332 research outputs found

    Newborn resuscitation in Gombe State, northeastern Nigeria.

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    BACKGROUND: Basic newborn resuscitation for babies not breathing at birth is a highly effective intervention and its scale-up identified as a top research priority. However, tracking progress on the scale-up and coverage of this intervention is compromised by limitations in measuring both the number of newborns receiving the intervention and the number of newborns requiring the intervention. Using data from a facility and birth attendant survey in Gombe State, Nigeria, we aimed to advance the measurement agenda by developing a proxy indicator defined as the "percent of newborns born in a facility with the potential to provide newborn resuscitation". METHODS: The indicator's denominator was defined as: the total number of births in facilities during a defined time period (facility records). The numerator was constructed from the number of those births that occurred in appropriately equipped facilities (facility inventory), where a birth attendant demonstrated basic resuscitation competence (assessed by a simulation exercise). The proportion of facility-births that took place in a setting with the potential to provide newborn resuscitation was then calculated. RESULTS: The analysis included 17 383 births that occurred during May-October 2015 in 117 primary and referral facilities surveyed in November 2015. Overall 81% of the facilities did not have all items of essential equipment required for resuscitation; the items of equipment least frequently present included a timing device and resuscitation bag with two sizes of neonatal face mask. Only 3% of 117 birth attendants interviewed demonstrated competence to undertake resuscitation, all of whom were classified as skilled attendants and worked in referral facilities. We found that 20% of the 17 383 births took place in a facility with the potential to provide lifesaving resuscitation care. CONCLUSIONS: The indicator definition of neonatal resuscitation presented here responds to the need to advance the measurement agenda for newborn care and importantly adjusts for the volume of births occurring in different facilities. Its application in this setting revealed substantial missed opportunities to providing lifesaving care and highlights the need for a greater focus on input as well as process quality in all levels of health facilities


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    Mengetahui jumlah populasi burung walet yang masuk dan keluar gedung bertujuan untuk mengetahui perkembagan populasi burung walet apakah populasi burung walet tersebut bertambah atau berkurang jumlahnya. Jika populasi burung walet tersebut berkurang dapat di simpulkan adanya suatu gangguan yang mempengaruhi berkurangnya populasi. Kendala saat ini peternak burung walet masi mengunakan sistem penghitungan secara manual dengan cara memperkirakan jumlah burung walet dan kesalahanya cukup besar. Agar dapat memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut dibutuhkan alat sensor penghitunhg otomatis burung walet berbasis arduino uno. Yang dapat menghitung secara otomatis burung walet untuk mempermudah mengetahui perkembangan populasi burng walet. Penelitian ini mengunakan arduino uno sebagai mikrokontroler, Sensor infrared E-18 D80NK untuk mendeteksi jumlah burung walet dan LCD 16X2 sebagai display tampilan data perhitungan burung walet. Untuk hasil pengujian perhitungan burung masuk dan keluar dilakuakan dangan 2 cara pengujian. pertama pengujian secara manual dengan carah melemparkan 1 buah objek sampai 2 buah objek sekaligus secara bersamaan, cara kedua pengujian langsung ke gedung burung walet memasang dua buah sensor sejajar di pintu keluar masuknya burung walet. Dari penelitian ini dapat di tarik kesimpulan bahwa perancangan alat penghitung otomatis burung walet ini bekerja secara masksimal sesusai apa yang di harapka

    Comparison of the Mesio-Distal Widths of the Maxillary and Mandibular Central Incisors Between Cleft Lip and Palate and Non Cleft Lip and Palate Individuals

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    Objective: To compare the mesiodistal widths of the maxillary and mandibular central incisors of cleft lip and palate individuals with non-cleft individuals, in a local population. Methodology: A total of 80 casts (40 of cleft patients and 40 normal) were selected by the department of orthodontics from January, 2021 to February, 2022, dividing them it into 4 groups by consecutive non-probability technique. The mesiodistal width of the maxillary and mandibular central incisors was measured with vernier caliper.  Independent t test was applied to compare the mesiodistal width of maxillary and mandibular central incisors between normal and cleft patients. Descriptive statistics were calculated for all four groups. Results: The mean MD width for the maxillary central incisors was 6.58 ± 1.16mm and 7.67 ±1.18mm for the CLP and control group respectively. The mean MD width for the mandibular central incisors was 4.22± 0.91 mm and 4.67 ± 0.9 mm for the CLP and control group respectively. The student t test showed a significant difference in the MD width of both the maxillary and mandibular central incisors between the CLP and control group. Conclusion: Patients suffering from cleft lip and palate are associated with diminutive central incisors in both jaws

