147 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Nilai Kurs, Inflasi, Suku Bunga Deposito dan Volume Perdagangan Saham terhadap Return Saham pada Perusahaan Perbankan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh nilai kurs, inflasi, suku bunga deposito, danvolume perdagangan saham terhadap return saham pada Perusahaan perbankan yang terdaftar dibursa efek Indonesia. Variabel dependen dalam penelitian ini diwakili oleh return saham, sedangkanvariabel independen terdiri dari nilai kurs, inflasi, suku bunga deposito dan volume perdagangansaham.Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode purposivesampling, sehingga dari 28 Perusahaan perbankan yang terdaftar di bursa efek Indonesia selamaperiode penelitian, hanya ada 20 Perusahaan yang memenuhi syarat untuk dijadikan sampel. Datayang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan Regresi Linear Berganda.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari empat variabel independen yang diuji terhadap returnsaham Perusahaan perbankan, ada tiga variabel yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap return saham,yaitu inflasi dengan thitung sebesar 2,233 dan tingkat signifikansi 0,030, suku bunga deposito denganthitung sebesar 2,741 dan tingkat signifikansi 0,008 dan volume perdagangan saham dengan thitungsebesar 2,643 dan tingkat signifikansi 0,011. Sedangkan nilai kurs tidak berpengaruh terhadap returnsaham dengan thitung sebesar 0,034 dan tingkat signifikansi 0,973

    Pharmacoresistance in Epilepsy: An Integrative Genetic & Genomic Analysis

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    Epilepsy effects up to 1% of the population, and up to 30% of people with epilepsy are pharmacoresistant—they continue to experience seizures despite treatment with maximal doses of multiple antiepileptic drugs. The causes of drug resistance in epilepsy remain poorly understood. In this work, I have used genetic and genomic analysis techniques to explore the causes of epilepsy pharmacoresistance. It has been reported that epilepsy pharmacoresistance results from impaired drug penetration into the epileptic focus secondary to a localized dysregulation of drug transporters. Solute carrier (SLC) transporters form the largest superfamily of multidrug transporters. I used novel in silico and stringent ex vivo strategies for identifying the SLCs that are dysregulated in the pharmacoresistant epileptic human hippocampus. I discovered that the SLCs dysregulated in the pharmacoresistant epileptic human hippocampus are either small metal ion exchangers or transporters of neurotransmitters, not antiepileptic drug transporters, and most likely contribute to pharmacoresistance by enhancing the intrinsic severity of epilepsy. This finding supports the newly-proposed and intuitive ‘intrinsic severity hypothesis’ of epilepsy pharmacoresistance. According to the intrinsic severity hypothesis, pharmacoresistance in epilepsy results from the increased dysfunction of the biological pathways which underlie epilepsy. Hence, I proceeded to perform genome-wide genetic and genomic analyses in order to find the most important pathways underlying epilepsy and pharmacoresistance in epilepsy. I performed an integrative analysis of previously published large-scale gene expression profiling studies on brain tissue from epilepsy surgery; the largest and most robust microarray analysis of brain tissue from surgery for pharmacoresistant mesial temporal lobe epilepsy; and the first-ever genome-wide association study (GWAS) of pharmacoresistant focal epilepsy. By integrating the results of the genetic and genomic studies, I was able to show that pharmacoresistance is the result of accumulation of deleterious genetic variants of increasing severity and/or numbers within the genes that constitute the core pathways underlying epilepsy. I also found that the pathways disrupted in pharmacoresistant epilepsy, at both the genetic and genomic levels, belong to many different diverse and disparate functional domains, for example ‘axon guidance’, ‘transmembrane transport of small molecules’ and ‘cell death signalling via NRAGE, NRIF and NADE’. However, using network analysis techniques, I showed that these seemingly unrelated pathways form a coherent highly interconnected network, and it can be expected that changes in one pathway in this network will have a cascading effect on the rest of the network. The most important pathways in these networks are the central ‘hub’ pathways, which I identified using betweenness centrality network analysis. I then performed the first-ever genetical genomics study in epilepsy using hippocampal samples from resective surgery for refractory mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. By integrating genome-wide genetic, genetical genomic and genomic studies, and then performing pathway, network and centrality analysis, I identified the most important putative central causal pathways underlying epilepsy pharmacoresistance: 'transmembrane transport of small molecules' and 'Deleted in colorectal cancer (DCC) mediated attractive signalling'. In conclusion, by performing genome-wide genetic, genetical genomic and genomic studies, followed by integrative analysis, pathway construction and network mapping, I have identified most important putative central causal pathways underlying epilepsy pharmacoresistance

