algorithm contains the following main steps: analysis of the current state and main trends in the development of the cryptocurrency market; determination of a set of basic characteristics with the help of which it is possible to describe cryptocurrency as an object in a multidimensional statistical space; classification of cryptocurrency assets; development of recommendations for the final choice of cryptocurrency as a means of non-cash payments. A comparative analysis of cryptocurrencies is carried out by indicators of risk, profitability, and market capitalization. Classification and ordering of objects in the multidimensional feature space are carried out using cluster analysis algorithms. The structure of the system of cryptocurrency objects in multidimensional space is preliminarily analyzed using agglomerative methods, then a reasonable decision is made on the optimal number of clusters and an iterative clustering algorithm is applied. A division of cryptocurrency objects into four consecutive periods has been obtained, the stability of the composition and structure of the resulting groups in dynamics has been studied. As a result, groups whose characteristics are acceptable from the point of view of the ultimate goal of the study are identified. Within these groups, the cryptocurrencies that can be used for non-cash payments have been identified
The changes of standard DXA measurements and TBS depending on outcomes of neurosurgical treatment in patients with Cushing's disease
BACKGROUND:Patients with endogenous hypercortisolism have reduced bone mineral density (BMD) and trabecular bone score (TBS) that are the causes of secondary osteoporosis and low-traumatic fractures. It is well known that radical treatment (neurosurgery or radiosurgery) of Cushings disease leads to a decline of cortisol levels in all body fluids to normal values. However, it is still uncertain whether bone tissue structure, and particularly its microarchitecture, does recover in remission of the disease.
AIMS:To evaluate an influence of hormone activity (presence or absence of remission) in patients with Cushing's disease on changes of bone structure measurements in accordance with DXA values (TBS, BMD, T- and Z-scores), as well as significance of such changes in 12 and 24 months after neurosurgical treatment.
MATERIALS AND METHODS:In patients with confirmed active Cushing's disease (ACTH-producing pituitary adenoma) (n = 44) and in control group of healthy volunteers (n = 40), BMD in lumbar spine (L1-L4) and simultaneously TBS, in cut-off points before neurosurgical treatment (in both groups) and in 12 and 24 months after it (only in patients), were assessed. We diagnosed presence or absence of disease remission at cut-offs. All measurements were performed using a GE iDXA device (GE Healthcare Lunar, Madison, Wisconsin, USA). The TBS was calculated simultaneously from taken BMD scans, blinded to clinical outcome using TBS iNsight software v2.1 (Medimaps, Merignac, France). The activity of Cushings disease was evaluated using late-night salivary cortisol (LNSC, at 23:00). To determine the differences in DXA and TBS values before and after neurosurgical intervention depending on remission occurrence, covariate analysis (ANCOVA) was applied.
RESULTS:There were found significant changes in TBS, BMD and T-score values in 12 months after neurosurgical treatment associated with presence or absence of disease remission (p = 0.039, 0.046 and 0.048, respectively). No differences in Z-score as well as in all measurements in 24 months, that might be associated with remission occurrence, were revealed. The gain in all DXA measurements (including TBS) during 24 months of observation period was statistically significant when analyzing data using Students paired t-test. However, the values corresponding to the age references had not been achieved for the specified time interval.
CONCLUSIONS:Patients with Cushings disease have lower TBS values. In remission conditions TBS is getting significantly higher. The increase in BMD and TBS occurs during 24 months after achieving remission of Cushings disease but doesnt lead to a full restoration of normal bone mass and microstructure throughout observation period of 24 months
Rethinking First Language–Second Language Similarities and Differences in English Proficiency: Insights From the ENglish Reading Online (ENRO) Project
This article presents the ENglish Reading Online (ENRO) project that offers data on English reading and listening comprehension from 7,338 university-level advanced learners and native speakers of English representing 19 countries. The database also includes estimates of reading rate and seven component skills of English, including vocabulary, spelling, and grammar, as well as rich demographic and language background data. We first demonstrate high reliability for ENRO tests and their convergent validity with existing meta-analyses.We then provide a bird’s-eye view of first (L1) and second (L2) language comparisons and examine the relative role of various predictors of reading and listening comprehension and reading speed. Across analyses, we found substantially more overlap than differences between L1 and L2 speakers, suggesting that English reading proficiency is best considered across a continuum of skill, ability, and experiences spanning L1 and L2 speakers alike. We end by providing pointers for how researchers can mine ENRO data for future studies