536 research outputs found

    Avaliação da coleção de livros que atende ao Curso de Comércio Exterior da Universidade do Vale do Itajaí

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    It presents the results of the evaluation of the collection of workmanships of the Course of Foreign commerce of the Communitarian Central Library of the University of the Valley of the Itajaí. 175 workmanships cited in basic bibliographies of the programs of education of the related course had been analyzed, and verified the number of units that consist in the quantity of the BCC, as well as the average life, obsolescence and use of this quantity. The library possesss 89% of the cited headings, however, only 69% of the collection are brought up to date editions. The average life of the cited workmanships is between that they have between five and six years of publicatio

    Estudo da produção científica brasileira na área nuclear no período de 1970-1979

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    In order to know the patterns of Brazilian scientific production in the nuclear area, and by using the registers from 1970 to 1979 of the Date Base of CIN/INIS, it was agreed that all information created or/and published in Brazil should be considered as Brazilian production. For a more detailed study, production was, then, divided into three exclusive categories: papers created and published in Brazil, the so called Autoctone Category, papers created abroad and published in Brazil, denominated Inclusion Category, and papers created in Brazil and published abroad, denominated Evasion Category. It could then be defined, from the institution, which papers had been produced outside or insid Brazil, and thus an author from a Brazilian institution was considered as a Brazilian author and an author from a foreign institution was considered as a foreign author. The three cat egories were analysed by following the same methodologycal in terms of: annual production; work / authorship; subject areas; language of publication; kind of literature; author categories; institutions and their geographical distribution; and countries of publication. The results show that the production is growing, but not in such an acce·lerated rhythm and that 74,16% of Brazilian production had its origin and was published in Brazil; 8,80% was created abroad and published in Brazil and 17,04% was created in Brazil but published abroad. Physics and chemistry are the most productive areas in Nuclear Energy; half of this literature is written in Portuguese, but for Inclusion and Evasion there was a great predominance of English, followed by F·rench, Spanish, German, and though with lower percentages, even Russian. H alf of the literature of the Autóctone and Inclusion Càtegories is in the forro of short comunication, because of the full coverage that the CIN gives to the annual meetings of SBPC (Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência) - a Brazilian society for the progress science, - and 1/4 of the Inclusion category consists of conference papers. This shows that conferences, saninars, etc. are the best means of attracting foreign scientists and foreign papers. The high percentage of 84,84% of journals articles in the Evasion C ategory indicates that Brazilian authors publish their papers of least relevance to the' area in Brazil in diverse comunication means, and they publish their papers of "better" quality outside Brazil, in hope of greater penetration by the scientific community through periodicals of international renown. The Evasion of Brazilian publications was seen mostly in which countries the world scientific production, such as the United States of America, Holland, England, etc with special attention to cases of publication is Israel, Russia, sweden, Switzerland and Luxembourg. In spite of the fact that the number of authors is increasing there is a trena toward decreasing. The production, indicates that multiple - authorship is increasing, especially in the Evasion Category. The reduced production in the Evasion Category is possibly due to the fact that the internal national production is beginning to take root. When Brazilian authors publish in Brazil, they woik in collaboration with authors of institutions from various parts of Brazil, the co-authorships are more concentrated in groups of institutioris which are near each other from the same institution. Almost all of the Brazilian production is concentrated in the southeast region, more specifically in são· Paulo and Rio de Janeiro where traditional research institutions such as USP, UNICAMP, IPEN, PUC, CBPF, · UFRJ and CNEN are located. Although in low percentages nuclear research is being developed in all of Brazil, with studies in various regions, even in the isolated cases in Alagoas, Sergipe, Maranhão, Piauí e Amapá.Objetivando conhecer os padrões da produção científica brasileira na área nuclear, utilizando-se os registros da Base de Dados do CIN/INIS, no período de 1970/1979, definiu-se como produção brasileira toda informação gerada e/ou publicada no Brasil. Para estudo mais específico, dividiu-se a produção em três categorias de trabalho exclusiva: trabalhos gerados e publicados no Brasil, denominados de Categoria Autóctone; trabalhos gerados no exterior e publicados no Brasil, denominados de Categoria Inclusão e trabalhos gerados no Brasil e publicados no exterior, denominados de Categoria Evasão. Determinou-se o que foi gerado dentro ou fora de nossas fronteiras a partir das instituições e definiu-se como autor brasileiro aquele pertencente à instituição brasileira, e como autor estrangeiro aquele pertencente a instituição estrangeira. As três categorias foram analisadas, seguindo ordenada e concomitantemente o mesmo rigor metodológico em termos de: produção anual; trabalho/autoria; áreas de assunto; idioma; tipo de literatura; categoria de autores; instituições e sua distribuição geográfica; e países nos quais publicam. Os resultados mostram que a produção vem crescendo, mas não em ritmo tão acelerado e que 74,16% da produção brasileira foi gerada e publicada no Brasil; 8,80% foi gerada no exterior e publicada no Brasil; e 17,04% foi gerada no Brasil e publicada no exterior. Física e Química são as áreas mais produtivas na Energia Nuclear e metade desta literatura está escrita em português, sendo que para a Inclusão e Evasão houve maior predominância do inglês, seguindo-se francês, espanhol, alemão e, mesmo com percentual irrisório, constatou-se o uso do russo. Metade da literatura das Categorias Autóctone e Inclusão apresenta-se em forma de resumo, como consequência da cobertura total que o CIN faz aos Anais da SBPC, e 1/4 da inclusão constitui-se de trabalhos de conferência. Daí conclui-se que congressos, seminários, etc. são os meios mais propensos a atrair cientistas e trabalhos estrangeiros. O alto percentual de artigos de periódicos é de 84,84% da Evasão, o que leva talvez a concluir que autores brasileiros publicam seus trabalhos de menos relevância para a área, no Brasil, nos mais diversos tipos de meios de comunicação, e publicam os trabalhos de melhor qualidade no exterior, na busca de uma maior penetração e de reconhecimento pela comunidade científica, através de periódicos de renome internacional. A Evasão de trabalhos brasileiros deu-se mais em países que controlam a produção científica mundial, como EUA, Holanda, Inglaterra, etc. chamando-se a atenção para os casos de publicação em Israel, Rússia, Suécia, Suíça e Luxemburgo. Apesar do número de autores estar crescendo, há uma tendência à diminuição da produção, o que indica que a autoria múltipla está aumentando, principalmente na Evasão. A redução da produção na Evasão talvez ocorra pelo fato de a produção nacional interna estar começando a firmar-se. Autores brasileiros quando publicam no Brasil trabalham em colaboração com autores de instituições de diversas partes do Brasil, e quando publicam no exterior as co-autorias são mais concentradas em grupos de instituições mais próximas ou até da mesma instituição. A quase totalidade da produção brasileira concentra-se na região sudeste, mais especificamente em São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro, tendo-se em vista a localização de instituições de tradição em pesquisa como a USP, UNICAMP, IPEN, PUC, CBPF, UFRJ e CNEN. Embora em baixos percentuais, a pesquisa nuclear desenvolve-se no Brasil inteiro, tendo-se em vista a constatação da existência de trabalhos nas diversas regiões brasileiras, chamando-se a atenção para casos isolados, aparentemente anômalos, principalmente em Alagoas, Sergipe, Maranhão, Piauí e Amapá

