27 research outputs found

    Turystyka w niepewnych czasach. Relacja z wyjazdu do Kairu w dniach 23 marca – 5 kwietnia 2014 roku

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    Autorka zwraca uwagę na dokonujące się w 2014 r. zmiany w turystyce do Egiptu związane z trwającą niestabilnością polityczną kraju po okresie tzw. Arabskiej Wiosny. Podczas własnych badań terenowych zbadała dostępność zasobów turystycznych, w tym także obiektów dotąd niewykorzystywanych przez biura podroży.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Kemampuan Siswa Dalam Menyelesaikan Soal-soal Uraian Terstruktur Pokok Bahasan Teori Kinetik Gas

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    "> Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) kemampuan kognitif yang dilihat dari hasil belajar peserta didik yang kelas XI MAN Model Palangka Raya dalam mengerjakan soal-soal uraian terstruktur pada pokok bahasan Teori Kinetik Gas; dan (2) kesulitan peserta didik dalam mengerjakan soal-soal uraian terstruktur. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dalam mengumpulkan datanya. Penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen dalam bentuk soal uraian terstruktur. Hasil uji coba soal uraian terstruktur pada kelas XI IA-1 MAN Model Palangka Raya mendapatkan tingkat validitas rata-rata 0,536 dan tingkat reliabilitas soal 0,539 dengan kategori cukup. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) peserta didik yang mampu dan tidak mengalami masalah dalam mengerjakan soal-soal uraian terstruktur berjumlah 18 peserta didik dan 12 peserta didik tidak mampu dan mengalami masalah dalam mengerjakan soal-soal uraian terstruktur. Peserta didik yang mampu mengerjakan soal-soal uraian terstruktur memiliki ketuntasan belajar ≥ batas KKM, yaitu 60% (2) kesulitan peserta didik dalam mengerjakan soal-soal uraian terstruktur terdapat pada penyebutan dan penulisan satuan besaran pada jawaban dengan persentase kesulitan 36,7%, penguasaan operasi hitungan denganpersentase kesulitan 31,4% dan penulisan besaran yang ditanya dalam soal dengan persentase kesulitan 28,6%

    Woodblock print "Nakadaya Teahouse" by Utamaro Kitagawa

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    Niniejsza praca poświęcona jest drzeworytowi „Herbaciarnia Nakadaya” autorstwa Utamaro Kitagawy. Autorka omawia technikę drzeworytniczą, nurt ukiyo-e, opisuje obraz oraz analizuje jego treść w kontekście społecznym, kulturowym i lingwistycznym. Autorka stawia tezę, iż w swojej twórczości Utamaro dąży do typologicznego przedstawienia różnych rodzajów kobiecego piękna oraz uchwycenia „wiecznej kobiecości”.The subject of this thesis is the woodblock print "Nakadaya Teahouse" by Utamaro Kitagawa. The author discusses the woodblock print technique, the Ukiyo-e genre and describes the image as well as analysing its content in the social, cultural and linguistic context. The author states that in his work Utamaro aimed at a typological representation of various types of female beauty and tried to capture the "eternal femininity"

    Vampire archetype? Cultural analysis of selected characters from ancient mythology (Egypt, Greece, Rome)

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    Tytuł niniejszej pracy licencjackiej to "Archetyp wampira? Analiza kulturowa wybranych postaci z mitologii starożytnej (Egipt, Grecja, Rzym)"; praca podzielona jest na osiem części: wprowadzenie (w tym krótkie omówienie motywu krwi) postaci z mitologii starożytnego Egiptu (Sehmet, Tefnut), Lamia, Empusa, Mormo (Mormolyke), Gello (Gelo), strix, tekst kończy się Zakończeniem oraz Bibliografią książek i artykułów przywoływanych i cytowanych w pracy. Praca opiera się na własnej analizie tekstów źródłowych i tłumaczeń, wraz z odniesieniami do opinii z publikacji na pokrewne tematy (zwłaszcza West 1990, Ogden 2013, Johnston 1999). Rozdział egipski jest zaznaczeniem funkcjonowania mitu o istotach wampirycznych także w innych kulturach i nie jest analizą egiptologiczną.The title of this Bachelor’s Dissertation is “Vampire archetype? Cultural analysis of selected characters from ancient mythology (Egypt, Greece, Rome)”; work is divided into eight sections: an introduction (including a brief discussion of the blood motif) of figures from ancient Egyptian mythology (Sehmet, Tefnut), Lamia, Empusa, Mormo (Mormolyke), Gello (Gelo), strix, the text ends with Conlusion and Bibliography of the books and articles referred to and quoted in the thesis. The paper is based on the author's own analysis of source texts and translations, together with references to opinions from publications on related topics (notably West 1990, Ogden 2013, Johnston 1999). The Egyptian chapter is a marking of the functioning of the myth of vampiric beings in other cultures as well, and is not an Egyptological analysis

