98 research outputs found

    Dayak Ngaju Customary Fines in Pre-Marriage Agreement to Minimize Divorce in The Perspective of Maslahah Mursalah Ramadhan Al-Buthi

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    Before the wedding, the prospective husband and wife in the Dayak Ngaju Palangka Raya community made a pre-marriage agreement in the presence of the Damang (Adat figure). One of the core points of the agreement is that there is a fine for whoever causes a divorce in the household. This is unique and different from marriage agreements in general and in Islam. This study aims to analyze Dayak Ngaju customary fines in pre-marriage agreements implemented by the Dayak Ngaju community to minimize divorce. This research is empirical legal research using a case approach. The primary sources of this research are interviews, documentation, observations, and secondary sources in the form of books, as well as the views of scholars who have discussed this issue. Then this problem is analyzed using the theory of Maslahah Mursalah Ramdhan Al-Buthi. The results of this study indicate that according to the perspective of Adat figure regarding customary fines in pre-marriage agreements carried out by the Dayak Ngaju community, it is a good thing, not only to maintain the customs of their ancestors but also to contain far more meaningful values, namely protecting the existence and maintaining commitments in the marriage. From the perspective of Maslahah Mursalah Ramadhan Al-Buthi, these customary fines are not contrary to Islamic law, if they do not exceed the specified corridors, do not conflict with the higher Al-Quran, Sunnah, Qiyas, and Maslahah, and customary fines may be carried out if the four conditions these limits are not violated

    Studi analitik hermeneutika Fazlur Rahman

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    Negara Indonesia merupakan Negara yang memiliki beragam budaya dan tradisi. Budaya dan tradisi tersebut tidak dapat semerta-merta dihapuskan dan diganti sebagaimana tradisi dan budaya di Negara Arab. Oleh karena itu, butuh adanya penelitian ulang perilah tradisi dan budaya yang telah berjalan di Nusantara. Sebagian tradisi yang ada di Nusantara yang terjadi kontroversi ialah adanya ritual upacara kematian dan kehamilan. Dua permasalahan inilah yang menjadi topik pembahasan dalam penelitian dengan menggunakan landasan dari ayat-ayat al-Qur’an serta penafsiran hermeneutikanperspektif Fazlur Rahman. Setelah melakukan penelitian yang mendalam dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak ada satupun ayat-ayat al-Qur’an yang menjelaskan legalitas upacara kematian dan kehamilan. Dengan demikian, maka tidak ada satupun dasar dari al-Qur’an yangmelegalkan hal itu. Namun, ketika ayat-ayat al-Qur’an khususnya yang menjelaskan tentang urgensi berdoa dan berdzikir, maka upacara kematian dan kehamilan yang telah diubah esensinya dapat dibenarkan dan sesuai dengan anjuran dalam al-Qur’an

    Pengaruh Struktur Modal dan Corporate Governance terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan Sektor Pertanian di BEI 2011-2014

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah struktur modal (LTDE) dan corporate governance yang terdiri dari dewan direksi (DD) komisaris independen (KID) dan kepemilikan institusional (KIS) berpengaruh terhadap kinerja perusahaan (ROA). Sampel ditentukan dengan teknik purposive sampling yaitu 14 perusahaan sektor pertanian yang listing di BEI dan menerbitkan laporan keuangan secara terus-menerus pada tahun 2011-2014. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa struktur modal berpengaruh terhadap kinerja perusahaan penambahan hutang jangka panjang akan mempengaruhi kegiatan operasional perusahaan dan akan berpengaruh pada kinerja perusahaan. Dewan direksi berpengaruh terhadap kinerja perusahaan jumlah dewan direksi mampu memberikan jaminan untuk peningkatan kinerja perusahaan. Komisaris independen tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja perusahaan pengawasan yang dilakukan komisaris independen belum mampu meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan. Kepemilikan institusional tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja perusahaan. rendahnya saham yang dimiliki institusi menimbulkan kurangnya pengawasan kinerja manajemen sehingga tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja perusahaan. Kata kunci struktur modal corporate governance dewan direksi komisaris independen kepemilikan institusional This study aims to determine whether the capital structure (LTDE) and corporate governance consisting of board size (DD) the independent commissioner (KID) and institutional ownership (KID) effect on firm performance ROA). The sample is determined by purposive sampling are 14 companies in the agricultural sector listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange and published annual reports continuously in year 2011-2014. The results of this study indicate that the capital structure affect the performance of the firm the addition of long-term debt will affect the companys operations and will affect the performance of the firm. Board size does affect the performance of the firm the number of board sizes has not been able to provide a guarantee for improving corporate performance. The independent commissioner does not affect the performance of the firm supervision conducted by the independent commissioner have not been able to improve corporate performance. Institutional ownership does not affect the performance of firm low shares owned institutions cause a lack ofcontrol of management performance so it does not affect the performance of the firm. Keywords capital structure corporate governance board size the independent commissioner institutional ownershi