    Producción científica brasileña en España: documentación de las tesis doctorales

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    Resumen Estudio bibliométrico aplicado a las tesis doctorales de brasileros, presentadas en universidades españolas en el período de 1992 a 1995, cuyo análisis estadístico se efectúa en tres etapas: identificación de las tesis; caracterización de los doctores; y análisis de citación de los dos grupos de tesis más productivos, del área de ciencias humanas de la Universidad Complutense y del área de ciencias y tecnología de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Además de investigar y registras las tesis, se concluye que la presencia de los brasileros en universidades españolas ha contribuido, si bien que modestamente, para el conocimiento científico en general, para la producción científica española y, principalmente, para una mayor cooperación entre los investigadores brasileros y españoles

    Avaliação do Boletim do [CEPE]

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    Utilizando-se o modelo proposto pelo grupo de pesquisadores do Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia - IBICT, com base no modelo da UNESCO para a avaliação de periódicos técnicos e científicos e acrescentando-se algumas variáveis peculiares do Boletim, objetivou-se a avaliação de parâmetros mensuráveis e o julgamento da qualidade de suas funções básicas como periódico. Os critérios incluem um conjunto de variáveis, às quais são atribuídos pontos de 1 a 5 e cujo número total de pontos determina o nível de desempenho do periódico. Além dos critérios do modelo, os trabalhos publicados no Boletim são analisados quanto ao tipo de literatura em que se apresentam, e a produtividade de autor. Mesmo apresentando facetas positivas, o Boletim necessita que se estabeleça uma política editorial que possa melhorar o nível da publicação, pois, segundo a avaliação, o seu desempenho é fraco

