43 research outputs found

    Projeto estrutural de uma moedora de vidro destinada à Associação de Catadores de material Reciclável de São João del-Rei

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    Recycling has an important role on the reduction of environmental impacts caused by production via raw materials. Due to its importance to the recycling process, this study aimed to help the Recyclable Material Collectors’ Association of the city of São João del-Rei, Minas Gerais, proposing a glass grinder design. The viability of the machine was evaluated, and the components were sized. After these steps, a structural design was made, using concepts related to Materials Selection, Mechanics of Materials, Mechanical Design, Machine Design, Manufacturing Processes and Vibrations. Simultaneously, the process of building the structure was conducted, concerning the search for resources, adapting the theoretical design when needed, and also the documentation and training of the future users. Finally, the project showed satisfactory characteristics considering the primary objectives, and a high reproducibility. It has the potential to present positive social effects and reduce the environmental impact of glass waste. The process by which it was conducted was very simple and efficient, especially regarding the use of basic concepts and simple mathematical relations instead of complex analyses, favoring its application in other low-resource projects aiming mainly for a high safety factor.A reciclagem possui papel importante na redução de impactos ambientais causados pela fabricação de produtos a partir de matérias primas. Considerando seu importante papel no ciclo de reciclagem, buscou-se auxiliar a Associação de Catadores de Material Reciclável de São João del-Rei, Minas Gerais, com o projeto de uma moedora de vidro. A viabilidade do projeto foi avaliada, e alguns elementos foram dimensionados. A seguir, o projeto estrutural foi feito, com o uso de conceitos relacionados à seleção de materiais, mecânica dos materiais, projeto mecânico e de máquinas, processos de fabricação e vibrações. Simultaneamente, o processo de construção da estrutura foi conduzido, envolvendo a busca por recursos, a adaptação do design teórico quando necessário e a documentação e treinamento de futuros usuários. Ao fim, o projeto se mostrou satisfatório no referente ao funcionamento e reprodutibilidade. Por fim, ele possui potencial para causar efeitos positivos no âmbito social e ambiental, ao reduzir o impacto de resíduos de vidro deixados no ambiente. Além disso, o processo desenvolvido foi simples e eficiente, principalmente por seu uso de conceitos básicos e relações matemáticas simples, favorecendo sua possível aplicação em outros projetos com pouco recursos buscando alto fator de confiança

    Comprehensive molecular landscape of cetuximab resistance in head and neck cancer cell lines

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    Cetuximab is the sole anti-EGFR monoclonal antibody that is FDA approved to treat head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). However, no predictive biomarkers of cetuximab response are known for HNSCC. Herein, we address the molecular mechanisms underlying cetuximab resistance in an in vitro model. We established a cetuximab resistant model (FaDu), using increased cetuximab concentrations for more than eight months. The resistance and parental cells were evaluated for cell viability and functional assays. Protein expression was analyzed by Western blot and human cell surface panel by lyoplate. The mutational profile and copy number alterations (CNA) were analyzed using whole-exome sequencing (WES) and the NanoString platform. FaDu resistant clones exhibited at least two-fold higher IC50 compared to the parental cell line. WES showed relevant mutations in several cancer-related genes, and the comparative mRNA expression analysis showed 36 differentially expressed genes associated with EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors resistance, RAS, MAPK, and mTOR signaling. Importantly, we observed that overexpression of KRAS, RhoA, and CD44 was associated with cetuximab resistance. Protein analysis revealed EGFR phosphorylation inhibition and mTOR increase in resistant cells. Moreover, the resistant cell line demonstrated an aggressive phenotype with a significant increase in adhesion, the number of colonies, and migration rates. Overall, we identified several molecular alterations in the cetuximab resistant cell line that may constitute novel biomarkers of cetuximab response such as mTOR and RhoA overexpression. These findings indicate new strategies to overcome anti-EGFR resistance in HNSCC.This work was supported by Barretos Cancer Hospital and the Public Ministry of Labor Campinas (Research, Prevention, and Education of Occupational Cancer) in Campinas, Brazil, CAPESDFATD (88887.137283/2017-00). INFG is the recipient of a FAPESP Ph.D. fellowship (2017/22305-9)


