18 research outputs found

    Strategi Berbicara Mahasiswa Ketika Mengalami Kesulitan dalam Aktivitas Berbicara

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    Kesulitan bercakap merupakan salah satu isu yang sering ditemukan pada kelas berbicara (Speaking) dan memiliki efek yang dapat mempengaruhi minat belajar mahasiswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi berkomunikasi mahasiswa ketika mengalami kesulitan bercakap dan faktor apa saja yang menyebabkan kesulitan tersebut. Pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif digunakan untuk memahami fenomena tersebut. Angket, dan wawancara digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan untuk mengatasi kesulitan-kesulitan seperti dalam hal kesulitan kosa kata, struktur kalimat, pengucapan dan kurangnya kepercayaan diri. Mahasiswa menggunakan beberapa strategi komunikasi dalam kegiatan berbicara. Strategi-strategi tersebut adalah penaksiran, perkiraan, alih kode, terjemahan literal, dan permohonan bantuan, dan menggunakan cara non-linguistik

    Sikap Mahasiswa Asing terhadap Program Pembelajaran Bahasan Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing (BIPA)

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    Program pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing merupakan salah satu program pembelajaran yang diatur oleh pemerintah dan beberapa institusi di Indonesia. Universitas Muhammadiyah Kendari sebagai salah satu universitas yang memiliki mahasiswa Internasional diharapkan dapat menyelenggarakan program BIPA yang bertujuan untuk membekali Mahasiswa asing pengetahuan dan keterampilan berbahasa Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sikap belajar siswa terhadap program Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 3 mahasiswa asing asal Thailand yang sedang menempuh kuliah strata-1 di Universitas Muhammadiyah Kendari. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dan observasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa siswa BIPA memiliki sikap belajar yang positif dalam berpartisipasi pada program BIPA. Mereka sangat antusias mengembangkan kemampuan bahasa Indonesia yang mereka miliki karena peran bahasa Indonesia sangat vital baik itu di dalam ataupun di luar kelas


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    Kota Banjarmasin merupakan kota yang memiliki begitu banyak aliran sungai dan dihuni mayoritas oleh kaum muslim, yang seyogyanya mengerti akan pentingnya manfaat sungai karena Islam mengajarkan hal tersebut. Namun kenyataannya masih banyak masyarakat yang membuang sampah ke aliran sungai bahkan membangun pemukiman di bantaran sungai. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas implementasi kebijakan pemerintah terhadap konservasi sungai di Kota Banjarmasin dan mengetahui respon masyarakat muslim Banjarmasin terhadap kebijakan pemerintah terkait konservasi sungai di Kota Banjarmasin, serta mengetahui sejauh mana kultur pemahaman keagamaan dan persepsi masyarakat muslim di Kota Banjarmasin yang dapat mendukung terhadap upaya pemanfaatan dan konservasi sungai. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan, dengan masyarakat kota Banjarmasin dan dinas-dinas terkait sebagai subyek penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Teknik analisis penelitian secara deskriptif dan menggunakan modal teoritik yang dimiliki oleh peneliti. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bawah Kebijakan konservasi sungai telah diatur dalam berbagai regulasi oleh Pemerintah Kota Banjarmasin, bahkan menjadi isu strategis dalam perencanaan tata ruang wilayah Kota Banjarmasin 2013-2032. Kebijakan tersebut mendapat respon positif dari masyarakat Kota Banjarmasin, namun partisipasi dan keterlibatan mereka terhadap konsevasi sungai masih rendah. Selain itu, pemahaman keagamaan masyarakat muslim di Kota Banjarmasin dalam pemanfaatan dan konservasi sungai juga masih rendah karena belum didukung oleh pengetahuan mereka terhadap konsep fikih dan aturan-aturan terkait pemanfaatan air dan pelestarian sumber air dan konservasi lingkungan. Banjarmasin city is a city that has so many rivers and is inhabited by the majority of Muslims, who should understand about the importance of the rivers’ benefits because Islam teaches it. However, in reality there are still many people who throw garbage into the river, even build settlements along the river. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of government policies on river conservation in Banjarmasin City and to know the response of the Banjarmasin Muslim community to government policies related to river conservation in Banjarmasin City, and to know the extent to which the culture of religious comprehension and perceptions of the Muslim community in Banjarmasin City can support the river utilization and conservation efforts. This research is a field research, with the people of Banjarmasin city and related agencies as research subjects. The techniques of data collection used were interviews, observation and documentation study. The research analysis technique is descriptive and uses theoretical capital owned by the researcher. Based on the research results, it is known that the river conservation policy has been regulated in various regulations by Government of the Banjarmasin City, and has even become a strategic issue in the spatial planning of Banjarmasin City 2013-2032. This policy received a positive response from the people of Banjarmasin City, but their participation and involvement in the river conservation was still low. In addition, the religious understanding of the Muslim community in Banjarmasin City in the use and conservation of rivers is also still low because their knowledge is not supported by their knowledge of the fiqh concept and rules related to water use and preservation of water sources and environmental conservation


