326 research outputs found

    Histórias e trajetórias formativas e profissionais de professores de Educação Física surdos

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    This study aimed to analyze through the speech of deaf Physical Education (PE) teachers, their formative experiences in graduation in PE and in the exercise of professional practice in teaching in that area. They are subjects who have subverted the norms of being in society, challenging the limits and the socially structured prototype (through language) of “Standard Man”. Even in the midst of stalemates and challenges, teachers were constituted, resisting a series of political, social and pedagogical barriers, as the unwillingness of official norms and theoretical-academic productions concerned with debating their formative demands, related to the trajectory in Higher Education and about the first professional experiences in the training area. Post-critical and post-structuralist theories supported the analyzes of this study, they understand subjects as social constructs established through language (discourse) and allow the prototype of “Standard Man” to be put in check and that other dissonant identities may also be authorized. Methodologically, multiple sources of data were crossed: theoretical, official, media and empirical documents. The empirical data were constructed through the application of a form (through Google Forms) and an interview. The interviews were based on the online narrative interview method. Two teachers answered the form and participated in the interview. From these data, a brief biography of the participants was carried out and discussion and reflection on the influence of the family and the Basic Education stage on their arrival to Higher Education. Regarding graduation in PE and the first professional experiences in the area, some impasses are common between deaf and hearing students, for example, the difficulty of reconciling work and study; other impasses are exclusive to the deaf student – the unavailability of the sign language interpreter and the communicational and pedagogical distance between the hearing teacher and the deaf student. Regarding the first professional experiences of teachers in the area, it is worth mentioning their passage through institutions of Specialized and Regular Education (during the internship period), and, after graduation, working in sports projects. The little appreciation of the teaching professional and the problems found in the school, meant that the teachers did little to work with formal teaching in PE (reasons that lead many hearing students to also drop out). It is concluded that these teachers are similar – in some aspects – to the identity of the “Standard Man”, a reason that may have positively influenced their training and professional trajectories. In addition, despite going through a series of obstacles, they still resisted and exercised (one of them still exercises) teaching in PE in the non-formal context, indicating that it is possible to promote quality training for these subjects in Higher Education and support them in their first professional experiences in the area, if there is a political willingness to assume such responsibility.Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar, através do discurso de professores de Educação Física (EF) surdos, suas experiências formativas na graduação em EF, bem como no exercício da prática profissional na docência na referida área. Tratam-se de sujeitos que subverteram as normas de ser e estar na sociedade, desafiando os limites e o protótipo socialmente estruturado (através da linguagem) de “Homem-Padrão”. Mesmo em meio a empasses e desafios se constituíram docentes, resistindo a uma série de barreiras políticas, sociais e pedagógicas, dentre elas, a indisposição de normativas oficiais e de produções teórico-acadêmicas preocupadas em debater as demandas formativas deles, relacionadas à trajetória no Ensino Superior e sobre as primeiras experiências profissionais na área de formação. As teorias póscríticas e pós-estruturalistas subsidiaram as análises deste estudo, visto que compreendem os sujeitos como constructos sociais estabelecido por meio da linguagem (do discurso), de tal modo permitem que o protótipo de “Homem-Padrão” seja colocado em xeque e que outras identidades destoantes também possam ser autorizadas. Metodologicamente, foi realizado um cruzamento entre múltiplas fontes de dados: teóricos, documentos oficiais, midiáticos e empíricos. Os dados empíricos foram construídos através de aplicação de formulário (por meio do Google Forms) e entrevista, subsequentemente. As entrevistas foram baseadas no método de entrevista narrativa on-line síncrona. Dois professores responderam ao formulário e participaram da entrevista. A partir desses dados, foi realizada uma breve biografia sobre os participantes, além de discussão e reflexão sobre a influência da família e da Educação Básica nas trajetórias acadêmica e profissional dos professores. Em relação à graduação em EF e as primeiras experiências profissionais na área, evidencia-se que alguns empasses são comuns entre o discente surdo e o ouvinte, por exemplo, a dificuldade de se conciliar trabalho e estudo; outros empasses são exclusivos ao discente surdo – a indisponibilidade do intérprete de Língua de Sinais e a distância comunicacional e pedagógica existente entre o professor ouvinte e aluno surdo. Sobre as primeiras experiências profissionais dos professores na área, destaca-se a passagem por instituições de Educação Especializada e Regular (no período de estágio), como, também, após a conclusão da graduação, a atuação em projetos esportivos. A pouca valorização do profissional docente e as mazelas encontradas na escola, fizeram com que os professores pouco atuassem com a docência formal em EF (motivos que levam muitos estudantes ouvintes a também desistirem). Conclui-se que esses professores se assemelham – em alguns aspectos – à identidade de “Homem-Padrão”, o que pode ter influenciado positivamente em suas trajetórias formativas e profissionais. Mesmo passando por uma série de entraves, ainda assim, resistiram e exerceram (um deles ainda exerce) à docência em EF no contexto não formal, indicando que é possível se promover uma formação de qualidade para esses sujeitos no Ensino Superior e os amparar em suas primeiras experiências profissionais na área, caso exista disposição política para assumir tal responsabilidade.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superio