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    A imunoterapia é uma estratégia promissora para o tratamento do câncer. E o mesocarpo obtido do fruto do Babaçu (Attalea speciosa) demonstra atividade imunomoduladora com relevantes pers- pectivas na atividade antitumoral. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar resposta imune antitumoral contra células tumorais pré-tratadas com Extrato Aquoso de Mesocarpo de Babaçu (EAMB). As células tumorais MCF-7 foram ressuspensas no EAMB para determinação da viabilidade celular. Posteriormente, os ani- mais foram inoculados com MCF-7 ressuspensas em salina ou EAMB, por via subcutânea, nos dias 0, 5 e 10. No dia 15, os animais foram eutanasiados e o baço retirado cirurgicamente. Os esplenócitos foram caracterizados por fenotipagem com anticorpos monoclonais para células aderentes e não aderentes por citometria de fluxo. Parte das células não aderentes foram usadas para co-cultura com MCF-7 por 5 dias e depois feita fenotipagem dos esplenócitos. A viabilidade celular foi de 97% e não houve diferença no peso do baço entre os grupos. A frequência de células aderentes que expressam os marcadores IA/IE e Ly-6G foram maiores no grupo MCF-7 pré-tratadas com EAMB quando comparado com o controle. Na fe- notipagem de células não aderentes foi observada uma proporção de 1:2 linfócitos T CD8+ para linfócitos T CD4+. Contudo, após 5 dias de co-cultura com MCF-7, os esplenócitos obtidos dos animais estimulados com MCF-7 pré-tratados com EAMB apresentaram aumento de células T helper e citotóxicas, alterando a relação para 1:1. Os resultados mostram que o EAMB pode induzir uma resposta imunogênica específica, atuando como um adjuvante da resposta imune antitumoral.Palavras-chave: Mesocarpo de Babaçu. Células Tumorais MCF-7. Adjuvante Imunológico. ANTITUMOR IMMUNE RESPONSE BY MCF7 TUMOR CELLS PRETREATED WITH BABASSU MESOCARPABSTRACT: The immunotherapy is a promising strategy for the treatment of cancer. The mesocarp obtained from the fruit of the Babassu Palm (Attalea speciosa) demonstrates immunomodulating activity with relevant perspectives in antitumor activity. The aim of the study was to evaluate antitumoral immune response against tumor cells pre-treated with Aqueous Extract of Mesocarp of Babassu (AEMB). The tu- mor cells MCF-7 were resuspended in EAMB for determination of cell viability. Subsequently, the animals were inoculated with MCF-7 resuspended in saline or EAMB, subcutaneously, on days 0, 5 and 10. On day15, the animals were euthanized and the spleen surgically removed. The splenocyte were characterized by phenotyping with monoclonal antibodies for adherent cells and non-adhrent cells for flow cytometry. Part of non-adherent cells were used for co-culture with MCF-7 for 5 days and then made phenotyping of splenocyte. The cell viability was 97% and there was no difference in the weight of the spleen between the groups. The frequency of adherent cells that express markers IA/IE and Ly-6G were higher in group MCF-7 pre-treated with EAMB when compared with the control. In phenotyping of non-adherent cells was observed a ratio of 1:2 T lymphocytes CD8+ to CD4+ T lymphocytes. However, after 5 days of co-culture with MCF-7, the splenocyte obtained from animals stimulated with MCF-7 pre-treated with EAMB showed increase of helper T cells and cytotoxic, changing the ratio to 1:1. The results show that the EAMB may induce an immunogenic response specifies, acting as an adjuvant of antitumour immune response.KEYWORDS: Babassu Mesocarp. Tumor Cells MCF-7. Immunological Adjuvant. RESPUESTA INDUCIDA POR LAS CÉLULAS TUMORALES MCF7 TRATADAS PREVIAMENTE CON MESOCARPIO “BABAÇU”RESUMEN: La inmunoterapia es una estrategia que fornece buenas perspectivas para el tratamiento del cáncer. El mesocarpio obtenido a partir del fruto del “babaçú” (Attalea speciosa) demuestra actividad inmunomoduladora con perspectivas de actividad antitumoral. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la respuesta inmune antitumoral contra las células tumorales tratadas previamente con extracto acuoso de mesocarpio de babaçú (EAMB). Las células tumorales MCF-7 fueron suspendidas nuevamente en EAMB para la determinación de viabilidad celular. Posteriormente, los animales fueron inoculados con MCF-7, cultivo en solución salina, o con EAMB, por vía subcutánea durante los días 0, 5 y 10. El día 15, los anima- les fueron sacrificados y el bazo extirpado quirúrgicamente. Los esplenócitos se caracterizaron mediante la prueba fenotípica con anticuerpos monoclonales de células adherentes y células no aderentes por cito- metría de flujo. Parte de las células adherentes fueron utilizadas para um co-cultivo con MCF-7 durante 5 días y luego realizó la prueba fenotípica de los esplenocitos. La viabilidad de las células fue del 97% y no hubo diferencia en el peso del bazo entre los grupos. La frecuencia de células adherentes que expresan marcadores IA/IE y Ly-6G fue mayor en el grupo MCF-7 pre-tratados con EAMB en comparación con el control. En la prueba fenotípica de las células adherentes se observó una proporción de 1:2 linfocitos T CD8+ con respecto a los linfocitos T CD4+. Sin embargo, después de los 5 días de co-cultivo con MCF-7, los esplenocitos obtenidos a partir de animales estimulados con MCF-7 pre-tratados con EAMB mostraron aumento de células T CD4+ y TCD8+, cambiando la proporción de 1:1. Los resultados muestran que la EAMB puede inducir una respuesta inmunogénica especifica, actuando como un adyuvante de respuesta inmune antitumoral.PALABRAS CLAVE: mesocarpio. Células tumorales MCF-7. Adyuvantes inmunológicos

