43 research outputs found

    Analysis of Solar Flux and Sunspot Correlation Case Study: A Statistical Perspective

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    This analysis examines the relationship between the number of solar flares and the number of sunspots in 2005 using 11 observations in months 2 to 12. The number of solar currents measures the intensity of the radiation emitted by the Sun, while the number of sunspots measures the number of sunspots on the surface of the Sun. Multivariate linear regression analysis was used to analyze the relationship between Solar Current Rate and Number of Sunspots. The results of the analysis show that the coefficient of the Amount of Solar Current is 1.1239 with a significant t value of 2.510 (probability that there is no effect on the Number of Sunspots is 3.33%). The linear regression model has good results with an F-statistic value of 6.301 and a p-value of 0.0333, with an R-squared value of 0.4118 which indicates that 41.18% of the variation in the number of sunspots is influenced by variations in the amount of solar currents. The corrected R-squared value is 0.3464 indicating that there are still variations in the number of sunspots that cannot be explained by variations in the number of solar currents. ARIMA analysis results show an MA coefficient of 0.7351 with an average value of 45.9542 and a s.e value of 0.2590 and 6.1550 respectively. The AIC, AICc, and BIC values are 92.97, 96.4, and 94.16. The error results in the training set show that the ME value is 0.2615561, the RMSE value is 12.16969, the MAE value is 9.03306, the MPE value is -15.14689, the MAPE value is 30.42013, and the MASE value is 0.674109. The ACF1 value in the exercise set is 0.0808969

    Systemic Planning Strategy in Reading and Write Critically

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    This study aims to provide an explanation of systemic planning strategies in critical reading and writing, the method used is a literature study research that is taken from the data. The research result is that the strategic planning process can provide useful results, including providing a framework for the development of annual budgets, planning management development tools, mechanisms to force management to think long term and tools to align managers with long term strategies. Writing Develops the Power of Initiative and Creativity In reading activities, a reader can find everything that is needed, which is available in reading. Writing Encourages Habits and Cultivates Ability to Find, Gather, and Organize Information Observations and experiences so far show that the reason people fail to write is because they do not know what they are going to write

    Basic Mechanics of Lagrange and Hamilton as Reference for STEM Students

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    This paper discusses the use of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian dynamics as alternative approaches for understanding the motion of objects in classical mechanics. These approaches, which are based on different mathematical techniques, can provide a deeper understanding of the principles of classical mechanics and the motion of objects, but may not be covered in high school physics curricula or undergraduate STEM courses. The review paper approach is used to combine information from a variety of sources, and the material is conceptualized to aid reader understanding. These advanced topics may be of interest to advanced high school students who are interested in exploring topics beyond the high school physics curriculum, and can be studied independently by those with a strong foundation in classical mechanics and familiarity with advanced mathematical concepts

    Dimensi Perdagangan Kelapa Dan Kopra Rakyat Di Sulawesi Utara

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    Pengembangan produksi kelapa di Sulawesi Utara sangat terkait dengan perilaku pasar hasil antara atau hasil akhirnya dan keadaan industri yang mengolahnya. Fenomena-fenomena ini tidak sepenuhnya terjadi di Sulawesi Utara saja, tetapi dapat berada di wilayah lain atau di luar negeri melalui jalur perdagangan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memberikan keragaan perdagangan kelapa rakyat dan menyelidiki bentuk dan perilaku pasarnya, dengan melakukan pengamatan pada bulan Agustus - Oktober 1989. Kesimpulan yang dapat ditarik dari penelitian ini antara lain adalah : i) petani kelapa berada pada kedudukan yang paling lemah dalam sistem perdagangan kelapa; ii) persaingan diantara pedagang atau pengolah sebetulnya ada, tetapi tidak efektif karena mahalnya biaya angkutan per satuan volume, dan malahan menyebabkan persaingan yang tidak sehat, sehingga sistem pemasaran agak didominasi oleh bermodal kuat; dan akhirnya iii) industri pengolah hasil kelapa juga merupakan pedagang yang mengantar-pulaukan atau mengekspornya

    Penggunaan Modul “Barus Bandar Kuno di Pantai Barat Sumatera” pada Mata Pelajaran Sejarah di Kelas X SMA Erlangga Pematangsiantar

