94 research outputs found

    Galeri dan Sanggar Angklung di Surabaya

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    Galeri dan Sanggar Angklung di Surabaya ini merupakan salah satu fasilitas wisata yang mewadahi kegiatan masyarakat sehubungan dengan pengenalan dan permainan dari salah satu alat musik khas Indonesia, yaitu Angklung. Pengadaan fasilitas ini bertujuan untuk mengenalkan dan mengedukasi masyarakat luas, baik dari dalam negeri maupun luar negeri mengenai segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan musik angklung. Serta terdapat pula fasilitas gedung pertunjukkan dimana para pengunjung dapat langsung menikmati alunan dari musik angklung. Hal ini didukung pula dengan pengesahan yang telah dilakukan oleh UNESCO pada tahun 2010 terhadap angklung yang diakui sebagai salah satu alat musik asli dari Indonesia. Angklung juga dikenal sebagai alat musik yang sudah universal di Indonesia, sehingga dengan keberadaan fasilitas ini di Surabaya dapat mendukung minat dan bakat yang dimiliki oleh anak-anak Surabaya terhadap Angklung serta mendukung eksistensi dari Sanggar Alang-Alang yang telah mempelajari dan memainkan angklung terlebih dahulu dimana letaknya berada di dekat site. Agar kegiatan yang terjadi di dalam fasilitas ini dapat berjalan dengan baik, maka digunakan pendekatan arsitektur perilaku yang dikombinasi dengan pendekatan akustik. Pendekatan tersebut digunakan agar nilai-nilai kebersamaan yang dimiliki oleh angklung dapat dirasakan dan tersampaikan dengan baik kepada pengguna fasilitas melalui elemen arsitektural. Agar perilaku kebersamaan tersebut dapat terwujud dengan baik, didukung pula dengan akustik, dimana angklung tidak pernah lepas dengan sistem akustiknya. Untuk pendalaman yang digunakan adalah pendalaman akustik yang lebih mendalami mengenai material untuk mendukung sistem akustik yang baik serta pemaksimalan penggunaan material bambu

    Uji Sterilitas dari Berbagai Jenis Pengemas yang Telah Dibuka Kemasan Sekundernya dan Disimpan Selama Tiga Hari

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    Sterile gauze is a health tool that is widely used in society. Sterile gauze used to cover wounds to prevent contamination. A box of sterile gauze that contains several sheets usually isn't necessary used up for one day. Therefore, sterility test has been done in this research. There were two types of sterile gauze,which were tested during the experiment. The types of primary packaging are made of parchment paper and plastic material. The research carried out for sterility test in different conditions i.e. the initial conditions and for three days storage after the secondary packaging was opened. Sterility testing using the medium tioglikolat and kasamino, which was sterilized by autoclave at 121'C for 15 minutes. As a positive control used Baccilus subtilis bacteria grown on medium tioglikolat, and the fungus candida albicans grown in medium kasamino. The result of the research showed that sterile gauze using parchment paper as primary packaging proved sterile. While the use of plastic primary packaging depending on the level of transparency. For the type of opaque white plastic packaging weren't proven to be sterile or have shown the growth of microorganisms. Unsterile gauze was count the number of colonies with ALT method and the results as much as as 1,6.10' CFU/ml

    Composite resin restoration with fiber reinforced composite after root canal treatment of necrotic pulp tooth with gumboil

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    Gumboil is inflammation reaction in the gum caused by pulp infection. Gumboil is seen as an oral lesion characterized by a soft erythematous papule where a periapical abcess is draining into the oral cavity. An adequate root canal treatment can  cure gumboil and remove bacteria from the root canal. To support the success of root canal treatment, final restoration used in this case is composite resin restoration with reinforcing fiber (short fiber reinforced composite). The purpose of this treatment was to restore the functions of tooth in mastication and preserving the supporting tissue. A female patient age 23 years old came with complaints of pain in the lower right mandibular molar accompanied by swelling of the gums around the teeth since a week ago. Swelling is intermittent since last 3 months. The tooth have been restored for about 3 years ago. Clinical examination showed a positive percussion, positive palpation, negative vitality, and negative mobility. Radiographic examination showed bifurcation and periapical lesions. Root canal treatment is performed with crown down preparation technique and followed by direct composite resin restoration with short fiber reiforced composite. The success of root canal treatment followed by composite resin restoration with short fiber reinforced fiber is marked by the absence of complaints as well as the dissappearance of gumboil


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    This study aims to obtain empirical evidence and analyze the effect of tax avoidance on the company's cash holding, as well as the effect of leverage and ROA can moderate the tax avoidance of the cash holding companies. The population in this study is a manufacturing company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2013-2015. The samples selected for use in this study are 223 companie sample that meet the criteria of the sample. The data of this research are analyzed by using descriptive analysis, classical assumption test, hypothesis test with simple linear regression test and multiple linear regression test. The result of this research analysis shows that tax avoidance has a significant negative effect to the company's cash holding, leverage has a significant negative effect in moderating the effect of tax avoidance on the company's cash holding, and Return On Assets (ROA) has a significant negative effect in moderating the effect of tax avoidance on cash holding company

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Minat Kunjungan Wisatawan Berdasarkan Komponen Destinasi Wisata di Kawasan Kuliner, Pasar Lama Tangerang