    Commercial and Therapeutic Potential of Plant-Based Fatty Acids

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    This chapter reviews plant-based fatty acids as well as their methods of production, applications in the industry, and benefits in treatments of cardiovascular and cerebral diseases, besides being a source of food. The fatty acids obtained from vegetable matrices have been acting as alternatives to the use of lipids of animal origin, due to their limitation in relation to the increase in demand. Thus, plants have been investigated in order to act as sources of fatty acids and assist in the supply of such demands. Vegetable oils represent not only an economical alternative but also a beneficial source of human health


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    O babaçu (Orbignya phalerata Mart), palmeira que representa o mais importante produto do extrativismo vegetal do  Maranhão,  produz  um  fruto,  côco  babaçu,  composto  predominantemente  por  carboidratos  e  que  apresenta  efeitos imunomodulatórios. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verifcar o potencial imunomodulador do mesocarpo de babaçu por ativação do sistema complemento. Foi utilizado o extrato aquoso de mesocarpo de babaçu, na concentração de 40 mg/mL e fltrado após 24 horas. A dosagem de proteínas  foi  realizada pelo método colorimétrico de Bradford. No ensaio hemaglutinante, usou-se um  lavado de hemácias 1%  tratadas por uma hora com extrato nas concentrações de 1,25, 2,5, 5, 10, 20 e 40mg/mL,   em  triplicata,  tendo como controle a suspensão de hemácias com  tampão salina fosfato. A aglutinação foi verifcada macro  e microscopicamente,  com  a  contagem  de  rosetas. O  ensaio  de  hemólise  foi  feito  usando  o  lavado  de  hemácias tratadas ou não com extrato na concentração de 40mg/mL, incubado por duas horas com soro normal ou inativado a 56°C, para verifcar desnaturação protéica. A concentração de hemoglobina no  sobrenadante da cultura  representou a atividade hemolisante. Nossos resultados mostraram que ensaio de hemaglutinação não apresentou diferença macroscópica entre os grupos. Microscópicamente, a presença de rosetas seguiu um padrão dose-dependente, sugerindo a presença de lectina no extrato,  entretanto  a  dosagem  de  proteínas  apresentou  concentrações  baixas. No  ensaio  de  hemólise,  a  concentração  de hemoglobina  foi maior na  cultura de hemácias  tratadas  com  extrato que o  controle. Para  confrmar  a  ação das proteinas do complemento, as hemácias tratadas com extrato foram incubadas com soro inativado, sendo verifcada uma redução da hemólise, se igualando ao controle. Os resultados mostram que o efeito imunomodulador do mesocapo de babaçu apresenta a participação do sistema complemento, possivelmente através da via das lectinas.Descritores: Mesocarpo de babaçu. Imunomodulação. Sistema Complemento; Lectinas. Carboidrato. AbstractEvaluation of complement system activation  in vitro as an  immunomodulation mechanism  induced by babassu mesocarp. Babassu (Orbignya phalerata Mart.), palm tree that represents the most important product extractive industry of Maranhão, produces a fruit, babassu coconut, composed mainly for carbohydrates and has immunomodulatory effects. The aim of the study was to investigate the immunomodulatory potencial of babassu mesocarp by activation of the complement system. We used the aqueous extract of babassu mesocarp concentration of 