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    ABSTRACT Many grade X students are still not active in following the mathematics learning process and there are still many students who do not do the assignments seriously. They tend to ignore the tasks given by forgetting or not being able to do it. This research was conducted aiming to increase the activeness of students in doing math assignments using problem-based learning models in class X MIA students in MA Mambaul Ulum Megaluh. This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) which has two cycles, data collection is done using student worksheets. The results of the study will show the activeness of student learning in mathematics based on data obtained from student worksheets. The results showed an increase in the learning activeness of class X students, so that the problem-based learning model can be used to increase student learning activeness in mathematics class X MIA MA Mambaul Ulum Megaluh. KEYWORDS: Problem Based Learning, Active, Mathematics   ABSTRAK Banyak siswa kelas X yang masih belum aktif dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran matematika dan masih banyak siswa yang tidak mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan dengan sungguh.  Mereka cenderung mengabaikan tugas yang diberikan dengan lupa atau tidak bisa mengerjakan. Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keaktifan siswa dalam mengerjakan tugas matematika menggunakan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah pada siswa kelas X MIA di MA Mambaul Ulum Megaluh. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindak Kelas (PTK) yang memiliki dua siklus, pengambilan data dilakukan menggunakan lembar kerja siswa. Hasil penelitian akan menunjukkan keaktifan belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran matematika berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari lembar kerja siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi peningkatan keaktifan belajar siswa kelas X, sehingga Model pembelajaran berbasis masalah dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan keaktifan belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran matematika kelas X MIA MA Mambaul Ulum Megaluh. KATA KUNCI : Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah, Keaktifan, Matematik

    Penerapan Problem Based Learning ditinjau dari Prestasi Belajar Mahasiswa Pendidikan Matematika Mata Kuliah Statistika Probabilitas

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    Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan efektivitas penerapan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning ditinjau dari prestasi belajar mahasiswa pendidikan matematika pada mata kuliah statistika probabilitas. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Quasi Experimental dengan populasi mahasiswa mahasiswa semester 3 pendidikan matematika Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah Jombang TA 2019/2020. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah tes hasil belajar atau ketrampilan pemecahan masalah matematis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning efektif ditinjau dari prestasi belajar matematika mahasiswa

    Legal Responsibility for Environmental Damage Caused by Russian and Ukrainan Wars: International Humanitarian and Criminal Law Perspectives

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    Not only inflicted human casualities, the war between Russia and Ukraine, also injured the environment. Russia's discriminating attacks on essential objects such as gas, energy, oil, and mining infrastructure become the most significant root cause. UNEP affirmed that the attacks resulted in widespread water, soil and air pollution, as well as a significant deterioration in Ukraine's ecosystem stability. Accordingly, the study intends to examine the framework of international humanitarian and criminal law, specifically in terms of enviromental protection, as well as to analyze accountability before the International Criminal Court. The study employed doctrinal method involving a statutory and conceptual approach. In this case, relevant legal instruments such as the 1949 Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols,  as well as the Rome Statute, were being examined. Furthermore, the study is also certified by the evolution of legal doctrines in books, jounals, and other credible sources. According to the findings,  humanitarian law, which is underpinned by customary international law,  protects the environment slightly better than international criminal law. In short, the state bears multiple duties for environmental damage caused by the outbreak of war. Individual accountability before the ICC, on the other hand, is being overlooked. It is due to the Rome Statute's flaws, which include vagueness in the formulation of the articles,  stringent standards for proof of environmental damage, and bias in proving mens rea. As a result, improvements in the enforcement of international crimes (war crimes and related types) that cause environmental damage are urgently require