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    ABSTRAKRAHMAT NASRULLAH,2015KEWENANGAN KOMISI INDEPENDENPEMILIHAN DALAM PELANTIKANCALON ANGGOTA DPRA YANGTERSANGKUT KASUS HUKUMFakultas Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala(v,51) pp., bibl.(Zahratul Idami, S.H., M.Hum.)Sebagai pelaksana Pemilu pada tingkat Provinsi. Komisi IndependenPemilihan (KIP) Aceh melaksanakan tugas sesuai program dan jadwal yang telahditetapkan dan juga melaksanakan tugas atau wewenang lain yang dilimpahkanoleh KPU, sebagaimana disebutkan dalam Pasal 9 (1) huruf o Undang-UndangNomor 15 Tahun 2011 tentang Penyelenggara Pemilu. Namun, permasalahanyang timbul ialah, KIP Aceh tidak sepenuhnya melaksanakan isi dari Surat EdaranKPU Nomor 1570/KPU/IX/2014 perihal penundaan pelantikan anggota DPRA.Berdasarkan isi Surat Edaran KPU pada angka 1, KIP diminta untuk melaporkanhasil koordinasi bersama Bawaslu dan Kejati kepada Kemendagri.Tetapi hal itutidak dilakukan oleh KIP AcehTujuan penulisan skripsi ini menjelaskan tentang pelaksanaan kewenanganKomisi Independen Pemilihan berdasarkan Surat Edaran KPU dalam pelantikancalon anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Aceh yang tersangkut kasus hukum,kemudian menjelaskan mengenai kekuatan hukum dari suatu Surat Edaran.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian yuridisempiris. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara mewawancarai pihak yangterkait sebagai subjek penelitian. Kemudian data yang terkumpul disusun dandianalisis dengan pendekatan kualitatif yang menghasilkan data deskriptif.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian. Dalam pelaksanaan kewenangannya sesuaidengan Surat Edaran KPU, KIP memang telah berkoordinasi dengan Bawaslu danKejati sebagaimana diperintahkan oleh KPU pada butir 2 dari isi surat tersebut,tetapi KIP tidak melaporkan hasil koordinasi kepada Kemendagri sebagaimanadiperintahkan dalam Surat Edaran pada Butir 1. Dengan alasan KIP tidakmemiliki cukup waktu untuk melaksanakan isi dari Surat Edaran tersebut,sehingga pelaksanaannya tidak maksimal. Surat Edaran merupakan kebijakanyang diambil oleh KPU, dikarenakan tidak ada Undang-Undang yang mengaturmengenai penundaan pelantikan calon anggota legislatif pemenang pemilu. Dalamartian, setiap lembaga negara mempunyai kewenangan diskresi untukmemungkinkan lembaga tersebut mengeluarkan Surat Edaran, tetapi Surat Edarantidak memiliki kekutan hukum, karena Surat Edaran bersifat pemberitahuan,penjelasan atau petunjuk cara melaksanakan suatu hal yang dianggap penting danmendesak.Seharusnya KIP melaksananakan sepenuhnya isi dari Surat Edarantersebut dan memaksimalkan waktu yang tersedia, sebagai upaya untukmeningkatkan kepercayaan pada masyarakat. Dan juga agar dibuat suatuperaturan mengenai penundaan pelantikan calon anggota legislatif yangtersangkut kasus hukum, agar tercipta parlemen suatu yang bersih

    The Implementation of Using Whatsapp and Youtube in FLTM Class: Teacher’s Perception

