319 research outputs found

    Low dose gamma-irradiation alters the expression of p53 protein in the rat hippocampus

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    The tumor-suppressor p53 protein and glucocorticoid receptor (GR) respond to different types of stress. In an attempt to reveal the possibility that p53 protein is involved in the regulation of GR gene expression after low dose cranial irradiation (CI) with 2 Gy, we examined the expression of p53 mRNA and protein as well as expression of GR mRNA and protein in the hippocampus of 18-days-old rats. We found that p53 mRNA expression was unchanged after CI, while induction of p53 protein was rapid, leading to the accumulation of p53 protein in the cytoplasm. Irradiation leads to stimulated GR gene expression in a time-dependent manner, whereas the level of GR protein was unchanged after CI. Co-immunoprecipitation has not showed that wild type p53 protein physically interacts with the GR in the cytoplasm. Our data suggest that the low dose cranial irradiation leads to stabilization of the 53 protein, without interaction with GR protein the cytoplasm.Physical chemistry 2006 : 8th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 26-29 September 200

    Historical aspect as a fundamental importance apitherapy, time and place of this integrative healing methods in traditional medicine

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    The concept of apitherapy is relatively recent. However, honey, beeswax, propolis and other bee products are used in the human diet since the dawn of time. Contemporary, integrative approach to medicine, bee products now classified not only as-feeding, but also as products that affect healing and improvement of human health. Apitherapy, as a modern, integrative method in the function of human health, occupies an increasingly important place in the framework of the method of traditional medicine. Also it plays a significant role in the modern approach for the health of the human population

    Self-presentation in 'unsuitable' resumes: A case from Serbia

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    Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi načine na koje ljudi opisuju sebe u rezumeima označenim kao 'neprikladni'nakon prvog pregleda regrutera jedne proizvodne kompanije u Srbiji. Forma i sadržaj pedeset rezimea analizirani su kvalitativnom analizom sadržaja, induktivnim pristupom. Lične životne priče opisane intimnim, submisivnim tonom dominirale su u rezimeima, u poređenju sa opisom radnog iskustva i kompetencija. Kada je reč o sadržaju rezime, utvrđene su dve sržne kategorije - Ja kao zaposleni i Potrebe zadovoljene zaposlenjem. Pronalazeći podršku u literaturi koja se bavila postsocijalističkom transformacijom u Srbiji, kao i u teoriji Hofsteda, pokazano je da postoji sukob dva vrednosna sistema u Srbiji - onog koji poseduju autori 'neprikladnih' rezimea, a koji odražava kolektivističke i feminine vrednosti, i onog koji je karakterističan za tržište rada u Srbiji, a koji odražava individualističke i maskuline vrednosti. Autore 'neodgovarajućih' rezimea odlikuje međuzavisno konstruisanje selfa, primena defanzivnih strategija upravljanja utiscima, a potreba za radom je isključivo finansijske prirode. Najzad, ukazuje se na potrebu za boljim sporazumevanjem kandidata za posao i poslodavaca koji imaju različite vrednosne sisteme, pogotovo u kontekstu aktuelnih socio-ekonomskih promena u Srbiji.The main goal of this research was to explore the ways people portray themselves in resumes, labelled as 'unsuitable' after the first review of the recruiters in a manufacturing company in Serbia. The form and the content of fifty resumes were analyzed using qualitative content analysis, inductive approach. Personal life stories described in an intimate and submissive tone were predominantly present in resumes, compared to the description of work experience and competencies. Concerning the content of the resumes, two core categories emerged - I as a worker and Employment needs. Finding support in the literature dealing with postsocialist transformation in Serbia and Hofstede's theory, results are interpreted as pointing to the opposition of two value systems in Serbia: that of the authors of 'unsuitable' resumes, reflecting collectivistic and feminine values and that of the job market in Serbia, reflecting manly individualistic and masculine values. The authors of 'unsuitable' resumes display interdependent self-construal, use defensive impression management strategies and their need to work is exclusively financial in nature. Finally, the need for better understanding between job candidates and employers, having different value systems, especially in the context of actual socio-economic changes in Serbia is discussed