    The COVID-19 pandemic and stock market performance of transportation and travel services firms: a cross-country study

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    This paper examined the firm-specific abnormal returns of transportation and travel services sectors from the USA, UK, France, China, India, Mexico, Turkey, and Thailand in response to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) using event study methodology. Our results revealed that investors in developed countries provide significant long term abnormal returns for the first 101 days. Furthermore, no significant cumulative average abnormal returns (CAAR) were found in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, travel restrictions, lockdown, stimulus package, and historical decline in oil prices except in the case of the USA. It is concluded that with the gradual increase in new cases and deaths, abnormal returns are also adjusted, making the effects of these events insignificant at the time of their occurrence. Results also showed that firms in developing countries recognized significant negative abnormal returns in response to the second wave of COVID-19. These results are useful for investors in devising investment strategies relevant to contextual settings

    Insured persons dilemma about other family members: a perspective on the national health insurance scheme in Nigeria

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    The need for health care reforms and alternative financing mechanism in many low and middle-income countries has been advocated. This led to the introduction of the national health insurance scheme (NHIS) in Nigeria, at first with the enrollment of formal sector employees. A qualitative study was conducted to assess enrollee’s perception on the quality of health care before and after enrollment. Initial results revealed that respondents (heads of households) have generally viewed the NHIS favorably, but consistently expressed dissatisfaction over the terms of coverage. Specifically, because the NHIS enrollment covers only the primary insured person, their spouse and only up to four biological children (child defined as <18 years of age), in a setting where extended family is common. Dissatisfaction of enrollees could affect their willingness to participate in the insurance scheme, which may potentially affect the success and future extension of the scheme

    Impact of inputs costs on farm profitability: an evaluation of pearl millet production in north-western Nigeria

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    The current study was carried out to estimate cost, returns and the profitability level of pearl millet production in north-western Nigeria. The study made use of primary data collected from a cross section of 430 pearl millet farmers and analysed using descriptive statistics, budgetary technique, profitability ratio, and Ordinary Least Square regression analysis. The study reveals that an average gross margin and net farm income across all the sampled pearl millet farms were 233.89and233.89 and 200.89 respectively, while average total cost was 229.35percultivationseason.Theprofitabilityindex,rateofreturnoninvestmentandcapitalturnoverwere 229.35 per cultivation season. The profitability index, rate of return on investment and capital turnover were 0.43, 0.77 and $ 1.77, respectively. This is an indication that pearl millet production is profitable in the study area. It is also established that the coefficients of costs of renting land, fertilizer, labour, seed, agrochemicals and price of pearl millet output have significantly impact on gross margin of pearl millet production. Based on the above findings, the study concludes that profit level of the pearl millet can be significantly increased with policies that guarantee better farmer price and lower inputs costs

    Markers of Diabetic Nephropathy in Diabetic Patients in Gusau, Zamfara State, Nigeria

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    Diabetic nephropathy is the kidney disease that occurs as a result of diabetes. Cardiovascular and renal complications share common risk factors such as blood pressure, blood lipids, and glycemic control. The markers of diabetics nephropathy in diabetic patients, serum glucose, creatinine clearance, urinary albumin and blood pressure in 40 diabetic (9 type I and 31 type II diabetics) patients attending Federal Medical Centre, Gusau, were determined. Sixteen (16) age- matched volunteers served as control. In type I diabetes mellitus; serum glucose level, creatinine clearance, and microalbuminuria were significantly different (P&lt; 0.05) between the subjects and control. In type II diabetes mellitus, serum glucose level, systolic pressure and age were significantly different (P&lt; 0.05) between the subjects and control. Therefore, serum glucose level, creatinine Clearance and microalbuminuria could be the markers of nephropathy in type I diabetics while serum glucose level, systolic pressure and higher age could be for type II diabetics. Other markers of risk for diabetic nephropathy are needed for optimal clinical management. The implication of this result for improving the quality of life of diabetics is discussed