    Poligami sebagai Perkawinan Abnormal: Kajian terhadap Syariat Islam

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    Polarisasi poligami dewasa ini menyeruak di permukaan. Hal ini ditengarai oleh pihak-pihak yang mengkampanyekan poligami dengan massif. Secara tidak sehat, Al-Quran dan Hadis dijadikan alat guna membungkus kampanye tersebut seolah poligami itu ‘Islami’. Akibatnya timbul paradoks, di mana sebagian orang berasumsi bahwa Islam agama yang pro dan mendukung poligami. Fakta demikian perlu diluruskan mengingat secara prinsip, agama Islam menjunjung tinggi penghormatan dan keadilan atas sesama makhluk Tuhan. Tidak boleh ada superioritas atas satu pihak yang berakibat memarginalkan pihak lain. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini berusaha membedah fikih poligami dalam Islam bagaimana sesungguhnya konteks poligami berlaku dan apakah benar Islam mendukung hal tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan kajian normatif dengan pendekatan komprehensif guna menghasilkan konklusi yang akurat dan valid. Hipotesa kajian ini hendak membangun pemahaman bahwa poligami adalah pernikahan yang layak dipakai sebagai alternatif dengan berbagai fakta di antaranya secara prinsip fikih tidak menganjurkan poligami. Ayat poligami tidak bermakna wajib namun kebolehan, poligami Rasulullah s.a.w. bukan karena hasrat, hikmah pernikahan kontradiksi dengan poligami serta pendapat dari beberapa cendikiawan Muslim menyangkut persoalan poligami. Sejurus dengan temuan tersebut, poligami layak diperbincangkan pada ranah ‘abnormal’ dimana tidak semua kondisi praktik demikian patut dilakukan.[The polarization of polygamy is currently on the surface. This is suspected by those who are campaigning for polygamy. Unhealthily, Al-Quran and Hadith are used as tools to wrap the campaign as if polygamy is “Islamic” Polygamy, Sharia, Alternative. The result is a paradox, where some people assume that Islam is a pro and supports polygamy. This fact needs to be straightened out considering that the Islamic religion upholds respect and justice for fellow divine beings in principle. There must be no superiority over one party, which results in the marginalization of the other. Therefore, this study seeks to dissect the polygamy sharia in Islam, how the context of polygamy applies and whether Islam supports it. This study uses a normative study with a comprehensive approach to producing accurate and valid conclusions. This study’s hypothesis is to understand that polygamy is alternative fikih with various facts, including in principle that jurisprudence does not advocate polygamy. The verse polygamy does not mean obligatory but permissible, polygamy the Prophet s.a.w. not because of the passion, wisdom of marriage and polygamy, and some Muslim scholars’ opinions. In line with these findings, polygamy deserves to be discussed in the realm of ‘abnormal’ where not all practice conditions are appropriate.


