35 research outputs found

    Business Strategy Formulation : A Literature Review

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    Strategy is a series of actions that are formulated to achieve long-term goals by involving resources to achieve competitive advantage. Strategy formulation  to develop the business must be adjusted to the wishes of consumers to achieve competitive advantage. Business strategy focuses on growth and profitability by providing a framework for functional and operational strategies in terms of which products should be developed, how they should be priced and distributed, as well as which market segments should be targeted. The strategy formulation is determined in three steps consisting of: input step, matching step and decision-making step. The input step focuses for analyzing Company’s Internal and External Factor. The matching step focuses for determining strategies based on Company’s Internal and External Factor by using  SWOT, SPACE and BCG Matrix.  Decision step focuses for determining the best strategy using the Quantitave Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM). This paper aims to review several studies that use formulation strategy methods in making the best decisions for companies. Without being based on a formulation strategy, it is very difficult for companies in making the best decisions to achieve competitive advantag

    Pengaruh Aspek Tingkah Laku dan Hasil Kerja Terhadap Motivasi dan Prestasi Kerja Pensyarah Universiti Sumatera Utara

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    This study investigates the relationshp of working outcome and behavior aspects towards achievement of academic staff. It also clarifies the equilibrium of motivation as an intervening factor towards behavior, outcome, and achievement factors. The samples taken are 312 academic staff of Universitas Sumatera Utara derived from 13 faculties. Questionnaire items were constructed through validity test, criterion, construction, and reliability by using factor analysis method. Such data are then analysed by using Structured Equation Model (SEM). This method is being used since it correlates with interrelationshp between variable indicators and latent indicators simultaneously. The finding shows a significant relationshp between behaviour and outcome aspects and work achievement. Although behaviour aspect contributes more than outcome aspect, both aspects are simultaneously considered in evaluating achievement of academic staf. In behaviour aspect, habit indicator is considered to function as knowledge, skill and attitude of academic staff, while outcome aspect concerns more to work quality than that of quantity. The analysis explores that motivation to work plays as intervening indicator or a process medium which correlates behaviour aspect and outcome aspect toward achievement. This study concludes in a model framework which contributes to the relationshp of achievement where performance appraisal factors contribute to the staff achievement and university quality enrichment. Generally noted that behaviour aspect and outcome aspect relationshp in performance appraisal increases the productivity of academic staf

    Strategy Improvement Work Discipline of Kartika Dewi Widiastuti Gas Station (14.203.1158)

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    This research was conducted to solve the problems that exist in the company and produce that exist in the company and produce management strategy in improving the discipline of employed Kartika Dewi Widiastuti gas station (14.203.1158) Helvetia-Deli Serdang and how far the discipline theory has correlation in determing the descipline improvement strategy the discipline of employee staff for SPBU Kartika Dewi Widiastuti. population used in this research is all employee who work in Kartika Dewi Widiastuti gas station counted 40 employees. The samples in this study are as many as 40 people with the census method in which the entire population sampled dikarenan population under 100 people. This study uses descriptive research method through qualitative approach Data collected through primary data that includes interviews, FGD (Focus Group Discussion), and questionnaires and collect secondary data. Then analyzed by using method of Fishbone Chart which is used to observe from the cause of the decline of work discipline of employees of Kartika Dewi Widiastuti gas station l4.203.1158).The results of research conducted by applying the primery data collection shows that there are four factors that cause the decline in the discipline of employees employment of gas station Kartika Dewi Widiastuti, as for factors that cause Leadership, Supervision, Standing Orders and Compensation where from the four factors that cause the decline of discipline employees there are two the most dominant foactor makes the employee undisciplined, namely the compensation factor where the compensation received by employees is still small even under the minimum wage (Regional Minimum Wage) and the rule factor where the rules are still very minimal to obey employees. Keywords : Work Discipline, Gas Station Kartika Dewi Widiastut


