42 research outputs found

    Scissor lift with real-time self-adjustment ability based on variable gravity compensation mechanism

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    Most robots involved in vertical movement against gravitation require actuators large enough to support their own weight. To improve the inherent safety of such robots against the large actuators and reduce their energy consumption, numerous gravity compensation mechanisms (GCMs) have been proposed. Our previous study proposed a variable GCM (VGCM) that uses two types of springs and can adjust the compensation force. In this paper, a VGCM-based scissor lift (pantograph lift) that uses three springs and a smaller actuator is proposed. A prototype is designed and fabricated, and the performance of the prototype is evaluated experimentally. The results demonstrate that the developed scissor lift meets the design specifications. In addition, a load estimator is established based on the dynamic model of the scissor lift. A real-time self-adjustment method that automatically changes the compensation force is proposed, and its effectiveness is verified

    Anarchy and Hierarchy

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    We advocate a new approach to study models of fermion masses and mixings, namely anarchy proposed in hep-ph/9911341. In this approach, we scan the O(1) coefficients randomly. We argue that this is the correct approach when the fundamental theory is sufficiently complicated. Assuming there is no physical distinction among three generations of neutrinos, the probability distributions in MNS mixing angles can be predicted independent of the choice of the measure. This is because the mixing angles are distributed according to the Haar measure of the Lie groups whose elements diagonalize the mass matrices. The near-maximal mixings, as observed in the atmospheric neutrino data and as required in the LMA solution to the solar neutrino problem, are highly probable. A small hierarchy between the Delta m^2 for the atmospheric and the solar neutrinos is obtained very easily; the complex seesaw case gives a hierarchy of a factor of 20 as the most probable one, even though this conclusion is more measure-dependent. U_{e3} has to be just below the current limit from the CHOOZ experiment. The CP-violating parameter sin delta is preferred to be maximal. We present a simple SU(5)-like extension of anarchy to the charged-lepton and quark sectors which works well phenomenologically.Comment: 26 page

    Intravascular tissue reactions induced by various types of bioabsorbable polymeric materials: correlation between the degradation profiles and corresponding tissue reactions

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    Several different bioabsorbable polymeric coil materials are currently used with the goal of improving treatment outcomes of endovascular embolization of intracranial aneurysms. However, little is known about the correlation between polymer degradation profiles and concomitant tissue responses in a blood vessel. The authors describe in vitro degradation characteristics of nine different polymeric materials and their corresponding tissue responses induced in rabbit carotid arteries. Mass loss and molecular weight loss of nine commercially available bioabsorbable sutures were evaluated in vitro up to16 weeks. The same nine materials, as well as platinum coils, were implanted into blind-end carotid arteries (n = 44) in rabbits, and their tissue reactions were evaluated histologically 14 days after the implantation. Five of the nine polymers elicited moderate to strong tissue reactions relative to the remaining materials. While polymer mass loss did not correlate with their histologic findings, polymers that showed a faster rate of molecular weight loss had a tendency to present more active tissue reactions such as strong fibrocellular response around the implanted material with a moderate inflammatory cell infiltration. Maxon exhibited the fastest rate of molecular weight loss and poly-l-lactic acid the slowest. The rate of molecular weight loss may be an important factor that is associated with the degree of bioactivity when bioabsorbable polymers are implanted into blood vessels. For further quantitative analysis, additional experiments utilizing established aneurysm models need to be conducted

    Why is TeV-scale a geometric mean of neutrino mass and GUT-scale?