    Physical Education and Disabilities in Brazilian Periodics (1979 To 2017): A Look at the Non School Context

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    This study aimend to identify undertand and problematize the meanings attributed by the production of knowledge in Physical Education PE in relation to the discussions about the issue of disability between the period from 1979 to 2017 Methodologically it consists of a bibliographical research and of quantitative-qualitative approach based on the correlation of bibliographical and documentary source

    Road transport infrastructure: a longitudinal case study (2009-2017)

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    This article investigates the economic gains with the reduction of logistic costs after the asphalt pavement of the highway MT 235 for a Brazilian crystal sugar and alcohol industry. Investment in infrastructure is an attribute that increases economic growth and increases the competitiveness of companies. As far as road transport infrastructure is concerned, the problems are not limited to a specific area, but stretches of highways, which link urban transportation and ports to the generation and transmission of electricity, among others. Only 12.2% of Brazilian highways are paved. This work is the result of a longitudinal case study with participant observation, in a time line from 2009 to 2017. It was possible to identify that, after improvements in road transport infrastructure, the asphalt pavement of the highway MT 235 made possible a gain in travel time and a decrease in logistics costs, which led to the closure of the activities of one of the subsidiaries of the company studied, located in Manaus (Amazonas), in 2009. With the benefits of the asphalt pavement of the MT 235, in 2017 we found that sales volume increased 650% in relation to 2011, logistics costs have been significantly reduced in relation to gross revenues, maintaining an average of 11.58%. In 2017, the logistic costs of the company studied were 12.61% versus 20.7% from the group of Brazilian agribusiness companies. The findings show that investments in road transport infrastructure are crucial when it comes to fostering trade and competitiveness of domestic products in international markets, by reducing logistics costs

    Business-Driven Technical Debt Prioritization: An Industrial Case Study

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    Incorporating the business perspective into prioritizing technical debt is essential to contribute to decision making in industry. In this paper, we evolve and evaluate a business-driven approach for technical debt prioritization. The approach was evaluated during a five-month industrial case study with business and technical stakeholders' active participation. The results show that the approach contributed to aligning business criteria between the business and technical stakeholders. We also observed a downward trend in the amount of technical debt that affects high-value business assets. Moreover, we identified eight business factors that affect the decision making related to the prioritization of technical debt. The study results suggest that the proposed business-driven technical debt prioritization approach can help teams to focus their efforts on paying off the business' most relevant debt.Comment: Accepted for publication at the International Conference on Technical Debt 2021 (https://2021.techdebtconf.org/