    Work Satisfaction of Female Scientists in the Serbian Post-Socialist Transformation Context

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    This article studies the level of female scientists' work satisfaction, and general and gender-related factors that would contribute to greater work satisfaction. We applied an interdisciplinary approach - we draw on Bronfenbrenner's ecological model of (professional) development, sociological analysis of the context and linguistic analysis of the text. A hundred Serbian female scientists filled in the online questionnaire. They reported moderate satisfaction with their work. Thematic analysis of their answers yielded nine general work satisfaction improvement factors: Creating a fair and effective management and improving relations with superiors, Improving social relationships with peers (Bronfenbrenner's micro-and meso-system), Improving technical resources, Increasing salaries, Professional improvement support, The modernization and application of scientific work, Improving human resources, Establishing transparent, consistent and fair system rules (exosystem) and Combating corruption and nepotism (macrosystem). Six gender-related factors were determined: Overcoming social obstacles related to pregnancy and child-care, Change in attitudes in cases of harassment (micro- and meso-system), Overcoming legal obstacles related to pregnancy and child-care, Change in procedures in cases of harassment (exosystem), Achieving respect and equality, and Changing social image through personal efforts (macrosystem). Recommendations for policy and practice improvement are discussed in the light of the dominant values in the Serbian post-socialist transformation context

    Electrical properties of mechanochemicaly activated cordierite ceramics

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    Three-component oxide mixture was prepared containing MgO+Al2O3+SiO2 in a 2:2:5 ratio with addition of 10% Bi203. Mixtures were mechanically activated in range from 5 to 240 minutes in a mill with ceramic balls, and sintered at range from 1173-1573 K. In order to determine the structure transformations, sintered products were analyzed by the XRD method. The goal of presented research was to find the possible correlation between process parameters and functional properties of the cordierite-based ceramic materials. Quantitative measures of the functional sample properties, capacity (Cc) and electrical resistance (RJI) as well as of dielectric loss (tgd) were used. The results obtained proved that there is a correlation between mechanical activation and properties of cordierite ceramics

    Different induction of dual corticosteroid receptor system in the rat hippocampus following gamma radiation

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    Cranial radiotherapy (CRT) is an effective way to prevent CNS relapse in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). However, CRT also has serious side effects on normal tissues, including long-term neuroendocrine disturbances. In order to test this clinical protocol on animals, we examined the effects of CRT (10 Gy) on the level of mRNA for glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) in the hippocampus of 8-days-old rats. Irradiation rapidly stimulated GR gene expression in a time-dependent manner, whereas the time-course of MR mRNA expression showed no statistically significant changes. At postnatal day 42, the level of GR mRNA was diminished while the level of MR mRNA remained unchanged compared to matched controls. Dexamethasone suppression test (DST) revealed the altered nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of activated GR after CRT in 42-days-old rats, as a long-term consequence of gamma irradiation.Physical chemistry 2006 : 8th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 26-29 September 200

    Мијелодиспластични синдром са приближном тетраплоидијом удруженом са мутацијом гена TP53 – редак случај