40 mg/mL and fltered after 24 hours. The measure protein concentration was performed by the colorimetric method of Bradford. In the hemagglutination assay was used a suspension of erythrocytes 1% treated or not  for one hour with extract concentrations 1,25, 2,5, 5, 10, 20 e 40mg/mL  in  triplicate, using  the suspension of erythrocytes  in phosphate buffered saline as control. Agglutination was observed macroscopically and microscopically by counting rosettes. The hemolysis assay was performed using the suspension of erythrocytes treated or not with extract concentration 40 mg/mL, incubated for two hours with normal serum or inactivated at 56º to check protein denaturation. Hemoglobin concentration in the in the culture supernatant represented hemolyzing  activity. Our  results  showed  that  hemagglutination  assay  showed  no macroscopic  difference  between  the groups. Microscopically,  the  presence  of  rosettes  followed  a  dose-dependent,  suggesting  the  presence  of  lectin  in  the extract, however measure protein showed low concentrations. In hemolysis assay, the concentration of hemoglobin was higher  in  culture  of  erythrocytes  treated with  extract  than  the  control. To  confrm  the  action  of  complement  proteins, erythrocytes treated with extract were incubated with inactivated serum, being observed a reduction of hemolysis similar to  control.  The  results  show  that  the  immunomodulatory  effect  of  babassu mesocarp  shows  the  participation  of  the complement system, possibly by way of lectins.Descriptors: Babassu Mesocarp. Immunomodulation. Complement System. Lectins. Carbohydrate

    Bacterial RNA virus MS2 exposure increases the expression of cancer progression genes in the LNCaP prostate cancer cell line

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    Bacteriophages effectively counteract diverse bacterial infections, and their ability to treat most types of cancer has been explored using phage engineering or phage-virus hybrid platforms. In the present study, it was demonstrated that the bacteriophage MS2 can affect the expression of genes associated with the proliferation and survival of LNCaP prostate epithelial cells. LNCaP cells were exposed to bacteriophage MS2 at a concentration of 1x10(7) plaque forming units/ml for 24-48 h. After exposure, various cellular parameters, including cell viability, morphology, and changes in gene expression, were examined. MS2 affected cell viability adversely, reducing viability by 25% in the first 4 h of treatment; however, cell viability recovered within 24-48 h. Similarly, the AKT, androgen receptor, integrin alpha 5, integrin beta 1, MAPK1, MAPK3, STAT3, and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator 1 alpha genes, which are involved in various normal cellular processes and tumor progression, were significantly upregulated, whereas the expression levels of HSP90, ITGB5, ITGB3, HSP27, ITGAV, and PI3K genes were unchanged. Therefore, based on viability and gene expression changes, bacteriophage MS2 severely impaired LNCaP cells by reducing anchorage-dependent survival and androgen signaling. A caveolin-mediated endocytosis mechanism for MS2-mediated signaling in prostate cancer cells was proposed based on reports involving bacteriophages T4, M13, and MS2, and their interactions with LNCaP and PC3 cell lines

    National Policy on Technical Assistance and Rural Extension and Social Work: the field to challenge

