730 research outputs found

    Optical studies of ferroelectric and ferroelastic domain walls

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    Recent studies carried out with atomic force microscopy or high-resolution transmission electron microscopy reveal that ferroic domain walls can exhibit different physical properties than the bulk of the domains, such as enhanced conductivity in insulators, or polar properties in non-polar materials. In this review we show that optical techniques, in spite of the diffraction limit, also provide key insights into the structure and physical properties of ferroelectric and ferroelastic domain walls. We give an overview of the uses, specificities and limits of these techniques, and emphasize the properties of the domain walls that they can probe. We then highlight some open questions of the physics of domain walls that could benefit from their use

    High-contrast imaging of 180{\deg} ferroelectric domains by optical microscopy using ferroelectric liquid crystals

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    Ferroelectric liquid crystals (FLCs) couple the direction of their spontaneous electric polarization to the direction of tilt of their optic axis. Consequently, reversal of the electric polarization by an electric field gives rise to an immediate and lasting optical response when an appropriately aligned FLC is observed between crossed polarizers, with one field direction yielding a dark image, and the opposite direction yielding a bright image. Here this peculiar electro-optic response is used to image, with high optical contrast, 180{\deg} ferroelectric domains in a crystalline substrate of magnesium-doped lithium niobate. The lithium niobate substrate contains a few domains with upwards electric polarization surrounded by regions with downward electric polarization. In contrast to a reference non-chiral liquid crystal that is unable to show ferroelectric behavior due to its high symmetry, the FLC, which is used as a thin film confined between the lithium niobate substrate and an inert aligning substrate, reveals ferroelectric domains as well as their boundaries, with strong black and white contrast. The results show that FLCs can be used for non-destructive read-out of domains in underlying ferroelectrics, with potential applications in e.g. photonic devices and non-volatile ferroelectric memories.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Time-reversal symmetry breaking Abelian chiral spin liquid in Mott phases of three-component fermions on the triangular lattice

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    We provide numerical evidence in favor of spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking and the concomitant appearance of an Abelian chiral spin liquid for three-component fermions on the triangular lattice described by an SU(3) symmetric Hubbard model with hopping amplitude t-t (t>0t>0) and on-site interaction UU. This chiral phase is stabilized in the Mott phase with one particle per site in the presence of a uniform π\pi-flux per plaquette, and in the Mott phase with two particles per site without any flux. Our approach relies on effective spin models derived in the strong-coupling limit in powers of t/Ut/U for general SU(N)(N) and arbitrary uniform charge flux per plaquette, which are subsequently studied using exact diagonalizations and variational Monte Carlo simulations for N=3N=3, as well as exact diagonalizations of the SU(33) Hubbard model on small clusters. Up to third order in t/Ut/U, and for the time-reversal symmetric cases (flux 00 or π\pi), the low-energy description is given by the JJ-KK model with Heisenberg coupling JJ and real ring exchange KK. The phase diagram in the full JJ-KK parameter range contains, apart from three already known, magnetically long-range ordered phases, two previously unreported phases: i) a lattice nematic phase breaking the lattice rotation symmetry and ii) a spontaneous time-reversal and parity symmetry breaking Abelian chiral spin liquid. For the Hubbard model, an investigation that includes higher-order itinerancy effects supports the presence of a phase transition inside the insulating region, occurring at (t/U)c0.07(t/U)_{\rm c}\approx 0.07 [(U/t)c13(U/t)_{\rm c} \approx 13] between the three-sublattice magnetically ordered phase at small t/Ut/U and this Abelian chiral spin liquid.Comment: 21 pages, 23 figure

    Influence of Pressure and Temperature on X-Ray Induced Photoreduction of Nanocrystalline CuO