    Jornalistas e o acesso à informação

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    The purpose of this study is to identify the news report information needs, searching tools and frequency of assessing it. The sample consisted of twenty newspaper journalists, a Brazilian group for which user surveys are lacking. It was taking into accounting the following variables: The journalist difficulties of acquiring information such as time, available resources, scientific versus journalistic discourse, information overload and Internet impact. The results pointed out a wide diversity of opinions, some times antagonistic. However there are a consensus among the journalists, related to the difficult of understanding the scientific language and subsequently translated to an attractive subject to newspaper public reader almost illiteracy. The study also revealed that the impact of new technologies is changing the journalist’s way of seeking information.Pesquisa realizada en una muestra de veinte periodistas, grupo hasta entonces no abordado en los estudios brasileños de usuario de la información, objetivaba verificar las necesidades, formas de búsqueda y la frecuencia con que ingresan y obtienen información y así como utilizan sus nuevas tecnologías. Se han llevado en consideración las barreras que enfrentan para suplir sus necesidades de información como tiempo, recursos disponibles, discurso científico versus discurso periodístico, la gran cantidad de información y el impacto de la Internet. Los resultados muestran una diversidad de opiniones, muchas veces antagónicas, pero hubo unanimidad en indicar que es difícil para el periodista entender el lenguaje científico y traducirlo en materia periodística atractiva para el público lector de menos conocimiento. Ha quedado claro también que el impacto de las nuevas tecnologías ha mudado el comportamiento de búsqueda de informaciones periodísticas.Objetivou verificar as necessidades, formas de busca e a freqüência com que os jornalistas acessam e obtêm informação, assim como utilizam suas novas tecnologias. Foram levadas em consideração as barreiras que enfrentam para suprir suas necessidades de informação como tempo, recursos disponíveis, discurso científico versus discurso jornalístico, o grande volume de informação e o impacto da Internet. Os resultados mostram uma diversidade de opiniões, muitas vezes antagônicas, mas houve unanimidade em apontar que é difícil para o jornalista entender a linguagem científica e traduzi-la em matéria jornalística atrativa para o público-leitor de menos conhecimento. Ficou claro também que o impacto das novas tecnologias mudou o comportamento de busca de informação dos jornalistas.

    Anaplastic mammary carcinoma in cat

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    Research Areas: Veterinary SciencesClinical, pathological, and immunohistochemical findings related to a feline mammary tumor with similar features to canine anaplastic mammary carcinoma are herein described for the first time. A female cat was presented for clinical evaluation with gastrointestinal signs, oedema, erythema, and painful lesion in the right inguinal region. Three weeks later, the mass had doubled in size and radiographic revaluation of the thoracic cavity revealed a metastatic pattern. Due to the poor prognosis and decline of the clinical status the owners decided for euthanasia. Post-mortem examination exposed a mammary tumoral mass with subcutaneous oedema, an enlargement of the right inguinal lymph node, and nodules in several organs. Histological analysis confirmed the presence of large pleomorphic epithelial cells, often grouped in small clusters with bizarre nuclei. Immunohistochemical study of the different lesions was performed and both primary tumor and regional metastasis showed tumor cells to be negative estrogen receptor alpha, positive progesterone receptor, positive HER-2, and positive pan-cytokeratin. Given that the clinical history was compatible with an inflammatory mammary carcinoma, the cyclooxygenase-2 expression levels were evaluated and presented a weak immunoreactivity. Regarding the distant metastatic lesions, tumor cells were negative for ER-α and PR and, positive both for HER-2 and pan-cytokeratin.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An algorithm based on molecular protocols to improve the detection of Plasmodium in autochthonous malarial areas in the Atlantic Forest biome