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    This investigation focused on understanding the meanings attributed by knowledge production about scholar Physical Education and disability, from 1979 to 2019. It is a bibliographic research with a quantitative and qualitative approach, based on the correlation of bibliographic and documentary sources, structured in three steps: one for data collection and two for categorization and analysis. 325 publications were found in the 14 investigated journals, 212 of which focused on non-school contexts and 113 on school contexts. In relation to the school context, the discussions found gave greater emphasis to humanistic values and also tended to safeguard the subjectivities of people with disabilities, unlike non-educational discussions, which were marked by more biological and medical characteristics. In general, we conclude that there are few studies related to the theme chosen in this study.Este estudio se centró en comprender los significados que atribuye la producción de conocimiento en Educación Física Escolar y la discapacidad, entre 1979 y 2019. Se trata de una investigación bibliográfica con enfoque cuantitativo y cualitativo, basada en la correlación de fuentes bibliográficas y documentales, estructurada en tres pasos: uno para la recopilación de datos y dos para la categorización y el análisis. En las 14 revistas investigadas se encontraron 325 publicaciones, 212 de las cuales se enfocaron en el contexto no escolar y 113 en el contexto escolar. Para el campo educativo, las discusiones dan mayor énfasis a los valores humanísticos y salvaguardan las subjetividades de las personas con discapacidad, a diferencia de las discusiones no educativas, que están marcadas por características más biológicas y medicadas. En general, concluimos que existen pocos estudios relacionados con el tema elegido en este estudio.Esta investigação teve como foco compreender os significados atribuídos pela produção de conhecimento em Educação Física Escolar e deficiência, entre 1979 a 2019. É uma pesquisa de caráter bibliográfico e de abordagem quanti-qualitativa, pautada na correlação de fontes bibliográficas e documentais, estruturada em três etapas: uma de coleta de dados e duas correspondentes a categorização e análises. Nos 14 periódicos investigados, foram encontradas 325 publicações, sendo 212 enfocando o contexto não escolar, e 113, o contexto escolar. Para o contexto escolar, as discussões dão maior destaque para valores humanísticos e resguardam as subjetividades das pessoas com deficiência, diferentemente das discussões não educacionais, que são marcadas por características mais biológicas. De forma geral, concluímos que são poucos os trabalhos referentes à temática eleita neste estudo

    Integrated Assessment of Drought Impacts on Rural Areas: The Case of the Chapada Diamantina Region in Brazil

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    Drought is one of the most significant hazards that farmers face in rural areas. This study aims to examine an integrated assessment of the drought impacts in rural territories, considering the social perceptions related to the effects of natural hazards on health, social relations, income, and other impacts. The study area is located in the rural area of the Chapada Diamantina region in Northern Brazil. The characterization of the region was carried out based on historical meteorological and agricultural productivity data. The method used in this study was based on a survey of social perceptions regarding drought impacts by small rural producers through a participatory process. The results indicated how extreme events such as drought influence rural areas. In addition to agricultural productivity (~50%), aspects such as social migration and health problems were observed.Peer Reviewe


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    The entry-mode choice is one of the main decisions involved in an international expansion project, even though previous studies did not explore the behavior of emerging markets multinationals internationalization process. This study has an empirical approach aiming to analyze the impact the sociological approach combined with the economic approach on entry-mode decisions by Brazilian multinationals by using Binomial Logistics Regression. The results suggest that the transaction cost theory does not have a positive correlation with the wholly owned entry mode when tested in an emerging country, different from some developed countries, verifying that factors which influence organizations in developed countries do not have the same impact on Brazilian multinationals. Moreover, it was possible to conclude that the insertion of institutional theory variables together with transaction cost theory variables increases the explanatory power of the decision on entry mode. El modo de entrada es una decisión importante en un proyecto de expansión internacional, a pesar de que estudios anteriores no exploraron el comportamiento de multinacionales de mercados emergentes. Este estudio tiene un enfoque empírico con objetivo de analizar el impacto del enfoque sociológico combinado con el enfoque económico sobre las decisiones del modo de entrada de multinacionales brasileñas utilizando Regresión Logística Binomial. Los resultados sugieren que la teoría de los costos de transacción no tiene correlación positiva con el modo de entrada cuando adoptado en un país emergente, a diferencia de países desarrollados, verificando que factores que influyen organizaciones en países desarrollados no tienen el mismo impacto en multinacionales brasileñas. Por otra parte, fue posible concluir que la inserción de la teoría institucional junto con la teoría de costos de transacción incrementa el poder explicativo de esta decisión.O modo de entrada é uma decisão crítica no processo de expansão internacional, porém estudos anteriores não exploraram o comportamento das multinacionais de países emergentes. Esta pesquisa realizou um teste empírico com o objetivo de analisar o impacto da abordagem institucional em conjunto com a abordagem econômica na decisão do modo adotado por sucursais brasileiras pelo método análise de regressão logística binomial. Os resultados evidenciaram que a teoria dos custos de transação não tem correlação positiva com o modo adotado em um país emergente, diferentemente das multinacionais dos países desenvolvidos, verificando que fatores que influenciam organizações em países desenvolvidos não tem o mesmo impacto em multinacionais brasileiras. Ademais, foi possível concluir que a teoria institucional, quando analisada em conjunto com a teoria dos custos de transação, intensifica o poder de explicação dessa decisão