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    Introduction. Chromosomal numerical aberrations are very common in hematological malignancies, but near-tetraploidy (80-104 chromosomes) is rare in myeloid lineage malignancies, with only a few cases reported in myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). Due to a small number of cases with this rare cytogenetic abnormality, clinicopathological significance of near-tetraploidy in MDS is still unknown. In this case report we present a case of de novo MDS patient with near-tetraploidy in association with TP53 mutation, and we aimed to elucidate the prognostic significance of this rare genetic feature. Case Outline. In August of 2018 a 71-year-old male presented with severe anemia, thrombocytopenia, and leucopenia and enlarged spleen. Laboratory data were as follows: hemoglobin (Hb) 93 g/L, white blood cells (WBC) 2.8×109/L and platelets 23x109/L. The bone marrow aspirate was hypercellular, megakaryocytes were not found, granulocytic cells were 15% with signs of dysplasia, with 16% of blast cells without Auer rods. The finding was in correlation with diagnosis of MDS, type RAEB2 which was also confirmed by immunophenotyping. Cytogenetic finding was near-tetraploidy (48,XY+mar[10]/92,XXYY[10]), and TP53 mutational analysis showed the presence of mutation in exon 8 (p.D281A; c.842 A>C). The patient received from time-to-time packed red blood cells and platelets, and died four months after initial diagnosis. Conclusion. Near-tetraploidy associated with TP53 mutation has been described only in few MDS cases. Results of these reports including ours suggest that the association of TP53 mutation and near-tetra polyploidy is a poor prognostic factor.Нумеричке аберације хромозома су веома честе код хематолошких малигнитета, али су приближне тетраплои- дије (80–104 хромозома) ретке у малигнитетима мијелоидне лозе, са само неколико случајева пријављених у мијелоди- спластичком синдрому (МДС). Због малог броја случајева са овом ретком цитогенетском абнормалношћу, клиничко- -патолошки значај приближне тетраплоидије у МДС-у је још увек непознат. Овим приказом de novo болесника са МДС-ом, са приближном тетраплоидијом и мутацијом у гену TP53, циљ нам је био да расветлимо прогностички значај ове рет- ке генетске карактеристикe. Приказ болесника Приказан је 71-годишњи болесник који је у августу 2018. године развио симптоме тешке анемије, тромбоцитопеније, леукопеније и увећане слезине. Лабо- раторијске анализе су показале следеће: хемоглобин 93 g/L, леукоцити 2,8 × 109 /L и тромбоцити 23 × 109 /L. Аспират коштане сржи је био хиперћелијски, мегакариоцити нису на- ђени, 15% гранулоцитa је било са знацима дисплазије, 16% бластa без Ауерових штапића. Налаз је одговарао дијагнози МДС-а, типа рефракторне анемије са вишком бласта 2, што је потврђено и имунолошком фенотипизацијом. Цитогенет- ском анализом утврђено је присуство приближне тетрапло- идије (48,XY+mar10/92,XXYY[10]), а анализа мутација у гену TP53 показала је присуство мутације у егзону 8 (p.D281A; c.842 A > C). Болесник је по потреби примао трансфузију еритроцита и тромбоците, а умро је четири месеца након почетне дијагнозе. Закључак Присуство приближне тетраплоидије удружене са мутацијама у гену TP53 описано је само у неколико слу- чајева МДС-а. Резултати ових случајева, као и наши резул- тати, указују на то да приближна тетраплоидија повезана са присуством мутација у гену TP53 представља фактор лоше прогнозе

    Effects of DMSO, glycerol, betaine and their combinations in detecting single nucleotide polymorphisms of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) gene promoter sequence in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients

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    The aim of the study was to examine the effects of frequently used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) additives DMSO, glycerol and betaine on amplification of GC-rich epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) gene promoter region, in order to detect the presence of -216G gt T and -191C gt A gene variations in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. PCR products and restriction fragments were detected by electrophoresis on 8% polyacrylamide gel and 3% agarose gel. Our analysis shows that single used additives including DMSO in concentration of 7% and 10%, glycerol in concentration of 10%, 15% and 20%, as well as betaine in concentration of 1 M, 1.5 M and 2 M significantly enhanced the yield and specificity of PCR reaction. In addition, the combination of 10% DMSO with 15% glycerol has shown positive effects, whereas other analyzed combinations of additives failed to amplify the EGFR promoter region.This is the peer reviewed version of the paper: Jurišić, V., Obradović, J., Tošić, N., Pavlović, S., Kulić, M., & Djordjević, N. (2016). Effects of DMSO, glycerol, betaine and their combinations in detecting single nucleotide polymorphisms of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) gene promoter sequence in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 128, 275–279. [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpba.2016.05.010][https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0731708516302473?via%3Dihub

    Sintering of fly ash based composites with zeolite and bentonite addition for application in construction materials