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    The authors are grateful to Prof. Alain Polian for providing NDAC cell. Parts of the present research have been carried out at the ODE beamline at SOLEIL.X-ray absorption spectroscopy at the Cu K-edge is used to study X-ray induced photoreduction of copper oxide to metallic copper. Although no photoreduction has been observed in microcrystalline copper oxide, we have found that the photoreduction kinetics of nanocrystalline CuO depends on the crystallite size, temperature and pressure. The rate of photoreduction increases for smaller nanoparticles but decreases at low temperature and higher pressure.Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART

    Experimental evidence of accelerated seismic release without critical failure in acoustic emissions of compressed nanoporous materials

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    The total energy of acoustic emission (AE) events in externally stressed materials diverges when approaching macroscopic failure. Numerical and conceptual models explain this accelerated seismic release (ASR) as the approach to a critical point that coincides with ultimate failure. Here, we report ASR during soft uniaxial compression of three silica-based (SiO2_2) nanoporous materials. Instead of a singular critical point, the distribution of AE energies is stationary and variations in the activity rate are sufficient to explain the presence of multiple periods of ASR leading to distinct brittle failure events. We propose that critical failure is suppressed in the AE statistics by dissipation and transient hardening. Some of the critical exponents estimated from the experiments are compatible with mean field models, while others are still open to interpretation in terms of the solution of frictional and fracture avalanche models.Comment: preprint, Main article: 7 pages, 3 figures. Supplementary material included in \anc folder: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Short-range order of compressed amorphous GeSe2

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    The structure of amorphous GeSe2 (a-GeSe2) has been studied by means of a combination of two-edges X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and angle-dispersive X-ray diffraction under pressures up to about 30 GPa. Multiple-edge XAS data-analysis of a-GeSe2 at ambient conditions allowed us to reconstruct and compare the first-neighbor distribution function with previous results obtained by neutron diffraction with isotopic substitution. GeSe2 is found to remain amorphous up to the highest pressures attained, and a reversible 1.5 eV red-shift of the Ge K-edge energy indicating metallization, occurs between 10 GPa and 15 GPa. Two compression stages are identified by XAS structure refinement. First, a decrease of the first-neighbor distances up to about 10 GPa, in the same pressure region of a previously observed breakdown of the intermediate-range order. Second, an increase of the Ge-Se distances, bond disorder, and of the coordination number. This stage is related to a reversible non-isostructural transition involving a gradual conversion from tetra- to octa-hedral geometry which is not yet fully completed at 30 GPa

    Abstract robust coarse spaces for systems of PDEs via generalized eigenproblems in the overlaps

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    Coarse spaces are instrumental in obtaining scalability for domain decomposition methods for partial differential equations (PDEs). However, it is known that most popular choices of coarse spaces perform rather weakly in the presence of heterogeneities in the PDE coefficients, especially for systems of PDEs. Here, we introduce in a variational setting a new coarse space that is robust even when there are such heterogeneities. We achieve this by solving local generalized eigenvalue problems in the overlaps of subdomains that isolate the terms responsible for slow convergence. We prove a general theoretical result that rigorously establishes the robustness of the new coarse space and give some numerical examples on two and three dimensional heterogeneous PDEs and systems of PDEs that confirm this property

    Optimal Interface Conditions for Domain Decomposition Methods

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    We define optimal interface conditions for the additive Schwarz method (ASM) in the sense that convergence is achieved in a number of steps equals to the number of subdomains. Since these boundary conditions are difficult to use, we approximate them by partial differential operators that are easier to use. We present numerical results using these approximate interface conditions for the ASM and Schur type methods (substructuring). We also give a new result of convergence for BiCG which is then used for BiCGSTAB

    Simulation of Laser Propagation in a Plasma with a Frequency Wave Equation

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    The aim of this work is to perform numerical simulations of the propagation of a laser in a plasma. At each time step, one has to solve a Helmholtz equation in a domain which consists in some hundreds of millions of cells. To solve this huge linear system, one uses a iterative Krylov method with a preconditioning by a separable matrix. The corresponding linear system is solved with a block cyclic reduction method. Some enlightments on the parallel implementation are also given. Lastly, numerical results are presented including some features concerning the scalability of the numerical method on a parallel architecture