    Analysis of vibrodiagnostics methods in the technical state study of designed multimedia mobile scenes

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    The paper presents the possibilities of using vibroacoustic methods in the study of the technical condition of designed multimedia mobile scenes. In particular, the possibility of implementing modal analysis methods in modelling and diagnostic research process has been presented. The use of virtual methods enables diagnostic tests both at the design stage and at the stage of normal operation, whereas modal methods help to explain the nature of the work of the element under investigation

    Computational and experimental diagnostics of the shear properties of greases

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    The study of the properties of consistent and liquid oils is currently receiving much attention in tribology. This is because lubrication is one of the most effective ways to improve machine durability. At the same time are practically no mathematical descriptions of the mechanisms of grease lubrication, which is necessary for predicting and calculating the wear of machines. When studying the wear of surfaces under boundary lubrication conditions, it is necessary to know the stiffness characteristics of a thin layer of lubricant under normal and tangential stresses. In this paper, a method is proposed for determining the function of the contact tangential characteristics of a thin oil layer between solid deformable surfaces. A thin layer of grease is placed between two hard discs. By measuring the angle of rotation and the moment on the second disc, the dependence of the moment on the angle of rotation is determined. The contact mechanics of torsion of a thin circular lubricant layer has been developed and relations for determining the parameters of the shear diagram of a thin lubricant layer have been obtained. According to the developed method, the Fiol-3 grease was tested and the parameters of the shear diagram were determined


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    The aim of the study was to identify selected threats to e-banking security in the opinion of rural residents, on the case of Konin County. Available e-banking services were analysed against the background of cybercrime threats. The research was conducted in the year 2019. In the spatial scope, it concerned Wielkopolska and the territory of the Konin County, which consists of 14 municipalities, including 5 urban-rural municipalities and 9 rural municipalities. Using the method of diagnostic survey, on a sample of almost 400 people invited to the study, the results were collected. The majority of respondents were rural residents. The survey questionnaire consisted of 22 closed questions and information data. Suggested answers were programmed according to a five-point Likert scale. The study used Pearson’s chi-square statistical test of independence, comparative and descriptive analysis. Calculations were performed in MS Excel. As a result, a relatively high level of interest in e-banking among the residents of Konin County was indicated. More than 90% of respondents, primarily rural residents, use online banking. This is especially applicable to retail payments, as well as successive control of the household budget. E-banking’s usability is mostly determined by: time saving, a widespread availability of services and convenience. Despite the awareness of risks, the level of security of online banking inspires confidence among respondents. Therefore, social and legal responsibility of the banking sector for electronic transaction security is recommended. This is justified by the majority of respondent opinions that traditional banking will be eliminated in the future by e-commerce tools, including e-banking

    The assessment of the impact of the chosen exploational conditions of hydraulic arrangement on the working liquid condition

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    Hydraulic systems in modern vehicles and agricultural machines have many components. In order to achieve high efficiency of the system, the system requires an accurate filtration system that allows you to reduce the amount of contaminants. Therefore, an important aspect is to determine the content of impurities in the working liquid, so we can diagnose and then predict the durability of the entire hydraulic system. This paper presents selected methods and means of state assessment, as well as the methodology for testing the working fluid. The results of experimental studies conducted in accordance with the developed methodology have been presented, which made it possible to obtain an appropriate analysis of results and draw appropriate conclusions. The results of the research confirmed the validity of the research activities undertaken using the passive experiment

    The assessment of the impact of the chosen exploational conditions of hydraulic arrangement on the working liquid condition

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    Hydraulic systems in modern vehicles and agricultural machines have many components. In order to achieve high efficiency of the system, the system requires an accurate filtration system that allows you to reduce the amount of contaminants. Therefore, an important aspect is to determine the content of impurities in the working liquid, so we can diagnose and then predict the durability of the entire hydraulic system. This paper presents selected methods and means of state assessment, as well as the methodology for testing the working fluid. The results of experimental studies conducted in accordance with the developed methodology have been presented, which made it possible to obtain an appropriate analysis of results and draw appropriate conclusions. The results of the research confirmed the validity of the research activities undertaken using the passive experiment