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    Malaria is the most important vector-borne disease in the world and a challenge for control programs. In Brazil, 99% of cases occur in the Amazon region. In the extra-Amazonian region, a non-endemic area, epidemiological surveillance focuses on imported malaria and on autochthonous outbreaks, including cases with mild symptoms and low parasitemia acquired in the Atlantic Forest biome. In this scenario, cases are likely to be underreported, since submicroscopic parasitemias are not detected by thick blood smear, considered the reference test. Molecular tests are more sensitive, detecting asymptomatic individuals and mixed infections. The aim of this study was to propose a more efficient alternative to detect asymptomatic individuals living in areas of low malaria endemicity, as they are reservoirs of Plasmodium that maintain transmission locally. In total, 955 blood samples from residents of 16 municipalities with autochthonous malaria outbreaks in the Sao Paulo State were analyzed; 371 samples were collected in EDTA tubes and 584 in filter paper. All samples were initially screened by a genus-specific qPCR targeting ssrRNA genes (limit of detection of 1 parasite/µL). Then, positive samples were subjected to a nested PCR targeting ssrRNA and dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase genes (limit of detection of 10 parasites/µL) to determine Plasmodium species. The results showed a statistically significant difference (K = 0.049; p < 0.0001) between microscopy positivity (6.9%) and qPCR (22.9%) for EDTA-blood samples. Conversely, for samples collected in filter paper, no statistical difference was observed, with 2.6% positivity by thick blood smear and 3.1% for qPCR (K = 0.036; p = 0.7). Samples positive by qPCR were assayed by a species-specific nested PCR that was in turn positive in 26% of samples (16 P. vivax and 4 P. malariae ). The results showed that molecular protocols applied to blood samples from residents in areas with autochthonous transmission of malaria were useful to detect asymptomatic patients who act as a source of transmission. The results showed that the genus-specific qPCR was useful for screening positives, with the subsequent identification of species by nested PCR. Additional improvements, such as standardization of blood plotting on filter paper and a more sensitive protocol for species determination, are essential. The qPCR-based algorithm for screening positives followed by nested PCR will contribute to more efficient control of malaria transmission, offering faster and more sensitive tools to detect asymptomatic Plasmodium reservoirs

    Presença e visibilidade da literatura hispanófona em quatro revistas brasileiras de biblioteconomia, documentação e ciência da informação: análise de citação

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    Análise de citação de quatro revistas brasileiras de biblioteconomia, documentação e ciência de informação no período de 1990 a 2006, visando a detectar a presença da literatura da área publicada e citada em espanhol. Destaca a revista Ciência da Informação como a mais produtiva de artigos e citações e a Espanha responsável pelo maior número de artigos publicado. Pelo pouco uso da literatura espanófona como base para a produção do conhecimento brasileiro e pelo elevado número de artigos de autoria individual, conclui-se que não há equipe de pesquisadores trabalhando em cooperação na América do Sul. Palavras-chave: Ciência da informação. Informação no Mercosul. Citação em espanhol. Periódicos de biblioteconomia. Presence and visibility of Spanish literature in four Brazilian library journals, documentation and information science: analysis of citation Abstract Citations analysis of four library and information science Brazilian journals in the period of 1990 to 2006. The main objective is to point out the Spanish literature published and cited in the four Brazilians journals. “Ciência da Informação” published and cited the majority of Spanish language works. By the few use of Spanish literature by Brazilian authors and by the high number of individual authors we conclude that there is no research group working in collaboration in the South America. Keyword: Information science. Information in Mercosul. Spanish citation. Citation analysis. Library and information science journals

    Avaliação da coleção de livros que atende ao Curso de Comércio Exterior da Universidade do Vale do Itajaí

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    It presents the results of the evaluation of the collection of workmanships of the Course of Foreign commerce of the Communitarian Central Library of the University of the Valley of the Itajaí. 175 workmanships cited in basic bibliographies of the programs of education of the related course had been analyzed, and verified the number of units that consist in the quantity of the BCC, as well as the average life, obsolescence and use of this quantity. The library possesss 89% of the cited headings, however, only 69% of the collection are brought up to date editions. The average life of the cited workmanships is between that they have between five and six years of publicatio

    Genetic diversity and evolutionary relationships among Legionella pneumophila clinical isolates, Portugal, 1987 to 2012

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    This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) [grant number PTDC/SAU-ESA/64269/2006].The genetic diversity of 89 clinical Legionella isolates, collected between 1987 and 2012, in 22 hospitals from the five regions of Portugal, was analysed in this study using monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) of the Dresden panel and the sequence-based typing (SBT) protocol. The eBURST algorithm was used to infer levels of relatedness between isolates. All isolates collected were Legionella pneumophila, which were further characterised into four subgroups by MAbs, and 30 sequence types (STs) by SBT. Twelve of the STs were unique to Portugal; one of them (ST100) was represented by 32 epidemiologically related isolates. The ST44 was the profile with the highest number of epidemiologically unrelated isolates. The eBURST analyses indicate that, within the group formed by the 30 STs identified in this study, 17 STs were genetically close to at least another ST in the group. The comparison between the eBURST diagrams obtained with the STs from this study and the entire SBT database of the European Working Group for Legionella, showed that 24 (seven of them unique to Portugal) of our 30 STs were related with STs identified in others countries. These results suggest that the population of L. pneumophila clinical strains in Portugal includes both worldwide and local strains.publishersversionpublishe