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    Discute a PNATER, tendo como enfoque a atuação do Assistente Social enquanto membro da equipe técnica. Fundamenta-se na perspectiva crítica, com base no materialismo histórico dialético e foi realizada através de pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e empírica. Está organizado em quatro sessões, que tratam sequencialmente sobre: a trajetória histórica das ações de assistência técnica e extensão rural; a PNATER na atualidade e os desafios de sua execução; a atenção à área social como tarefa premente; e a atuação do Serviço Social, enquanto técnico de ATER. Indica-se a necessidade de superação dos limites da política, dentre os quais está o enfoque tecnológico e desenvolvimentista; a necessária visibilidade do âmbito social na execução da mesma; e as possibilidades de atuação do Assistente Social como agente de ATER.Discusses the PNATER, focusing on the role of the social worker as a member of the technical staff. Based on the critical perspective on the basis of dialectical and historical materialism was conducted through bibliographic research, documentary and empirical. It is organized into four sections, which deal sequentially on: the historical trajectory of the actions of technical assistance and rural extension, the PNATER today and the challenges of its implementation; attention to the social job as urgent, and the role of Social Work while ATER technical. Indicates the necessity of overcoming the limits of the policy, among whom are the technological and developmentalist approach, the necessary visibility of the social context in the execution of the same, and the possibilities of acting of the social worker as agent of ATER

    Bacterial RNA virus MS2 exposure increases the expression of cancer progression genes in the LNCaP prostate cancer cell line

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    Bacteriophages effectively counteract diverse bacterial infections, and their ability to treat most types of cancer has been explored using phage engineering or phage-virus hybrid platforms. In the present study, it was demonstrated that the bacteriophage MS2 can affect the expression of genes associated with the proliferation and survival of LNCaP prostate epithelial cells. LNCaP cells were exposed to bacteriophage MS2 at a concentration of 1x10(7) plaque forming units/ml for 24-48 h. After exposure, various cellular parameters, including cell viability, morphology, and changes in gene expression, were examined. MS2 affected cell viability adversely, reducing viability by 25% in the first 4 h of treatment; however, cell viability recovered within 24-48 h. Similarly, the AKT, androgen receptor, integrin alpha 5, integrin beta 1, MAPK1, MAPK3, STAT3, and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator 1 alpha genes, which are involved in various normal cellular processes and tumor progression, were significantly upregulated, whereas the expression levels of HSP90, ITGB5, ITGB3, HSP27, ITGAV, and PI3K genes were unchanged. Therefore, based on viability and gene expression changes, bacteriophage MS2 severely impaired LNCaP cells by reducing anchorage-dependent survival and androgen signaling. A caveolin-mediated endocytosis mechanism for MS2-mediated signaling in prostate cancer cells was proposed based on reports involving bacteriophages T4, M13, and MS2, and their interactions with LNCaP and PC3 cell lines

    Cuidado de enfermagem nas lesões de pele em recém-nascidos / Nursing care in skin injuries in newborns

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    O estudo objetiva investigar as evidências científicas acerca do cuidado de enfermagem voltado às lesões de pele em recém-nascido. Trata-se de um estudo de revisão integrativa da literatura nas bases de dados: BDENF (Base de Dados de Enfermagem), LILACS (Literatura Latino Americana em Ciências de Saúde), MEDLINE (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online), e PubMed (American National Library of Medicine). Selecionou-se os seguintes descritores: “pele, recém-nascido” combinados com “cuidados de enfermagem” além de “ferimentos e lesões, recém-nascido” combinados com “cuidados com a pele, cuidados de enfermagem” assim como “skin, newborn” combinado com “nursing care” e “wounds and injuries, newborn” combinado com “skin care, nursing care”. Realizou-se buscas nas bases de dados no período de junho a dezembro de 2020. Adotou-se como critérios de inclusão os trabalhos disponíveis na íntegra no formato de artigo e nos idiomas português e inglês, publicados nos últimos dez anos. Obteve-se como amostra final 12 artigos e desvelou-se as seguintes categorias: Cuidados específicos com o uso de produtos de higiene corporal e Cuidados de enfermagem na prevenção de lesões de pele em recém-nascido. Concluiu-se que existe a necessidade de mais evidências científicas e do uso de protocolos com a padronização das técnicas e dos produtos, no intuito de nortear as práticas seguras quanto aos cuidados com a pele do recém-nascido