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    Due to pozzolanic characteristics, fly ash is commonly used as a cement replacement in construction composites. Addition of natural clays with sorption ability (i.e. zeolite and bentonite) in to the fly ash based construction materials is of both scientific and industrial interest. Namely, due to the application of sorptive clay minerals, it is possible to immobilize toxic heavy metals from the composite structure. The thermal compatibility of fly ash and zeolite, as well as fly ash and bentonite, within the composite was observed during sintering procedure. The starting components were used in 1:1 ratio and they were applied without additional mechanical treatment. The used compaction pressure for the tablets was 2 t•cm-2. The sintering process was conducted at 1000ºC and 1200ºC for two hours in the air atmosphere. The mineralogical phase composition of the non-treated and sintered samples was analyzed using X-ray diffraction method. Scanning electron microscopy was applied in the analysis of the microstructure of starting and sintered samples. The thermal behavior was observed via DTA method. The influence of temperature on the properties of fly ash-zeolite and fly ash-bentonite composites was investigate

    Characterization and evaluation of critical stability parametars of olanzapine and aripiprazole tablets using experimental design

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    Uspešno formulisanje stabilnog i delotvornog farmaceutskog preparata zahteva pažljiv odabir pomoćnih supstanci, s obzirom da one mogu da stupe u interakciju sa aktivnim supstancama. Interakcije između lekovitih i pomoćnih supstanci mogu dovesti do fizičke i hemijske nestabilnosti farmaceutskog proizvoda. Za potrebe razvoja olanzapin film tableta sprovedeno je ispitivanje kompatibilnosti olanzapina sa pomoćnim supstancama predloženim za razvoj formulacije. U izvedenim studijama su detaljnije ispitani oni ekscipijensi za koje je pokazano da utiču na stabilnost aktivne supstance. Međusobne interakcije su ispitane praćenjem sadržaja nečistoća primenom visoko efikasne tečne hromatografije (engl. High Pressure Liquid Chromatography, HPLC) metode, zatim primenom termalnih tehnika kao što su diferencijalno skenirajuća kalorimetrija (engl. Differential Scanning Calorimetry, DSC) i termogravimetrijska analiza (engl. Thermogravimetric Analysis, TGA). Dodatno, izvedena je procena fizičke kompatibilnosti primenom difrakcije x-zraka iz supstanci u čvrstom stanju (engl. X-Ray Powder Diffraction, XRPD). Prema ICH (engl. International Conference on Harmonization) smernicama, sve nečistoće prisutne u farmaceutskim preparatima u količini većoj od 0,1% moraju da se kvantifikuju i identifikuju. U slučaju nečistoća sa potencijalno jakim ili toksičnim dejstvom kvantifikacija i identifikacija se izvode ispod ovog nivoa. Degradacioni proizvodi olanzapina, detektovani pod stres uslovima u studijama kompatibilnosti olanzapina i pomoćnih supstanci, kao i u studiji preliminarne stabilnosti olanzapin film tableta, su strukturno definisani primenom HPLC metode spregnute sa masenom spektrometrijom (engl. Mass Spectrometry, MS), preparativne HPLC metode, kao i IR (engl. Infrared Spectroscopy) i NMR spektroskopije (engl. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy)...Successful formulation of stabile and effective pharmaceutical products requires careful selection of excipients, due to their ability to interact with active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). API-excipient interactions could lead to physical or chemical instability of drug products. The compatibility testing of olanzapine and excipients proposed for formulation development was conducted to support development of olanzapine film-coated tablets. Excipients that were shown to influence the stability of API were more profoundly examined. Interactions were tested by monitoring the content of impurities. High pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), as well as thermal methods, such as differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), were used for the evaluation of chemical compatibility. In addition, assessment of physical compatibility was performed using X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD). According to relevant International conference on harmonization (ICH) guidelines all impurities present in new pharmaceutical products in the level greater than 0.1% must be quantified and identified. For impurities known to be unusually potent or to produce toxic pharmacological effects quantification and identification are performed below this level. Degradation products of olanzapine were detected under the stress experimental conditions in API-excipient compatibility study and preliminary stability study of olanzapine film-coated tablets. Their structural characterization was performed using HPLC coupled with mass spectrometry (MS), preparative HPLC, infrared (IR) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Analysis of the content of impurities is very important test parameter during the stability testing of pharmaceutical products. It enables us to appropriately monitor quality of drug products during the defined shelf-life. The importance of this testing is especially emphasised for drug product where increase in the level of impurities represents critical stability attribute that could influence chemical, pharmacological, and toxicological drug product profile..