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan penilaian aspek perilaku dan hasil kerja dengan prestasi kerja dosen, dan menjelaskan persamaan motivasi kerja sebagai variabel antara dalam hubungan antara aspek perilaku dan aspek hasil kerja dengan aspek pencapaian prestasi. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 312 orang dosen yang diambil dari 13 fakultas di Universitas Sumatera Utara. Pengujian realibilitas, validitas, tingkat kepercayaan dan konstruk variabel dilakukan dengan metode analisis faktor. Selanjutnya analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan Statistik Model Persamaan Berstruktur (SEM). Teknik ini dipilih karena sesuai dengan penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu untuk menganalisis hubungan antara variabel indikator dan variabel laten secara simultan. Hasil pengujian model membuktikan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara aspek perilaku dan aspek hasil kerja dengan prestasi melalui motivasi kerja. Walaupun aspek perilaku lebih besar hubungannya dari aspek hasil kerja, tetapi kedua aspek tersebut harus dijalankan secara simultan di dalam menilai prestasi dosen. Pada aspek perilaku, variabel kebiasaan dapat dikatakan merupakan fungsi dari pengetahuan, keahlian dan sikap dosen, sedangkan aspek hasil kerja dosen lebih mengutamakan kepada kualitas kerja daripada kuantitas kerja. Hasil analisis data juga memperlihatkan bahwa motivasi kerja berperan sebagai variabel antara atau media proses yang menghubungkan antara aspek perilaku dengan aspek hasil kerja terhadap pencapaian prestasi kerja. Penelitian ini menghasilkan suatu kerangka model yang memperlihatkan faktor-faktor penilaian prestasi dosen terhadap pencapaian kualitas universitas.Kata Kunci: Perilaku, Hasil, Motivasi, Prestasi, Dose


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    Training is a process of learning to develop the patterns of people behavior in science, skills or attitudes to achieve the expected standards. The aim in this study is to determine the training effect of civil servants in the Central Region I Field PU. The result of Adjusted R Square is 0.613 which means the independent variables can be explained by the variability of the dependent variable about 61.3%, or in other words the ability of independent variables, namely knowledge, skills, motivation, curriculum/materials, teacher, facilities and learning methods describes the influence of training to the civil servants at the Public Hall Area I about 61.3%. Independent variables that are knowledge, skills, motivation, curriculum/materials, teacher, facility this gives meaning if the knowledge, skills, motivation, curriculum/materials, teacher, facilities and learning methods are increased simultaneuosly, they will have an impact on upgrading PNS. Test showed that knowledge significant effected significantly on increasing the capability of civil servants, Expertise effected significantly on increasing the capability of civil servants, motivation and curriculum/material did not effect on increasing the capability of civil servants, teacher effected significantly on increasing the capability of civil servants, Facilities, learning methods are effected significantly on increasing the capability of civil servant

    Penilaian Aspek Perilaku Dan Hasil Kerja Melalui Motivasi Kerja Dosen

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan penilaian aspek perilaku dan hasil kerja dengan prestasi kerja dosen, dan menjelaskan persamaan motivasi kerja sebagai variabel antara dalam hubungan antara aspek perilaku dan aspek hasil kerja dengan aspek pencapaian prestasi. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 312 orang dosen yang diambil dari 13 fakultas di Universitas Sumatera Utara. Pengujian realibilitas, validitas, tingkat kepercayaan dan konstruk variabel dilakukan dengan metode analisis faktor. Selanjutnya analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan Statistik Model Persamaan Berstruktur (SEM). Teknik ini dipilih karena sesuai dengan penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu untuk menganalisis hubungan antara variabel indikator dan variabel laten secara simultan. Hasil pengujian model membuktikan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara aspek perilaku dan aspek hasil kerja dengan prestasi melalui motivasi kerja. Walaupun aspek perilaku lebih besar hubungannya dari aspek hasil kerja, tetapi kedua aspek tersebut harus dijalankan secara simultan di dalam menilai prestasi dosen. Pada aspek perilaku, variabel kebiasaan dapat dikatakan merupakan fungsi dari pengetahuan, keahlian dan sikap dosen, sedangkan aspek hasil kerja dosen lebih mengutamakan kepada kualitas kerja daripada kuantitas kerja. Hasil analisis data juga memperlihatkan bahwa motivasi kerja berperan sebagai variabel antara atau media proses yang menghubungkan antara aspek perilaku dengan aspek hasil kerja terhadap pencapaian prestasi kerja. Penelitian ini menghasilkan suatu kerangka model yang memperlihatkan faktor-faktor penilaian prestasi dosen terhadap pencapaian kualitas universitas