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    This study focuses on teacher’s perception on the implementation of usingWhatsapp and Youtube at FLTM class at English Department, MuhammadiyahUniversity Kendari since teacher’s perception has not been investigated thoroughly inthe earlier research on the implementation of using WhatsApp and Youtube media as alearning tools. The objective of this study is to find out the teacher’s perception on theimplementation of using Whatsapp messanger and Youtube in class B 5t h semesters ofFLTM classroom at Muhammadiyah University students of Kendari . This studyemploys qualitative study design to find out lecturer’s perception in teaching processusing Whatsapp and Youtube. The instruments used in this study are documentati onand interview and the data are analyzed using data reduction, data display, meaningcoding, meaning condensation, meaning interpretation, conclusion drawing and datatriangulation. The findings reveal that the teacher considered to implement Whatsappand Youtube in teaching have several advantages and disadvantages in learningobjective and outcomes. This can be viewed in the arrangement of knowledge of subjectmatter, teacher-students interaction, design of instruction, and course management.Furthermore, teacher’s beliefs in using whatsapp and youtube in teaching appeared to bestrongly connected to the flexibility of teaching and learning process and learningcontent availability.The objective of this study is to find out the teacher’s perception on the implementation of using Whatsapp messanger and Youtube in class B 5th semesters of FLTM classroom at Muhammadiyah University students of Kendari. Since teacher’s perception has not been investigated thoroughly in the earlier research on the implementation of using WhatsApp and Youtube media as a learning tools.  This study employs qualitative study design to find out lecturer’s perception in teaching process using Whatsapp and Youtube.  The instruments used in this study are documentation and interview and the data are analyzed using data reduction, data display, meaning coding, meaning condensation, meaning interpretation, conclusion drawing and data triangulation.  The findings reveal that the teacher considered to implement Whatsapp and Youtube in teaching have several advantages and disadvantages in learning objective and outcomes. This can be viewed in the arrangement of knowledge of subject matter, teacher-students interaction, design of instruction, and course management. Furthermore, teacher’s beliefs in using Whatsapp and Youtube in teaching appeared to be strongly connected to the flexibility of teaching and learning process and learning content availability

    Students Vocabulary Mastery toward Crossword Puzzle Games

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    This research investigated the improvement of students’ participation and vocabulary achievement by using crossword puzzles in the classroom. The research design was Classroom Action Research (CAR) conducted in two cycles. The research subjects were the seventh-grade students and the research area was at a private Islamic Junior High School in Kendari. The data were collected by using observation and vocabulary achievement tests. The collected data were analyzed statistically by using a percentage formula. The students’ activity improved from 78,66% in cycle 1 to 97,66% in cycle 2. Meanwhile, the students’ vocabulary mastery improved from 54% in cycle 1 to 90% in cycle 2. In conclusion, using crossword puzzles improved the students’ vocabulary achievement and students' participation in the teaching and learning English

    Instagram Usage in Learning English: A Literature Review

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    The social media of Instagram, one of the most used mediums to connect online, is used to build relations and correlations among individuals to support long-distance interaction. Educators and researchers often apply it in global contexts for educational purposes like teaching and researching English vocabulary learning. Moreover, vocabulary is essential in order to enhance EFL learner’s skills. This study presents an analysis of Instagram usage in learning English Vocabulary. The purpose is to analyze how Instagram can assist EFL students in learning vocabulary and investigate whether or not Instagram improves vocabulary comprehension. The authors also review journals taken from several trustworthy sources like Research Gate, Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, Arab International English Journal, Springer link, Atlantis press, and Science Direct

    Students’ Perception in Learning English through Blended Learning

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    Mobile technology plays an equal role with face-to-face interaction in the learning process in this current era. One of the most commonly utilized technologies is the use of social media integrated with the face-to-face teaching and learning as called a blended-learning. This recent study aims: (1) to investigate how the blended learning process is operated, (2) to determine students’ perceptions in learning English through blended learning. This study was an explanatory mixed-method research design using observation, questionnaire, and interview as instruments to collect data from the purposively selected 26 students. The results of this study indicated that the process of learning English through blended learning both offline (face-to-face) and online (WhatsApp application) was well-implemented. Besides, students also showed a lot of positive perceptions when learning English through blended learning utilizing social media of WhatsApp and through the face-to-face form of language learning interaction. Thus, the researchers concluded that blended learning maintains essential behavioral, cognitive, and emotional aspects in English learning.Mobile technology plays an equal role with face-to-face interaction in the learning process in this current era. One of the most prevalent utilized technologies is the use of social media of WhatsApp application in the online learning integrated with the face-to-face teaching and learning as called a blended-learning method. This recent study aims: (1) to investigate how the blended learning process is operated, and (2) to determine students’ perceptions in learning English through blended learning. This study employed an explanatory mixed-method research design using observation, questionnaire, and interview to collect data from the purposively selected students. This study indicated that learning English through blended learning showed positive behavior like attending the class regularly and enthusiastically. Besides, students felt comfortable and enjoyed learning English, showing their English language skills and favorable learning in the form of well-implemented blended learning. Thus, researchers concluded that blended learning established essential behavioral, cognitive, and emotional aspects of students in English learning