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    Abstrak Wabah virus COVID-19 ditetapkan sebagai pandemi oleh WHO (World Health Organization), dengan adanya hal tersebut maka diharuskan menerapkan Physical Distancing untuk mencegah penularan virus tersebut. Hal ini tentunya berpengaruh pada banyak faktor terutama di faktor pendidikan, dimana proses belajar mengajar dilaksanakan dengan pembelajaran daring (dalam jaringan) agar mengurangi interaksi secara langsung. Melihat situasi seperti ini, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kebugaran jasmani selama pandemi siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Candi. Penelitian ini ialah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif melalui metode survei. Populasi seluruh peserta didik kelas VIII yaitu terdiri dari 9 kelas dengan jumlah 297 peserta didik. Cara pengambilan data yakni memakai teknik simple random sampling, dimana dari jumlah keseluruhannya diambil 50 peserta didik yang dijadikan sebagai anggota sampel terdiri dari 24 siswa dan 26 siswi. Instrumen tes yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan tes yang telah dibuat oleh guru olahraga SMP Negeri 1 Candi berdasarkan buku paket PJOK kelas VIII. Teknik analisis data ialah menggunakan persentase. Hasil dari 50 peserta didik yang telah diteliti, diketahui bahwa kebugaran jasmani siswa dalam kategori sangat baik 9 siswa dengan persentase 18%, dalam kategori baik 28 siswa dengan persentase 56%, dalam kategori cukup 10 siswa dengan persentase 20%, dan dalam kategori kurang 3 siswa dengan persentase 6%. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini yakni kebugaran jasmani selama pandemi siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Candi tahun 2021 sebagian besar berada dalam kategori baik. Kata Kunci: COVID-19; kebugaran jasmani; siswa kelas VIII Abstract The COVID-19 virus outbreak was being designated as a pandemic by the WHO (World Health Organization), with this, it is necessary to implement Physical Distancing to prevent transmission of the virus. This of course affected many factors, especially in the educational factor, where the teaching and learning process was being carried out by online learning in order to reduce direct interaction. Seeing a situation like this, this study aimed to determine the physical fitness during the pandemic for the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Candi. 50 students got result, this research is a descriptive quantitative using survey method. Population of all students in eight grade were consist of 9 classes with 297 students. The way of collecting the data is using the simple random sampling technique. From all the students, it only took 50 of them that consist of 24 males and 26 females. The test instruments that used in this research is using test that had been made by Candi 1 Junior High Schools sport teacher, which is based on sports material book for eight grades. The analysis technique that used is percentage technique. The test result from those 50 students that had been tested is, there were nine students with 18% percentages who had excellent category in physical fitness, in good category there were 28 students with 56% percentages, in adequate category there were 10 students with 20% percentages, and in deficient category there were 3 students with 6% percentages. In the 2021 study, most of the students at the state junior high school 1 Candi had good physical fitness in the post-pandemic category. The conclusion of this research is most of eight grade student from Negeri 1 Candi Junior High School have good category physical fitness during the pandemic Keywords: COVID-19; physical fitness; eighth grade student &nbsp

    Limitation for the practice of excessive religious moderation

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    Religious moderation is urgent to be implemented in Indonesia because Indonesia is a diverse country in unity. However, the fact is that there are practices of excessive religious moderation that tend to be extreme. So to restore the meaning of religious moderation that Wasathiyyah is in the middle as mandated by Allah SWT. in the Qur'an Surah Al-Baqarah verse 143, it is necessary to limit the practice of religious moderation. So we need a concrete solution to this problem. So this research has several objectives: (1) Describe excessive religious moderation practices, (2) Analyze efforts to limit excessive religious moderation practices. This research is a type of qualitative research. So the research method used is a normative approach that collects data using literature studies from some of the literature used. The results and discussion of this study is that the excessive practice of religious moderation is the intention of carrying out religious practices with the aim of moderation not being strict but too loose so that it tends to give rise to a new pole of liberal extremism that leads to polytheism. For example, General "D"'s a controversial statement and Gus Samsudin's medical practices. The efforts to limit the practice of excessive religious moderation are carried out by studying and understanding the 4 (four) indicators or limitations of religious moderation by the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, namely a strong national commitment, being tolerant properly, being non-violent, and accommodating to local culture. So that the practice of religious moderation can be carried out properly and not excessively, which tends to be extreme. Finally, it is necessary to reformulate the proper practice of religious moderation by the guidance of the Al-Qur'an and Hadith. So that new extreme poles that are radical or liberal do not arise