    Course Coordination In Academic Sector: An Expert System Foundation

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come out from science fiction movies and it is now enabling machines to behave like human experts. Computers have some advantages over human beings because of their immunity toward perturbation factors. These factors include fatigue, stress and diminished attention. This ability makes computers more efficient and reliable in decision making. The real goal of AI is to computerize human intelligence. In this paper we explored “Expert Systems” that is one of the most important branches of AI. In expert systems, we simulate expertise of domain experts in computer systems. Machines can work like doctors, engineers and consultants and can be able to learn and use their judgmental power to conclude the situations. In academia, many subjects are being offering in every degree programs. A course coordinator is an expert who allot related subject to instructors by using some factual and heuristic knowledge. The real task is to simulate the judgment ability that he obtained after many years of experience. We proposed an expert system that will stimulates the intelligence of course coordinator and will make reliable decisions.

    Effect Of Similar And Dissimilar Aluminum Alloy Tailor Welded Blank To Twist Springback

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    In an automotive industry, aluminium alloys-based tailor welded blanks are demanding materials for various components due to its low density and good mechanical properties, especially when it is offered weight reduction in the automotive industry However, stamped metal mostly experiences springback defects, which would result in components that do not conform to the required product tolerances and twist springback is among the most difficult to predict. Past studies on the measurement and prediction of twist springback have mostly focused on virgin material, and studies on similar and dissimilar grade aluminium-based tailor welded blanks are still lacking and demanding. In this study, the effect of moment applied and material type on several types of aluminium based tailor welded blanks on twist springback will be studied. The twist forming process was modelled in a commercial FEA software, ANSYS Workbench, using a static structural analysis procedure. The results have shown that dissimilar aluminium would decrease the twist springback, while a similar aluminium increases the twist springback. In conclusion, all the parameters chosen had significant effects on the springback behaviour. The comparison between similar and dissimilar aluminium have shown major difference on the twist angle after loading. This difference could be attributed to the strain hardening effect in the production of the similar and dissimilar aluminium profiles

    The Relationship Between Student Orientation and Trust in Higher Education

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    This study explores the student orientation, higher education image, perceived value,  satisfaction and student trust at the higher education.   The authors hypothesize a significant effect between variables.  Data from 347 samples are used to empirically test the hypothesized the effects with multi-stage cluster sampling.   The results provide evidence of a significant impact between student orientation, student perceived value, and student satisfaction. Higher education image has a significant influence  toward satisfaction,  perceived value has a significant effect toward satisfaction and trust, student satisfaction  has a significant effect toward student’s trust Keywords: Student Orientation, Image, Perceived Value, Satisfaction, Trus

    Identifying new antiepileptic drugs through genomics-based drug repurposing

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    Currently available antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) fail to control seizures in 30% of patients. Genomics-based drug repurposing (GBR) offers the potential of savings in the time and cost of developing new AEDs. In the current study, we used published data and software to identify the transcriptomic signature of chornic temporal lobe epilepsy and the drugs that reverse it. After filtering out compounds based on exclusion criteria, such as toxicity, 36 drugs were retained. 11 of the 36 drugs identified (>30%) have published evidence of the antiepileptic efficacy (for example, curcumin) or antiepileptogenic affect (for example, atorvastatin) in recognised rodent models or patients. By objectively annotating all ∼20,000 compounds in the LINCS database as either having published evidence of antiepileptic efficacy or lacking such evidence, we demonstrated that our set of repurposable drugs is ∼6-fold more enriched with drugs having published evidence of antiepileptic efficacy in animal models than expected by chance (P-value <0.006). Further, we showed that another of our GBR-identified drugs, the commonly-used well-tolerated antihyperglycemic sitagliptin, produces a dose-dependent reduction in seizures in a mouse model of pharmacoresistant epilepsy. In conclusion, GBR successfully identifies compounds with antiepileptic efficacy in animal models and, hence, it is an appealing methodology for the discovery of potential AEDs