    Analysis of Factors Affecting Tourist Visits in Karo Regency

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    Indonesia is a country that has various natural and cultural resources that can be utilized for tourism. Natural wealth which includes natural tourism, cultural tourism, and others exists in various regions in Indonesia, one of which is Karo Regency. Karo Regency is able to become a tourist destination that can attract tourists to visit. However, in recent years the level of tourist visits has decreased. Therefore, it is necessary to know what factors influence the interest in visiting tourists so that it can be an evaluation for the government to increase tourist visits. This research was conducted by analyzing three influencing variables, namely service quality, tour packages and tourist facilities with data analysis using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. Based on the results of data analysis it is known that these three variables have a positive effect on increasing interest in tourist visits. Thus, recommendations can be given that can be carried out by the government or the local community by taking into account these three variables

    The Effect of Supervision and Managerial Competence on the Principal of the Job Satisfaction of Teachers in SMP 5 Kisaran

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    This objective of the research is to determine and analyze the influence of principal supervision, principal managerial competence, teacher gender, teacher education, and employment status together and partially on teacher job satisfaction and strategies that need to be done to manage teacher job satisfaction in SMP Negeri 5 Kisaran. This research is associative research. The population in this research were all teachers of SMP Negeri 5 Kisaran, totaling 31 people. The results of multiple regression analysis in this research indicate that the independent variables of supervision and managerial competence of principals together and partially have a positive effect and a significant relationship on teacher job satisfaction. The dummy variable teacher gender, teacher education, and teacher employment status partially did not significantly influence teacher job satisfaction. The results showed that the independent variable of the managerial competence of principals had a greater influence value than the independent variable of principals' supervision. Based on the results of the research, the principal needs to re-display the organizational structure in SMP Negeri 5 Kisaran and design their supervision tools for the professional development of SMP Negeri 5 Kisaran teachers

    An Analysis on the Inpatients Level of Satisfaction in Malahayati Islamic Hospital

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    Malahayati Islamic Hospital Medan is a Private General Hospital type C with excellent service of cardiac catheterization lab. Based on data obtained from Malahayati Islamic Hospital Medan, it is seen that the number of inpatients and the value of Bed Occupancy Rate (BOR) at Rumah Sakit X Medan decreased in 2015 and 2016.The purpose of this research is to analyze patient satisfaction of inpatient of Rumah Sakit X Medan and to get effective policy formula to increase patient satisfaction of inpatient of Rumah Sakit X Medan.This type of research is survey research. Interviews with questionnaires were conducted to 41 patients who were undergoing treatment at the inpatient installation of Rumah Sakit X Medan with the criteria of patients who had undergone treatment for more than 2 (two) days with purposive sampling method. Data analysis used descriptive statistical analysis model and Cartesian diagram.From the analysis, it was found that the suitability level was 90.62%, which means that the patient was not satisfied with Rumah Sakit X service. Variables that must be improved in quadrant I is the service of patient acceptance, medical facilities and medicine, hospital physical condition and treatment room, and hospital outbreak service. Keywords: Cartesian Diagram; Hospitalization; Patient Satisfaction DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-12-03 Publication date: April 30th 201

    Driver Behaviour at Signalized Intersection Literature Review

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    Traffic accidents are one of the highest causes of death in the world, with human behavior being the most dominant factor. Therefore, it is necessary to understand driver behavior as a traffic accident mitigation strategy. This paper aims to understand the behavior of drivers at signaled intersections and to overcome the deviant behavior. The behavior of the driver at the intersection is to stop or cross the intersection. Crossing at an intersection at a red light is deviant behavior. This deviation can occur as violation due to driver aggression or error due to a dilemma when the light is yellow. The influencing factors are personal, speed, acceleration, distance, the presence of other vehicles, and others. The main countermeasure for deviant behavior at intersections is law enforcement, such as the installation of red light cameras. In addition, the behavior of drivers at intersections can be used as a reference in the design of safer intersections