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    Among three typical energy scales, a neutrino mass scale (mνm_\nu\sim 0.1 eV), a GUT scale (MGUT1016M_{GUT}\sim 10^{16} GeV), and a TeV-scale (MNP1M_{NP}\sim 1 TeV), there is a fascinating relation of MNPmνMGUTM_{NP}\simeq \sqrt{m_\nu\cdot M_{GUT}}. The TeV-scale, MNPM_{NP}, is a new physics scale beyond the standard model which is regarded as supersymmetry in this letter. We suggest a simple supersymmetric neutrinophilic Higgs doublet model, which realizes the above relation dynamically as well as the suitable mνm_\nu through a tiny vacuum expectation value of neutrinophilic Higgs without additional scales other than MNPM_{NP} and MGUTM_{GUT}. A gauge coupling unification, which is an excellent feature in the supersymmetric standard model, is preserved automatically in this setup.Comment: 7 page

    Prime Focus Spectrograph - Subaru's future -

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    The Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) of the Subaru Measurement of Images and Redshifts (SuMIRe) project has been endorsed by Japanese community as one of the main future instruments of the Subaru 8.2-meter telescope at Mauna Kea, Hawaii. This optical/near-infrared multi-fiber spectrograph targets cosmology with galaxy surveys, Galactic archaeology, and studies of galaxy/AGN evolution. Taking advantage of Subaru's wide field of view, which is further extended with the recently completed Wide Field Corrector, PFS will enable us to carry out multi-fiber spectroscopy of 2400 targets within 1.3 degree diameter. A microlens is attached at each fiber entrance for F-ratio transformation into a larger one so that difficulties of spectrograph design are eased. Fibers are accurately placed onto target positions by positioners, each of which consists of two stages of piezo-electric rotary motors, through iterations by using back-illuminated fiber position measurements with a wide-field metrology camera. Fibers then carry light to a set of four identical fast-Schmidt spectrographs with three color arms each: the wavelength ranges from 0.38 {\mu}m to 1.3 {\mu}m will be simultaneously observed with an average resolving power of 3000. Before and during the era of extremely large telescopes, PFS will provide the unique capability of obtaining spectra of 2400 cosmological/astrophysical targets simultaneously with an 8-10 meter class telescope. The PFS collaboration, led by IPMU, consists of USP/LNA in Brazil, Caltech/JPL, Princeton, & JHU in USA, LAM in France, ASIAA in Taiwan, and NAOJ/Subaru.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, submitted to "Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IV, Ian S. McLean, Suzanne K. Ramsay, Hideki Takami, Editors, Proc. SPIE 8446 (2012)

    An aberrant sugar modification of BACE1 blocks its lysosomal targeting in Alzheimer\u27s disease

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    The β-site amyloid precursor protein cleaving enzyme-1 (BACE1), an essential protease for the generation of amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide, is a major drug target for Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD). However, there is a concern that inhibiting BACE1 could also affect several physiological functions. Here, we show that BACE1 is modified with bisecting N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc), a sugar modification highly expressed in brain, and demonstrate that AD patients have higher levels of bisecting GlcNAc on BACE1. Analysis of knockout mice lacking the biosynthetic enzyme for bisecting GlcNAc, GnT-III (Mgat3), revealed that cleavage of Aβ-precursor protein (APP) by BACE1 is reduced in these mice, resulting in a decrease in Aβ plaques and improved cognitive function. The lack of this modification directs BACE1 to late endosomes/lysosomes where it is less colocalized with APP, leading to accelerated lysosomal degradation. Notably, other BACE1 substrates, CHL1 and contactin-2, are normally cleaved in GnT-III-deficient mice, suggesting that the effect of bisecting GlcNAc on BACE1 is selective to APP. Considering that GnT-III-deficient mice remain healthy, GnT-III may be a novel and promising drug target for AD therapeutics

    Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) for the Subaru Telescope: Overview, recent progress, and future perspectives

