68 research outputs found

    Conformal invariance: from Weyl to SO(2,d)

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    The present work deals with two different but subtilely related kinds of conformal mappings: Weyl rescaling in d>2d>2 dimensional spaces and SO(2,d) transformations. We express how the difference between the two can be compensated by diffeomorphic transformations. This is well known in the framework of String Theory but in the particular case of d=2d=2 spaces. Indeed, the Polyakov formalism describes world-sheets in terms of two-dimensional conformal field theory. On the other hand, B. Zumino had shown that a classical four-dimensional Weyl-invariant field theory restricted to live in Minkowski space leads to an SO(2,4)-invariant field theory. We extend Zumino's result to relate Weyl and SO(2,d) symmetries in arbitrary conformally flat spaces (CFS). This allows us to assert that a classical SO(2,d)SO(2,d)-invariant field does not distinguish, at least locally, between two different dd-dimensional CFSs.Comment: 5 pages, no figures. There are slight modifications to match with the published versio

    Imatinib and Nilotinib Reverse Multidrug Resistance in Cancer Cells by Inhibiting the Efflux Activity of the MRP7 (ABCC10)

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    One of the major mechanisms that could produce resistance to antineoplastic drugs in cancer cells is the ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporters. The ABC transporters can significantly decrease the intracellular concentration of antineoplastic drugs by increasing their efflux, thereby lowering the cytotoxic activity of antineoplastic drugs. One of these transporters, the multiple resistant protein 7 (MRP7, ABCC10), has recently been shown to produce resistance to antineoplastic drugs by increasing the efflux of paclitaxel. In this study, we examined the effects of BCR-Abl tyrosine kinase inhibitors imatinib, nilotinib and dasatinib on the activity and expression of MRP7 in HEK293 cells transfected with MRP7, designated HEK-MRP7-2.We report for the first time that imatinib and nilotinib reversed MRP7-mediated multidrug resistance. Our MTT assay results indicated that MRP7 expression in HEK-MRP7-2 cells was not significantly altered by incubation with 5 microM of imatinib or nilotinib for up to 72 hours. In addition, imatinib and nilotinib (1-5 microM) produced a significant concentration-dependent reversal of MRP7-mediated multidrug resistance by enhancing the sensitivity of HEK-MRP7-2 cells to paclitaxel and vincristine. Imatinib and nilotinib, at 5 microM, significantly increased the accumulation of [(3)H]-paclitaxel in HEK-MRP7-2 cells. The incubation of the HEK-MRP7-2 cells with imatinib or nilotinib (5 microM) also significantly inhibited the efflux of paclitaxel.Imatinib and nilotinib reverse MRP7-mediated paclitaxel resistance, most likely due to their inhibition of the efflux of paclitaxel via MRP7. These findings suggest that imatinib or nilotinib, in combination with other antineoplastic drugs, may be useful in the treatment of certain resistant cancers

    ACAP-A/B Are ArfGAP Homologs in Dictyostelium Involved in Sporulation but Not in Chemotaxis

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    Arfs and Arf GTPase-activating proteins (ArfGAPs) are regulators of membrane trafficking and actin dynamics in mammalian cells. In this study, we identified a primordial Arf, ArfA, and two ArfGAPs (ACAP-A/B) containing BAR, PH, ArfGAP and Ankyrin repeat domains in the eukaryote Dictyostelium discoideum. In vitro, ArfA has similar nucleotide binding properties as mammalian Arfs and, with GTP bound, is a substrate for ACAP-A and B. We also investigated the physiological functions of ACAP-A/B by characterizing cells lacking both ACAP-A and B. Although ACAP-A/B knockout cells showed no defects in cell growth, migration or chemotaxis, they exhibited abnormal actin protrusions and ∼50% reduction in spore yield. We conclude that while ACAP-A/B have a conserved biochemical mechanism and effect on actin organization, their role in migration is not conserved. The absence of an effect on Dictyostelium migration may be due to a specific requirement for ACAPs in mesenchymal migration, which is observed in epithelial cancer cells where most studies of mammalian ArfGAPs were performed

    Insights into Land Plant Evolution Garnered from the Marchantia polymorpha Genome.

