306 research outputs found

    Type of Tomato Classification Using Deep Learning

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    Abstract: Tomatoes are part of the major crops in food security. Tomatoes are plants grown in temperate and hot regions of South American origin from Peru, and then spread to most countries of the world. Tomatoes contain a lot of vitamin C and mineral salts, and are recommended for people with constipation, diabetes and patients with heart and body diseases. Studies and scientific studies have proven the importance of eating tomato juice in reducing the activity of platelets in diabetics, which helps in protecting them from developing deadly blood clots. A tomato classification approach is presented with a data set containing approximately 5,266 images with 7 species belonging to tomatoes. The Neural Network Algorithms (CNN), a deep learning technique applied widely in image recognition, is used for this task

    Design And Experimental Studies Of Multilayer Coating For Applications In Gallium Nitride Light Emitting Devices

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    Dalam projek ini, cermin dan mikrorogga untuk peningkatan cahaya ultra-unggu (UV) telah dibuat dan dikaji. In this work mirrors and microcavties for GaN-UV light enhancement were fabricated and studied

    Design And Experimental Studies Of Multilayer Coatings For Applications In Gallium Nitride Light Emitting Devices [TK7871.89.L53 N247 2006 f rb].

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    Dalam projek ini, cermin dan mikrorogga untuk peningkatan cahaya ultra-unggu (UV) telah dibuat dan dikaji. In this work mirrors and microcavties for GaN-UV light enhancement were fabricated and studied

    Experimental Investigation on Chloride Diffusion Coefficient of Self-compacting Concrete in the Oman Sea

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    Chloride ion penetration is an important parameter influencing the service life of a concrete structure, especially in aggressive environments. Severe chloride-induced corrosion of reinforced concretes has been reported in the southern part of Iran in the region of Oman Sea. In this paper, the effect of different environmental conditions of the Oman Sea on chloride penetration and mechanical properties of self-compacting concrete (SCC) and normal concrete (NC) is investigated. For this purpose, a number of prismatic specimens were exposed to various environmental conditions such as tide, submersion and atmospheric conditions. Surface chloride concentration and diffusion coefficient of SCC in these zones were calculated based on Fick’s second law, at 28, 90 and 150 days and compared with NC. Based on the values obtained in this study, relationships are proposed for concrete permeability and surface chloride of self-compacting concrete (SCC) at different ages in different aggressive environments. By determining the corrosion time based on these relations, it is observed that for a given water-to-cement ratio, the self-compacting concrete (SCC) has higher durability compared to normal concrete (NC)

    Influence of Nano-silica and Crack Width on Corrosion Parameters of Pre-cracked Reinforced Concrete Beams

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    This paper presents an experimental study on the durability of both sound and cracked reinforced concrete (RC) beam specimens. Using nano-silica (NS) can improve the durability properties of reinforced concrete. So, RC beams with three nano-silica percentages of 0 %, 1.5 %, and 3 % were prepared. In addition, to consider the effect of cracking on corrosion, crack widths between 0.1 mm and 0.5 mm, and cover depths of 30 mm and 45 mm were considered. All beam specimens were subjected to 5 % NaCl solution and monitored weekly for half-cell potentials (HCP). The presented results include the HCP evaluation and diffusion factor values in sound and cracked concrete beams exposed to chloride attack. The experimental results indicated that the chloride diffusion coefficient increases with extending crack width. Nano-silica improved the permeability characteristics of concrete, HCP and also diffusion factor values. Regressive models of the chloride diffusion factor and HCP values were proposed for influencing parameters, i.e., nano-silica and crack width with two different cover depths

    The Concept of “Futuwa” in Poetry until the End of the Umayyad Period: A Reading of the Value Shift

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    من البَدَهي أن منظومة القيم العربية والإسلامية هي حصيلة لصراع إنساني، له أبعاده التاريخية والاجتماعية والحضارية المتباينة، التي ما انفكَّت تبسط ظِلَّها على حياتنا، والتي يمكن أن تستجيب لأبعاد الحاضر ومعطياته المختلفة. ولمّا كان من المفترض أن يعكس الشعر أشكال التحوّل الذي طرأ على حياة العرب بعد ظهور الإسلام، نظرًا إلى ما جاء به من عقيدة وفكر وقِيَم ومفاهيم جديدة، ومنها مفهوم "الفُتُوَّة"؛ فإن هذا البحث محاولة لرصد هذا المفهوم، الذي يُعدُّ أحد أبرز المفاهيم الاجتماعية والأخلاقية، التي وجدت لها مكانًا ومكانة في منظومة المُثُل والقِيَم العليا عند العرب، وانعكست ملامحها في الشعر العربي القديم، كما يسعى البحث إلى تتبّع التحوّلات القيَميَّة التي أصابت هذا المفهوم، بجانبيه المادّي والمعنوي، وعناصر القيم الأخرى التي مازجته أو تماهت معه، ولا سيما ما يتصل بالجانب الأخلاقي، إذ تضمّن مفهوم "الفُتُوَّة" قيمًا أخرى،  فضلاً عن الكرم والشجاعة، مثل: الفروسية والتديُّن أو "التّقوى" والوفاء والإيثار والحريّة، وغير ذلك، مما كان يشكّل مجمل أجزاء المنظومة الثقافية أو النسق الثقافي العام الذي كان سائدًا، في عصر ما قبل الإسلام، مرورًا بعصر صدر الإسلام، وانتهاءً بالعصر الأموي.It is well known that the system of Arab and Islamic values is the result of a human conflict, with its various historical, social and cultural dimensions, which still exist in our lives, and which can reflect the different dimensions and meanings of the present. Since poetry was supposed to mirror the forms of development or transformation that occurred in the life of Arabs after the emergence of Islam, due to its doctrine, thought, values and new concepts, including the concept of "Futuwa", this research is an attempt to examine this concept, which is one of the most prominent concepts. It has thus occupied a special social and moral position in the system of ideals and higher values of Arabs, and echoed their features in ancient Arab poetry. The paper seeks to track the value transformations that have afflicted this concept, its material and moral aspects, and elements of other values that have been mixed or distorted, particularly the moral aspect. Hence, the paper includes the value of the "Futuwa", as well as on the values of generosity and courage, but others such as equestrianism, religiosity, piety, loyalty, altruism, freedom, etc., which constituted the whole part of the cultural system or the general cultural pattern that prevailed, in the pre-Islamic era, to the Islamic era, and till the ending of the Umayyad era