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    Tourism in the city of Tangerang continues to experience an increase in the number of tourist visits. Based on data obtained from the Tangerang City Statistics Center, the number of tourist visits continues to increase, including an increase of 46.79% from 2017 to 2018. One of the most visited tourist destinations, culinary attractions in the Old Market, Tangerang. Culinary is a tourist attraction that is no longer a support in tourism, but instead becomes the main destination of tourists to carry out a tourism activity (Kristiana, Suryadi and Sunarya, 2018). Every tourist who will visit a tourist destination definitely needs a variety of services and facilities to reach that destination. This study aims to determine whether each dimension of attraction, accessibility, amenities, and ancillary services in the tourist destination component significantly influences the interest of tourists visiting the Tangerang Old Market Culinary Area. The theory used in this study is according to Cooper et al. in Anggela, Karini, & Wijaya (2017), which states that the components of a tourist destination have four dimensions, namely attraction, accessibilities, amenities, and ancillary services. Based on the results of the t test it is known that the dimension of attraction has a significant influence on the interest of tourist visits in the Tangerang Old Market Culinary Area, while the other three dimensions have no significant effect. Based on the results of the F Test simultaneously it is known that the component of the tourist destination has a significant influence on the interest of tourist visits in the Tangerang Old Market Culinary Area. Based on the Determination Coefficient Test results obtained by 38.6%. Suggestions from this research are so that the Culinary Area can be made more attractive and has special characteristics, adding detailed information about access to the location, completing facilities according to the needs of consumers and keeping it clean and completing additional services such as security posts and also Money Changer services

    Karakterisasi Protein Disulfida Isomerase Hasil Pemurnian Sebagian Dari Saccharomyces Cerevisiae [pUKC470]

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    Protein disulfida isomerase (PDI) merupakan multi enzim yang berfungsi mengkatalisis reaksi redoks dan reaksi isomerisasi ikatan disulfida dalam berbagai protein sekresi. PDI telah diisolasi dari Sacharomyces cerevisiae dengan aklivitas spesifik kecil. Sehubungan dengan over-ekspresi gen PD/I, telah dikonstruksi plasmid pUKC470 yang mengandung gen PD/I S. cerevisiae, tetapi sifat-sifat katalitik PDl S. cerevisiae hasil over ekspresi tersebut belum diketahui. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan karakterisasi enzim PDI hasil pemurnian parsial dari S. cerevisiae (pUKC470] untuk memperoleh informasi kinetika enzim tersebut, khususnya terhadap substrat insulin. Enzim PDI dimurnikan dari cell free extract transforman menggunakan metode fraksinasi amonium sulfat 60-80% diikuti dengan kromatografi kolom penukar anion DEAE-Sephacel. Kondisi optimum enzim protein disulfide isomerase PDI hasil pemurnian sebagian dari S. cerevisiae [pUKC470] tersebut berturut-turut adalah waktu 13 menit, pH 7,5 dan suhu 37'C. Data kinetik menunjukkan bahwa PDI termasuk enzim alosterik dengan nilai Vmaks enzim sekitar 98unit/ml dan Km apparent terhadap substrat insulin 8,0x10-2 mM. Bacitracin merupakan modulator negatif PDI


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    Various attempts to increase income and survive in the face of competition continues to be done by the business processing. One policy that is always taken by the company is to carry out the examination of financial statements by a third party, namely the auditor as an independent party considered. Apublic accountants are required to have sufficient competence, while competence is professionalism, knowledge and professional ethics detecterrors in consideration of materiality levels of public accountants. The purpose of this study was to obtain empirical evidence about the professionalism, knowledge and professional ethics detecterrors in consideration of materiality levels of public accountants. Data obtained from questionnaires filled out by junior to senior accountant who worked in the Public Accountant. Data were analyzed using multiple regression. The results of this study indicate that the professionalism and knowledge detect no significant and negative while professional ethics significant and positive impact. But when tested simultaneously professionalism, knowledge and professional ethics detecterrors significantly and positively influence


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    Pandemi Covid-19 telah menyebabkan berbagai dampak, terutama bagi sektor pariwisata dan industri perhotelan. Santika Indonesia Hotels Resorts menutup sebagian besar unit hotelnya akibat Pandemi Covid-19. Agar bisnisnya dapat tetap berjalan, hotel harus menyesuaikan operasionalnya dengan menerapkan berbagai protokol kesehatan. Era normal baru ini menimbulkan adanya perubahan perilaku masyarakat, termasuk dalam hal berwisata. Penting bagi pihak manajemen hotel untuk mempelajari perilaku calon tamunya yang dapat mempengaruhi keputusan menginapnya.  Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi keputusan menginap di Hotel Santika pada masa pandemi.  Teori yang digunakan adalah Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) yang dikemukakan oleh Ajzen (1991), terdapat tiga jenis pertimbangan yang mempengaruhi perilaku manusia, yaitu attitude (sikap), subjective norm (norma subjektif) dan perceived behavioral control (kontrol perilaku yang dipersepsikan). Berdasarkan hasil uji t, diketahui bahwa attitude, subjective norm dan perceived behavioral control berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap keputusan menginap tamu. Berdasarkan hasil uji F, diketahui bahwa secara simultan, attitude, subjective norm dan perceived behavioral control berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap keputusan menginap. Berdasarkan hasil uji koefisien determinasi, diketahui bahwa attitude, subjective norm dan perceived behavioral control dalam Theory of Planned Behaviour memiliki sumbangan pengaruh terhadap keputusan menginap sebesar 73%. Saran yang dapat diberikan yaitu agar manajemen Hotel Santika dapat meningkatkan sosialisasi terkait penerapan Protokol Kesehatan, membuat program-program tertentu yang dapat menciptakan pengalaman positif, menjaga agar ulasan hotel tetap positif, dan membuat berbagai tawaran menarik yang disesuaikan dengan kemampuan target pasar
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