191 research outputs found

    Le RĂȘve ImposĂ© ou la Machine Hollywoodienne au Service de l'IdĂ©ologie Dominante

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    Hollywood, en particulier, dĂšs les annĂ©es 1930-1940, joue le premier rĂŽle dans une vĂ©ritable entreprise de ‘conditionnement des esprits’ menĂ©e par la sociĂ©tĂ© dominante auprĂšs des populations, notamment auprĂšs de ces couches populaires que l’on juge potentiellement dangereuses. Comment la Mecque du cinĂ©ma a-t-elle progressivement mais sĂ»rement imposĂ© le rĂȘve amĂ©ricain Ă  l’écran ? Quelles images, ancrĂ©es dans l’inconscient collectif, a-t-elle projetĂ©es pour fĂ©dĂ©rer tout un peuple autour de l’American Way of Life

    Mack Sennett, Canadian Filmmaker and Actor

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    « X marks the spot » ou la question de l'identité dans The Brooklyn Follies de Paul Auster

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    Les diverses dĂ©clinaisons de « X marks the spot » dĂ©limitent les pĂŽles entre lesquels Ă©volue cette quĂȘte de sens qui se fait jour Ă  travers The Brooklyn Follies. « X marks the spot » Ă©voque non seulement la croix du condamnĂ© Ă  mort, le poids de la culpabilitĂ©, mais aussi les comptines pour enfants, l’insouciance, le jeu. Et si c’était ça, l’existence humaine ? Une suite de combinaisons alĂ©atoires d’ombres et de lumiĂšres Ă  travers lesquelles l’individu se fraye bon grĂ© mal grĂ© un chemin l’espace d’une vie. Moments de dĂ©sespoir, de folie destructrice, mais aussi d’innocence retrouvĂ©e et d’adĂ©quation au monde

    La figure de Charlot et ses avatars

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    Parody in “Startling Revelations from the Lost Book of Stan” by Shalom Auslander

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    “Startling Revelations from the Lost Book of Stan” is part of a collection of short stories entitled Beware of God, published in 2006 by contemporary American author Shalom Auslander. It is the story of poor and foolish Stanley Fisher scraping for a living and unwittingly unleashing a whole coalition of forces against him the world over after finding most embarrassing “Holy Scriptures” on a soul-searching trip to the Negev Desert. He has, in fact, come across the apparently genuine original v..

    High-order accurate Lagrange-remap hydrodynamic schemes on staggered Cartesian grids

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    International audienceWe consider a class of staggered grid schemes for solving the 1D Euler equations in internal energy formulation. The proposed schemes are applicable to arbitrary equations of state and high-order accurate in both space and time on smooth flows. Adding a discretization of the kinetic energy equation, a high-order kinetic energy synchronization procedure is introduced, preserving globally total energy and enabling proper shock capturing. Extension to 2D Cartesian grids is done via C-type staggering and high-order dimensional splitting. Numerical results are provided up to 8th order accuracy

    Efficient shared memory message passing for inter-VM communications

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    Thanks to recent advances in virtualization technologies, it is now possible to beneïŹt from the ïŹ‚exibility brought by virtual machines at little cost in terms of CPU performance. However on HPC clusters some overheads remain which prevent widespread usage of virtualization. In this article, we tackle the issue of inter-VM MPI communications when VMs are located on the same physical machine. To achieve this we introduce a virtual device which provides a simple message passing API to the guest OS. This interface can then be used to implement an efficient MPI library for virtual machines. The use of a virtual device makes our solution easily portable across multiple guest operating systems since it only requires a small driver to be written for this device. We present an implementation based on Linux, the KVM hypervisor and Qemu as its userspace device emulator. Our implementation achieves near native performance in terms of MPI latency and bandwidth

    Simulation of Laser Propagation in a Plasma with a Frequency Wave Equation

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    The aim of this work is to perform numerical simulations of the propagation of a laser in a plasma. At each time step, one has to solve a Helmholtz equation in a domain which consists in some hundreds of millions of cells. To solve this huge linear system, one uses a iterative Krylov method with a preconditioning by a separable matrix. The corresponding linear system is solved with a block cyclic reduction method. Some enlightments on the parallel implementation are also given. Lastly, numerical results are presented including some features concerning the scalability of the numerical method on a parallel architecture