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    The work, at the present era, is an inseparable part of human life. Every day, people spend much of their time in organizations. Unlimited pressures and demands of the organization forced the people to keep working constantly which may increase the probability formation of addiction to work with them, which this may leave behind the positive and negative effects in the related organization. Thus, the purpose of this research is to investigate the amount of work addiction among municipality employees of Piranshahr city that is done with descriptive-survey method. The statistical population consists of the employees of Piranshahr city municipality, their number was 55 people. To collect data, work addiction questionnaire of Spence and Robbins (1992), which contains 20 questions, was used. Its validity was confirmed by experts in the management field. The reliability was obtained 0.88 by Cronbach's alpha. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics, as well as one-sample t-test was used. Results indicated that job involvement, passion for work and pleasure from work have a positive and meaningful impact on the municipality employees of Piranshahr city (p=0.01).  Article visualizations

    Metagenomic investigation of bacteria associated with dental lesions : a cross-sectional study

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    Dental caries is considered as one of the most significant global health problem over the world. Dental caries initiates from bacterial shifts within the supragingival biofilm, then a polymicrobial biofilm is formed on the surface of tooth, and finally various bacterial species aggregate in a complex-organized manner. The exploiting variability in 16S rRNA gene sequence has been considered as a cost-efficient high-throughput characterization approach in human oral microbiome investigations. The aim of this study is to characterize bacterial species associated with superficial dental biofilm, underlying carious dentine and root caries lesion by16S rRNA gene-based metagenomic analysis. Herein, the bacterial communities in carious dentin lesion, biofilm and root canal samples of 30 subjects (aged 4?76 years) admitted to a clinic in Tehran during 2017 were investigated using a culture independent approach. Total genomic DNA of each tissue was subjected to metagenomic identification of bacteria using a nested PCR assay and 16S rRNA library construction method. 31 samples collected from 30 consenting patients (29 samples from 29 patients ant two biofilm samples from one patient). Bioinformatics analyses of a-800bp sequences of the second step of Nested-PCR revealed presence of 156 bacterial isolates in carious (n=45), biofilm (n=81) and root canal (n=30) specimens. Prevotella spp., Lactobacillus vaginalis, and streptococcus spp. showed higher prevalence in carious dentin, root and biofilm samples, respectively. Exploring the dental microbiota and comparing them in health or diseased conditions is critical step in the determination of human general health. The method applied in this study could identify bacteria related to the three dental lesions. However, due to lack of data for comparison in Genbank or because of the sequence similarity lower than 98% for most identified bacteria, the use of more powerful approaches like NGS platforms or typing of multiple loci (MLST) in future studies is recommended

    The Rules of Understanding the Hadith in Regards to the Meaning of the Expression According to Imam Al-Shafi’i: An Applied Theoretical Hadith Study

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    The research dealt with the rules of understanding the hadith, considering what is conveyed by the meaning of its words, from the books of Imam Al-Shafi’i, following them, studying them, and their application. The study concluded that they are four rules related to hadith in terms of generality and specificity. They are: the hadith is general and is intended to be general, the hadith is general and is intended to be specific, the hadith is general and includes specificity or is the specificity is indicated by an external reference. The basis of a hadith, intended to be general, is that it is general unless evidence is present to indicate otherwise. The understanding of a general hadith is based on the specific hadith, and the consideration is in the generality of the wording not in its specific cause of legislation. The study showed Imam al-Shafi’i’s precedence in mentioning some of the rules, clarifying and explaining them, applying them, and giving examples of them despite the differences between them. The study revealed some of the origins on which the imam built those rules, and that he was expressing several terms related to this type of rules with a breadth of expression before the terminology of the latecomers settled on its intended meaning. The study also showed the abundance of hadith examples and applications in the books of Imam Shafi\u27