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    This research aims to find out the opinions of teachers and students about the use of modules in historical learning at Erlangga Pematangsiantar High School. This type of research is descriptive-qualitative. Data was taken from the informant of 1 history teacher, 28 students consisting of 15 students of class X IPA and 13 students of class X IPS and Principal through observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The validity of the data in this study is tested using data triangulation techniques, then the collected data is analyzed data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion withdrawal, so that the modules are made effective then the teacher must refer to the theory put forward by Everett M. Rogers in which the module has excellence, consistency, complexity, can be tested and can be observed. From the results of the research it can be concluded that modules made by teachers of history subjects are effective

    Heat Conduction in Cylindrical Coordinates with Time-Varying Conduction Coefficients: A Practical Engineering Approach

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    This research aims to develop a mathematical method for expressing the Laplace operator in cylindrical coordinates and applying it to solve heat conduction equations in various scenarios. The method commences by transforming Cartesian coordinates into cylindrical coordinates and identifying the necessary substitutions. The result is the expression of the Laplace operator in cylindrical coordinates, which is subsequently employed to address heat conduction equations within cylindrical coordinates. Various cases encompassing different initial and boundary conditions, as well as variations in the conduction coefficient over time, are meticulously considered. In each instance, precise mathematical solutions are determined and subjected to thorough analysis. This study carries substantial implications for comprehending heat transfer within cylindrical coordinate systems and finds relevance in a wide array of scientific and engineering contexts. The research's findings can be harnessed for technology development, heating system design, and heat transfer modeling across diverse applications, including mechanical engineering and materials science. Therefore, the research's contribution holds paramount significance in advancing our understanding of heat transfer within cylindrical coordinates and in devising more efficient and accurate solutions for an array of heat-related issues within the realms of science and engineering


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    ABSTRACT           The study of the aim of science, methods of generating science, its ideas, assumptions, hypotheses, distinctions from other disciplines, and how science is applied in society are all part of philosophy of science. The debate in this paper will delve deeper into the topic of Epistemology. Epistemology is a branch of philosophy. Epistemology is a discipline of philosophy that studies the nature of knowledge especially for four (four) key aspects of knowledge such as validity, structure, limits, and sources of information, and this is included in the study of legal science. The epistemological components of legal science are discussed in This case resolution procedure is broken down into numerous parts. Explaining, interpreting, and systematizing legal materials consisting of legal concepts, regulations, and decisions to decide the law that applies to legal challenges that occur is part of the process. Case resolution does not begin with legal principles, but with difficulties that take the form of explaining a variety of facts, connections, and occurrences that conceal one or more legal problems. This article explores the Study of Communication Epistemology, which studies knowledge as a whole or as a portion, and Explicit or Implicit Knowledge, which is more particular in discussing science philosophy. Keywords: Communications Epistemology, Knowledge, Explicit Or Implicit Knowledg

    Pengaruh luas kebun dan pendapatan usahatani kelapa dalam pengolahan pasca panen kelapa di tingkat petani

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    IndonesianPengolahan pasca panen kelapa merupakan suatu pilihan yang terbuka bagi petani. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh luas kebun, pendapatan, dan faktor lain yang mempengaruhi keputusan tersebut. Penelitian dilakukan di Lampung dan Sulawesi Utara sepanjang bulan Agustus sampai Oktober 1989 dengan melakukan wawancara kepada petani-petani kelapa. Terlihat bahwa luas kebun dan pendapatan usahatani kelapa, serta pengeluaran untuk konsumsi keluarga berpengaruh nyata terhadap keputusan pengolahan kelapa

    Investigating the Relationship between Climate Variables and Solar Activity: A Regression Analysis Approach

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    This study employs regression analysis to investigate the relationships between carbon dioxide levels, sunspot occurrences, and global temperatures, encompassing both land and sea. By uncovering these connections, the study contributes to our understanding of climate change and solar phenomena interactions. The primary objective is to reveal the intricate associations between these elements, potentially influencing climate change and solar activity. The study's outcomes have significant implications for climate change research and solar activity monitoring. The positive correlation between carbon dioxide concentration and ocean temperatures emphasizes the impact of atmospheric carbon dioxide on sea temperature fluctuations. Conversely, the inverse correlation between sunspot numbers and land/global temperatures suggests solar activity's potential role in shaping Earth's temperature oscillations. This research introduces novelty by concurrently investigating the interconnectedness of these factors. The study establishes substantial connections between carbon dioxide concentration, sunspot numbers, and global temperatures. While the models shed light on some variability, the complexity of climate change and solar activity calls for further exploration of additional factors. This underscores the need to consider multiple variables for a comprehensive understanding. Further research is recommended to enhance the precision of these models