    Research Methods in Teaching Listening Skills Utilizing Technology Media

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    The language research method is an area of interest for many language researchers. Reviewing the latest research methods provides rich potential contributions for learning sources for a greater understanding and productivity to conduct novel and essential research, especially in teaching listening skills utilizing technology media. Therefore, this paper elaborates on the research methods used in teaching listening skills using technology media. The elaboration is formulated from the research methods used by journal article writers worldwide. Sixteen international journal articles and four national journal articles are taken as the corpus of the study are investigated using grounded theory analysis. Among the found research methods are case study, ethnography research, phenomenological study, grounded theory, narrative, content analysis study, document analysis, descriptive qualitative, pre-experimental research, quasi-experimental research, true experimental research, correlational research, ex-post-facto, survey research, classroom action research, collaborative action research, and mixed-methods. However, due to the limited space, the paper will only describe five popular methods in teaching listening skills utilizing technology media for the last ten years, including experimental research, classroom action research, survey research, case study, and descriptive qualitative research. The description of each method is supported by examples found in international and national journal articles published worldwide  The language research method is an area of interest for many language researchers. Reviewing the latest research methods provides rich potential contributions for learning sources for a greater understanding and productivity to conduct novel and essential research, especially in teaching listening skills utilizing technology media. Therefore, this paper elaborates on the research methods used in teaching listening skills using technology media. The elaboration is formulated from the research methods used by journal article writers worldwide. Sixteen international journal articles and four national journal articles are taken as the corpus of the study are investigated using grounded theory analysis. Among the found research methods are case study, ethnography research, phenomenological study, grounded theory, narrative, content analysis study, document analysis, descriptive qualitative, pre-experimental research, quasi-experimental research, true experimental research, correlational research, ex-post-facto, survey research, classroom action research, collaborative action research, and mixed-methods. However, due to the limited space, the paper will only describe five popular methods in teaching listening skills utilizing technology media for the last ten years, including experimental research, classroom action research, survey research, case study, and descriptive qualitative research. The description of each method is supported by examples found in international and national journal articles published worldwid

    Analisis Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja dan Beban Kerja Terhadap Kinerja (studi kasus PT. Asri Pancawarna).

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    PT.ASRI PANCAWWARNA merupakan perusahaan di bidang produksi barang berupa granit yang menggunakan tenaga kerja di bagian proses cutting. Untuk memenuhi target produksi PT Asri Pancawarna mengharapkan tenaga karyawannya bekerja secara optimal. namun berbeda dengan kenyataan di lapangan banyak karyawan yang tidak masuk kerja dengan berbagai macam kasus seperti sakit,ijin kerja dan mangkir kerja tanpa keterangan yang jelas. Berangkat dari fenomena tersebut maka peneliti merasa perlu menjadikannya sebagai penelitian, sehingga untuk mengetahui apakah kepuasan kerja dan beban kerja berpengaruh terhadap kinerja. Dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut, dilakukan penelitian di bagian proses cutting yang dimana penelitiannya dengan cara membagikan kusioner pada setiap karyawan pada divisi cutting. Pembagian kusioner tersebut untuk mengetahui berapa besar pengaruh kepuasan kerja dan beban kerja terhadap kinerja di proses produksi bagian cutting. Populasi dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 38 karyawan. sampel yang di ambil dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 35 responden yang ditentukan. Teknik pengambilan sampel ini menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Dalam uji validitasnya pengujian ini dilakukan dengan uji korelasi product moment dimana setiap jawaban responden diuji sedangkan uji relibilitasnya menggunakan alpha Cronbach. Alat ukur terbukti valid dan reliabel untuk instrument penelitian. Hasil dari penelitian ini maka pengaruh kepuasan kerja dan beban kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan mempunyai nilai sebesar 94% dan sisanya 6% yang merupakan hasil dari pengaruh lain yang tidak dapat diteliti. Pada penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa pengaruh kepuasan kerja dan beban kerja berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja karyawan. ini dilihat dari data pengaruh kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja karywan memiliki nilai 92,5% dan beban kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan memiliki nilai 85,4%. Kata Kunci : kepuasan kerja, beban Kerja, kinerja kerj