    Appraisement of the Pernicious Status of Drinking Water Exposed to Precambrian Rocks of Chenab Nagar Area, Punjab, Pakistan

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    Natural and anthropogenic indulgence in the form of industrialization, urban sprawl, and population increase deplete the water resources that entails immediate consideration. So, contemplating this need for eco-rehabilitation, drinking water quality predicted in contemporary research for surface and groundwater in proximity of Precambrian rocks (Chenab Nagar, Punjab) revealed poor water quality status. Physical parameters (EC, TDS, and temperature), chemical (pH, carbonates, bicarbonates, chlorides, and heavy metals) and microbiological (total coliforms, fecal coliforms, and the absence or occurrence of E. coli) distinctiveness of water were determined in forty-two samples, collected from study area. The mean values of pH, EC, TDS, carbonates, bicarbonates, chlorides, and temperature for water samples fluctuated discretely in all months. Likewise, heavy metals depicted an increasing trend as the concentration of cadmium and lead was high among all analyzed metals. Microbiological study shows that large number of the samples had elevated concentration of fecal coliforms and E. coli bacteria thus making water harmful for human consumption

    Genetic regulation of gene expression in the epileptic human hippocampus

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    Epilepsy is a serious and common neurological disorder. Expression quantitative loci (eQTL) analysis is a vital aid for the identification and interpretation of disease-risk loci. Many eQTLs operate in a tissue- and condition-specific manner. We have performed the first genome-wide cis-eQTL analysis of human hippocampal tissue to include not only normal (n = 22) but also epileptic (n = 22) samples. We demonstrate that disease-associated variants from an epilepsy GWAS meta-analysis and a febrile seizures (FS) GWAS are significantly more enriched with epilepsy-eQTLs than with normal hippocampal eQTLs from two larger independent published studies. In contrast, GWAS meta-analyses of two other brain diseases associated with hippocampal pathology (Alzheimer’s disease and schizophrenia) are more enriched with normal hippocampal eQTLs than with epilepsy-eQTLs. These observations suggest that an eQTL analysis that includes disease-affected brain tissue is advantageous for detecting additional risk SNPs for the afflicting and closely related disorders, but not for distinct diseases affecting the same brain regions. We also show that epilepsy eQTLs are enriched within epilepsy-causing genes: an epilepsy cis-gene is significantly more likely to be a causal gene for a Mendelian epilepsy syndrome than to be a causal gene for another Mendelian disorder. Epilepsy cis-genes, compared to normal hippocampal cis-genes, are more enriched within epilepsy-causing genes. Hence, we utilize the epilepsy eQTL data for the functional interpretation of epilepsy disease-risk variants and, thereby, highlight novel potential causal genes for sporadic epilepsy. In conclusion, an epilepsy-eQTL analysis is superior to normal hippocampal tissue eQTL analyses for identifying the variants and genes underlying epilepsy

    Exploring the Preferences of Knowledge & Understanding Needs of Secondary School Students 288

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    Abstract The present study was designed to identify the Preferences of Knowledge & Understanding needs of students of ages of 14 + to 16 + year that may influence curriculum development for classes (IX & X) of the schools located in the district Faisalabad. The data were collected from 10% of students of urban & rural secondary schools. So, the total strength of students of sample of urban secondary schools was 248 and rural secondary school was 198. The total strength of students of the sample was 446. Questionnaires were used as research instruments. Because there was no adequate instrument to measure the importance, existence, availability or non-availability of students needs, a self-Reporting rating scale (SRRS) was developed. This instrument included items constructed on the basis of likert scale. This measure was to ask the respondents to respond to a series of 20 items by indicating their level of satisfaction on a five point scale from "Strongly agree" to strongly agree" to "strongly disagree"