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    PFS (Prime Focus Spectrograph), a next generation facility instrument on the 8.2-meter Subaru Telescope, is a very wide-field, massively multiplexed, optical and near-infrared spectrograph. Exploiting the Subaru prime focus, 2394 reconfigurable fibers will be distributed over the 1.3 deg field of view. The spectrograph has been designed with 3 arms of blue, red, and near-infrared cameras to simultaneously observe spectra from 380nm to 1260nm in one exposure at a resolution of ~1.6-2.7A. An international collaboration is developing this instrument under the initiative of Kavli IPMU. The project is now going into the construction phase aiming at undertaking system integration in 2017-2018 and subsequently carrying out engineering operations in 2018-2019. This article gives an overview of the instrument, current project status and future paths forward.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures. Proceeding of SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 201

    Real-time 3D Photoacoustic Visualization System with a Wide Field of View for Imaging Human Limbs [version 2; referees: 2 approved]

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    Background: A breast-specific photoacoustic imaging (PAI) system prototype equipped with a hemispherical detector array (HDA) has been reported as a promising system configuration for providing high morphological reproducibility for vascular structures in living bodies. Methods: To image the vasculature of human limbs, a newly designed PAI system prototype (PAI-05) with an HDA with a higher density sensor arrangement was developed. The basic device configuration mimicked that of a previously reported breast-specific PAI system. A new imaging table and a holding tray for imaging a subject's limb were adopted. Results: The device’s performance was verified using a phantom. Contrast of 8.5 was obtained at a depth of 2 cm, and the viewing angle reached up to 70 degrees, showing sufficient performance for limb imaging. An arbitrary wavelength was set, and a reasonable PA signal intensity dependent on the wavelength was obtained. To prove the concept of imaging human limbs, various parts of the subject were scanned. High-quality still images of a living human with a wider size than that previously reported were obtained by scanning within the horizontal plane and averaging the images. The maximum field of view (FOV) was 270 mm × 180 mm. Even in movie mode, one-shot 3D volumetric data were obtained in an FOV range of 20 mm in diameter, which is larger than values in previous reports. By continuously acquiring these images, we were able to produce motion pictures. Conclusion: We developed a PAI prototype system equipped with an HDA suitable for imaging limbs. As a result, the subject could be scanned over a wide range while in a more comfortable position, and high-quality still images and motion pictures could be obtained

    Progress with the Prime Focus Spectrograph for the Subaru Telescope: a massively multiplexed optical and near-infrared fiber spectrograph

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    The Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) is an optical/near-infrared multi-fiber spectrograph with 2394 science fibers, which are distributed in 1.3 degree diameter field of view at Subaru 8.2-meter telescope. The simultaneous wide wavelength coverage from 0.38 um to 1.26 um, with the resolving power of 3000, strengthens its ability to target three main survey programs: cosmology, Galactic archaeology, and galaxy/AGN evolution. A medium resolution mode with resolving power of 5000 for 0.71 um to 0.89 um also will be available by simply exchanging dispersers. PFS takes the role for the spectroscopic part of the Subaru Measurement of Images and Redshifts project, while Hyper Suprime-Cam works on the imaging part. To transform the telescope plus WFC focal ratio, a 3-mm thick broad-band coated glass-molded microlens is glued to each fiber tip. A higher transmission fiber is selected for the longest part of cable system, while one with a better FRD performance is selected for the fiber-positioner and fiber-slit components, given the more frequent fiber movements and tightly curved structure. Each Fiber positioner consists of two stages of piezo-electric rotary motors. Its engineering model has been produced and tested. Fiber positioning will be performed iteratively by taking an image of artificially back-illuminated fibers with the Metrology camera located in the Cassegrain container. The camera is carefully designed so that fiber position measurements are unaffected by small amounts of high special-frequency inaccuracies in WFC lens surface shapes. Target light carried through the fiber system reaches one of four identical fast-Schmidt spectrograph modules, each with three arms. Prototype VPH gratings have been optically tested. CCD production is complete, with standard fully-depleted CCDs for red arms and more-challenging thinner fully-depleted CCDs with blue-optimized coating for blue arms.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, submitted to "Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy V, Suzanne K. Ramsay, Ian S. McLean, Hideki Takami, Editors, Proc. SPIE 9147 (2014)