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    The evolution of land flora transformed the terrestrial environment. Land plants evolved from an ancestral charophycean alga from which they inherited developmental, biochemical, and cell biological attributes. Additional biochemical and physiological adaptations to land, and a life cycle with an alternation between multicellular haploid and diploid generations that facilitated efficient dispersal of desiccation tolerant spores, evolved in the ancestral land plant. We analyzed the genome of the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha, a member of a basal land plant lineage. Relative to charophycean algae, land plant genomes are characterized by genes encoding novel biochemical pathways, new phytohormone signaling pathways (notably auxin), expanded repertoires of signaling pathways, and increased diversity in some transcription factor families. Compared with other sequenced land plants, M. polymorpha exhibits low genetic redundancy in most regulatory pathways, with this portion of its genome resembling that predicted for the ancestral land plant. PAPERCLIP

    Two-Dimensional CuO Inside the Supportive Bilayer Graphene Matrix

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    New two-dimensional (2D) copper monoxide located at the pore in a bilayer graphene matrix is investigated in both theoretical and experimental ways. Strict analysis of the lattice stability with respect to the magnetic state revealsthat the CuO monolayer displays an antiferromagnetic rectangular structure as a favorable state. It is shown that 2D CuO can be confined in a bilayered graphene pore terminated with Cu atoms forming spin-polarized states onthe graphene/CuO interface. It is found that the co-presence of Cu and O atoms around the bilayered graphene edge plays an essential role in the 2D CuO formation process

    Theoretical Investigation of the Interfaces and Mechanisms of Induced Spin Polarization of 1D Narrow Zigzag Graphene- and h-BN Nanoribbons on a SrO-Terminated LSMO(001) Surface

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    The structure of the interfaces and the mechanisms of induced spin polarization of 1D infinite and finite narrow graphene- and h-BN zigzag nanoribbons placed on a SrO-terminated La1-xSrxMnO3 (LSMO) (001) surface were studied using density functional theory (DFT) electronic structure calculations. It was found that the π-conjugated nanofragments are bonded to the LSMO(001) surface by weak disperse interactions. The types of coordination of the fragments, the strength of bonding, and the rate of spin polarization depend upon the nature of the fragments. Infinite and finite graphene narrow zigzag nanoribbons are characterized by the lift of the spin degeneracy and strong spin polarization caused by interface-induced structural asymmetry and oxygen-mediated indirect exchange interactions with Mn ions of LSMO support. Spin polarization changes the semiconducting nature of infinite graphene nanoribbons to half-metallic state with visible spin-up density of states at the Fermi level. The h-BN nanoribbon binding energy is weaker than graphene nanoribbon ones with noticeably shorter interlayer distance. The asymmetry effect and indirect exchange interactions cause spin polarization of h-BN nanoribbon as well with formation of embedded states inside the band gap. The results show a possibility to use one-atom thick nanofragments to design LSMO-based heterostructures for spintronic nanodevices with h-BN as an inert spacer to develop different potential barriers

    Theoretical Investigation of the Interfaces and Mechanisms of Induced Spin Polarization of 1D Narrow Zigzag Graphene- and h-BN Nanoribbons on a SrO-Terminated LSMO(001) Surface

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    The structure of the interfaces and the mechanisms of induced spin polarization of 1D infinite and finite narrow graphene- and h-BN zigzag nanoribbons placed on a SrO-terminated La1-xSrxMnO3 (LSMO) (001) surface were studied using density functional theory (DFT) electronic structure calculations. It was found that the π-conjugated nanofragments are bonded to the LSMO(001) surface by weak disperse interactions. The types of coordination of the fragments, the strength of bonding, and the rate of spin polarization depend upon the nature of the fragments. Infinite and finite graphene narrow zigzag nanoribbons are characterized by the lift of the spin degeneracy and strong spin polarization caused by interface-induced structural asymmetry and oxygen-mediated indirect exchange interactions with Mn ions of LSMO support. Spin polarization changes the semiconducting nature of infinite graphene nanoribbons to half-metallic state with visible spin-up density of states at the Fermi level. The h-BN nanoribbon binding energy is weaker than graphene nanoribbon ones with noticeably shorter interlayer distance. The asymmetry effect and indirect exchange interactions cause spin polarization of h-BN nanoribbon as well with formation of embedded states inside the band gap. The results show a possibility to use one-atom thick nanofragments to design LSMO-based heterostructures for spintronic nanodevices with h-BN as an inert spacer to develop different potential barriers